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Favorite Answers22%
  • How do I get over my ex/what to do?

    When she broke up she made it very clear that she wanted to remain best friends. We were living together at the time. We had been together for 3+ years.

    At the time I felt like we didn't love eachother anymore and so did she.

    After the breakup we lived together for a few months and she is now living with her friend. I assume they are dating since he calls her "love". I was often jealous of them when we were together. He texts her "<3"s and such (I can't stand my jealousy I have been trying to work on this). I'm 99% sure they are dating now (even though she assured me that they were actually related so she would never do this). When we are around she does everything she can to make me feel at home, and is absolutely the best friend I have ever had.

    We were also eachothers first. I have no clue what a different relationship is like but there isn't anyone I would rather be with. However, I know we will absolutely never be a couple again.

    My question is, how do I stop it from hurting. It has been months and it still only seems to be getting worse (the hurt).

    She knows how I feel about her, but we both know we can't be together again so that isn't an option. The only thing I can do is try to stop my emotional hurt (I cry for a few hours pretty much every day about this).

    That said, there isn't anything I've ever liked. So doing things I like isn't an option since I'm indifferent. She was the only thing I liked. What do I do?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • S&P 500 trends up and down daily?

    So I have tried a stock simulator (Based off actual stock values).

    I noticed a comparison with the S&P 500. But I noticed that the graph for this sends to vary between 2% and -2% where what I invest in tends to increase when the S&P increases but stays flat when it decreases.

    (I am using stock market survivor).

    I have noticed this trend happening for the last month and a half. (My current gain is between 4 and 6% if that matters for the entire duration of my investments 1.5-2 months, increasing slowly).

    I understand that it is supposed to be an indicator of how well the market is doing so I want to know why it keeps alternating always between the same amount (The S&P 500, mine seem to consistently increase albeit slowly).

    I understand only the most basic of economics, I try to predict the stocks at this point pretty much based off past trends in the graphs and what other graphs like them tend to do, so keep that in mind in your explanation.

    2 AnswersInvesting7 years ago
  • Florida residents please! Florida Cities to rent near woods?

    Pretty much what it says, I am looking cities in Florida that are close to forest (Or really nice wooded parks, I like hiking trails basically).

    However, I live in PA so I have no clue what places are best.

    There doesn't have to be pretty much anything in the location (I say city, but it can really even be a small town, I'm not into nightlife or anything a big city has to offer).

    Basically if you can give me a list of places with Wooded areas, ideally within 50 minutes or less. Preferably I could travel to a beach in that time (or if they are both).

    Anyone who knows about areas like this please reply.

    The lower the rent the better obviously but not if it becomes a higher crime area.

    1 AnswerOther - United States7 years ago
  • Jelousy caused by self confidence?

    First I am a guy. I am slightly overweight but am working on this. But I have ZERO self confidence. In past relationships it has made me super angry jealous. I know I can't have a successful relationship until I work on this, and I really couldn't bring myself to put another girl through this since I get so upset and angry with them just having friends.

    I have NEVER had a girl betray me so that isn't an issue. But I have no idea how to gain some confidence.

    I am 23, I had to drop out of college, but am going back in August for Computer Programming.

    I have to work 11-7:30 so most things aren't opened.

    And I absolutely HATE drinking or the club scene (I hated getting drunk, and can't stand a lot of loud noise).

    The only thing I can think of is to work on my body to get in shape (I admit I am fat), but I don't see that being enough to get me some self confidence.

    I am able to hide my stomach well with my wardrobe, and I know apart from that I am at least moderately attractive and have seen girls checking me out, but I am roommates with my ex-gf, so due to the situation I am not comfortable seeing anyone. (We are still close friends, and I value that very greatly, I would not endanger our friendship for some fling, but when we do move out I intend to see someone eventually).

    I have zero clue how to get some confidence other than the working out. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Sorry for the length.

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Why do you want this position?

    I know this is a super common question for interviews, but I have no idea how to answer it.

    The reality is most jobs I would apply for I only care about the money/benefits but I know answering this is a sure way to NOT get the job (I'm not an idiot).

    A couple there was another reason (It was a new position in the company that I actually wanted to do).

    But in general that's not the case.

    What kind of answer are they actually looking for (I do try to detail what I know about the job in this question as well).

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • natural earth resonance into low power circuit?

    I had read at one point that the Earths resonance could be used to power a low power circuit.

    I was hoping someone could point me to more information on how this is accomplished. I've never heard of such a thing and was curious if it's true (this came from a post so it may not be), and if it is I would like to know how it is accomplished.


    1 AnswerEngineering7 years ago
  • Viewing the programming of a file?

    I'm a novice programmer, but have been wondering about something. Since anything on a computer is effectively just code how would one go about viewing the code on a program?

    Just opening it in notepad rarely works, so I was wondering how this is normally done?

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • Why won't the other political party admit they are wrong?

    I mean, the one that you like. Seriously the last time we had a good person of that party was "x" years ago, where "x" is the amount of years since the party you don't like was president, and zero in the case that your political party of choice is currently president.

    Can't anyone tell me why they still believe what they do.

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago
  • Harry potter sees horsebat things for first time?

    Ok, so here is the situation. The horses with wings that carry the cartridges into Hogwarts only be visable if you have seen someone die. However, in the first book, Harry actually killed Quirril (spelling may be off), the teacher that Voldemort was attached to. His entire body disintegrated.

    Shouldn't he have then seen these starting with the 2nd book?

    I understand that he was too young to see his parents die and all, but Quirrel literally died in front of him. How do you not see that?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Americans, how long will you wait?

    For the government to start functioning again, before you insist that your taxes should be lowered?

    I mean essentially this is taxation without representation right? Since our representatives aren't doing anything, they hardly represent us.

    So if you hate to put a number of months on it, how long until you write your local senator requesting that the federal taxes be lowered due to them not being spent?

    Or is it ok by you if they only go towards the national debt since that is so high?

    3 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Do you ever wish that you could just rate down a question?

    I mean, some aren't so bad, but some people just make questions for no other reason than to bother others. (Atheists/Christians are a good example on this).

    And the people who just want you to do their homework for them as well.

    Wouldn't it be great if we could rate down/rate up questions as well as answers?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • What does "chucking" wood mean?

    I have heard it a million times, but what does "chucking" wood actually mean? Is this a thing some animals do?

    I assume it means to remove it from the tree, and do a beaver like action with it, but I have literally never heard it used outside the rhyme.

    Does it have an actual meaning?

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles8 years ago
  • always tired, need to be able to wake up?

    So basically here is the situation, I am on a medication that can't be changed or dose lowered due to the circumstances (It is celexa, as well as rispiridone). However, even though I take these at night, I have a difficult time waking up.

    If left without an alarm, I would sleep from midnight, until noon, sometimes until 2 PM.

    I also hate the taste of coffee.

    I have tried drinking other sources of caffeine, but this hasn't helped.

    Basically I want to know if there are any good ways to be able to stay awake, or at least feel more energetic during the day. I feel like I am in a constant state of exhaustion.

    I was thinking about walking in the morning, I heard that this can help, but I would think I would just be more tired later in the day.

    Are there any foods, that one can eat that will help with this? Pretty much any suggestions could help at this point.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • Superheros that have living parents?

    Basically I want as many superheroes with two living parents as you can give me.

    Rules: Demigods like Thor, do not count.

    Nothing from Anime

    Powerrangers are excluded

    And no sidekicks.

    6 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • Why isn't my kitten eating soft food?

    He is only 1 month 3 weeks. We have others in his litter eating soft food now (we are weaning them from the mother now) He shakes whenever we take away formula from him which worries us. He also shakes (as if he is afraid) of the soft food when we put it in front of him. (We have got him to eat a mix but we are worried about why he is doing this.) If it matters he is a male tabby. We love the little ones with all our hearts and want to make sure they are ok. The part that worries us is the shaking when he sees soft food. We have to feed him alone now or the others push him away as well.

    2 AnswersCats9 years ago