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Lv 31,558 points

Super Child

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  • How much should I charge as a nanotechnology surgeon, and what would you like?

    Let's say I started a clinic in which I safely and legally inject nano-robots (or nano-cells) into either your skin, muscles, organs, or brain for whatever it is you as the patient wish to be enhanced. I am the only nanotechnology businessman of my time, so what could I charge you and get away with, since I have no competition? If it's too expensive, my clinic will not get any market and will probably fail. If it's too cheap, you might be skeptical of the quality of the surgery, and I will have little income to constantly sterilize my equipment, which probably won't be the most reliable anyway. And remember, nano-cells are microscopic, so we need all the cutting-edge material we can get to ensure that we are precise with the procedure, and you get the best possible outcome with the least possible side effects.

    These nanobots will fuse with the natural chemistry in your body to heighten, enhance, and advance whatever part of you you signed up for (vision, memory, athleticism, attracting love or wealth... Anything that is controlled by neurons). Because of this, they will not harm you, because your body will recognize the cells as your own, yet you will be super-human.

    *Hello! And welcome to ( I don't know... Superpower Industries? New You Inc.?) Please sign here, validating that you agree with the terms and conditions, and under the "desired effect" title, please describe what you hope to achieve by undergoing this short, painless process. What would you like to have done to you? You're wish is our command, no matter how bizarre!

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Sun sign, Mars sign, and which of the 5 senses is your best?

    Leo sun, Mars in Gemini so I love to touch and can fix anything. You?

    7 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • Cancer man, what can I do for you?

    You have been so open with me, and ever so honestly so.

    You share your feelings with such ease,

    That I am in awe and my face, a-glow.

    Too good to be true, a man sensitive yet strong

    Pouring his heart to me, though we've known not long.

    I calculate my awe into the ground and bury it.

    But if word be true, then all you want

    Is for me to be brave and speak of it.

    Well I say you are perfect to me,

    So what can I do so that you'll believe it?

    You say you want someone to hold,

    You say you want me.

    Instead of saying I want you back,

    I pondered why that be.

    I hope you weren't hurt by this.

    Please don't run away.

    How can help our friendship grow

    Into a cozy home for us to stay?

    Your loving friend,


    2 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • What could possibly make a Leo come across as a Pisces?

    Before I tell them my birthday, everyone (who is into astrology) will say, "I bet you're Pisces/ you must be Pisces..." . And when I take "what's your true sign" quizzes, guess what I always get... Yup. Can you use your experience or imagination to tell me how a headstrong Leo could be dubbed as a quiet Pisces??

    If it helps, I have moon in Virgo and Asc in Scorpio, but obviously the people saying this don't know any of that. Also, my hair is usually up when they make that guess, otherwise I have that dead give away lion's mane lol. Does this happen to you, too? What do you think your "true" sign is?

    3 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • Misspellings & bad grammar that make it seem like you have a foreign accent?

    Or a verbal speech problem?


    "I need to sh!t down and ship this cup of tea because it sho hot."

    "Dat kinda cool dough cuz now it lukewarm. I like dis drank."

    "Let me see you cup. Please can give to me?"

    "I spelled it on my pellow barely right now, sense I'm real clumsy."

    "Naw he say it fine they still got sum tea but why you spillin stuff tho."

    Does anyone else gots more they like share? Hahahaa.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Have you recently met someone you feel like you've known forever?

    Who is the person? Describe the feeling?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Cancer boy tells me to speak from my mond and heart?

    This is in a text. He told me there's nothing to be ashamed of. Speak from your mind and heart. I think i was saying that, besides happy thoughts, i hardly say what i'm thinking let alone what i "feel", but i was kind of joking. Then he said he will eventually see my emotional reactions to see what type of person i am, but that he feels like he's known me forever... Is this typical of a cancer man to say, or is this more of a moon question? I don't know his moon sign. Also, just for fun, can you describe what it's like to feel like u've known a person "forever" if you've only recently gotten to know them? It's hard for me to comprehend. Thank you very much.

    Leo sun, virgo moon, scorpio rising

    1 AnswerHoroscopes8 years ago
  • Songs with a positive tune?

    I'm trying to find those songs that make you feel contented with life... examples:

    Daylight- Matt & Kim

    Pumped Up Kicks- Foster the People

    Tongue Tied- Grouplove


    5 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • Been noticing people staring?

    This is not a "boys tell me I'm beautiful as hell and I want to know why everyone stares because I have no idea so here's a picture", no.

    Do you ever zone out, and you just happen to be looking at a person while you're daydreaming? Well I'm that girl- a resting place for people's eyes while their minds take a trip for a few minutes. I want to know why this might happen to me a lot. When I do get stared at deliberately, yes it is usually by the opposite sex. When they look away quickly I know what that means, that's different. But what happens more often is I catch their eyes and they don't look away or smile. It's just a serious stare. Advice? Thoughts?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Level 3 parallel universe theory?

    The theory in summary is that if you stay in the same position, you'll run into yourself. What is the mathematical formula for this and what are your thoughts? I appreciate the help.

    2 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • How long does it take to pay back a loan of $78k?

    Specifically from San Diego State University? I calculated that $19,630 for four years is rounded to $78,000... And i know it depends on how quickly you get a job after you graduate and what not. I just need a general ball-park range of how long it would take to pay back loans. I already owe $13,000 for being at Art Institute for ONE QUARTER, so i'm trying to leave... and i live around the corner from a cal state but i really don't want to be in my area, so depending on how much heartache i might have (or not have) determines if it would be worth living in the dorms at SDSU for $78k or not. Thank you for any help.

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid8 years ago
  • For a boyfriend who says he does not like to be touched?

    Do you think it's okay to give him a kiss? Even if it's been a year and he hasn't tried to kiss me himself? Or does that go along with the not-wanting-to-be-touched thing? And what if he shows affection toward you?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Men, if your woman did/does your laundry?

    Would/do you respect her more? Less? Or all the same? Thank you.

  • Is a dress appropriate for Disneyland?

    It's called a "skater" style dress, but it's girly. It's light pink with white hearts on it. I saw it on the american eagle website. Would it be okay to wear for a date with my boyfriend at Disneyland? If not, I want to wear something flirty and feminine, but comfortable. Any suggestions? And hairstyles? Thanks.

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • What is something odd that secretly fascinates you?

    Like trying to follow the floating dot with your eyes when you close them, or repeating a word so many times that you feel like you've lost your mind?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Survey: What is a weird quirk you have?

    My whole head has to be covered in order for me to sleep. You?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Where to buy harem pants!?

    You know, the ones made of rayon, slouchy in the middle then skinny at the calf area, with big pockets?? Aka genie pants?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Do people Look at small breasts for a different reason?

    I mean this literally. Do people look at small breasts for a different reason than they do for more... Prominent breasts...? I am only 36A, and people do not stare at my chest, like they would for a C or D cup. However, they do this repeated glance thing. I noticed it when i ordered at a restaurant, the lady did that, then when i was walking with this manager guy he kept looking from the side, then i saw a man actually staring when i was eating at a restaurant.

    So because both mem and women would look in this manner, it can't have anything sexual behind it. And i don't wear push up bras or tight tee-shirts or tank tops. I dress in feminine blouses. Therefore i believe they keep looking because maybe since my skin is kind of oily, the reflection draws attention to boobs that aren't really there. OR because my tummy is a bit round, that gives the false impression of curves. It seems like people are sub consciously expecting a nice chest size and they keep looking to see if their eyes are playing tricks. Any other theories? How can i stop being self conscious about it?

    4 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • Good or Bad Combination?

    I'm Leo sun, Virgo moon, and Scorpio rising. Can anyone come up with a logical conclusion on how this combination is expected to play out, or if it is good or bad? I looked up all the characteristics for each sign and I don't brag like a leo or have confidence (often), but I do enjoy pampering myself and being serviced. I HATE grocery shopping and running errands like the Virgo is supposed to love but I tend to over-analyze and hate germs. and sometimes I'm too trusting of people, which is opposite of the Scorpio trait. But I do think about making love *24/7* :D

    3 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago