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lisa m

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I have 2 degrees, one in Racehorse Management and one in Equine Science and have competed and hunted since I was a small child (very active in Pony Club). After a few years in high goal polo and WP, I went back into the racing industry as a gallop rider. Since the mid 90's, I've been employed mainly as a breeding manager for some of the top TB farms both in the US and the UK.

  • Need t shirt slogans for a racehorse charity - something catchy? Also a new meaning for OTTB?

    Am in the process of designing new t shirts for a ex- racehorse charity and need some input for t shirt slogans, has to be relatively short and catchy. Also can anyone think of a new meaning for OTTB - instead of off track thoroughbred, need again something catchy that is relevant to an ex racehorse


    4 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Truck bait and switch?

    Been shopping for a newer truck. Went to the dealership and they had a Chevy Silverado 4x4 crew cab - told them it was ok but don't like the short bed (needs to pull a gooseneck) and the interior was cream which is no good for someone working on a horse farm with a kid and a dog. Also told them I don't like white.

    The next day they called me and had the same truck which was a LTZ with longer bed and leather seats. We already had the money from the bank, they had pulled our credit which was excellent etc and they gave me a price on my trade in. My husband is in Afghanistan and so I have POA to sign for him. They arranged for me to go last night, take title on my old truck, insurance etc, do a conference call with my husband and sign the papers. I get there at the set time and they told me the truck sold 15 mins earlier but I could still have the original Chevy and they would put leather in it for a few thousand or low and behold, someone just 5 mins earlier traded in the same truck but in black with a few thousand less miles on it if I was prepared just a little bit more, like $4000 more.

    I told them to stick it. I am so livid - is this considered bait and switch because if it is, I am reporting them!

    5 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Failure to answer motion in time?

    My husband filed a motion to have his 18yr old son by his first wife emancipated by a NJ court so that we can stop paying child support. He is not in college and unemployed. She had to respond to the motion 8 days before the court date (Oct 16th - this Friday) and add an additional 3 days for mailing. We got her response today (13th) and she wants the hearing rescheduled, wants the child support to continue and the child support re-evaluated. She's had over a month and drops this crap at the last minute

    What usually happens now that she did not follow the guidelines? She wrote a letter to the judge and she put in it that she did not respond to either us or the court in time.


    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to have 3 herniated discs at one time?

    I know someone that is full of crap and always coming out with stories about her illnesses. A few months ago she had cancer and then said that the blood work was a mistake and that she didn't have cancer. Then she said she had rhemotoid arthritis and when I queried her (had an aunt with RA), she backed off that too. Tonight she sent me an email saying that she has 3 herniated discs and that she is getting them removed at Christmas so that she can get the surgery done and return to school and work (riding horses) as normal in the New Year.

    I herniated 1 disc and was in agony, I had to have morphine shots over the weekend it happened until I could get the steroids injections into my spine. I then had a second round of those shots 6 weeks later. I could barely move, lift my leg, bend over etc and she has been supposedly walking around for 2 months with 3 herniated discs and riding horses.

    Sorry to be so skeptical but I hate people that bullshit!

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Selling gemstones - how to do it?

    I have a beautiful cushion cut Kunzite, very nice pink in color that has not been heat treated and it's huge, way too big for a ring.

    I took it to some various jewellers to make sure it was Kunzite and one of them told me it was worth about $700. I would like to sell it but not sure what is the best way to do it. I've looked on Ebay and the prices that are being bid are very low. I've looked at Gemstone dealers and their prices are much higher for cut Kunzite but all seem to be selling, not buying.

    I've never done this before and wondered if anyone had any websites for dealers that will consider buying gemstones or just any advice on what is the best way to sell it. I'm going to take it in again and have it weighed, clarity etc done so I can list it correctly but just don't know how to start selling it apart from putting it on Ebay.


    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • So foxhunting is cruel?

    If foxhunting is so cruel, please explain to me;

    why hunt sabatateurs spray mace/pepper spray in the hounds faces - so foxes have feelings but hounds don't?

    why hunt horses are attacked at meets and sometimes dragged to the ground - foxes need saving and that justifies brutal treatment to the horses? I've even seen them kicked and punched.

    To save one fox, is it ok then to leave boxes under someone's car and call them and tell them not to take their kids to school as there is a bomb under their car because that's what anti- hunt people did to the master of our hunt?

    Is it then ok to deface 500 year old buildings with curse words about the local hunt? Words children shouldn't see?

    Is gassing a fox more humane then for vermin control?

    When a fox gets into a hen house and kills everything in sight, barely eats what it kills (there goes the arguement that they only kill to survive) it's ok because 20 chickens don't matter when compared to 1 fox?

    Someone earlier posted a question about what to wear when going hunting and as per usual, got the verbal assault from anti hunt - there is never any kind of purposeful arguement, just a vicious verbal assault which tends to be the hallmark of those people - so ignorant they are always reduced to physical assault and crass words.

    So with all this in mind, how can you people justify your position when you participate in animal cruelty yourself, weigh the life of one fox more valuable than a fox's prey and make terroristic threats against the lives of children? It would appear to me that most anti hunt followers are more anti-establishment with an axe to grind against those they perceive to have more wealth than themselves as hunting is supposed to be for the rich.


    13 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What do you keep in your horse first aid kit?

    There are certain things that I always have loads of, not just in case of an emergency with my horses but also in case anyone needs to borrow something in the event of colic, choke etc.

    I always have IV Banamine, Dex, Rompun and Ace, paste bute, Tri Hist, leg sweat (dmso, furasin & dex), non steroid eye ointment, a bottle of SMZ's, betadine and of course various dressings.

    What do you keep in yours?

    10 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Anyone having more problems this year with colic/bloating?

    I found a friend's horse all gassed up the other night and ended up having to get my vet to tube it. He said that they are seeing a major increase in the amount of colic's/gassing up this year and it's believed to be due to the fact that there is no grass. Because there is nothing but crap growing in the pastures, horses are begining to eat things they would not normally eat. Tonight another friend called me because her horse had bloated up too.

    I was wondering if anyone else was seeing this especially with the dry weather. I've been feeding my horses a ton of hay in the pastures purely because there is so little for them to eat and I've now added beet pulp to their pellets to add extra fiber.

    Is anyone else already feeding hay to the pastures or having the same problems as here in Kentucky?

    8 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • People that feed beet pulp - question?

    I was recently working for one of the biggest TB farms in the country and really stirred up a hornets nest.

    They were feeding beet pulp to mares and foals - DRY? They had 2 mares colic in the same barn, one had surgery and I told them, it has to be soaked to prevent it swelling in the gut or throat causing either colic or choke - it even says it on the bag that it must be soaked. They then launched a policy that all beet had to be soaked and then they eventually just stopped feeding it because people in some barns were either not soaking it or not soaking it for longer than 10 mins.

    Has anyone else ever fed it dry and if you have, why do you feed it dry and have you had any problems?

    13 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • With winter coming, what things are you doing to prepare?

    I've just bought 2 more blankets to add to my ever expanding blanket collection, one heavy weight turn out and another heavy weight stable blanket for the new horse. It's getting cooler here at night and their coats are already turning.

    What preparations are you making for winter coming, perhaps clipping out, buying blankets, stocking up on hay and bedding?

    9 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Son miserable in daycare - should I quit my job?

    My husband works overseas for 9 months of the year and we have a 3 (nearly 4) year old son. My son and I have always been very close and since he was 2 years old, he has attended a private day school.

    Two months ago, my husband came home and found out that I spent $5000 on a new horse and he is pissed. He said I needed to go back to work to pay back the money I spent on the horse. My husband makes over $100,000 per year. I had always worked in the horse racing industry prior to having our son so I found a job on a farm, 6 days per week, 12 hour days, good money, good benefits etc. I had to move my son to a day care because of my hours and over the past 2 weeks, he has been getting in trouble a lot at both home and school. He's defiant at school and not much better at home. I've spoke to the teacher and she said she keeps him sat next to her all day, that he's mean, rude and that the other kids do not like him. He has never, ever had a problem at the old school and they said he was very kind and thoughtful to other children. Tonight my son said that the teacher is mean to him and screams and yells at him all day. He also said that some other boys are mean to him, pull on his clothes, call him a cry baby, threaten to kick his *** etc. I asked the teacher and she said he was called a cry baby by the other kids because that's how he acted. They have written incident reports saying about his bad behaviour but he has several big bruises on him including one on his face and when I asked for the incident report, they said they had no idea how he got the mark on his face.

    I think I should pull him out immediately, get him back into his private day school, perhaps find a part time job if needed etc but my husband is going to be furious for quitting my job. He thinks I should be out working but he doesn't understand how I am killing myself working 6 days per week, driving 70 miles per day round trip and now our son is being bullied.

    Am I over reacting about the school? I cannot have any further time off work or I will be fired and if my son gets into much more trouble, he will get kicked out anyway so I still lose my job. I think my son is really unhappy and I need to do something right now. I've spoken to the teacher several times this week and she has nothing pleasant to say about my son at all, he's a baby, he's too fussy about eating, he's spoilt and I don't think he needs this - he's 3 years old!

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Phar Lap - cause of death revealed!?

    Thought some of you might be interested in this as a few questions have been posted regarding his death

    8 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Big Brown's feet?

    I noticed a question earlier about Big Brown's quarter crack and all the hoopla that it's created. Has it ever occured to anyone that the timely release of such news coincided with the news of Casino Drive coming over from Japan? With Casino Drive coming over and the news about Big Brown, the betting would be thrown off temporarily allowing you to get some kind of odds on Big Brown, even if for a few hours. Casino Drive should make this an interesting race and as the Japanese connections said "Godzilla is not dead, he's here and he's a monster!"

    I'm just amused by how quickly everyone jumped on the Big Brown/bad feet thing.

    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Health insurance - canceling one person on policy?

    My husband and son both have Anthem insurance which they used to hold separately but Anthem have now combined them together with my husband as the policy holder. My husband now has health care through the VA and wants to cancel his insurance with Anthem - if he does that, will they also cancel my son's because my husband is the policy holder now? We have our own company so buy our own insurance. Anthem won't insure me because I had a slipped disc so I'm with Golden Rule and it's a bit crappy.

    3 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion on White House Black Market clothing?

    Just wanted to know what everyone thought of their clothing - have to go to a charity event at the weekend and got trousers, tunic top and some cool shoes from there. What kind of reputation does that store have as I've never bought anything from there before


    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Help with percentages - total dunce!?

    Ok, I'm having a hard time with my real estate agent. I am selling my house and buying a farm that belongs to her nephew and she wants me to keep dropping the price on my house but obviously wants to get him top dollar. I'm as thick as **** with numbers so please help me on this one.

    My house was was sale for $199,500. We dropped the price to $193,000 - what is the total percentage that we dropped it by?

    The farm dropped their price from $337,000 to $331,000 - what total percentage was that dropped by and if it were to be dropped by the same percentage as out house - what should that be?

    We told the agent that if we dropped by 3%, they should do the same. Looks like we dropped $6000 and they dropped $6000 - not the same percentage - the woman is pissing me off because she's all about selling the nephews farm, wants to lock me into a 90 contract with a kick out clause for their benefit and as my husband is overseas and I have POA, she keeps pressing me, saying I shouldn't need

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • And so I got on Slew?

    Today was the big day - I got on him for the first time since the end of November. I saddled him fine, hopped up, no problems, rode him around in a small paddock a couple of times and then he lost it. He went bolt upright and then as he came down, he put his head between his front legs and plunged about 5 times on the spot. When I finally got his head up and got him to stand still, I got off. Quite proud of the fact that he never got me off but he eventually would have, he went ballistic. Called the vet and he told me to give him ace or rompun before riding, one of my friend's thinks he needs more time laid up, another friends think the same and that he shouldn't be ridden doped and another friend that is a pro-showjumper said he'd get on him and as he weighs more, Slew would have a harder time getting him off but the vet thinks that Slew would then be more inclined to pull out all stops then to get him off.

    My thing is that if he's doped and tries to pull that crap again, we'll both

    17 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Riding a doped horse?

    My horse has not been ridden since November (about 5 months), he's had surgery and nearly 4 months of stall rest. I handwalked him and he now goes out in a pen daily. Tomorrow the vet said I can get on him and ride him for about 15 to 20 minutes just walking. I can't lunge him because of the pins in his leg so I'm just going to get on him. However, I'm surprized by the number of people such as other boarders and trainers(not the vet) that have said I should dope him first. That to me is just wrong on many levels. Firstly, if he's going to do something, I'd rather he just did it and get it over with. Also the worry of him tripping or falling while drugged - so dangerous and then there's the issue of - if you are going to ride and need to drug a horse to get on it, then you probably shouldn't ride it anyway.

    What's your thoughts?

    26 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Car caught fire - what could it be?

    I have a 2006 Mazda 5. Was driving home, got off the interstate and as I slowed onto the main road through town, I could smell burning. I thought it was an old truck in front of me. I then came to slow down at a junction and noticed my AC wasn't that cold. Turned off the recycle button so just the AC was running and black smoke came billowing in. The temp gauge was normal. Thick black smoke came from under the hood. I jumped out, grabbed my son etc and the fire dept had to spray down the car. It's been towed to the dealership - any clues as to what could be wrong with it?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago