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Lv 44,508 points

27 Time World Series Champs

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Sports are my life. My favorites are baseball, football, and fantasy. I'm on Y!A every day so I'm pretty caught up on everything. My favorites: TV Show - Family Guy, Sportscenter Movie - I Am Legend, Major League I and II Book - I don't have a favorite book Teams - New York Yankees (MLB) Columbus Crew (MLS) Cleveland Cavaliers (NBA) Cleveland Browns (NFL) Columbus Blue Jackets (NHL) I am a Columbus, Ohio native. OSU Rose Bowl Champs baby! ...♥...♥.... ..♥.....♥... . ♥.....♥.. please put this .. ♥...♥...on your profile ... ♥.♥... if you know someone ....♥♥.... that has, has survived or has ..♥....♥..died from cancer .♥......

  • Does my undergrad choice matter for medical school?

    I have received numerous different answers regarding this topic. Some say yes, some say no.

    My dilemma is that I have been accepted into the University of South Carolina as a freshmen for this fall. I have a scholarship equating to about $18,000, meaning my tuition will be about $10,000 a year. I have also been accepted into Case Western University, but received no money from scholarships. Also, I could be offered admission to Boston University with not much money. Right now I'm leaning towards USC as I love the campus and it is loads cheaper than the others. My question is, would this decision somehow keep me out of the top medical schools? I have heard that your GPA and MCAT scores are the two main things, and I feel I will perform better at a school like South Carolina instead of a school like Case. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Can I get sick from...?

    I stayed home today and I just threw up (first time in a loooong time :/) im pretty sure I just have a gastro bug as neighbors just finished up having the same thing. My question is, if I use my laptop or phone right now while infected, can I become sick again from these germs after I get healthy?

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases6 years ago
  • Car Problem Post-"Crash"?

    this morning I was driving in a neighborhood and the roads were god awful – worst I've ever seen them. about and inch of ice covering the road. I was about to go around a turn and tried to brake but I couldn't stop and I just kept sliding straight into a snowdrift and over the curb. I was stuck for about 10 minutes after repeatedly trying to Drive it out, but fortunately a Good Samaritan came along and helped push me out. then after school, I drive home and hear a scraping grinding sound. I looked under the car when I got home and there were two panel like objects hanging down dragging, one on the left and one on the left. they are just about in line with my front tires. what is the problem? what should I do? I really don't want to go to the shop unless absolutely necessary

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • Who's right? Me or her?

    I have a dilemma I need help with. Okay so long story short my girlfriend and I would be considered serious although we've been dating for just over a year. Our anniversary is November 16th, and every month on the 16th we usually go to dinner or something simple like that. Here's the catch.. My good friend came up with two tickets to the Columbus Blue Jackets game January 16th. I'm a huge hockey fan, so naturally without considering the day i said that I would go. I told my girlfriend and pissed would be an understatement. She expects me to cancel and go to dinner instead, but I don't know what to do. I mean.. it's 14 months, not like a year or a huge milestone. To make matters worse, she is adamant that she is going to go hang out and get drunk with other guys while I'm at the game, and the only way to stop it would be to be with her that night. She keeps claiming that I "ditched" her. My question is.. who is more absurd? Me for going to the game, or her for reacting this way? Any advice would be welcomed as well.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • left over Taco Bell safe to eat or not?

    I got a crunch wrap supreme earlier and I didn't eat it. I left it out for a few hours, probably about 4 because I fell asleep, and then I put it in the fridge. it's been in there for a few hours now. is it safe to eat?

    8 AnswersFast Food7 years ago
  • Should we use Plan-B?

    my girlfriend and I had unprotected sex today and we used the pull out method (I know it's stupid). I know for a fact that I pulled out before any semen came out, and I know the pre-*** didnt transfer semen because there wasn't any left over in my penis because I urinated multiple times since my last ejaculation to wash it out. her period ended 3-4 days ago on Saturday so I'm fairly sure she's not ovulating. should we use plan-b just in case, or are we probably okay?

    2 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • Rings from Walmart?

    I'm looking for a promise ring for my girlfriend, and I was wondering if you can just walk into Walmart and buy them? or must they be ordered online? if anyone had other suggestions of where to get one cheap (I'm in high school) it would be appreciated

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • is my car battery dead?

    so long story short, me and my girl were sitting in my car having a pretty intense make out session. I had the engine turned off but had it turned so the radio was on, and I also had my headlights on (I know it's stupid to do so). the radio turned off, so I turned the lights and car off to see what's up. it wouldn't start for a few tries. I let it sit for like 5 minutes and tried again and it started. everything seems to be okay, I drove home and it was all good. my question is is anything going to happen? is my battery about dead? will letting the car sit for a day let it repair itself? any help would be appreciated.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • Help asking a girl to homecoming?

    Alright, so homecoming is in about a month for me, and I'm gonna ask this girl. We are already going out, so she will say yes, but I just want an awesome way to ask her. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Random pains in left forearm?

    Yesterday my left forearm started having random pains about halfway between my elbow and wrist. Randomly the pains will just start then go away and it happen every 10 minutes or so. I play football, so I wonder if it could be from that?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management10 years ago
  • Is Mac Miller the real thing?

    Is he for real, or do you think it's just a temporary thing? If he keeps it up, people are saying he could be the next Eminem. Now I think that's a little too far. What are your opinions?

    8 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop10 years ago
  • Picks for AL/NL Cy Young, MVP, RoY?


    Cy Young:

    AL-C.C. Sabathia/Justin Verlander (I can't quite pick one right now)

    NL-Clayton Kershaw


    AL-Curtis Granderson

    NL-Matt Kemp


    AL-Mark Trumbo

    NL-Freddie Freeman/Ryan Vogelsong (once again, can;t pick yet)

    Tell me your picks

    10 AnswersBaseball10 years ago
  • Whats wrong with my ps3?

    My ps3 turns on and works fine for like 3 minutes. Then it will beep three times,turn off, and keep blinking red light. I vaccumed out the vents and let it sit overnight, so i dont think its overheating. Please tell ne wgats wrong and what i should do

    5 AnswersPlayStation10 years ago
  • Ruling question, plz help?

    Ok, so to start it off, I was officiating a U-10 boys game last week. 3 refs were scheduled to the game, but only I showed up. I got two parents to work the lines. Anyways, the situation is that (ther's a white team and black team) the white team dumped the ball from midfield. It was about a foot outside the goalie box, but the goalie reaches his foot out and kicks the ball into the box where he then picks it up. I blew the whistle and was going to award the white team a free kick from the spot, but the black team coaches and parents start yelling, "He's done that every game, ref, they haven't called it yet!" I ignored their screams and gave white the kick. Who was right? Me or the black teaM? Thanks to all

    1 AnswerOther - Soccer1 decade ago
  • Santana injury - Impact on Cleveland?

    A few minutes ago Carlos Santana blocked the plate as a Bosox player came around third. Santana got the out, but he was laying there in obvious pain. Replays showed his left leg buckling. What will the impact of this be on the Indians? They have been on a roll recently (well, it's a roll for them)

    2 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Jim joyce controversy?

    Clearly jason donald was out, clearly jim made the wrong call, and clearly he apologized. Should the mlb just let it go? What should they do about it? Selig said he was not going to reverse it. Joyce has been a great umpire for many years. Hes already apoligized to the world, and especially galarraga. If you were galarraga, wouldnt you be pissed? It didnt seem like he was.

    7 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Any idea when patch for 8001050F is available?

    This is really pissing me off. ://

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Le'Ron McClain, LenDale White, or Johnathan Stewart?

    I need to start 1 of them (Steve Slaton is a lock-in)

    4 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Weird bump on my face?

    Ok, so I have this weird bump on my face, right under my left eye. It looks like a pimple but it's not and I tried to pop it and nothing happened. What is it and how can I make it go away?

    9 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • NCAA Fantasy Football problem!?!?

    So, I entered this league annd the draft is tonight at 5:30 ET. I am busy during that time and wont be present at the draft. Can I like rank players I would like to take?

    1 AnswerFantasy Sports1 decade ago