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  • The furnace is really warm feeling but it isnt heating the house?

    its snowing and cold and i noticed the furnace wasnt coming on. I turned up the temp on the thermostat and that didnt help so I reset the fuse, still didnt help. The furnace feels really warm I was thinking maybe it needs reset and this could have something to do with the power going out yesterday morning. Any suggestions on how I could reset the furnace like where the button is located?

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend wanted to set a 20 dollar limit on christmas. My mom thinks this is weird, what do you think?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for a year. Last christmas we both spent alot, a couple hundred each. I didnt think much of it but my mom thought it was weird so I am starting to wonder.. Is the 20 dollar limit a sign of greater problems in our relationship, like he takes us less seriously then last year?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What can I expect in the days/weeks following pacemaker surgery?

    My mom went into the hospital on Wednesday and after some tests it was decided that she needs a pacemaker. I am VERY worried not only about the surgery but the recovery process. How long before she can drive, go back to work (she is a RN). Also if anyone knows of any online support groups for families it would be awesome. I am having problems going through this alone.

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • Should I break up with my boyfriend, or suck it up?

    I met my boyfriend Mike 5 years ago on We both lived in the same town. We met in person, and became boyfriend and girlfriend within a week. I know this was moving fast but I was so sure I was in love. He was the perfect boyfriend; he did nice things for me and was always willing to help. He always had a jealous side though like he always wanted to know who I was with and stuff like that. I always thought that was a part of being in a relationship, respecting the one you’re with. He never objected to me hanging out with girls, but always had a problem with me hanging out with guys. Growing up I was a huge tom boy so I really had a problem with that, but stuck with it anyway thinking a part of being in a relationship is losing touch with old friends, I was convinced good things were to come.

    After dating for a little over a year, my boyfriend moved in with me (I was living at my mom’s at the time). I knew the first day this was a bad idea when he told me that his aunt told his mom that the house I grew up with was condemned, when in reality it was bought by the government because there were plans to build a road thought it. My mom was never house-keeper of the year, but our home wasn’t that bad. At first my mom liked him because he cleaned a lot and helped around the house, but as time went on, my mom started expecting 300 dollars plus a month for “rent”. I agreed to pay her, but when it came time for me to want to move out I told her I wouldn’t be able to pay her because we were moving out by the end of the month. About a week later I came home from work on a Friday and she took the air conditioner out of my window in the middle of the summer and locked it up, she was yelling at me about not paying her, and left threatening messages on my voice mail. I knew then I had to leave. So, my boyfriend and I moved into his moms until I had the money to move into our apartment.

    In our apartment, all was well at first, but in time he became more of a father then a boyfriend, telling me when, where and how I could do what. I left him once but came back because he promised things would get better. Things got better for a while, but gradually got worse. He reads my mail (because he gets home before I do), reads my text messages while I am sleeping and monitors my phone calls. If a guy calls (even someone I go to school with) he will yell at me. He constantly tells me to hurry up and graduate and when I am doing homework he will ask me every 2 minutes if I am done yet. Also I have to go to bed when he goes to bed, or he will get mad. If I am ever on the phone with my mom he will bother me until I hang up like tickle my feet and stuff.

    My mom wants me to move home with her, but I am worried that if I do, it will go back to how it was before. She has been going through a lot too, my brother burglarized her house for drug money and she kicked him out (because I told her she had to or she would never be safe). My other brother isn’t living at home but he calls her all the time trying to get money from her. Last week he came over to help her and demanded 70 bucks she said no so he left. I go over and help my mom all the time with my boyfriend. It’s like he will do that stuff then be mean to me the rest of the night. I don’t know what to do, so what would you do move home with mom, or stay with the boyfriend? They are the only options. Please help!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Database problems in Visual Basic.Net 2008 Express Edition?

    I created a database in SQL 2005 which I know is compatible with VB.NET 2008. One field in particular is set to begin at number 500 and increment by 5 at each new feild. It looks like this in the query:


    PurchaseNo int Not NULL Identity (500, 5),

    StoreID int Not Null,

    PriceUSD Numeric(9, 2) Not NULL,

    Date Datetime NULL,

    PurchaseDescription Char(30) NULL,

    NOTICE the PurchaseNo

    But when I put the database in 2008 express edition and go to add something, the PurchaseNo on the new record is negetive.

    How can I fix this?

    I have many books with 2003 - have the rules changed much since this version of

    Please advise


    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • What would be a funny moto for a importing company?

    im writing a computer program for class and I am looking for a company moto to make it stick out

    4 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Problems installing MSDE 2000 for Visual Sudio.NET 2003?

    I need to know what exactly I need to install to get MSDN 2003 on my computer to use for Visual Studio 2003. I have installed sql2desksp3 and it says the instance name specified is invalid. PLEASE HELP

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Problems connecting a SQL database in Visual Basic.Net?

    Hi. I have been away from Visual Basic for a couple years and I am running into some problems.

    I want to use a SQL database I created in my database class to create a VB Application. I know how to make the application, and I'm sure I can figure out the code but when I open Server explorer, the only thing I see is data connection. What steps to I need to take to get this database I created using SQL server 2005 to be functional in the vb application.


    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • My mom's house was robbed, she filed a police report, but they are one year behind on assigning detectives

    to cases. There is alot of evidence against my brother. But I want to find the truth, and my mom will never get justice a year from now. I've become obsessed with this situation. What can I do

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Pennsylvania Child Support Question?

    Around March 28th of this year, my mothers house was robbed. My mother immediatly suspected my brother was involved. While the police were at the house investigating she called my brothers school (he is 18 and was a senior) only to find out he was dropped from the enrollment because he missed too many days. To make a long story short, when he came home that night, my mom told him he needed to leave. Now today my mom got a letter in the mail for a hearing to update the child support agreement. The agreement states he has been out of school and working full time since February 2008. My mom has documentation showing he was in school until mid-march when he was kicked out. He wasn't working until right before easter. I told my mom to just bring the documentation with her to the hearing along with all my brothers medical bills which the child support agreement states my dad is responsible for half, only it was never enforced. My mom is still nervous about the whole hearing though.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Front end suggestions for a SQL 2005 database?

    I am in a database class where we are required to create a GNU or front end for a database we are designing. I was thinking VB.NET would be a good front end, but my partiner says use access which I think is too basic. I want my stuff to look good. Which do you think is better and why

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Do these songs sound appropriate for a funeral?

    My uncle died yesterday and my mom asked me to put a cd together for the wake. I know he likes the beatles, and alot of 70's music. This is what I have:


    Long and Winding Road

    Here Comes the Sun

    Free as a Bird

    These are places I remember

    John Lennon

    Stand By Me

    Let it Be

    I'll Follow the sun

    Mrs Robinson

    All things must pass

    Here there and everywhere

    Strawberry Fields Forever

    Hey Jude


    Come Together

    Across The Universe


    The Night Before

    I want to hold your hand

    Tears In Heaven - Eric Clapton

    Terry Jacks Seasons In the sun

    Run to Paradise - Chior Boys

    Lynard Skynrd - Free Bird

    It comes out to like 80 minutes - Is that enough?

    Any suggestions would be helpful


    The Hollies

    He Ain't Heavy, He's my brother

    Bob Dylan

    Blowing in the wind

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What songs could I play at a wake?

    My uncle was a huge beatles fan. I have so far:

    The Long and Winding Road

    Here Comes The Sun

    Free as a Bird

    These are places I remember

    Stand By Me - John Lennon

    He Ain't Heavy, he's my brother - the hollies

    Blowing in the wind - bob dylan

    Strawberry Fields Forever

    Hey Jude

    Let it be

    Knocking on Heavens door - bob dylan


    I'll follow the sun

    Mrs Robinson

    All things must pass


    Across the universe

    the night before

    run to paradise - chior boys

    I want to hold your hand

    Are there any 70's style songs anyone can think of?

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Could taking the plan b pill cause a missed peroid?

    In mid march I had unprotected sex with my bf and he came inside me. I got the plan b pill and now it's april - I didn't get my peroid last month. Could this be caused by the plan b pill?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • In Pennsylvania, can charged off debt be claimed on a bankruptcy?

    I got a phone call last night while I was on my cell phone with my mother from a debt collector for credit card company. The lady told my boyfriend she needed to talk to me within the next 20 minutes or my debt would be charged off and that would stay on my credit report for 7 years. Im upset they told my boyfriend this as it doesnt involve him. I still called the lady back though and gave her my attorney info. I am wondering though:

    If a debt is charged off, can it be eliminated by filing chapter 7 bankruptcy?

    Will all the creditors I claimed on the bankruptcy still be on my credit report post bankruptcy. What about the charge offs?

    Please help

    4 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • I am convinced my brother robbed my mothers house. But, is this enough evidence to prove it in court?

    My mom works 3rd shift as a nurse. My brother who is 18, but not out of school lives with my mom. Yesterday my mom returned from work to find all the doors in her house unlocked and one set of foot prints in the snow leaving the house but none going in (it had been snowing all night). As she went inside she found things thrown all over dishes broken, her room completely trashed and all her jewelrey , her laptop the money in her room - GONE! The dog was also locked in the bathroom. She called the police and they came over and took pictures, confinscated a bong, a hookah and a crack pipe that were in my brothers room(my mom had no idea he was on drugs) and took a report. My moms first thought was something happened to my brother, so she called him at school only to find out he was kicked out for missing 10 days in a row. She later found out he was at work the whole day. When she called me I came over and helped clean. A few hours later my brother came home, the house was pretty clean

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago