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Lv 57,103 points

Rob Franks

Favorite Answers14%
  • Why when I write an answer to a Yahoo question do I get a pop up that tells me I have a bunch of misspellings?

    Seriously. I wrote a 10 word answer and I got a note that said, "Oops! It looks like you have 66 misspellings."

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Is my obsession with lactating breasts weird or what?

    I have always liked breasts. Lately I've really been turned on by lactating breasts. The recent Oreo advertisement with a baby nursing really got me hot. Is there something wrong with me?

  • Need advice on where a Kenyan can travel without much visa trouble?

    I am having a long distance relationship with a Kenyan lady. I'd like to meet her somewhere in the world that is friendly to Kenyans visiting. I live in the U.S and she lives in Nairobi. Any advice on easy to access countries for Kenyans? I'm open to anywhere in Europe, the Mid East, Asia, Africa.

    2 AnswersKenya1 decade ago
  • What will control my horniness? Seriously!?

    I have always been a horny guy. This has haunted me all my life and I am sure that I would be in a better place today if I wasn't obsessed with my hunger for all things sexual. I'm dead serious...President of the U.S....who knows?

    Recently I've decided that the feeling I get when I have just ejaculated is the feeling I'd like to have all the time...that is a complete disinterest in sex. So there must be some chemical that is released in us guys that makes us temporarily check out of our normal sexual selves. What is this feeling and how do I repeat it without an actual sexual release? You guys know what I mean. When do you NOT think about sex? Right after sex, right? That's what I want.

    Is there a pill, a food, a drug that will quell my desires and allow me to do other way more important things...way more important than thinking about my next sexual encounter or surfing the internet for free porn.

    I'm desperate here...enough is enough...I'm tired of being a slave to my sexual desires.

    Please do not respond with "Christianese" I am a born again Christian and yet I am struggling more than non-Christians in most cases. Surprise you? Yeah well that's the way it is.

    4 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Posting webcam girls on my blog. Can I get in trouble?

    I am considering posting pics of webcam girls on my blog site. The pics would be ones I have taken using my own software and only of live action. I am not taking stock pics off their profiles. The idea is to post one of the girl in various state of dress and non-dress. The only nudity would be bare breasts.

    My question is, is this legal? Can I get into trouble by doing this? I really equate it to taking a picture of a concert and posting it on a blog since it is a pic of live action. Do I own the rights to these pics?

    What is your advice?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago