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  • When does the bank report your deposit to the IRS?

    Sold a vehicle for $12,000. At what amount of money does the bank report to the IRS the deposit into your bank account? I heard from a friend that it was $10,000. Thanks.

    9 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • Home Mortgage ? Different original lenders listed?

    I was looking at my home loan mortgage paperwork. I have a big question. All of my loan paperwork says XYZ is the original lender, Deed of Trust says XYZ is original lender but my HUD-! says ABC is the original lender. Why would there be a discrepancy? Or is that OK?

    I applied for the loan through a mortgage broker--they are the XYZ. And ABC is who we made the payments to.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • Help-cat may have broken leg?

    My neighbors have a 1 year old cat. This cat is so easy going, excellent temperament. This cat climbs up on roofs and tall fences and sometimes jumps from them. I noticed that in the area just above the paws and below the elbow/knee joint it was swollen. He was not putting any weight on it. When I tried to touch it, he jerked away. When I told my neighbor, they said they could not afford to pay a vet. Does anyone here know of something that we could do to help this cat's leg? I am just sick knowing he is hurt. If I had the money I would try to help. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks

    4 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Court date set for account discharged in BK?

    In 2008 when the economy went to crap, we lost our business. We filed personal BK and all of our business debt was included. As we were filling out the paperwork, one of our business creditors sent our account to a collection agency and within a week their attorney sued us. My BK attorney answered the Summons and Complaint and also sent a letter to the attorney stating that he is representing us in BK and upon discharge there would be no assets. No one showed up at the meeting of creditors. We were discharged July of 2009. Yesterday I found out that there is a court date set for Aug 29, 2011. The court still has our BK attorney as attorney of record.

    We tried yesterday to get a hold of our BK attorney and today. Quite frankly I don't think he will call us back mainly because our BK did not go smoothly. Some of the collections agencies were not following the BK stay, but not this particular one--at least I thought until now. So I think this BK attorney is done with us. Now wouldn't our BK attorney be getting any legal docs that the collection agency atty filed. Most importantly, would out BK attorney have a record of this court date so he would be aware of this. Need some help or suggestions.

    1 AnswerCredit10 years ago
  • BofA deposit question?

    Last year in May I closed my account with BofA. I have spent a long time on hold with the bank and I think I may get faster answer from here. I am trying to get a copy of the deposit that I had made. I am mainly looking for a copy of the check that I deposited. I know the deposit slip was at one time copied but my question was a copy of the deposited check made also. I know that they now copy when you deposit, but this is from April of 2010. Any help would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Reaffirmation Agreements?

    Our former BK attorney will not return our calls. BK already discharged a year ago. Here's the problem and a little history. Husband has a motorcycle and husband refused to let it go, I would not sign the reaffirmation agreement, husband did not sign one, attorney even tried to get him to give it up and Harley Davidson Financial said they won't require an affirmation. Husband very stubborn and has mental health issues so he does not see things clearly. He still has the motorcycle but now he has no way to pay for it. He has not ridden the motorcycle for 2 years.

    My understanding is that if you did not reaffirm and then if you later for some reason you can not afford the vehicle after the discharge then turn it in, they cannot come after you for the difference because no reaffirmation was signed. Can someone with knowledge help explain if I am right. Please no judgments, we tried exhaustively to get my husband to return the motorcycle before Bk discharge. Can anyone offer info here?

    1 AnswerCredit1 decade ago
  • 1099C Cancellation of Debt big question?

    In 2009 my husband and I filed personal BK. In our BK filing we included all of our business debt. We received our discharge in July 2009. This year both my husband and I each received a 1099C from BoA with the exact same info. Here is the what the 1099C says on each (same info):

    IRS Box #1 Acct #XXXXXX, Business Card, Date Canceled 09/03/10

    Box # 2 Amt Debt Canceled $XXXXXX

    Box #4 Business BK, Discharged Debt

    Box #5 Borrower Was Personally Liable for Repayment of Debt

    Box #6 Debt Discharged in BK

    Today I had an appt with an organization the gives free tax help for low income people. They said they could not help with our taxes because of these 1099Cs, beyond their scope. He says that he believes BoA is holding us personally responsible for the business debt and therefore we would have to pay taxes on the debt and should really talk to an tax accountant and have them prepare the tax return.

    Please someone help. Explain. How can this be if we were discharged of all our debt including the business debt in 2009? Can't afford to to pay an accountant and we certainly dont want to be held liable for debt that was already discharged. I am freaking our because the guy says it look like we may be liable to pay taxes on double the debt. Help!!!!!!

    5 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Where can I find info about a vehicle repo business?

    I am filing a suit against a repo business for physical assault. The cops that were called to the scene did not make out a report, nor did the cops arrest the guy. I want to gather as much info on the business as I possibly can. Anyone have any suggestions as to where I can look to see if they have any complaints against them or any another info?

    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • How can you tell if your mortgage loan was securitized?

    Were would you find that information? Would it be on the loan docs you signed?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Enhanced Recovery Collections Corp tactics?

    I got a call from Enhanced Recovery. The message they left on the phone was "This call is for (left no name), if you are not this person delete this message as this is not meant to for you. A short pause and then goes to say "This is Chelsea from Enhanced ....They are attempting to collect a debt and anythings you say will be used against you etc. Call 800-496-8612 and use reference number (none given) then they hung up." I have gotten 3 calls like this in the past 3 days.

    Since all my accounts are up to date I know this call is not for me. I had been getting collection calls for someone with the same last name as mine in the past from 2 other collection agencies. They quit calling when I informed them that I had recordings of them on my phone leaving sensitive info on my answering machine meant for someone who does not nor ever used my phone nor lived at my house. And I would refer the phone calls to my AG's office. No more calls after that.

    My questions is is this a new tactic collection agencies are using by not leaving the person's name they are trying to reach? Does this tactic make it legal or are they still violating the FDCPA?

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Quiet Title how do you know if this has been done?

    How does one know if a Quiet Title has been done? Is it recorded in the Register of Deeds? Or how does one know if broken chain of assignments has been cleared up when the property is resold?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Can a servicer of your mortgage set up an escrow at anytime?

    Friends house is almost in foreclosure. Can the servicer of the loan go and pay the property taxes and then set up an escrow account? They had been paying the taxes and insurance on their own, so their loan papers had no escrow account set up.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What dollar amount of settlement should I ask for?

    About a week after I filed Bankruptcy my vehicle was repoed. Even though they were showed the notice from the courts, they said that they did not care and were taking the vehicle. The guy was really angry at me that we called the cops and physically threatened me when I would not give him the keys. The guy that threatened me was way out of control and the cops showed up at the right time. Had they just left when I showed them the notice, all would been fine. The cops told us let them take the vehicle and take them to court. My BK attorney was not very happy that we let the repo guys take the vehicle. We are suing the repo guys as well as the finance company for violating the BK stay and well as for the physical threat made to me. My attorney had a motion to reopen the Bankruptcy and the defendants did not respond. He asked me to think about the dollar amount of settlement I would like. Frankly I have no clue. Does anyone have any reasonable suggestions. I live in Washington state. Please only serious answers only. You have no idea why I filed BK so don't judge me.

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • What does Endorsement Allonge to Note and Allonge to Note mean? Please explain.?

    Those of you who deal with mortgage loans please explain. The am not sure what Allonge means. I see the Endorsement has the name of lender, borrower, property address, loan amount, gives a date of 3-22-06, says Pay to the Order of Ohio Savings Bank, and signed by the mortgage broker.

    The Allonge to Note says: Loan Number: XXXX

    Allonge to Note Dated 3-22-06

    In favor of: Mortgage Co.

    And executed by: that is left blank

    Pay to the order of without recourse: that is left blank

    Dated 5/15/2009

    Ohio Savings Bank

    then signed by a Herman John Kennerty, Vice President of Loan Documentation.

    What does this all mean? We only paid 2 payments to Ohio Savings Bank and then Wells Fargo bought the loan. I thought Ohio Savings Bank was bought out by another bank.

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Can someone explain what determines the sale price of a foreclosed home?

    A friend of mine had their house foreclosed on in October 2009. The minimum acceptable bid was $880,000 and the house did not sell at auction. They did try to do a short sale and had an interested buyer but the bank did not accept the offer for $800,000. Friends moved out of the area and asked me to check to see if their house was sold. I checked and found out that they were selling the home for $359,000 and a sale is pending. Can someone explain to me how this makes any sense?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • When do you stop paying home insurance on a foreclosed home?

    Our house was not sold at auction and now reverted to lender? We kept up with the home insurance. When does our obligation end for the home insurance? The realtor we talked to that was assigned to the home said we would be given 14 to 30 days before we had to move out. He would work on the 30 days. Our insurance is due the 25th are we still obligated to pay the insurance past that point or has the lender put their own insurance on the home? Our insurance agent has not returned my call into him.

    6 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Medical bill that I was paying on sent to collections?

    Have medical bill that we were paying on sent to collections. The amount sent to collections did not match our records. Sent validation to the collection agency and they just sent a statement with charges but did not answer the questions I had to verify the balance of the debt.

    Called the hospital. Told the person in patient accounts that I disputed the balance. Turns out there was an admit that took forever to get paid--long story. Turns out they applied the last payment to that co-pay-she stated that we were never billed for that which was their mistake. And understood why we disputed the amount. She also stated that the account should never have been sent to collections. She offered me a discount if we paid the balance immediately and she would call the collection agency to return the account. Asked for this in writing, after she hesitated she agreed.

    Did not receive the new bill with statement that we settled. I called Monday to see what happened. This same person denied she the agreement made in our previous conversation, but she sent the statement. I informed her I made notes of our conversation and read them to her. She then said I misunderstood her and she would send another one to me. Asked her again to put the agreement in writing so I could prove to the ca that an agreement was made. She agreed.

    Called yesterday to ask if she sent the new statement and written verification of the discount. She said she sent the statement and a sticky note to the collection agency of our agreement and it was up to them to decide if they accept the discount and it was out of her hands. Asked if it was out of her hands why did she offer the discount. She said she did not know the account was sent to collections. Told her that that was not true and again read my notes to her. She said she would talk to her supervisor and get back to me.

    I have not heard from her today and she will not return my calls. Any suggestions here?

    2 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Sale of your home after foreclosure?

    What happens if a foreclosure house is sold on the market ( not at auction ) for more than what is owed on the house? Lets say someone owed $200,000 and it was sold for $250,000, is the foreclosed owner due the excess? Or does the real estate agency just sell it for $200,000 to get rid of it. I know that if there is a deficiency the foreclosed owner is responsible for that so what about any excess?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago