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Lv 43,170 points

Owned Dread

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I only really post poems and help (or think im helping) others with theirs:D

  • Is it common for Staples to ask u to pay within the week or they'll destroy the computer?

    I dropped off my computer at staples.....paid 50$ for a look see, I get called 3 days later regarding

    the hard drive and apparently i have to pay them the sum of money in order to get it out. I understand

    that part.

    The one part i dont understand is why they say they'll destroy the computer due to their holding policies. this does not make any sense to me as I've dropped off my computer at various places for servicing before and they had no problem holding it till i was next paid. i would like to know if this happens all the time and if that holding policy is the same everywhere else.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • What do you think of my older poem?

    I added this a long time ago only got a few responses im using one of the titles used by an unknown


    I dreamed of peace, of equality for all, a world without conflict,

    And then I thought, if this was true, where is the meaning behind our existence?

    then i thought if we ever do reach this point, we truly are just living to die,

    So I woke up, and found myself living in that world,

    no one ran faster than the other, no one was stronger then another,

    No religion nor industry,

    All sources of competition simply....gone

    we all looked the same, strangely we were

    all oddly beautiful in our own way,

    but beauty put together should've raised objections,

    there should've been some sort of conflict as to whom looked better,

    I then again noticed, that we all had the same features,

    I sobbed and cried in grief as to what had happened to me, where are my scars and my birth marks? In this world of perfection I felt alone in my wanting, This desire to be different, an outcast from the rest,

    Instead sent to to school where i asked

    "when do we die?"

    and teacher replied "well, never, as soon as u hit the age of 20 we inject you with our specialty

    that allow you to live indefinitely ---

    Don't you know son? we're the last of this human race"

    I tried to yell, instead I choked on my own words,

    Arguments could never be started, our bodies fought against them

    And so I was raised within this world

    Brought up without desires or feelings of anger nor stress,

    Living with no thought other than the need to reproduce and bring back this failing population.

    And again I woke up, in our world, where death always lingers, where competition is fierce,

    where the people are different and wars over religion are fought,

    and after years of hating this world

    I thought to myself, this isn't so bad don't you think? It could be worse.

    Thank you for reading for some of you this may be a re-read, I edited a few parts that they pointed out and i hope it helped, if there are stil problems please help remove them out of this picture

    2 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • What do you think of this?

    This is a bit off of my last poem that I was told was beautiful by itself a different

    and sang its own tune

    Weep I do, see you within a dark alleyway,

    Start to approach, when I notice the slit wrists,

    Puddle of blood making that black dress, so much darker,

    Veil hiding face, I lift it over, only to see myself within the orbs that were eyes,

    Accusing, smiting, vengeance is done,

    Personally I'm not sure if it is im just going off of others opinions so if you agree thank you firecat for pointing this out:D

    5 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • turn around, new poem plz read:D?

    Although im unconfident this will sound any good as i dont like rhyming,

    Please comment, criticize and help me as i try to improve my poems:3

    Look behind you, I'm not there,

    Turn your body with your head, Then I appear,

    Your look of fear is enlightening, As I put some gold into your hands,

    Then vanish as if into thin air,

    Look around, I dart between the shadows,

    Gaze into my eyes for a split second, then you find yourself looking at bottlecaps,

    Hold out your hand for me to take, I spin thee around while mysterious music begins to play,

    Twirling dancing, I hold you, You refuse to lift up ye veil to let me see your glare,

    As I depart I leave gold within your purse,

    Turn around, please look my way,

    I'm not dressed up, its a different day,

    I constantly move to stay in your path,

    Yet your looking at something beyond as I begin to approach,

    Its the mayors son, a playboy I know,

    Yet you get charmed by his money and wits,

    I start to shake with anger and grief,

    Yell an anguished cry, bury a knife between teeth that hide his heart,

    Cops appear as I quickly run, hiding to change into my dark one,

    I appear from the shadows that hide in the light, strike like a god of the dusk,

    Yet it is not night, the place I walk seems as if its within eternal twilight,

    20 men of honour fall, servers of justice, guns that rang out in my internal darkness,

    Darkness my friend, help me win a bride,

    So dark kills many, through accidents, dirty deeds performed for me,

    To help me get the girl of my dreams,

    The cities in panic, many are dead,

    Cursed is their homes they think, as lights go out, floorboards pulled out,

    They begin to leave, but the bridges supports snap like matches,

    down go hundreds of man child and women, along with my love of the dark,

    Weep I do, see you within a dark alleyway,

    Start to approach, when I notice the slit wrists,

    Puddle of blood making that black dress, so much darker,

    Veil hiding face, I lift it over, only to see myself within the orbs that were eyes,

    Accusing, smiting, vengeance is done,

    Turn around, there is the dark,

    Giggling, saying "there she is"

    I howl with rage, pick up the knife, charge at the shadows upon its face,

    'Turn around" I whisper into its ear, "leave this place before i stab with this knife now you hear?"

    Turning around I begin to run,

    Jump into the gap to hell that I created,

    Hundreds of souls, try to stop me,

    My will is too strong, I peel away,

    The layers of flesh that hide her within,

    Let her loose to go back to the world,

    I will serve eternity down here,

    thats ok, For now i know, That I have reached,

    My turning point.

    I dont know if you'll like it sorry if you dont, for those that do thank you:D

    Comment and tip me on parts that sound wrong plz?

    5 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • new poem what do you think?

    Not thinking its any good but ill leave that up 2you

    Its unfinished but this is as far as my mind would take me, for now

    help me with editing or ideas on how to finish it plz;D

    Hidden love

    Nobody really knows who I am,

    I keep it all inside of me,

    Do my best to look away,

    They always treat me like I'm wrong,

    You always turn your head,

    In the opposite,

    So you won't have to see me hurt,

    Even though your slightest glance takes all the pain away,

    It seems I made you cry,

    Now I see crystal-clear,

    That you always felt this way,

    though our class wont let this be,

    I'm the loser cant you see,

    Your the queen of the school,

    The one everyone wants,

    Yes, even me,


    Its all a ruse,

    You cannot love me,

    Where are the cameras, your glamorous friends?

    They must be hiding, behind this great big tree,

    Her finger goes up to my lips,

    As she leans towards my ear,

    Silencing and soothing in such a smooth motion,

    I hug her, she xoesnt resist, hugs me back and I blush,

    Her voice a melody within my head,

    Began to say," your not all alone like you think"

    I tighten up, twitching with anger,

    She senses my distress, tones her voice down,

    "I love you, you oaf, but you wont let me in,

    Let me guide you to where you ought to be"

    I begin to give in, let out a shuddering sob,

    Go limp in her arms as we fall to the ground,

    Love used to be a fairy tale word,

    She made me a beleiver in just one day,

    the secrets we kept going through school,

    Have all led up to this last moment,

    10 years after we finished school,

    We went our seperate way for a time,

    But here we are together again,

    Only this time I hope its forever and ever.

    Sorry this poem drifts from my usual dark ones but its my first love poem

    Bope you enjoyex

    6 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • LOOONG poem..or is it a short story? up to you?

    Short or long I dont know I write wahtever my mind leaves behind

    The Sneak

    I crept around the house,

    after noting each creaking board,

    when i wandered the house,

    setting each foot down upon the dark wood,

    Now I wander, pocketlight in hand,

    trying to witness the terrors that brand,

    some memories into your mind,

    Come join me as i creep around,

    Is that A person over there!?

    I flick the light to the side,

    Its' only a coat rack,

    the light glistens off of the expensive leather and fur coats,

    My senses performing a symphony of awareness,

    hearing my hearbeat, seeing odd shapes and feeling the sweat in my palms,

    I slither to the parlour on my pajama covered belly to try and pry into the jar,

    that holds a treat, that the chef would rather use for cookies and cake,

    A light is on, how strange, the cook has left for the day,

    That sneaky rat must be stealing from the shelves,

    When I hear a click from the top of the stairs,

    I recognize the click and stifle a cry of fear,

    It sounds like daddies rifle, from his old hunting days

    I see a shadow silently creep down the hallway, That I slithered down,

    from my vantage point behind the door, The front door is opened,

    and flashlights pour in, As i hear shouts of "kill the servants but collect the kid an' his parents"

    I don't understand, what did we do?

    I close the door to the parlour as silently as I can,

    and dash to the cooler to hide, possibly eat a popsicle as I think,

    When I notice the shattered glass, with its opened door,

    Realize they got in through here, panic stricken,

    I back into the shelves, a jar slips, hits my head,

    I slip into the black that is my mind,

    As gunshots roar out the names of the dead,

    I wake befuddled, within the parlour,

    the chef glances me over as he prepares the days meals,

    Gives me his smile, that crooked grin,

    And says in the voice I heard last night,

    "You got damn lucky kid, they got the buggers who came last night when your mental distress peaked at over 250"

    Still in the sleepy fog, I try to stand up, and realize that I'm tied up,

    The chef is busily muttering under his breath,

    " all these plans....they mess it up by shouting....I got the kid....Parents are in panic room"

    I wake up as i hear parents, where are mom and dad? wheres the maid?

    I practice my snakey impression and wriggle out of the ropes,

    Vanishing into the home that is shadowed in blood,

    I note each footstep as I dash,

    On my toes, that silently pad,

    On the floor signalling my distress,

    An alarm goes off and traps appear,

    Apparently there to throw off pursuers unaware,

    Now I am the pursuer of my parents,

    Guns lock on,

    I freeze in my steps, my path was being tracked by the chef,

    who heard the click of the door last night and now,

    Guns release,

    Chef goes down in a heap,

    I Scream "NO!" Why is chef dead? what did he do?

    I clamber up the marble staircase,

    Remembering days I spent sliding down the railings,

    Maids whining that I should stop,

    Daddy told me to act my age and I stopped,

    At the head of the stairs lies my nurse,

    her doctors coat all covered in blood,

    I let out a sob, and move on, down the hallway to rooms,

    with doors blasted open, sheets curtains and bodies,

    showered in blood, look at me as I scream,

    The names of the dead, one by one,

    The kidnappers the came with guns and knives,

    the butler was armed with a 12 gage, the shots must of rang while I slept,

    Defense measures were taken, in my families name,

    Lives laid down, unknowingly for me,

    As i gaze into my parents room, through bloodshot eyes,

    I hear my name being called through the walls,

    Are they alive?

    I open the panic room door, with codes that I know,

    Find the bodies of my parents, eyes closed in determination,

    A pistol lies between their bodies, I find a 3rd bullet in the chamber that must've been mean't for me

    A recording plays again and again,

    "Blake! Blake! Blake! we love you, please remember your duty and what your name means,

    You are now the king of the world"

    I pick up the pistol in disgust, and point it in the fashion that movie stars do,

    Then aim it at my head,

    I don't want to be king mommy and daddy,

    I'm going to follow you into death,

    As sneaky as I can I pull the trigger,

    My senses doing an odyssey,

    Brain and heart pounding, taste of metal in my mouth, feel of cold steel in my hands, hearing the silence of death, smelling the acrid smell of blood, sensing my oncoming death, soul torn open by what I saw,

    Take me god I hope you do,

    For just a few minutes i was the king,

    Its all my fault that they did die,

    In the name of my family honour I too shall die for my sins,

    If only I hadn't so greedily been so sneaky,

    After the little treat, that caused all these deaths

    I pull the trigger and wait for death,

    I hear the click and smile,

    As the bullet jams in the chamber.

    Ran outta room I hope u enjoyed the f

    3 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • the sneaky-short story or long poem? plz read?

    Short story or long poem. u decide

    I crept around the house,

    after noting each creaking board,

    when i wandered the house,

    setting each foot down upon the dark wood,

    Now I wander, pocketlight in hand,

    trying to witness the terrors that brand,

    some memories into your mind,

    Come join me as i creep around,

    Is that A person over there!?

    I flick the light to the side,

    Its' only a coat rack,

    the light glistens off of the expensive leather and fur coats,

    My senses performing a symphony of awareness,

    hearing my hearbeat, seeing odd shapes and feeling the sweat in my palms,

    I slither to the parlour on my pajama covered belly to try and pry into the jar,

    that holds a treat, that the chef would rather use for cookies and cake,

    A light is on, how strange, the cook has left for the day,

    That sneaky rat must be stealing from the shelves,

    When I hear a click from the top of the stairs,

    I recognize the click and stifle a cry of fear,

    It sounds like daddies rifle, from his old hunting days

    I see a shadow silently creep down the hallway, That I slithered down,

    from my vantage point behind the door, The front door is opened,

    and flashlights pour in, As i hear shouts of "kill the servants but collect the kid an' his parents"

    I don't understand, what did we do?

    I close the door to the parlour as silently as I can,

    and dash to the cooler to hide, possibly eat a popsicle as I think,

    When I notice the shattered glass, with its opened door,

    Realize they got in through here, panic stricken,

    I back into the shelves, a jar slips, hits my head,

    I slip into the black that is my mind,

    As gunshots roar out the names of the dead,

    I wake befuddled, within the parlour,

    the chef glances me over as he prepares the days meals,

    Gives me his smile, that crooked grin,

    And says in the voice I heard last night,

    "You got damn lucky kid, they got the buggers who came last night when your mental distress peaked at over 250"

    Still in the sleepy fog, I try to stand up, and realize that I'm tied up,

    The chef is busily muttering under his breath,

    " all these plans....they mess it up by shouting....I got the kid....Parents are in panic room"

    I wake up as i hear parents, where are mom and dad? wheres the maid?

    I practice my snakey impression and wriggle out of the ropes,

    Vanishing into the home that is shadowed in blood,

    I note each footstep as I dash,

    On my toes, that silently pad,

    On the floor signalling my distress,

    An alarm goes off and traps appear,

    Apparently there to throw off pursuers unaware,

    Now I am the pursuer of my parents,

    Guns lock on,

    I freeze in my steps, my path was being tracked by the chef,

    who heard the click of the door last night and now,

    Guns release,

    Chef goes down in a heap,

    I Scream "NO!" Why is chef dead? what did he do?

    I clamber up the marble staircase,

    Remembering days I spent sliding down the railings,

    Maids whining that I should stop,

    Daddy told me to act my age and I stopped,

    At the head of the stairs lies my nurse,

    her doctors coat all covered in blood,

    I let out a sob, and move on, down the hallway to rooms,

    with doors blasted open, sheets curtains and bodies,

    showered in blood, look at me as I scream,

    The names of the dead, one by one,

    The kidnappers the came with guns and knives,

    the butler was armed with a 12 gage, the shots must of rang while I slept,

    Defense measures were taken, in my families name,

    Lives laid down, unknowingly for me,

    As i gaze into my parents room, through bloodshot eyes,

    I hear my name being called through the walls,

    Are they alive?

    I open the panic room door, with codes that I know,

    Find the bodies of my parents, eyes closed in determination,

    A pistol lies between their bodies, I find a 3rd bullet in the chamber that must've been mean't for me

    A recording plays again and again,

    "Blake! Blake! Blake! we love you, please remember your duty and what your name means,

    You are now the king of the world"

    I pick up the pistol in disgust, and point it in the fashion that movie stars do,

    Then aim it at my head,

    I don't want to be king mommy and daddy,

    I'm going to follow you into death,

    As sneaky as I can I pull the trigger,

    My senses doing an odyssey,

    Brain and heart pounding, taste of metal in my mouth, feel of cold steel in my hands, hearing the silence of death, smelling the acrid smell of blood, sensing my oncoming death, soul torn open by what I saw,

    Take me god I hope you do,

    For just a few minutes i was the king,

    Its all my fault that they did die,

    In the name of my family honour I too shall die for my sins,

    If only I hadn't so greedily been so sneaky,

    After the little treat, that caused all these deaths

    I pull the trigger and wait for death,

    I hear the click and smile,

    As the bullet jams in the chamber.

    Ran outta room I hope u enjoyed the first installment of my short story, plz tell

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • the sneaky-short story or long poem? plz read?

    Short story or long poem. u decide

    I crept around the house,

    after noting each creaking board,

    when i wandered the house,

    setting each foot down upon the dark wood,

    Now I wander, pocketlight in hand,

    trying to witness the terrors that brand,

    some memories into your mind,

    Come join me as i creep around,

    Is that A person over there!?

    I flick the light to the side,

    Its' only a coat rack,

    the light glistens off of the expensive leather and fur coats,

    My senses performing a symphony of awareness,

    hearing my hearbeat, seeing odd shapes and feeling the sweat in my palms,

    I slither to the parlour on my pajama covered belly to try and pry into the jar,

    that holds a treat, that the chef would rather use for cookies and cake,

    A light is on, how strange, the cook has left for the day,

    That sneaky rat must be stealing from the shelves,

    When I hear a click from the top of the stairs,

    I recognize the click and stifle a cry of fear,

    It sounds like daddies rifle, from his old hunting days

    I see a shadow silently creep down the hallway, That I slithered down,

    from my vantage point behind the door, The front door is opened,

    and flashlights pour in, As i hear shouts of "kill the servants but collect the kid an' his parents"

    I don't understand, what did we do?

    I close the door to the parlour as silently as I can,

    and dash to the cooler to hide, possibly eat a popsicle as I think,

    When I notice the shattered glass, with its opened door,

    Realize they got in through here, panic stricken,

    I back into the shelves, a jar slips, hits my head,

    I slip into the black that is my mind,

    As gunshots roar out the names of the dead,

    I wake befuddled, within the parlour,

    the chef glances me over as he prepares the days meals,

    Gives me his smile, that crooked grin,

    And says in the voice I heard last night,

    "You got damn lucky kid, they got the buggers who came last night when your mental distress peaked at over 250"

    Still in the sleepy fog, I try to stand up, and realize that I'm tied up,

    The chef is busily muttering under his breath,

    " all these plans....they mess it up by shouting....I got the kid....Parents are in panic room"

    I wake up as i hear parents, where are mom and dad? wheres the maid?

    I practice my snakey impression and wriggle out of the ropes,

    Vanishing into the home that is shadowed in blood,

    I note each footstep as I dash,

    On my toes, that silently pad,

    On the floor signalling my distress,

    An alarm goes off and traps appear,

    Apparently there to throw off pursuers unaware,

    Now I am the pursuer of my parents,

    Guns lock on,

    I freeze in my steps, my path was being tracked by the chef,

    who heard the click of the door last night and now,

    Guns release,

    Chef goes down in a heap,

    I Scream "NO!" Why is chef dead? what did he do?

    I clamber up the marble staircase,

    Remembering days I spent sliding down the railings,

    Maids whining that I should stop,

    Daddy told me to act my age and I stopped,

    At the head of the stairs lies my nurse,

    her doctors coat all covered in blood,

    I let out a sob, and move on, down the hallway to rooms,

    with doors blasted open, sheets curtains and bodies,

    showered in blood, look at me as I scream,

    The names of the dead, one by one,

    The kidnappers the came with guns and knives,

    the butler was armed with a 12 gage, the shots must of rang while I slept,

    Defense measures were taken, in my families name,

    Lives laid down, unknowingly for me,

    As i gaze into my parents room, through bloodshot eyes,

    I hear my name being called through the walls,

    Are they alive?

    I open the panic room door, with codes that I know,

    Find the bodies of my parents, eyes closed in determination,

    A pistol lies between their bodies, I find a 3rd bullet in the chamber that must've been mean't for me

    A recording plays again and again,

    "Blake! Blake! Blake! we love you, please remember your duty and what your name means,

    You are now the king of the world"

    I pick up the pistol in disgust, and point it in the fashion that movie stars do,

    Then aim it at my head,

    I don't want to be king mommy and daddy,

    I'm going to follow you into death,

    As sneaky as I can I pull the trigger,

    My senses doing an odyssey,

    Brain and heart pounding, taste of metal in my mouth, feel of cold steel in my hands, hearing the silence of death, smelling the acrid smell of blood, sensing my oncoming death, soul torn open by what I saw,

    Take me god I hope you do,

    For just a few minutes i was the king,

    Its all my fault that they did die,

    In the name of my family honour I too shall die for my sins,

    If only I hadn't so greedily been so sneaky,

    After the little treat, that caused all these deaths

    I pull the trigger and wait for death,

    I hear the click and smile,

    As the bullet jams in the chamber.

    Ran outta room I hope u enjoyed the first installment of my short story, plz tell

    2 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Comments on this issue in the poetry section?

    Now I realize that most of us use this site to post a few poems and get a few opinions on them but I'm noticing that theres really only a small group of us that actually point out the problems or take a few minutes to look at others poems as most poems are almost always left alone for 45-1hr with only 1 comment or sometimes 0

    I'm not only pointing this out for myself but for other writers out there as well,

    You write your ideas on this website hoping for attention, but you won't take a few minutes of your time to turn your attention towards others?

    Makes it kinda selfish

    I thought I'd just try and address this issue and hopefully help your poems and mine get the attention they deserve, because for only 1-3 comments saying its a good poem when your seeing problems yourself really makes you feel that they only glanced at a few lines

    i've said quite a bit I'm sorry this isnt a poem but please

    take the time to look at others poems and offer "constructive criticism"

    7 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Look at me now..Plz read?

    Something else roaming around my head......

    thanks for your comments and help in editing:D

    Gaze upon my form,

    it is almost divine,

    So ugly, its forlorn,

    Perhaps one day It'll be finer than an old wine,

    So like a swine i made a pact,

    A pact with a devil to become a demon,

    As long as he gifted me beauty beyond the heavens,


    His gift of beauty didn't come right away,

    Peer into my eyes,

    What will you see?

    I'm anguished, yet full of pride

    Perchance you'll see my soul,

    Instead of all the influences that make up me,

    The devil has entered me, is flaring out wide,

    As you feel alive, simply peering into the sea of emotions,


    Those aren't me,

    Glare at me,

    As I attempt to woo your mate,

    A devil in disguise is how I shall be,

    I'll fly off with your date,

    True feelings come out,

    As they are with me,

    The devils worker I am,

    Now hear me as I shout,


    Beauty unmatched,

    Gazed, Peered, and glared at,

    Anything thats put before me disappears in a flash,

    For I have the devils looks,

    Act upon his ugly personality,

    Prance around like a queen of the land,

    Peek in at me,

    As I change with the curtains open,

    Make videos for lonely men,

    In front of cameras that zoom flash and record,

    Its erotic how the attention makes me feel,

    Maybe God's angels would agree with me,

    Their paintings get them attention,

    As my ill-gotten beauty does me,


    I regret it all,

    I Glance at the skies,

    Silently asking for a second chance,

    Then as if in response,

    A man appears and rapes me,

    I take my punishment and look in the mirror,

    The devil looks into my eyes, and whispers in my ear,

    This is what you wanted isn't it?


    It was.

    I know its really dark and some parts dont flow together but i'm not quite sure how i should change it to be better

    Help me, thank you:D

    2 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Things Change plz read?

    A poem that only got 1 response of the title I'm currently using and that i had to reformat it

    (ty stephen k)

    Enjoy reading and leave your comments below:D

    I tried so hard to write,

    but every time i tried i was all but denied,

    the entry way to the net was blocked off, so i wrote on paper,

    so here it goes, finally online, for millions to read, for as many to shun,

    But Its all for fun, so why should I care,

    The fare is free so i'll keep on posting them on,

    And perhaps after we read it we shall carry on,

    with our controversial lives,

    for we are different, you and I,

    Just as much as we are the same,

    But we all change when we are born,

    Into our own beings and fight alongside each other, for money, power, and lust

    I find these things to be a must for without conflict where would we be right now?

    We're together for such a short time,

    as the next generation comes into being, we will die,

    just as the few before us slowly die out,

    but they teach us lessons that we in turn will share with the new ones,

    Our turmoil and strife, our hard work and patience,

    the need to carry on, our lifeblood and knowledge,

    is all an instinct,

    However our want for material things is all a desire,

    I guess we are a disgusting species compared to some,

    But what is living without some sort of need or want?

    I suppose its peaceful, and hard to follow,

    But if we all lived like this perhaps we wouldnt need to change?

    alas this will never happen as money makes the world go round,

    and what some of us consider hard work might be considered heaven to those who labour all their life and end up with a bad back,

    i am old and this is the way i see life,

    perhaps yours is different

    maybe it will change your perspective, or challenge it,

    But when I arrive at the pearly white gates,

    I hope that some one will take a moment of their lives to think,

    of all I said and take a good look at all I did and why I did it,

    For what is the meaning in this existence if its forgotten?

    I like trying to become an old person on paper:D

    if it didnt striek a chord within u sorry if u liked it thank you:D

    5 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Does time really matter?

    Deos time really matter

    is a title given to me by bijja who said this was well done but I'm not sureXD

    anyways if u'd like plz leave a comment or help me by pointing out the problems with this poem

    I cant go back,

    Theres no more time,

    for you and me are no more,

    I can try and feel as you did,

    disappointed and ditzy,

    but as i feel waht u felt, i feel disgusted and dizzy,

    For i am a man, of unexpressed potential, potential wasted,

    on aspiring to be the better man,

    a man of the people, is waht you loved,

    and when we went home i was a shell of that man, the man u hated most of all,

    Controllable and weak, drunk and high, so inexplicably bleak,

    Its no wonder you left, im not for you,

    For your a star, and you shine like one, one of a kind , just like anyone,

    And as i act, i spout the facts, about you and me, and how we used to be,

    And how i wish , this very night that i could hold you, as i shake,

    from the guilt, of spilt milk,

    the man i killed, to keep you safe,

    wonderin if you'll tell, my secrets, the fight i fought

    to protect this country.

    the kids and grand kids dont even know,

    that I dont care anymore, im all alone, within the dark, a freaky shell

    of emotions and death, and when i draw my last breath

    Does time really matter?


    Also yes this is an older poem that only recieved 1 comment on

    2 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • New poem titled: The wait -Plz read?

    Just another poem i had romping around my head,

    I hope u enjoy it

    The title is from a mistaken post in books and authors

    i give credit to Haruka for it

    And this is also a renovation of an older idea i wrote of this if you'd like me to repost the older 1

    then leave it in your comment below:D

    I stared into the distance, for such a long time,

    Waiting for something, No...

    Waiting for nothing........

    i know you are dead, yet i here i sit day to day,

    waiting for death, it didnt come yet, its only been 60 years,

    but then ill rejoin you, if only for a moments grace,

    This bench is cold its made of rotting wood, and i still sit here to brood and think while the world surrounds me, ringing, beeping, whistling, hissing, all these wonderful sounds, I've now been sitting here for 100 years,

    A millenia later I sit alone, beside empty husks of buildings and upon the posts of the bench,

    My mom called me stubborn, I called her a liar, I guess she was right cuz here I sit waiting,

    waiting for nothing,

    I've lost my physical form today nothing exciting, more or less like shedding a few hundred pounds, and i'll continue to squat where that bench used to be waiting, waiting, waiting

    another millenia, a new life form is made, I yawn and witness it grow around me, as futile as the last one, I stretch, and squat upon the area that my bench used to be, now just a rock, and watch

    This race quick as the last one die out, is this nothing?

    Many many many millenia later I get to witness this world end, finally,

    I stop squatting and stare at the majestic sun as it expands and yet, this should be nothing...right? so y arent i dead?

    Now i sit upon the stars pondering, what did I do to become like this, maybe waiting isnt what i was supposed to do, maybe i should try getting away,

    So i floated thru endless space and came upon the end of it,

    finally this is nothing, i guess the universe is finite,

    My eyes flutter closed my breathing gets ragged, But i dont feel any of it, I just begin to fall asleep

    Let this be a lesson to those whom are stubborn,

    waiting for something to change without contributing to it,

    will only help it end up as nothing.

    2 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • plz read? new poem i wrote?

    Hai....i've been posting a lot of my older work and getting god feedback so im gonna try and let my creative horse run for a bit,

    Umm its not gonna be titled so if u want to come up with 1 and add it to your comments then pretty please do so:o

    Your Lovely betrayal,

    which was so velvety soft,

    I hardly took notice,

    as you finally took off,

    left me behind like all the others,

    Yet i dont cry or even think about you,

    You of the past, which I fear,

    I hope You'll never watch me as I weep,

    because its only in my dreams that i feel I can,

    Im so pent up with this need,

    To cry, to feel, possibly realize I do have a soul,

    For I'm the piece of meat left on the plate,

    The toy forgotten in the park,

    I want to be the dog who is called for,

    The wallet who is searched for,

    I never will be

    If anything I shall be the beast of a man,

    Who seduced you to unify

    Lie to me, I enjoy it,

    Hit me I love you more for it,

    Leave me, You will be forgotten

    You make me feel powerful with this weapon

    This weapon called love

    Love is as destructive as it is healing,

    My friends always tell me,

    Constantly saying I'll find the right girl

    Its excruciating pain to go through the divorces

    yet the ecstasy of watching her avoid me is all worth it

    I never want to find the girl who is for me

    It'll be my downfall you see,

    Im sick and depraved and I like it this way,

    Now what will you say?

    This isnt actually me just in case u guyz actually start calling me a sick person this is just an idea i have of a person

    I know It rhymed in some places and didnt in others but its just free verse which is all i can write:D

    So if u dont like it well then....ummm..yeah...leave a comment below...heh

    4 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • untitled poem atm plz read?

    theres some mistakes that i fixed, not sure if it ruined the message but i think theres enough content here to get it across anyways:D also this is a repost of one of my earlier poems, only 1 view so tell me how it is :D

    This existence, considered useless,

    My name, will be forgotten, as will yours,

    but maybe for a second, sum1 will take a few minutes,

    to reflect upon their being and who came before,

    Maybe you wrote a biography dictating your life,

    and they'll spend one measly hour reading it,

    perhaps they wont read it,

    because we all think we're simply too important for the other.

    I wouldn't consider myself smart, nor rich, nor arrogant,

    i consider myself just another being within this never ending cosmos,

    But will I ever be remembered among this universe?

    of course not,

    Everything we do now,

    No, everything we do as a species, is pointless,

    It will all be erased and we shall join in the life force and energy when 2 galaxies collide,

    Will that be bliss? will it be hell? Is this simple moment bliss?

    Is this simple moment useless?

    Perhaps it is......

    And as you read this poem your thoughts will clash with mine, as i convey it through words,

    And your thoughts shall convey your feelings towards these noteworthy lies,

    That our existences are pure, corrupt and decrepit like all the others before us,

    We havent changed over these past 20 millenia, we've only become so much more,


    And yes i know i sound mad and I am

    Our societies are disgusting, The rich, The poor, The fat, The hungry,

    Its vile,

    and yet we know how to fix it,

    yet here we all sit, in our warm homes, while people freeze,

    eat while some starve, work while people beg,

    But we all think the same way dont we?

    Its all about me, ME! ME!!!

    I worked for 150 hours this week, not because i enjoyed it,

    because i wanted, no, needed the money,

    And what is money?

    its a form of control, just as religion was the source of control way back when,

    and i hope that in the years to come we will be the smart ones,

    to lose this way of being, this malicious need for more,

    that one day we will know how to share freely,

    But thats so far off,

    Because we are only a primitive species of evolved monkeys,

    What will come after us i wonder?

    I can only hope and wish something will chang eus,

    for if we do not change we,

    as everything is

    will die in vain,

    and our existence will be but a streak of hate and greed,

    in this never ending hell of survival and every man for himself in this abundant world,

    Now lets stand up and take out a moment of our lives to grieve,

    not for the dead, but for the ones who will be dead, in the days, minutes, seconds,

    for the ones who will die is us,

    We were meant to live for each other, not for ourselves,

    and we are living meaningless lives if we cant fix this.

    hope u enjoyed if not sorry:S

    If u can think of a title plz take the time to leave your idea of 1:D

    4 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • An idea that became a poem, plz read?

    This is also an old post, on of my first 10 poems:D

    it got alotta criticism because people thought it was real:\

    Its only an idea that i expanded into a poem this is not a real person

    its quite long sorry but when your talking about an imagined person the details you can come up with are endless


    I am the nameless child,

    Not on purpose though, my mom died as she gave birth to me,

    and my dad died as he came driving to get me,

    I'm not sad at all though, should i be?

    I'm grateful, that they would bring me to this world, humbled by their generous life insurance,

    Angered at the doctors who couldn't save them, but then again, they did try their best...right?

    And so I grew up, a ward of the state,

    But I am still Untitled,

    Then i was a teen,

    unexpectedly so, for I didn't even know that i could grow this fast,

    age 7 to 13 in only 6 years, and i still have no name,

    These families that adopt me smile with glee,

    when they call me , "Blank" "White" Black" and "Grey"

    But those are empty colours, sad colours, and im not so

    These families i move with don't like me, I'm boring and sour, with no emotion in me,

    I've got average grades, mediocre in sports, poor in health,

    and yet i can spout, these lines upon paper, easily so,

    for im not in woe, and I should be,

    I can but think of a world where my parents were living,

    But thats only wishing, I learned so long ago......

    It was when i was 6,

    this little puppy, came bounding to me,

    We played and laughed and he licked me all over,

    I decided to give him some of my chocolate bar, which he ate greedily fast,,,

    and slowly stopped playing and seemed to lay down for a few hours of repast,

    I thought he was sleeping so i went home, and as i was walking i heard a shout,

    no a scream,

    "Fluffy's DEAD!!!!!!"

    I wept as i got home for this wasnt my home, nor my bed , nor was that my dog, and yet, hes dead,

    I wished and prayed, for that puppy to comeback to life, but god cant listen and fairies cant hear,

    for I was a child who was still unnamed,

    Eventually I lost faith in God, He couldnt hear me, so there was no point in praying,

    I began to try and pry, into my life story, and as i listened and learned, I began to cry,

    Why did mum and dad die that way? They were only living their lives day to day,

    Am I cursed? Was it my fault my parents died? I beleive it to be, but these thoughts i keep hidden Deep within me,

    Becuz once again, I'm nameless and I can't be heard you see...

    Now im 18, legally adult, graduated when i was 17, with no achievements to gloat,

    I don't drink or do drugs, Nor can i get an I.D, being nameless sucks-.-'

    And if i can remember, this was about the time,

    When i decided to name myself,

    "Untitled", this is me,

    unnoticed, seems I was mean't to be,

    not wanted, moving from foster home to foster home,

    freindless, im so boring and dull,

    But these are the characteristics that make up me,

    I dont hate them or love them,

    I'll just be, who I am,

    for Being nameless has its ups, and its downs,

    As being you has its ups and downs,

    As I entered my early 20's the money was gone,

    quite fast....

    after years of not touching it and finally being able to buy,

    I racked up debt and lost it all within a few years,

    Fell in one-sided love stories, the ones that make you root for the protaganist,

    But always fail because hes too lame, too stupid, too weak, too......average

    Brokenhearted and blue i set out to college with my last few thousand, and earned a

    bachelours in fine arts, But it still wasn't enough you see, couldnt get a job and now listen as i spin the last bit of my tale,

    Now I am 30, on the street, cant get a job anywhere with my degree,

    My lifes slowly ending I can feel it, I've aged beyond my years,

    With all the fears crawling in me, When will I eat? When will I drink? Who'll look at me for who I am?

    It would seem nobody can, Untitled I am called, such a sad sad name,

    yet I'm not sad, for I've had worse, I feel pity as i glance upon those, being called

    "Joe, Frank and Bob", such average names,

    why not go nameless like me? Its kinda fun asking for money, watching the higher uppity ups,

    look at you with disgust as you try and pinch thier pennies, the city folk pass by you with faces of pity for they do not know waht it slike to be this way, they, like my parents are living day to day,

    in this meaningless existence,

    Yet mines more meaningless than theirs,

    It matters not, For I'm untitled,

    As are we all, forgotten names on tombstones, doomed to fall,

    We'll rot and crumble, live and die, love and hate,

    Opposites to each other, spiteful and mean,

    but its who we are,

    Now.....who are you?

    So if u think it needs editing then tell me so, or any other opinions:3

    1 AnswerPoetry9 years ago
  • just another peom..plz read?

    I know I know this needs editing but where does it need it?

    This is also a repost of a poem i wrote a few months back with only 1 response of "it sucks"

    I kinda hate when people jsut say it sucks with saying what please give it a read through and help meh:o

    I became myself today,

    But it wasnt what i was expecting.

    because today of all days was the day I was broken,

    No, not like that, it was as if I had seen the truths of this world,

    only to be sucked right back into this one,

    This society thats looking for an answer, truthful or not,

    Something to ease their pain and fear of death,

    Now I had the truths, would they listen?

    So I began to preach these lessons I saw,

    but people are always so desperately searching for an easy answer,

    Something unexplainable, and yet here I stood with all the truths,

    And they chose to ignore me,

    What a hypocritical society,

    So I feel broken, but I feel anew

    Its like a breath of fresh air

    even though im breathing all this smog,

    Silently suffocating in a world of purity and corruption,

    perhaps next time ill be able to tell them,

    But then again, Maybe.....

    I'll lie

    5 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • What are your opinions on my poem?

    I'm not a great writer but well, I try

    This little ditty is untitled but if u want or feel like adding a title then by all means please do so


    It looks so precious

    It seems disgusting if you study at it

    But its beauty lays not on the surface,

    but what nestles inside

    I peered inside and saw its warmth,

    was embraced by the ecstasy of its being

    and entered this world of pain and mystery

    and the pain soon became curiosity

    Wondering what it all meant

    To live in such a body

    that was so frail and uneducated

    finally understanding i was meant to reproduce

    but only at societies standards

    Society was puzzling

    a whimsical thing

    it changed and transformed as i lived

    all of the material things i had acquired

    was made to look like garbage compared to others,

    But i didnt think so

    Those Material objects i love and adore

    I can feel them and touch them and perhaps they feel me

    because if what the church people say is true

    then god gave this object meaning

    He made it for me and gave me and it purpose

    but i never beleived in god so life shall throw it out the window

    God was always questionable to me

    who is he, why should he even exist,

    and then i had an idea

    what if he had other smaller gods working with him

    whos to say that a bit of bacteria isnt a god?

    it creates life, it makes shapes, and it can control life and death

    why not classify it as god?

    This is life as i see it, perhaps you shall agree with it, most liekly not,

    i would've added more but it seemed long enough to get the msg across

    i only spent 20 minutes on this poem its unedited if u can help me with it thank you

    If you'd like me to finish it then please say so if not i'll just leave it alone:D

    3 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • What do you think of this poem?

    The Dying Breed

    A hateful and dying breed,

    That is going nowhere,

    Leading their countless, endless lives, one after another,

    On this world, this ending world

    That we think was made just for us,

    All of our Hopes, Dreams, Aspirations and inspirations,

    against the

    Hate, Greed and Destruction that we are capable of,

    Their Heads filled with the things that other people “want” them to know,

    It’s no longer about how you led your life or how much you know,

    Their morals have gone beyond what we can comprehend,

    These youth of today have,

    They are the future, as we used to be,

    Innocent and guilty, as blind as blind can be,

    But not blinded by us, as we sowed the seeds that will grow,

    Into something more, helpful

    For each of us hope, that perhaps we shall be that one exception,

    Better, Stronger, Smarter, Faster……….Different from the rest,

    But it matters not for like me you have joined us little one,

    Welcome to the old generation, Welcome to this fight,

    You have entered a dead society, the society for survival,

    The society that feeds on our own selfish wants, that most of us need

    And while some of us fight, some shall stick to the sidelines giving the orders,

    To thousands of worker drones, mindlessly milling around,

    while they get to enjoy the money earned from signing a few sheets of paper a day,

    Meanwhile the drones are waiting,

    All waiting for their big break, from their lives, from themselves,

    And possibly, from the rest of the world

    The buzzing of the drones is hurtful and loud,

    The cursing and laughter from such a spiteful crowd,

    I am a part of them, Lonesome though,

    They buzz around me as i continue to be,

    alive and kicking, like a new born babe,

    And one day I'll be that old man,

    hunched over and gray, with only thoughts of the life I lived,

    And if anyone will remember me,

    We are all one on this vast planet,

    Perhaps one day we shall learn to live like so,

    But to survive and outdo, one must first divide and conquer,

    Its the only rule we seem to understand,

    Some beleive in another life, I do not,

    We are not worthy,

    But who am I to Judge us All,

    I'm not worthy to make the decisions,

    I'm part of the drones, the ones on the sides make my decisions,

    and I'll follow through with perfect efficiency,

    Until I get old and slow down,

    Until I finally...die

    This breed is dying and so Am I,

    These hours, minutes and seconds tick by,

    And I find myself unable to stop them,

    My time is coming to an end, and you,

    Reader, yours is too,

    So go, enjoy life, hate life, for its but a passing moment in everyones lives,

    To watch each other stop, lie down and oversee, the next generation race upon the ground,

    That we marched double time on, for each generation seems to be faster than the last,

    Searching, for something, for someone, for anything,

    To explain to us Why, Why do I live, think and fight,

    When I know, that we will one day die,

    This dying breeds existence, perhaps it should not have occurred, maybe this gift of life,

    was meant to be a curse, or a lesson played by some thing somewhere,

    To simpy show us, that slowly dying without being able to do a thing about it,

    Is cruel, for watching yourself age, is like committing suicide,

    Taking the blade, a rope, and putting it to your throat,

    And slowly pulling it across, tightening it, all the while your essence of being oozes out,

    But unable to stop, Unable to breathe, Forced to fulfill the duty that's been assigned,

    To fight for all of it, the right to breathe, the right to drink,

    Fight for your life, Because as a Human,

    Theres really nothing else worth fighting for,

    Is there?

    1 AnswerPoetry9 years ago
  • What do you think of this poem?

    add a title if u can come up with one:3

    Enjoy reading and leave your comments below:D

    I tried so hard to write,

    but every time i tried i was all but denied,

    the entry way to the net was blocked off, so i wrote on paper,

    so here it goes, finally online, for millions to read, for as many to shun,

    But Its all for fun, so why should I care,

    The fare is free so i'll keep on posting them on,

    And perhaps after we read it we shall carry on,

    with our controversial lives,

    for we are different, you and I,

    Just as much as we are the same,

    But we all change when we are born,

    Into our own beings and fight alongside each other, for money, power, and lust

    I find these things to be a must for without conflict where would we be right now?

    We're together for such a short time,

    as the next generation comes into being, we will die,

    just as the few before us slowly die out,

    but they teach us lessons that we in turn will share with the new ones,

    Our turmoil and strife, our hard work and patience,

    the need to carry on, our lifeblood and knowledge,

    is all an instinct,

    However our want for material things is all a desire,

    I guess we are a disgusting species compared to some,

    But what is living without some sort of need or want?

    I suppose its peaceful, and hard to follow,

    But if we all lived like this perhaps we wouldnt need to change?

    alas this will never happen as money makes the world go round,

    and what some of us consider hard work might be considered heaven to those who labour all their life and end up with a bad back,

    i am old and this is the way i see life, perhaps yours is different

    maybe it will change your perspective, or challenge it,

    But when I arrive at the pearly white gates, I hope that some one will take a moment of their lives to think, of all I said and take a good look at all I did and why I did it,

    For what is the meaning in this existence if its forgotten?

    1 AnswerPoetry9 years ago