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Heathen, mommy of one and a half. <3

  • Any suggestions on where to find biking race information?

    I have a really strong background in swimming and biking seperately. After having 2 kids in three years, I thought triathaloning or bike marathons might be an awesome goal to help me deal with a little bit of baby blues and stay at home mommy loneliness. I have an ancient Ross street bike which was my mom's which I have refitted with new tires in recent memory, had mechanics checked at a nearby outdoors store, and put a new seat on. I expect to start swimming next March. I need to come up with a somewhat decent training schedule that I can fit into 3 hours a day. Just trying to get in the right direction, I don't want to invest a lot of money in it until I'm sure it's something I'll stick to but I don't want to set myself up for failure either.

    Thanks for any help in advance.

    3 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • Pagans: Is the term "fluffy" offensive?

    I hadn't thought it was, but I made a joke about it to a wiccan friend and she got really really upset. She and her boyfriend had thought it meant something to the effect of "ignorant newbie", which I'm positive it doesn't mean.

    Could someone explain to me exactly what it means and why it is so upsetting?

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is it okay to give my breastfed 2 month old a pacifier?

    I have spent at least 4 days in a row this week going 8-10 hours on the rocking chair. Sometimes she gets fussy and no gas drops help. She doesn't want to nurse at these times, I have tried it and just end up frustrated and feeling kind of rejected which just makes it all so much worse.

    So this weekend we started letting the grandparents babysit and allowed them to use the pacifier if she was done eating and still fussy. It works like a charm! So we used it in the car just to get home without crying. Worked then too! So I gave in today and used it when she refused to nurse. It helped her get to sleep. Thank goodness, something works!

    I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing. Any other breastfeeding mothers have a good (or bad) experience with pacifiers?

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What would you do with your last 2 days before your second baby is born?

    Today is my due date, I don't seem to be in much labor at all, so I'm expecting to make it to my induction date this thursday.

    So just curious, what would you do with your last 2 days as a mother of only one?

    My husband has been really helpful with the chores so I'm pretty freed up. I feel bad for doing very little besides surfing the internet but I'm pretty broke with all those medical bills coming and its reeeeally hot out there.

    9 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • While breastfeeding your newborn, how do you plan to get enough sleep while still caring for your older child?

    I think my two and a half year old will be staying with my mother in law for a couple of days but not long. My mother is watching my sister's kids and I'm not really counting on any help from her. My husband doesn't get paternity leave so I'm not counting on him either. I'm sure they will try, but if they are not able to help how can I be sure to get enough sleep plus find a way to parent my 2yo plus take care of myself? I didn't bf my son partly because I had a UTI when he was born without realizing it and was not able to stay awake to feed him. I was really devastated that I wasn't able to, but I'm still intimidated at the idea of being available for feeding for 30 minutes every ninety minutes. Any tips or tricks or information that I don't know about?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Anybody want to help me guess when this baby's going to be born?

    Yesterday the doctor said 3cm!

    Then I woke up last night at about 1 AM with contractions 5 minutes apart that weren't painful at all, just annoying. They lasted a couple hours and cleared out my entire digestive system I think but then they got irratic and less annoying so I called it a false alarm and went back to bed.

    I've had some contractions today but can't seem to pick them out and time them well because my belly feels kinda tight and crampy to begin with.

    Anybody dare to guess when I'm going to have this baby? :D

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Did my water break?

    I'm 38 weeks pregnant and dialated 2cm as of Friday. Yesterday afternoon I kept having to potty a rediculous amount- like every 20 minutes! We went to a pool party and sure enough, had to pee immediately. I tried to hold it for maybe ten minutes before giving up and running inside SOAKING wet, water dripping everywhere I sat down and just kept peeing and peeing! I started to notice I couldn't tell where all the fluid was coming from and it kept coming and coming! After a minute or two it stopped and when I wiped there was a bit of pink tinging but mostly clear- so coulda been pee. Of course everything was wet, I couldn't tell what happened and thought i was being dramatic so I just went back to swim... But couldn't stop worring about it so I laid down when I got home to see if it would become obvious (and fell asleep). I just woke up and it hasn't. Still just some clear mucus, not enough to soak my underwear. And I haven't needed to pee quite as much but so thirsty.. what cha think? :)

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What Can I Do Now To Get My Yard and Garden Ready for the Spring?

    I bought my first house last October. I found out the week we moved in that I was pregnant so the yard got put on the back burner while I was sick. I had to quit my overnight job for this year and my husband has started working one himself so the yard is now completely my problem. I know nothing about yard care. I'd like to know what I can do now while the weather is 65 degrees as opposed to late spring temps of 80+ here in Memphis and while I'm not too huge to get anything done.

    So far this week I've raked the leaves up and started ripping out some bad planting choices left by the previous owners... I need to fill in holes left by winter erosion and plants ripped out. When is the best time to do that? Should I go ahead and clear out the flower bed? When do I prune? I read that you should kill the weeds in your yard this month, but is there a such thing as an organic kid friendly herbicide? Is there anything enviormentally friendly I can do with my giant pile of leaves and debris?

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Can a normal home sewing machine produce stitches strong enough for a bookbag?

    I've been making lots of cute novelty purses with my ole' 1982 kenmore. Serged purses seem to hold up really well but I'm wondering if a bookbag/backpack would be pushing it.

    Is there a really strong kind of thread I can buy? If I really wanted to sell them would I need an industrial weight machine or a serger?

    Thanks :D

    11 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Anyone have any suggestions for these strange mood swings and sleep problems?

    I'm guessing it's probably just pregnancy. Since I've been preggo (24wks) I have been struggling with stress, anxiety, some depression, and this strange resentment against my pregnancy (it was unexpected and at an awkward time- we just bought a house) I do have a lot of money stress, I had to quit my overnight job because my sleep needs doubled suddenly. Since my second trimester began i have been sewing obsessively and I've come up with some cute ideas of little things I could sell. I thought that would ease the stress but it's only getting worse. I can't stop thinking about the next thing I can sew, and the past couple of days I got this strange congestion/nausea thing from my 2 year old and now I am sleeping the bare minimum and so lightly that I feel I am barely sleeping at all. My doc said to wait till daylight savings and see if it's not better. In the meantime I'm not sleeping, when I do I have nothing but nightmares about being killed by a house intruder. Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Do you really honestly care how life and humanity got here?

    If you really do, what is the bare minimum of physical proof you would need to affirm the "truth"? Have you found that yet or still searching? If the answer is no, do you think you ever will? If the answer is yes, do you feel satisfied and do you wish everyone else felt the same way?

    If you're curious, my answer-

    I don't care. Just glad to be alive.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Could someone clearly define sin for me?

    I thought sin was breaking the ten commandments, then I hear this is a sin, that is a sin, no shellfish or whatever and it's confusing.

    It's difficult for me to find who to condemn when I can't figure out what rule they're breaking.

    38 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do I crave junk food?

    I thought when you were pregnant you were craving things that your body needs. All I can think about right now is a wendy's double cheeseburger with giant fries.

    Is my body trying to tell me something and I'm not getting it? : (

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • If you subscribe to an "unpopular" religion, are you open about it at work or do you worry about...?

    unequal treatment?

    I am about to start working towards a degree in education. Sometimes I wonder how it's going to go over, I'm not the kind of person to hide my heathenosity.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians: Why do the majority of you seem to want your religion tought in public schools?

    I would think that considering the number of different varieties of Christianity, you would be concerned about teachers providing conflicting beliefs to your own. Doesn't it worry you? Or have protestants become so seperated from their roots that they will accept any other protestant teaching so long as they are a "good Christian"?

    I am at a loss to understand how Christians do not also feel their rights are threatened by the lack of seperation between church and state.

    38 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Low Cervix and my poor husband...?

    9 weeks pregnant and my cervix seems to be so low that my husband can't even fit. Someone please tell me that I won't have to not have sex my entire pregnancy. Please. I'm begging you.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • FHA Loan and Staying Home with Kids?

    My husband and I are looking into buying a house with an FHA loan. We have sent our info out to a lender but havent heard from her yet- just wondering if an FHA is possible since I was staying at home with our son for the past year. I've been working a part time night job for the past 2 months. Does that disqualify me from the FHA req'rd 2 years work history? I only have a year and a half before that. And what is it that they are looking for in our bank statements?

    Sorry I am just impatient! : )

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Christians: Do you believe that you can know Jesus Christ by any other name?

    The father/son thing is a common religious theme and if I understand it correctly, the majority of Christians believe everyone is born a Christian, you simply have to accept him into your life as an adult to complete your "saving" process.

    So if I lived in the most remote corner of Egypt for example and only believed in Chons, son of the creator god Ra then would I be allowed into Heaven for accepting him? In theory it is Jesus Christ by another name and I understandJesus DID free souls in Hell who believed in him before he was born, and I assume this must mean that is as I said according to the bible.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does this restore a bit of your faith in humanity?

    Holy religious tolerance, batman! Seperation of church and state coming from a BAPTIST? Could it be possible that some few people on this forum simply subscribe to generally accepted (or criticized) labels that don't necissarily include everyone of a certain religion? And perhaps on the flip side, some few confused people defend what they perceive to be the endorsements of their religion without really thinking for themselves?


    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago