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  • How did you get over a harsh break up?

    My 13 months long distance Ex girlfriend and I recently broke up because she wasn't putting any effort in the relationship, cheated, and told me I wasn't good enough. I did visit her twice in person and enjoyed our time together. The only thing I didn't like about her is she kept bugging me to have long phone conversations and she knows I'm not a phone person. I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't hate her as a person, but I could never take her back after what she did yet I still have feelings for her. She was the first girlfriend I truly did love.

    So my question is tell me a story how you got over a break up with someone you thought was the "special one"?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • My girlfriend is losing interest in me?

    Ever since my long distance girlfriend and I argued last week. She was talking to some guy and they end up liking each other. Lately my girlfriend and I haven't been having interesting convo. I talked to her about this and she told him that she rather stay with me than him. She told him "I love you" The reason why I'm worried and paranoid is because the spark is dying out. She said I make her feel like a bad person which I don't understand how? I treat her like she's my everything. I guess I'm the good guy type.

    What should I do about this problem?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Girlfriend told me she's losing interest (Please Help)?

    My girlfriend and I are in a long distance relationship for a year now and we were having a normal conversation then suddenly she brought up how bad the sex was and told me she felt really insecure. I kept checking the condom cuz it wasn't a reliable brand (Durex) and she wasn't on birth control. I told her the next time I visit her it'll be way better since we both were virgins. Then she brings up how she's losing interest in me because I don't have anything to say that's interesting to her. Last week when I visited her, she told me she pretended to be happy when she saw me. This was the first time ever I've ever been mad at her.

    I really love my girlfriend, but the main problem is her insecurity of having sex with me. How can I solve this and work it out with her? I really love her and want her to be happy at the same time.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is my girlfriend pregnant?

    I'm worried about my girlfriend getting pregnant from stupid mistakes I did. Both of us are 19 and were virgins. I did used a condom and she wasn't on any birth control pills. After oval, I checked and wiped off any possible sperm of my penis before putting on a condom. I put the condom on inside out, but fixed it right away before performing intercourse. After awhile I started to freak out and threw away the condom then used another one. This time it was the correct way and had short intercourse. I checked both condoms and none of them were broken/no holes. After that the next day I asked my girlfriend to take plan B just encase if anything happened to her. Then took 2 pregnant tests the next day.

    What are the chances of her getting pregnant? She missed her period before we had intercourse. I'm really worried about her.

    2 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • Girlfriend is pissed and hurt because I don't like calling?

    My girlfriend is pissed because I told her I wasn't a call guy and that I prefer skype or texting and that phone calls should be only if it's something important. She thinks I don't love her but thing is there's always awkward pauses and she complains it's boring. I'm just not the phone person type.

    On her blog she wrote"I guess I'm not important or special to my bf as I thought I was"

    What do I do about this she's really hurt? :( It's long distance btw

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Girlfriend is pissed off at me because I don't like calling?

    My girlfriend is pissed because I told her I wasn't a call guy and that I prefer skype or texting and that phone calls should be only if it's something important. She thinks I don't love her but thing is there's always awkward pauses and she complains it's boring. I'm just not the phone person type.

    What do I do about this? It's long distance btw

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why is my girlfriend always negative?

    Sorry if this is long

    My girlfriend and I are in a long distance relationship. I love this girl more than anything in my life. We've been dating for 8 months, but she's always so negative and I'm positive most of the times.

    She asked me if I was tired of talking to her and I told her not at all. Then she has all these negative thoughts and asked me if there was anything I hate about her and believes every couple has those things that they hate about each other? I told her there's nothing I hate about her and that I really love and care about her, but she doesn't believe me.

    Then we had our first argument, she told me that I don't understand her at all, and I told her that why you have to be so negative. She believes if you hate something your feelings will change. Then conv ended with her saying "you don't understand me" and I replied "I do understand you and I really care about you".

    I don't get what I did wrong? Why is she being like this?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • REPOST should i go to family reunion?

    My father wants me to go to family reunion but for some reason i don't want to go. My father left my mom when i was only 8 and was remarried when i was 13. Family reunion takes place in another state however my father also has step son which i refuse to get along with. Im 18 but i don't know if i should go or not. My mom has been hurt from my father over the past 5 years mainly because my father wants me to call his wife and her son as family which im not very comfortable with. my mom would be broken up if i consider his wife and his step son family

    what should i do? people PLZ PLZ answer this question

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Should i go to family reunion?

    My father wants me to go to family reunion but for some reason i don't want to go. My father left my mom when i was only 8 and was remarried when i was 13. Family reunion takes place in another state however my father also has step son which i refuse to get along with. Im 18 but i don't know if i should go or not. My mom has been hurt from my father over the past 5 years mainly because my father wants me to call his wife and her son as family which im not very comfortable with.

    what should i do? i have until 8 o clock to answer give him my decision

    3 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Why do girls always go for bad boys instead of good guys?

    i kinda understand why they go for bad boys in high school but in the end they always complain about it non stop but don't learn from their mistakes. i'm a senior in high school but can't wait any longer and i want to know what i'm doing wrong.

    from what everyone has told me yes even my guy friends said that i'm sweet, respectful, strong willed, baby face (i'm Asian i guess that's why), gentle, funny and honest. yet i get rejected every time I've asked a girl out. It's true i'm not the best looking guy or the popular person in school but i'm not picky with girls. i guess i need to change my personality or something about me.

    after each and every broken heart i'm starting to not caring anymore, i'm starting to think that i was meant to walk on a lonely dark path in life.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I really like this girl but my hearts broken?

    i met this 1 girl who i really liked 2-3 weeks ago and i've been talking to her every school day since then she is a really shy girl. Today i asked her what type of guys she likes cuz i was very curious she just said she doesn't know but told me that i wasn't her type but i think she's into my friend who decided to be a doushebag and was hitting on her. My feelings for her were really strong i even going to ask her out. My plan was going to buy her roses with a stuffed animal play a song while confessing to her and bow down on my knees around the halls with a crowd.

    but now i know she's interested my friend i just want to quit and let everything out. i may sound like a girl but idc what anyone saids i've never feelings this strong for a girl before.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • How often should i talk to the girl i really like?

    theres this really shy girl i really like i met last tuesday i've been talking to her every school day. she was new to the school last month so she's pretty much alone everytime i see her. i only see her at lunch in the library. i've been giving her signs listened to my ipod, messed around with her and even gave her a phone charm which she has on her backpack now. today she asked me a question "why do you always talk to me everyday" i didn't know what to say but i told her i have nothing else to do and that i only see you once a day. then she said "u have a lot of friends and should time way more time with them and less time with me."

    i feel like she has no interest in talking to me but didn't find me annoying. so how often should i talk to her?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • did i do the right thing or just screwed up big time?

    so i met this girl last tuesday in the library and we talked and got to know each other. i can tell shes a shy girl since she's new to the city since last month. i asked her if she was free she told me that she's a really busy person so its hard to spend time with her. i did however gave her a compliment and a phone charm today idk if i made the right move. she told me she isn't comfortable texting and doesn't have an fb so thats out of the question. she does stop working hw when talking to me sometimes she smiles and sometimes she doesn't.

    my question is did i make the right move or did i messed up bad that she doesn't have interest in me? i really need help

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • A girl that doesn't like texting?

    ok so i got this one girl who i really like her number got it on the 1st day we met. we talked for 2 days straight whenever she does homework she would stop just to talk to me but she told me that she isn't comfortable texting and that she isn't good at it. she didn't lie to me cuz i kinda peeked in her inbox when i sent her my number and her inbox was empty. also im sure calling isn't a good choice either

    So how am i going to get in touch with her outside of school?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • I really like this girl but (Repost)?

    i decided to repost this question ok heres my story

    i met this 1 girl who i really like 2 days in the library i've been talking to her for the past few days straight since she's always in the library. Her voice was pretty low even out in the hallways as if she was shy or so i think. we talked about mainly school work and Asian parents (yes we're both Asian). Like when we talk she stops doing her work. She also told me she doesn't like texting and said she isn't good at texting so i really didn't know what to reply. She transferred from a different city and schools so pretty much whenever i see her she's alone. I don't always go to the library to just talk to her cuz that's pretty much stalking and im not that type of guy. Havn't gave her a compliment yet either cuz i feel like thats a bit rushing.

    I really like her personalty more than her looks and she's worth my time but i feel like im getting at nowhere. what do u guys/girls think?

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • I like this girl but (girls plz help)?

    ok heres my story

    i met this 1 girl who i really like 2 days in the library i've been talking to her for the past few days straight since she's always in the library. Her voice was pretty low even out in the hallways as if she was shy or so i think. we talked about mainly school work and Asian parents (yes we're both Asian). Like when we talk she stops doing her work. She also told me she doesn't like texting and said she isn't good at texting so i really didn't know what to reply. She transferred from a different city and schools so pretty much whenever i see her she's alone. I don't always go to the library to just talk to her cuz that's pretty much stalking and im not that type of guy. Havn't gave her a compliment yet either cuz i feel like thats a bit rushing.

    I really like her personalty more than her looks and she's worth my time but i feel like im getting at nowhere. what do u guys/girls think?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • how to say these sentences in japanese?

    how to say these sentences in japanese

    hey, if i was gone do you think anyone would remember me?

    you should get out of here now?

    2 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • People who use the word "butt hurt" comebacks?

    don't you think people who use the word "butt hurt" are the most annoying people in life? Butt hurt pretty much means the new word for "pussy". i've been trying to come up with a comeback for butt hurt and heres the only answer i got.

    "If my butt hurts so much will you examine it for me"?

    tell me what do u guys think and tell me ur comebacks when some1 tells you "don't be butt hurt"

    5 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • al's music video and games selling policy?

    idk if this store is around the other states. but if anyone knows their selling policy plz tell me cuz im trying to sell off my gameboy (original) for some cash.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Why do people only just fists/punches in fights?

    i know fights move fast and hand to hand is faster but it takes no skill since everyone does it and its really predictable. When i fight i only kick or grab and throw the opponent which actually takes skill no one sees it coming and not everyone can kick high. I only use my arms for blocks or if the person blocks my 1st kick i use my arms to get balance on the ground and kick them with my other leg. In fights its anything goes.

    tell me why people think kicking a person is a "pussy thing"

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture10 years ago