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Lv 620,563 points

Universe Bear

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  • Well the thing does have around 350 000 km.?

    I was driving down the highway and I shifted into 5th and the acceleration just gave out and the car vibrated pretty good.

    Now the engine sounds like it isn't getting enough gas. In low gear it took awhile to start and it almost shut down on me in first. I have to give it a lot more gas now to get it moving. What do you suppose this could be?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • Is there any way to switch back to the old Yahoo Answers format?

    I stopped coming here because I just hate the new format and it ruins the website for me. Is there a way to revert it back to the original yahoo answers format or am I just stuck with this now?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • When I click my mouse while playing games sometimes it will click on the desktop.?

    Sometimes this will completely minimize the game but mostly it just means whenever I click my mouse in a game I get a second long view of the desktop with out actually minimizing the game. This is super annoying because everytime I shoot or do anything that involves a mouse click this happens and I really have no idea what's going on. I'd appreciate any help.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers7 years ago
  • If someone is born with severe brain damage?

    That person grows up to adulthood but is so brain damaged they can't even understand the concept of god, much less believe in god or follow scripture. Will that person go to hell even though God made that person incapable of following his word from birth? And if so, or even if not, why would he create such a person to begin with?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What are my chances in biology?

    I recently graduated with a BFA with Honors in Music. Needless to say I am currently very unemployed and even when I am sometimes employed I find I really dislike the music industry. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to work in biology. I find animals fascinating, especially marine life.

    Unfortunately when high school I was in French immersion which meant that all the science classes where in French. At the time I didn't do well in science, getting mostly C's. While in university I took some science electives and taught myself high school biology through buying textbooks. This time round I found the information very easy to understand and extremely interesting. I feel the problem was that I wasn't bad at science, but was bad at French (it didn't help that our science teacher had a thick Hatian accent, nice guy, but I couldn't understand a word he said). Now looking at recquirements to get a biology degree I realize I'd have to go back and take grd 11 and 12 biology, chemistry and math. After that I'd still have to get through another bachelor program. I'm 25 now, even if I starts right now I probably wouldn't get my bachelor until I was 30 or over.

    I feel this is what I want to do, at least learning about biology is what I seem to do in my spare time, which I feel tells me something.

    But what are my chances of really getting into the biology industry as a 30 something year old guy with nothing but a bachelor degree in biology?

    2 AnswersBiology8 years ago
  • Is there any way to get music OFF of your Ipod?

    I have some recordings I really want to get off my Ipod. I want to use them for a portfolio and the original files are on an old laptop that got fried. Is there any way to get music off of an Ipod and onto a computer? I know apple is against piracy and all that but this is my music!

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • Would you ask out someone working at a store?

    Me and my dad where trying to rent a van from Home Depot and a super cute girl was working the counter. My dad had to leave to go find his insurance and we started just chatting about stuff. We seemed to get along pretty well and she kept smiling at me. Unfortunately as we where really starting to get into a good conversation my dad came back and I never made a move but should I have? I always feel iffy asking people out who are working. I'm sure they get it all the time and I don't want to just be bothering her.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • So if the rapture happens?

    all sinners will be stuck on earth right? What if someone is an excellent christian. Goes to church every week, always confesses his sins, always keeps god in his heart, blah blah blah, but the rapture happens literally a second after he commits a sin. He always confesses and he was going to for this one too but he is now technically a sinner because he couldn't get to church in time. What would happen to him?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • So it's a sin to alter you body but?

    what if you got a tattoo and THEN get baptized (therefore washing away your sin). Would it then be a sin to get rid of the tattoo?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What exactly did the devil do to anger god?

    I know he disobeyed him but what exactly did he do? This is just an honest question. No trick here, just curious.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What is your dream job?

    Also what is your job now?

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Your offered to travel back in time?

    You can travel to any time you want. Things to keep in mind:

    -You can't get back

    -You may seem strange to the inhabitants of that time and be ostricized (or if your a women you may just have a terrible time :/)

    -you'll be leaving everyone you know behind

    Would you do it? And if so where would you go?

    I would, I'd go back to the late 1800's.

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • If you where offered the chance to go live on mars would you?

    The journey would take several years, you would be alone, your wouldn't be able to come home, all your friends and family would die hundreds of miles away from you, you couldn't have any live interaction with people (including video because of the time lapse) but you'd be the first person on mars, you'd be exploring the unknown and pioneering true space colonization, your name would likely live on forever as the first person on mars. Would you do it?

    I would.

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Did this blow my interview?

    I had an interview for a cashier positiong and the interviewer said:

    "Our owner's top priorities are good food, good service and world domination."

    to which I replied:

    "So realistic goals then."

    I said it in a light hearted way but I can't help feel like this might of blown my interview.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • The bible says "do unto others as others as you would have them do unto you"?

    So christians who are against gay marriage want heterosexual marriages banned to? Why?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • If god sends me to hell for not believing it's officially his own fault.?

    I just prayed to god (if he exists, which honestly, I really doubt). I said "God, if you exist make a turtle appear in coat pocket right now, if you do not exist do not do this."

    Well I checked my coat pocket. No turtle. If I get to the gates and that bastard is like "Why did you not believe in me my son?" I will say "Well you told me you didn't exist."

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I need to take a drug test?

    I need to take a drug test in order to get a job but I smoke weed. I'm obviously going to stop for this job but how long before the weed should be out of my system completely? Also I have friends that will smoke weed around me, can that get in my body and show up on a test?

    3 AnswersMedicine9 years ago
  • Just out of curiosity what is your?

    religion and political leanings?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • God is either not loving or he's a dirty liar. Either way the bible is wrong?

    God is often believed to be a loving god. But what reason do we really have to believe that other than do it because he’s telling us too?

    “God did you have to kill grandma?”

    “Yes son. It had to be. It was her time.”

    “But you control time right?”

    “Well yeah."

    “Well why did she have to die? Can’t you just make it so she doesn’t have to die?”

    “Listen just deal with it ok?”

    “Well I don’t really have a choice do I?"

    “No not really.”

    Although if it’s my grandma I guess she’s off too hell.

    Hell: A place where I am in torment forever. Wow thanks god. You really did us a solid there. Way to create a magical loving universe. You must adore us. People say god gave us free will and because we have free will it's our fault we go to hell. That is false because the choice of giving us free will is ultimately god's.

    "want free will?"

    "Well sure!."

    "Here you go. Use this wisely. If you don't you may spend eternity in the worst agony available to your kind."

    "Well sh*t god. Take this free will back then!"

    -Example of exactly the type of argument we didn't have the choice of making with god before he so graciously (DEGREED THAT IT BE! HE IS MYSTERIOUS!) bestowed that to us.

    Now just to be official, God I’m talkin to you big boy, I am declaring with upmost sincerity, that I for one would choose to relinquish my free will if it means I don’t burn forever and have my skin peeled off every day.

    Right there think about how messed up hell is. It’s a place where you go to suffer more intensely, more often and well, more eternally then you ever could on land. You would go completely insane within days. There is no hope in hell. It’s not like you’re getting out. Sorry little man who had that affair who is now just an incoherent miserable heap of seared and flayed human flesh because our biological brains could never withstand or even really understand that amount of pain for so long… but you f*cked up.

    I can’t really see why, if you actually have true freewill, you would endorse this sort of thing just because you are threatened to. But you know… the hats are neat. And I suppose if god existed he could just be bluffing with hell (what’s the experiment there God? Will humans follow crazy rules that go against our inherent biology with no evidence but with the biggest threat they themselves could ever comprehend?) So there you have it. If God isn’t some totally detached, inconceivably intelligent and powerful entity which has utterly no feelings for us he is at the very least, a liar.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago