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  • Question on Enthalpy?

    When you add 0.468 g of sodium metal to an excess of hydrochloric acid, you find that 4870 J of heat are produced. What is the enthalpy of the reaction as written below?

    2Na(s) + 2HCl(aq) ----> 2NaCl(aq) +H2(g)

    I appreciate the help.

    2 AnswersChemistry7 years ago
  • Biphasic Sleep Schedule?

    Hey, I'm looking for a biphasic sleep schedule that fits around my daily schedule. I am a student and go to school from about 7:30 to 3:00. Also, in the spring I have baseball from 3:00 to 6:00. I was wondering if there is a biphasic or polyphasic sleep cycle that I could try that allows me to sleep less or the same amount of hours and feel rested. Right now, I sleep from about 12:30 to 7:00 and feel tired most of the time.

    2 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • Thinks in Christianity that make absolutely no sense?

    I have a few questions that in my opinion make no sense, but for some Christians, or extreme Christians I should say, make logical sense. What are your opinions?

    1.) If you are not baptized, you are condemned to hell.

    This makes no sense to me. If a baby is born with a medical problem and dies seconds after being born, they go to hell because they were not baptized? Why?

    2.) Gays are sinners because they were born with the "wrong" sexual orientation?

    This also makes no sense. Just because you're born a certain way, it makes it a sin. Also, I've heard that they just shouldn't act on their temptations, but that seems unrealistic. Try asking someone that is straight to not act on temptations. It just seems like there is hatred there for no reason.

    3.) This isnt really a rule, but what's with all the obviously unjust stuff in the bible?

    In the bible it says you can have a slave. I think we can all agree that that is not right. Also you can beat your slave and as long as they don't die you're fine. Again, makes no sense in my opinion.

    4.) Why is god supposed to be forgiving yet he flooded the world killing people? Isn't he supposed to forgive people of their sins, not kill everyone if they have sinned?

    5.) Why doesn't god rid the world of disease, famine, and war? If he is all powerful couldn't he easily get rid of cancer and aids and war? Why doesn't he? Why is there so much suffering in a world that a perfect being created?

    6.) This is my last question. Who wrote the old testament? If it is all about god, were humans alive while this was happening, and if so, did people witness it and then right about it? And if people didn't exist, them where did they get the stories from? Basically who wrote the old testament and where did they get the information from?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Did god create an imperfect world?

    So I was thinking about this yesterday and I figured I'd ask for other peoples opinions. If god is perfect and all powerful, how did the world he create end up with war, disease, famine, and many other things that cause death and torture? I then thought, well when god created the earth it was perfect, and humans messed it up, but didn't he create humans, too. Humans were not created perfectly. Wouldn't this mean that the creator is not perfect if what he did and created is not perfect. I would love people's opinions. I was also reading other answers and someone said that it was like the game sims. If everyone was self sufficient and perfect, it wouldn't be that fun of a game. But the thing I can't imagine is how god could create diseases and war and famine just because he would find it boring. Let me know what you think.

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Baseball Pitching Workout?

    Hey guys, I am looking for a baseball workout. I am a pitcher, and next year is going to be my junior year of high school. Last year I was the second pitcher on the varsity team (mainly because the school is pretty small), and the senior that was our ace graduated. I want to step it up this year and am looking for mainly a running based workout that I can do throughout the offseason. I throw about 70, maxing at probably 74, but that might be a little generous. I am looking for something that can increase my velocity. I through a fastball, curve, and cutter. And I rely on the cutter a lot. I want to be able to throw mid 70's consistently next year, which I think is attainable. We have a track at our school and what I was thinking so far was running a mile everyday and 1/8 of a mile in sprints, and slowly increase the distance as I go. Is there anything else I can do, or is there anything more specific that will help me more? Oh, and does running actually help with pitching, because I have seen arguments on both sides. Thanks. And one last thing is please don't recommend a lifting program or something like that. I have tried things like that and get bored from them so fast. I feel like I am just walking in circles, but running I actually enjoy a little bit, and can monitor my progress more easily.

    2 AnswersBaseball9 years ago
  • What are the best YouTube Networks?

    Hey, I have a YouTube channel that I obviously upload videos to. These videos are on electronics. I am interested in partnering with a network. Right now I do monetize my videos and make about $1 per 1,000 views. I have done a little research with networks and saw that they can give you all of the features that were available to original partners. Also I heard that they can increase the amount of money you can make. Are there any good networks that specialize in electronics or something along those lines, or would I be better off staying solo? Thanks.

    2 AnswersYouTube9 years ago
  • Giveaway on my YouTube channel?

    I am going to be doing a giveaway on my YouTube channel once I reach 100 subscribers, so if you subscribe to my channel, it could be beneficial for both of us. Thanks for your consideration.

    1 AnswerYouTube9 years ago
  • Giveaway on my YouTube channel...?

    I am going to be having a giveaway on my YouTube channel once I reach 100 subscribers, and if you subscribe, it could be beneficial for both of us.

    1 AnswerYouTube9 years ago
  • Giveaway on my YouTube channel?

    Hi guys I'm going to be doing a giveaway on my YouTube channel Once I reach 100 subscribers I will be doing a giveaway, and would appreciate if you would subscribe.

    2 AnswersYouTube9 years ago
  • If anyone is good with video editing?

    I'd appreciate if someone could make me a YouTube intro. I completely understand if you don't want to, but my YouTube username is DCherkowsky and you can contact me at

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerYouTube9 years ago
  • How can I get more subscribers on YouTube?

    Hey, I recently started a YouTube channel and I'm asking for some feedback. Here is the link I'm wondering if you can check it out and tell me what I could improve on. And I'm wondering if anyone has some tips to increase my amount of video views and subscribers. Thanks.

    3 AnswersYouTube9 years ago
  • Can I import video to my iPad 1st gen from the flip mino hd camera?

    Hi, I'm looking to buy the flip mino hd camera. I was wondering if I can import the video to my iPad through the camera connection kit, and then edit it on a third party app. I've seen videos of people doing it on the iPad 2, but I can't find any videos on the first generation iPad. Thanks.

    Camcorders9 years ago
  • What's a nice camera?

    Hey guys. I'm looking for a camera. It has to be cheap, under $100. I've seen the flip mino hd camera, but just seeing if anyone has any other thoughts. Thanks. Oh and I'm assuming you already figured this out, but it's a camcorder, not a picture taking camera. Thanks again.

    3 AnswersCameras10 years ago
  • If anyone is interested in joining a Call of Duty Elite Clan...?

    Hey guys, if you are looking to join a clan on elite. We have eight members, and we are already at level four. There are many perks to being in a clan. If we get up to level 10 everyone gets double xp, and besides that there are many other benefits. If you're interested, leave you're gamertag and I'll send you an invite.

    1 AnswerXbox10 years ago
  • Can I upgrade my jail broken iPad when iOS 5 comes out?

    I recently jail broke my iPad, and I'm wondering when iOS 5 comes out, what steps do I need to do to upgrade it. I'm assuming I can just sync it to my computer, upgrade it, and then just rejailbreak it using Then can I just install all my Cydia apps again for free? I'm new to the jailbreak thing. Worst comes to worst, and I just won't upgrade it. Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersSoftware10 years ago
  • How much will this increase my pitching velocity?

    So I'm a swing player on Varsity and JV for my high school baseball team, and I am going to start working out after school before practice with a few of my friends. Are practice is at 4:00 and my school day ends at 2:30, so theoretically I could work out for 1 1/2 hours. Obviously I don't want to overdo it and be sore for practice. Does any one have any tips. I planon doing this for the rest of the school year and then continuing into the summer. I am currently in 9th grade, 5'9 and about 135 lbs. I throw like high 60s maybe 70 top and I'm wondering hom much this will help. And also, the only really leg machines there are a calf machine and squats, if that helps at all.

    1 AnswerOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • Need a Curveball grip?

    So I am a high school freshmen and throw high 60s, low 70s. I am trying to develop a changup to accompany my fastball and curve. I have tried throwing a circle change, and have never been able to control it. I have also tried throwing a three finger change up, and I have been able to throw it for a strike, but it was only like 2-3 mph slower than my fastball. I was going to try the Vulcan change up. If you have any other suggestions or tips, everything is appreciated.

    6 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Why can't there be more movies like Charlie Brown Christmas?

    I just watched Charlie Brown Chritsmas an it really put me in the Christmas spirit. I don't get why movies today are all about Santa and the north pole, why can't they be about or at least mention jesus's birth, the true meaning of Christmas. I know its not politically correct, but I don't get why. The true meaning of chrotsmas is jesus's birth and if it is not correct to mention that, then why do we celebrate Christmas?

    4 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • How is any team supposed to beat the phillies?

    The phillies have 4 aces. Like Hamels as the 4th starter. And if Utlry, Howard, Palanco, and brown show up next year, it's going to be almost impossible to beat them. I feel sorry for the meta and braves fans.

    11 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Should I get an iPad or laptop?

    So for Chrismas I'm thinking about getting an iPad. I would use it for browsing the web, playing games from the AppStore, and I would also get a Bluetooth keyboard and the iWork suite to type documents for school. I am just wondering if there would be any disadvantages of getting an iPad rather then a laptop.

    4 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago