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  • Dog acting weird? Phantom pregnancy?

    So I have a 3 year old, female lab mix. She isn't spayed, and before you get on my butt about that I have no plans on breeding her and she is kept well away from male dogs, it's mostly been a facial thing. Anyway in the past few days she's been acting weird. She's been a lot more vocal, whining constantly. Rather than traditionally ripping up her toys she's been carrying them around everywhere and presenting them to me while guarding them from my room mate. And she's been a lot more skittish. I'm thinking it might be a phantom pregnancy as she is physically completely normal. She's eating, drinking and going outside to potty just fine. What do you guys think?

    6 AnswersDogs5 years ago
  • Help with my adult boyfriend with ADHD?

    I am living with my boyfriend who has adult ADHD.two years ago we moved in together, and for the first year it was great. He had a stable job, he could help pay bills and rent, helped out around the house, we had a good time together, and he over all seemed a happy with his lot in life.

    Now, I’ve always known hehas ADHD. It can be frustrating but before it was always tolerable. His working hours slowly trickled off because he kept getting up late for work, or was removed from job sites because he annoyed the wrong person. Now, he doesn’t work at all. I’ve tried kicking him in the pants about applying for jobs, and told him that while I’m working full time and he is not I expect him to at least do some housework everyday. I have to constantly nag him to look for jobs and do house work to the point where it’s causing some serious arguments.

    He was diagnosed with ADHD as a child, and looking up what the adult symptoms are for that he fits the bill and a lot of these issues come up when researching adult ADHD. But I am at my whits end. I love the guy to death, he is the guy I would prefer to marry and have kids with, but at this point I am paying the bills, and he seems completely incapable of keeping up with his household responsibilities. It’s always just video games and whatever he wants to do, and when he does do something he halfasses it. And he doesn't seem happy.

    Any advice? Please no rude statements. No comments on how ADHD doesn’t exist. Well stated advice only.

    2 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Can I use a famous quote in printed published work?

    I want to use a quote as the prologue of a original comic book I want to create. The quote is from Jurassic Park and it perfectly sums up how my main plot came to be without me having to explain anything before the story. Is there a way I can legally use that quote, or any other quote, without plagiarizing or breaking any form of copyright law? I mean, people site information and quotes in research papers all the time, right? So what makes that legal? How does that work.

    Because all I literally want to put before the comic starts is “God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs. Dinosaurs Eat man…” - Jurassic Park, Director Steven Spielberg, Writer Michael Crichton (Characters Dr. Ian Malcolm and Dr. Ellie Sattler)

    Can I do that? And if so how do I go about doing it without getting into legal trouble?

    2 AnswersQuotations6 years ago
  • What are some good mouser-dogs?

    We have a bit of a mouse problem. Traps haven t helped much, we already have a labrador who gets into anything so we don t want to use poison, we keep the place clean because of the previously mentioned labrador who will eat anything, and we don t want to pay for an exterminator(especially because that seems to only be a temporary fix.)

    The boyfriend doesn t want a cat, and frankly we aren t sure if our labrador would behave with a cat as she tends to chase my parent s cats when we go over to their place for the weekend. So I was thinking maybe another dog? Roxy has no interest, but maybe a dog that is more meant to go after mice and rats?

    So what breeds would be good? I know that a lot of breeds that will be recommended will be smaller breeds, but it would be a bonus if it was a medium-larger dog. And if it is a small breed, something on the larger scale of small, rather than something tiny like a yorki.

    14 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Best way to introduce a dog to a new cat/kitten?

    I want to get a cat, but my dog is a cat-chaser. She does not hurt cats or small animals, and I don't think she ever would, but I would like some advice from people who might have gone through introducing a cat into their home with a dog to see if there are any things that you tried that work.

    My yellow lab(probable mix) has always been around cats, but still enjoys the chase. I know she wouldn't harm a cat, because there was a cat, once, that didn't run away and all she did was play bow and whine at the cat(didn't touch the kitty at all). We had a cat before, but the cat was terrified of my dog(the cat had never lived with dogs) and lived in fear. When I moved, my mum agreed to take her just for the moving period. But my mom and little sister fell in love with the cat, and I don't have the heart to take my kitty away from a large home with 4 other cats she loves and my mother to put her back in an environment she hated.

    So I'm looking at getting another cat from the local shelter. I miss having a cat, plus I have seen a few mice. I'm going to look at getting either an older cat that is ok with dogs, or a kitten I can raise with the dog. What can I do to get my dog used to cats being around without chasing them? The dog is crated during the day so I'm not worried when I'm at work, but when I'm home I'd like them both to be out and peacefully around one another.

    I know there are plenty of online sources, but I'd like to know what worked, or didn't work, for you.

    2 AnswersCats6 years ago
  • What form of climate change would happen if the world flooded?

    This isn't mean to to be a global warming type of question or anything, so those looking to argue about that, please go away. I'm writing and drawing a science fiction based graphic novel revolving around Earth, hundreds of years after it has been flooded by about 2000 meters of galactic ice. Naturally, I'm trying to do research about a lot of aspects for this story, but the hardest one I'm having issues with finding info about what I specifically want is this question, because most answers revolve around only the melting of the ice caps, would only only flood coastal areas, not most of the world. In the sea-rise simulator I used to add 2000 meters of water to the earths surface, the only land Visible are about half of China, the Himalayan Mountains, A couple African and Middle Eastern Mountain ranges, some of The Alps, some of The Rockies, a long chain in South America, and a smattering of random Islands through out the current oceans. I would like to know what, in theory, the climates in these existing land areas, and the ocean areas surrounding them, would be like. Would they keep their pre-existing climates, or would they become more tropical? Or whatever else might happen. What do you think?

    Please keep in mind I haven't taken into effect a rise in sea salt levels vs. salt water, or what the increase in water in general might do to the oceanic currents as I'm still looking for information in that as well.

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology6 years ago
  • Can you copyright an art style?

    I work a a children's publishing company and lately I've been put on the task of replicating an artists style so we can expand our library of images for the purposes of children's work books and so on. I have found that I am particularly good at replicating this style and would like to work on it outside of work and change it into my own thing. Not the same exact style, but I like the chalky effect of the style and the cuddly, children's-book quality it has. My question is, can I be sued for replicating, experimenting, and changing a style to suit my own artistic needs? I'm not replicating specific art pieces done by this artist, I would never directly copy a piece of art work to profit, but I'm curious as to whether a style can be copyrighted? I've tried looking it up and I haven't really gotten any clear answers on the subject.

    1 AnswerOther - Arts & Humanities7 years ago
  • Dark Watery Diarrhea?

    I just got back from the Dominican Republic and about 4 days into the vacation I started to develop stomach pains, started having Diarrhea, and at the beginning it made my anus really sore. Now, I have no other bad symptoms. I over all feel fine except for the bad bowel movements. The stomach pains are becoming less frequent, it no longer seems to be bothering my anus as much as it did, but the runny stool is still happening 3 days later. I'm keeping hydrated and trying to keep a bland diet. I can pretty much chalk this up to my habitual response to using the tap water to brush my teeth, which I realize was stupid, but as I said it was a habit and I realized it too late. Now, my sister did the same thing, and my mum even made coffee with the tap water. None of my other family members are feeling the same way. I did have a decent amount to drink over vacation, alcohol wise, but I slowed it down. But even when I didn't drink I still got these symptoms. Now, I had some pepto today, which I know could explain dark stool, but my last bowel movement produced a really scary dark color in the watery stool. I know pepto can do this, but I took it earlier today, at least 5 hours ago. Would the side effects still be there from the pepto, and should I be worried enough to go to the doctor? I figured I'd wait a few days and see how it goes, but should I be more worried?

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases7 years ago
  • Electronic Cigarette on an Airplane?

    I'm traveling in a few days to the Dominican Republic, and I live in the U.S so it's out of country. I've been smoking e-cigarettes for a while now ever since I used them to give up smoking. I don't use the cartridge type of e-smoke, I use the type where you get bottles of liquid to put into your e-cig. Since I would rather not smoke cigarettes on this trip I want to bring my e-smoke with me. And I get because of airport security, I would understand that my bottles of e-liquid wouldn't be allowed on carry on. My concern is it okay to pack that stuff into my check-on(the stuff that is stored in the cargo of the plane) luggage? Because I would hate to get myself or my family in trouble for packing it, even if it's in check-on luggage.

    and if you use cartridges and not liquid this is what I mean

    3 AnswersAir Travel7 years ago
  • How much tea is too much tea?

    I've been on a diet for the past few weeks and plan on keeping it up. My diet has included healthy, low calorie meals cooked in my crockpot from are hardly 300 calories per serving), I've quit smoking tobacco based cigarettes and have switched to a vapor based, tobacco free e-cigarette(I know this isn't a diet thing, but it is healthier so thought I would include it), I've limited my drinking to once a week, and perhaps the hardest is I've given up my love of soda/pop(my favorite being diet coke.) I will have the occasional regular coke at a restaurant, but not very often.

    I don't like to drink plain water. It's boring to me as it has no taste. So please don't suggest "just drink plain water" because that isn't going to happen. It's boring. I'm not going to spend my whole life drinking just water. So I've been drinking some healthier flavored waters and a LOT of tea.

    I'm not too worried about my food or e-cigarette, but I am drinking a LOT of tea trying to kick this soda habit. I don't add milk or sweeteners, just straight up tea. Mostly green tea, or things mixed with green tea. I'd say I drink about 5-8 cups a day on work days, and three cups a day on the weekends just because I'm craving soda so much.

    Over all, I know tea has a lot of health benefits. Is very low calorie. But I have HEARD that too much tea can be bad. I would like to know why? And how much is too much?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • dog acts weird when boyfriend is playing "air drums" on his chest?

    Wasn't sure how to title this because it's a bit odd. My boyfriend is into music, and his favorite place it to chill on the floor with the dog. Well, he'll play the drums on his chest, you know, sort of patting his chest to different beats and stuff. We noticed that our 8 month old, yellow lab, Roxi, acts very odd when he does this.

    She'll go up to him and make these "yowling" noises. I call them that because it's not quite like whining, it's more like a low howl/whine. She'll make little high pitched barks at his hand, and mouth and his hands lightly(which we tell her not to do because we don't allow that behavior.) There's no growling, hackles, or signs of aggression. Just that ord sort of low pitched whining and high pitched barking. Over all, it's quite adorable and silly, and Will likes to do this just because he's a music type of guy and likes to keep rhythm.

    I guess, we're just wondering if she's trying to play or if she's actually concerned about the behavior. Sort of like a "why is master hurting master?" type of silly thing.

    This might seem like a silly question, but I'm honestly curious if anyone who might have a greater grasp on dog psychology than we do might have some insight onto her behavior when he plays the drums on himself?

    4 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Is My Dog Going Into Heat?

    First off, I'm not going to breed her, the boyfriend and I have just been looking for a financially stable time to get the operation done. We're looking at low income vet clinics, and now it's just about setting the date. I have no intentions to breed my dog, so please, no "backyard breeder" "millions of dogs in shelters" rants. We will not breeder, she rarely comes in contact with other dogs, let alone unaltered male dogs. So I'm not worried about accidental pregnancy.

    I have a 7 month old female yellow lab(she might be mixed with something, but she looks mostly lab.) I got her from a lady who was giving her up around the age of 5 months. We were uncertain of the age which is why we waited a while, along with financial reasons, to get her spayed. I have the money for emergency vet costs, so I'm not financially irresponsible. We just waited too long I guess. Our own faults, I know.

    The reason I ask is my dog is reasonably potty trained for her age. And today I've noticed that she has been having a lot of accidents around the house frequently. And not full on puddle peeing, just little marking spots. I've read online that this could mean she's going into heat, but I wanted to know of any sure fire signs, and whether or not you think my "going into heat" assumption is correct. Or whether or not I should be worried about a UTI or bladder infection.

    Any tips would be most helpful, don't bother posting criticisms, your answer wont be picked for being a jerk. :)

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Are There Blue Colored Birds Native To Africa?

    Specifically, blue colored birds that live in the Savannah or Serengeti areas.

    I draw a Lion King Fan Comic, yes, I'm a nerd. And there is a semi canon lion cub character who finds and raises four baby birds that are colored blue. I want to depict these baby birds in the future as adults, and actually want to follow a specific African species that fits biologically in the same area a lion would live.

    They can be falcons, hawks, song birds, or so one. I don't really care so long as they are a flying species.

    1 AnswerZoology8 years ago
  • Why is my dog thin? Food recommendations?

    Alright, so I have a yellow lab named Roxy. She is around 5-6 months old(not entirely sure because we got her around this age from a lady who couldn't keep her and she seemed a bit vague on the age) She isn't spayed yet(thats our next step on our financial ladder, meaning it's happening soon, and don't get annoying with "get your pet spayed!" stuff because I know, I am very against irresponsible breeding, but I don't put her in situations to get knocked up, and we're getting her spayed soon. I only mentioned it because it might have something to do with what I'm inquiring about.) She is high energy, loves playing, walks, and causing chaos.

    The issue I'm coming forward with now, is that she seems a bit thin. We feed her twice a day, once in the morning, once in the evening, and its an all natural puppy food(I can't remember the name of the brand at this moment, but the main ingredients are bison, venison, salmon, and there's no corn, by products or anything of that sort. I take her food seriously). We feed her plenty, because she's a pup, and we know she doesn't have worms. But she is still a thin dog. Not see-her-pelvice-and-spine skinny, but occasionally you can see a rib or two and her legs look pretty lanky. I'm curious as to whether this is just because she's a very active dog with a high metabolism, if I need to change her food to something with a bit more fat, or it could be a more serious problem.

    Any food suggestions that could help me bulk her up a bit would be great. Or if this isn't a huge deal, let me know.

    6 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • What Should I do about my vomiting dog?

    Alright. I've had Roxy for two months now. She's a 5 month old yellow lab, and my first dog. My boyfriend and I live together and work full time. Money can be tight, so I wanted to know if there's another way to approach this before I panic and have to spend $500+ on a vet bill.

    Roxy has never had vomiting issues before. This started today, while I was visiting my parents over the weekend, staying at there house. They keep a clean home, so there would be nothing for her to really get into that she isn't supposed to. However, because of a mix up with forgetting the normal food we get her in the car that my boyfriend took to see his parents(a high quality, all natural brand dog food) I had to find a quick replacement, and less quality dog food so I could feed her. So I'm not sure if that could be it as well as the excitement of being around new people in a new place. It has been a big weekend for her. So I'll describe her symptoms

    -Vomiting(obviously); no blood or foam, just the contents of her stomach.

    -Her feces is a bit of an odd color, more of a green brown than her usual brown, but it's not runny. Still mostly solid, not diarrhea.

    -I've cut out her food(some sources on the internet said to let her fast for 12+ hours then slowly reintroduce food into her diet if and when the vomiting stops, and if it doesn't within 24 hours to take her to a vet) But despite being sick, she still shows plenty of interest in food, her appetite has not dwindled.

    -I've been making sure she has plenty of water to avoid dehydration. She shows plenty of interest in it and is drinking regularly.

    -She's a bit tired from traveling and the excited weekend, but she isn't lethargic. She is still very happy to see everyone, eager to play, going bathroom outside like she normally does. So no signs of change in attitude or lethargy.

    - No stomach churning noises

    - When she vomits, it's not violent retching, sort of just some slight burping noises and then she expels the contents of her stomach.

    Mostly, the vomiting worries me. She hasn't done it before and she does have a tendency to try to get into things she shouldn't. The thing I don't get is besides vomiting, she shows no other symptoms or distress.

    I'm a responsible pet owner, I'll take her to the vet if I need to. But I took my cat to a vet once because she was excessively drooling(not good for cats and a sign of stomach issues) and $500 worth of tests later the vet said she was fine, and I went home and she got better on her own. So I really don't want to waste the money if this will blow over on its own.

    Basically, what I want to know is whether it's safe to wait a good 24-48 hours(a internet source suggested this) to see if it improves? If there are any other worrying signs I should be looking out for? And any other suggestions you might have?

    1 AnswerDogs8 years ago