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Lv 42,555 points

The Mommy Delivered

Favorite Answers7%

I saw the wayward traveler, in garments tattered clad, And traveling up the Mountain, it seemed that he was sad. His back was laden heavy, his strength was almost gone, But he shouted as he journeyed, deliver ance will come. Chorus: Then palms of victory, crowns of glory, Palms of victory I shall wear. The summer sun was shining, the sweat was on his brow, His garments worn and dusty, his step seemed very slow. But he kept pressing onward, for he was wending home, Still shouting as he journeyed, deliverance will come. The songsters in the arbor, that stood beside the way, Attracted his attention, invited his delay. His watchword being Onwards, he stopped his ears and ran, And shouted as he journeyed, deliverance will come. I saw him in the evening, the sun was getting low, He had overtopped the mountain, and reached the vale below. He saw the golden city, his everlasting home, And shouted hosanna, deliverance will come.

  • Why Obama?????????????????

    So many people that I talk to intend to vote for Romney; not because he is a wonderful choice but because they claim that Obama had done such a rotten job.

    I do not like Romney, I think he is fake and will hurt the American people far worse than they already are.

    I would just like to understand the reasons that so many other people are PRO Obama becoming president again?

    9 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • anyone know anything about Viibryd anti depresant med?

    my doctor put me on Viibryd today...I dont know anyone who has tried it...was hoping to see if anyone here had had success with it

    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago
  • PVC's?..worry or not worry?

    I have recently started having multiple PVC's I notice at night as Im starting to relax.....I can feel them not as in my chest...but its like my body shuts down for a milisecond and then restarts.....Ive been really sick with my stomach and feeling run down.....just wondering if its odd to "feel" the pvc's in my system like that?

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases9 years ago
  • anyone else have this and what causes it? pain before monthly period?

    every month without fail, about a week to a few days before my period starts, I have an arthritic type pain settle into one spot of my body..sometimes my neck causing stiffness and migraine, between shoulder blades you can hardly breathe, in one hip..etc...It lasts for two days...the pain is debilitating but it only happens for two days right before my period...anyone know what would cause this?

    my hormone tests came back normal

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • swollen lymph nodes................?

    my four year old daughter had a swollen lymph node on the left side middle of her neck..right by the grew in two weeks from a pea size to a quarter....

    now there is another pea sized one right below it and also a pea sized one right above her collar bone...

    she is not sick, a little more tired than usual...nightmares, and they dont hurt.

    Docs said to keep an eye on the first one two weeks ago and I will be calling him in the morning.

    Is there anything besides Lymphoma that could cause this?

    3 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • borderline ECG what does this mean...?

    sinus rhythm

    rSr ' (v1) - probable normal variant

    septal T wave changes are nonspecific

    Low QRS voltages in precordial leads.

    borderling ECG

    also ...

    it has these on it:

    Vent. rate 68 bpm

    RR interval 876ms

    PR interval 140 ms

    QRS Duration 78 ms

    QT interval 378 ms

    QTc interval 392 ms

    QT dispersion 18 ms

    P-R-T AXIS 2 degrees 10 degrees 41 degrees

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • what does an abnormal R wave mean in an EKG?

    I had a spell with my heart after my dad died, but did not go to the hospital because I was afraid they would make me stop nursing my daughter. Before this, my EKG's were all normal....

    since the incident I have had two EKG's and in both it read abnormal R wave.

    what does this mean?

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • dream of being in coffin surrounded by pumpkins?

    I dreamed I was digging up the earth, and kept finding topless caskets with bodies in it....they were all buried under our front porch steps, and once they had been buried, they went down a long chute into a river of dead bodies....

    I was really upset that "they" had buried the bodies here.

    I dug again and found another and I was the one in it, but my husband had surrounded me with pumpkins. even though there was no top on the casket, there was not a smudge or speck of dirt on me or the white satin lining.

    I was trying to dig myself up because I didnt want to go the way of all the others....

    anyone have any idea what the pumpkins might mean?> or any thoughts on the dream?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Christian values and marriage issues?

    As a christian we are supposed to be longsuffering and all forgiving yada yada....let me ask you when its okay to say enough?

    I have a MIL which caused me to have a nervous breakdown, husband did nothing to help me and we split...during the split, MIL lied on me, stole from me and my kids, she is still in possession of some things. when we got back together, she told him I wasnt even welcome in the driveway...during the split, she tried to have my daughter taken away, didnt even care when daughter was in hospital, ran from my 2 yr old.....and demanded a paternity test cause "he wasnt paying no child support".

    when we made up, he continued to talk to mom and see her....I have tried to make peace with her...even apologizing for defending myself against her. written letters expressing a love for her and a hope for peace in our family....she continues to talk about me to my own family and stirs up nothing but stress and has even banned me from funerals.

    Now, hubby tells me that she wants to see my daughter all day this week, as she has something special planned for her and of course, I am not welcome and had better not come.

    I feel like he hasnt an ounce of loyalty to our marriage and I am so angry and hurt that I want a divorce....

    Is it okay to give up on a marraige he obviously has no regard for?

    at what point is it okay for a christian to say: "enough"?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • childhood Attention Deficit Disorder?

    my daughter is almost 4 yrs old....

    we have been calling her spoiled but I am starting to wonder.

    she is full of energy and wears us out. Regardless the punishments, she goes right back to do what she was punished for doing...she says she is sorry every time....and she reallly is...

    she also will NOT stop talking, and asks the same question over and over and matter how many times you answer her. It is really frustrating.

    she gets easily upset and throws tantrums and cries over NOTHING...

    I am wondering if this could be ADD signs, or something else???

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • humans base their beliefs on something that is known.........?

    because there actually was a man named saint Nicholas who gave gifts to the children in an orphanage, we developed a touching story and created santa clause to keep that spirit of giving alive. But the belief was based on a fact. the fantasy was developed from a fact.

    Had we of never had masked hero's who swept in to save the day, we would never have invented stories such as superman.

    Our fantasies, are based on some fact that we distort or twist to keep the element of goodness of the truth alive.

    based on the fact that we dream based on fact:

    where did the idea of a supernatural powerful creator come from?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why is it so important to others to have someone PROVE the reality of their beliefs?

    does it make their belief any less real to them, if they cant prove that it is real?

    and, does it validate you are right and they are wrong?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The bible says God found favor in Mary, which is why he chose her..but?

    does anyone know what it was about her that he found favor in>>>>??????? help doing a study

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Dont you just hate it when.....spiritually speaking?

    you are driving along and think of a really awesome question to ask on R&S, and then when you get home, you cant remember what it was you wanted to ask?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians: do you believe God to be a personal or impersonal God?

    and if personal, is he not capable of speaking even audibly to his children? without the assistance of humans, books, etc?

    I am not dashing anything that is lettered by a spiritual hand. I am simply trying to understand why anyone would think that the sole foundation of their belief was laid upon a book of any kind.

    God moves...and as such, the bible merely expresses that he does so...were you not aware of that without the bible?

    so then, is God a personal God or an impersonal God...if impersonal then we need to have something to follow besides the revelation given us by the holy spirit

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians....on the bible........?

    if a person were to live out their lives never seeing a bible, would they be void of the understanding of God, Jesus, or anything spiritual?

    note of special interest: in my last question regarding the bible most of you disagreed that the bible was NOT the main reason for belief. that belief exists without the bible and is due to a personal revelation by the spirit.

    point: the bible states that revelation is given by the spirit,....not taught of men,

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians, would you agree or disagree?

    NONE of a christians belief is based on the bible, but on a personal knowledge of something which has been revealed to them individually...the belief exists entirely without the bible or any book. The bible simply gives encouragement, guides us in having peace in some decisions, and gives an account of a story of what happened before.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago