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What is the average cost for a permanent above ground pool?
I realize that there will be a range of prices, but I'm hoping to get a rough estimate of how much purchasing and installation (on flat ground) an above ground pool will cost. We are looking at permanent pools from pool companies--not cheaper pools from places like Target and Walmart. We aren't trying to buy a pool with all the bells and whistles but we're hoping for 52" in an oval shape. If you have had a pool like this installed, I would appreciate an estimate. Thank you!
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years agoNeed bike recommendation for my Big & Tall husband...?
My husband would like to purchase a bicycle, but needs good recommendations. He is 6'4", 350lbs, and needs a nice sturdy bike.
Thanks for your recommendations. He will use it for casual riding with the family.
3 AnswersCycling1 decade agoiPhone: 8Gb or 16Gb??
i will be purchasing an iPhone and would like to know if i will be fine with an 8Gb instead of spending the xtra for the 16Gb. i am an average person with an average amount of music, and may end up downloading a few games. i assume that the 16GB is for people who plan on adding tons of extras.
any input is appreciated. thank you
6 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds1 decade agoiPhone vs. iPod Touch. What is the difference?
aside from the fact that an iPhone has phone capabilities, what is the difference? i want something handheld with internet and music. a phone would be nice, but isn't necessary.
4 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade agoWhat kind of router do I need?
I have four computers in my classroom, but I only have one internet jack in the wall. The computers are a little older, so wireless will NOT work. I would like to plug one router into my wall jack with an LAN cable. Then, I would like to plug each computer's LAN cable into a router. Can you please tell me what kind of router I need? When I do a search for routers online, all I'm coming up with are wireless, and that is not what I need. I would also appreciate a link to one or two so I can show my husband. I'm not sure he understands what I'm talking about. Thank you!
3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade agoMouse opens links/files on single click?
I have two computers in my classroom that are Dell laptops. They have Windows XP. Whenever I want to open a file or link it opens the file/link right away -- it even opens things I'm not trying to open. I think the mouse will open something (possibly) if I just hover over a link. How do I change this setting to open links and files on a double click only? Thank you.
2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoCan you locate a list of PA candidates who are pro life and pro choice?
i'm looking for a list that tells you which candidates in Pennsylvania are pro life, and which are pro choice. i'm not talking presidential candidates -- i'm talking PA state candidates.
1 AnswerPolitics1 decade agoCan you clean an old clarinet?
I received an older clarinet that seems to be in working condition, but has been stored in someones basement. I'm going to throw the case out because it just smells like OLD. The clarinet kinda smells like the case, and I'm sure it could use a cleaning. Is there a product I can use to clean it myself?
7 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade agowhat are your favorite ways to be a penny pincher?
my husband and i are always looking for good ways to save money. we are doing really well with it, being able to pay all of our bills, live comfortably, and save for retirement. but, we are always looking for more ways to save.
how do you pinch pennies?
5 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade agoapprox. how much money will fit in a 5 gallon water jug?
anyone here fill up a 5 gallon water jug with money? I'm wondering about how much money will be there when it's filled. My problem is that it is only about 10% filled right now.
just curious if anyone has done this? we are putting any loose change as well as some paper bills (but mostly change).
3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade agodo brine shrimp (sea monkeys) eggs expire?
6th grade science teacher here, and part of our new unit involves hatching brine shrimp...aka, sea monkeys. the science kit i have is from 2002, and the eggs in the vial are that old. anyone know if they will hatch? i have some in salt water now, but i'm waiting for the possibility for them to hatch...haven't seen anythign yet.
2 AnswersBiology1 decade agodoes anyone feel like their student loan payments are going nowhere?
i have been paying on a small 3500 dollar student loan for two years, and it looks like i'm paying all interest. this sucks! anyone else feel like this is a never-ending battle?
P.S. this is one loan. i pay on other student loans so right now i am unable to increase my amount.
3 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade agoWhich PG test was the most sensitive for you?
I'm about to go out and buy one or two brands. Heading to Target, Walmart, or CVS. THX
12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoi swear it's too early for symptoms...?
let me preface this with the fact that i have very long cycles, and i'm not sure of exact ovulation because during that week i had a fever for most of it, so my BBT chart doesn't tell me.
let me also say that yesterday morning's PG test was NEG.
I have been gagging at EVERYTHING. i can't go into the bathroom at work without covering my face with my shirt. I couldn't feed my cats tonight, and had to have someone finish for me or i would have barfed because i was gagging so much.
it has been about 2 weeks since the few days of possible ovulation. the last 5 morning temps are at least one degree higher than normal. the few days before that, i forgot to temp.
5 days ago, my boobs felt like they were filled with bricks, and that discomfort (thankfully) ended yesterday. but no AF. thursday i left work with the pukey feeling and slept from 3pm until 12 noon the next day, only waking to eat a little and use the bathroom.
but, i've gotten two BFN's this week.
5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agodarn 2 week wait?
this is killing me. lol.
AF is due today (approximately) cycles are extra long. from 37-44 days, and today is day 41.
my breasts feel like they are going to burst, and hurt like crazy. i sometimes feel tenderness as a pms symptom.
anyone else in the 2WW???? how are you passing the time? i'm going to wait til the weekend to test.
8 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoon average, what do you pay for housing costs?
i'm not looking for your mortgage payment, because my hubby and i can easily use a mortgage calculator when looking for houses. but, my question is...
what extra expenses do you normally pay on your house (taxes, improvements, fixes)? i'm just looking for an average, so if you just put 30K into your kitchen, that's not what i'm looking for.
hubby and i are just trying to see how much we will need in addition to mortgage payments.
3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade agodo we tip the delivery drivers?
My husband and I bought a new bed next week from JCPenney and it will be delivered tomorrow. We will get a mail-in rebate that will reimburse the 50 dollar shipping fee, so we are technically getting free shipping.
They will be delivering a king size bed up a skinny staircase, and removing our old bed.
My question is, do we tip them cash? If so, how much?
6 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agodoes sprint have a pay as you go plan?
or any other type of prepaid plan? hubby and i use only a few minutes each month. we would like to have cell phones but we don't need all of the bells and whistles.
3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agois there a budgeting program i can download?
my husband and i are re-doing our budget. is there a program we can download to help us plan and maintain our budget?
3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago