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  • What do Christians mean when they say God speaks to them?

    I recently became a Christian, so I just want to know:

    How does God speak to you?

    And what is a "still, small voice"?

    And how do you know it's Him speaking to you and not the devil?

    I just don't really get it and I'm dying to know. Please be detailed! :)

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • I got my lobes pierced 9 months ago. Will they close up completely?

    I got them done with a needle 9 months ago.

    I took the earrings out last night since I don't want the piercings anymore.

    The holes are already smaller, but I'm afraid I might get scarring--or that the holes won't close up completely.

    What's the likelihood?

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • Do APNs (advanced practice nurse) perform Pap smears?

    I want to make sure I make an appointment with the right person.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Is it normal to get such horrible period cramps that you end up vomiting?

    I got my period when I was 11. When I was about 14, I started getting really horrible cramps. They made me so incredibly nauseous that I would throw up after hours of sitting still (I was unable to do anything else). This happened every single month.

    After a year of that, I finally got some Midol-- BUT I am almost 19 now, and I still get the same horrible cramps every month and the Midol is all that keeps me from throwing up every time. I also never could wear tampons because it hurts too much.

    Is it normal to have this much pain or do I probably have endometriosis or an ovarian cyst or something?? I'm going to the doctor but it'll be a little while so I want some advice so I can get an idea of how bad this is!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Did I just make myself look like a Nazi sympathizer?

    Ok, so in German class today, the teacher asked if anyone knew about the Scholl siblings. Nobody responded, so I raised my hand and said that they were distributing anti-Nazi propaganda and got arrested and executed. By calling anti-Nazi leaflets "propaganda," does that make it look like I think that being against Nazis is bad or something?? I hate Nazism and I totally wasn't thinking about what I was saying; it just came out.

    3 AnswersHistory10 years ago
  • My hair is naturally a light golden brown; should I dye it red with henna?

    My hair was blonde when I was little, and now it's light brown/dark blondish. I'm wondering if my light brown eyebrows will clash with red hair.

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Why is there more blood than nipples in American TV and movies?

    There. I re-asked my question. And I am American, by the way.

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Do fundamentalist Christians actually exist in Europe?

    I'm talking about really strict, conservative Christians like we have in the U.S. who are against evolution and same-sex marriage and abortion and all that.

    I am curious, as usual! I've been wondering this for awhile.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why are Americans generally less comfortable with nudity/sex than violence?

    Is it really all because of our Puritan forefathers? (Who were apparently so afraid of their own nakedness that they wouldn't take baths.)

    To put it bluntly, I think it's pretty stupid that so many people would really rather watch killing and violence than uncensored nudity.

    12 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • If you massage the area between your thumb and index finger, do you feel more relaxed?

    This is actually a serious question. I read somewhere that the area between your thumb and index finger is the stress point of your body and that massaging it for a few seconds relaxes you. So I tried it and it actually did work. I want to know if it works for you so I can find out if I'm crazy or if it really actually does work! :P

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you think that the question of whether there is a god or not is irrelevant?

    I read that some people think that whether there is or isn't a god is irrelevant. That's very interesting to me; a new perspective. So what do you guys think?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are most Dutch people very liberal?

    I am American, and my dad is from Holland (also known as the Netherlands). He came here when he was about 25 years old. My dad is very religious (fundamentalist Christian) and very conservative. He is even more conservative than most Americans. He thinks that homosexuality is an abomination to God and that nudity is a sin, and he won't let me watch Harry Potter or go to sleepovers, etc. I am 17 years old.

    A year or two ago, I found out that Holland is actually a very liberal country. I was amazed and surprised at what I read about it. It seems like a very, very tolerant country. And then I thought about my dad and I thought to myself, "So THIS is the country he comes from?! They really support many things that he thinks is a sin! What the hell? How did this happen. . ."

    So are there still a lot of very conservative Dutch people in Holland who are like my dad? Or is my dad just a very small minority of Dutch people?

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Atheists: Do you get a lot of $hit for being an atheist?

    I don't believe in religion. I don't really believe in deities, either, so I am probably an atheist. But nobody really knows this. So I am just trying to test the waters a bit. . .

    I am from the U.S. and I saw a study that showed that atheists are the most despised group of people in the U.S. That kind of scares me.

    I'm 17 by the way, to be more specific.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I do not understand these jokes from the television show "Allo, Allo"?

    In season one, there are two jokes that I do not really understand; can you please clear this up for me?

    In one scene, the two British airmen are sharing a bed, and one of them says to the other,

    "Are you a grammar school boy?"

    "How did you know?" asks the other airman.

    "You are wearing your socks in bed," responds the first airman. ??

    And then when Lt. Gruber first meets Rene, Rene asks him,

    "Are you one of them?"

    "Well, it was very lonely on the Russian front." Gruber responds. ??

    Here is a link to that scene:

    2 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • I do not understand these jokes from the television show "Allo, Allo"?

    In season one, there are two jokes that I do not really understand; can you please clear this up for me?

    In one scene, the two British airmen are sharing a bed, and one of them says to the other,

    "Are you a grammar school boy?"

    "How did you know?" asks the other airman.

    "You are wearing your socks in bed," responds the first airman. ??

    And then when Lt. Gruber first meets Rene, Rene asks him,

    "Are you one of them?"

    "Well, it was very lonely on the Russian front." Gruber responds. ??

    Here is a link to that scene:

    2 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • How can I have short hair without looking like a mom?

    I am a 17-year-old girl and I don't look good with long hair. It's just all thin and stringy, no matter what I do with it—and it doesn't suit my face. Everyone I know (even the guys) agree that I look better in short hair (above the shoulders). So how can I have short hair without looking like I am 45? I really don't wanna look like a mom. . . I know there are lots of cute short haircuts out there, but I'm tall (5'10") and have a pear-shaped face, which makes it a bit more difficult. Also, my hair is thin. Any adivce and/or pictures would be greatly appreciated; thanks! :D

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Is long hair still better on a young woman, even if it looks really bad on her?

    I just have always looked bad in long hair. It's not damaged or anything—it just always looks thin and stringy, no matter what I do with it. It doesn't suit my face either. Everyone I know—yes, even the guys—has agreed that I look better in short hair (above the shoulders). I am a young women who just can't look good in long hair. I suppose I am an exception or something. Or do you think that long hair is still better for young women, even in my case? I am curious.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is it me or are there not that many people rooting for Nederland (Holland)? Why?

    I asked earlier who people thought was going to win the World Cup. The majority of the people said Spain, and those who said Holland got a lot of thumbs down. I am rooting for Holland and I wonder why none of the people I know and hear from are rooting for Holland. Do people not like the Dutch team? Why?

    I'm just a bit confused; haha.

    6 AnswersFIFA World Cup (TM)1 decade ago
  • Who do you think is going to win the world cup: España or Nederland?

    I'm rooting for Nederland. Hup hup Holland! :D :D :D

    9 AnswersFIFA World Cup (TM)1 decade ago