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My Bad
no place to use the bathroom at work?
well I work for a landscaping company so we move from house to house in the same day. The concern I have is that we usually don't head back to the shop during the day so I can't use the bathroom without going outside but that would be illegal cause I am in town. Every time I ask my forman where to use the bathroom he tells me just go outside but I do not want to be labeled a sex offender just for using the bathroom outside in town. I know if I talk to the owner he would just say the same thing and so would my managers so I just want to know can they get away with this
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years agowhich online casino is legit?
I am looking for a site that gives you some cash for starting so I don't waste my money if I don't like it any suggestions.
6 AnswersGambling9 years agocan you eat red cherry shrimp?
just curious wanting to raise some to eat at home because i can never find any fresh shrimp in my area.
4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years agois it normal to have the runs after a night of drinking?
ok well after a night of drinking i have to get up early and rush to the bathroom so i don't sh*t my pants. This only happens if i have a bunch of random drinks and not after a party were i usually just drink the same drinks like beer but instead mix whiskey, vodka, wine, beer and whatever else i could find.
2 AnswersOther - Health9 years agoDo I have depression and if so how bad is it?
Ok first of all I am generally pretty happy and usually have great time with my friends. I am 18 and a guy and don't laugh about this crap because I don't know why I do this but it happens but about every other month or so I completely break down before I fall asleep and I am really sad and tears usually show and it is about crap piling up over the years. I never do this when I am somewhere else just when I am at home and no one is around. It usually lasts for about a hour and I did have a state of complete depression where I did not care about my life about 5 years ago. I am wondering if this is really bad or something that should go away and most of the time I manage to keep depressing thoughts out of my head but they do come up from time to time and I usually just push them aside and try to be as happy as I could and right now I love my life but I am just worried that these random break downs are really bad.
5 AnswersMental Health10 years agoCan I buy clear nail polish in the United States?
I am planning to do something funny with it but I am wondering if they still sell clear nail polish in America and if so where to find it.
3 AnswersFashion & Accessories10 years agoI bought a gun and confused?
I bought it through a private seller who I don't know and I didn't sign anything it was a simple transaction. These are legal guns but don't I need to sign something when I buy a gun from someone?
12 AnswersHunting10 years agoshould I buy a 98 chevy cavalier?
It is a 98 cavalier with 115 thousand miles on it. It is 300 bucks and the guy says it need a tune up, a coil pack, and new brakes. the car doesn't look too bad but I don't want to put too much money into it because I don't have much. I want to know if it sounds like a good deal or a rip off. He says that everything else in the car is good but I don't know it is 200 miles away and like I said I don't have much cash only like 500 bucks and I already have a truck but I want something for getting around and better gas mileage.
2 AnswersBuying & Selling10 years agoHow do I become a cop in North Dakota?
I lived in north dakota all my life and I am thinking of taking a step into law enforcement. I graduated high school last spring and have been working random jobs all summer. I have never been in trouble with the law and have a clean driving record. I just wanted to know how to take the first steps into becoming a cop. I don't care too much what it is like highway patrol or anything like that. I do not want to sit on a desk all day. How would I even start getting a job and training. I would like some help looking for places that are looking to hire and train because I have had no luck on my own in the past few weeks in even coming close to finding something. I have never worked any type of job like security only manual labor jobs. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police10 years agoWhat should I wear to a job interview?
I got a job interview at a computer repair place and I need to know what would be appropriate to wear. Should I wear a suit or just a nice long sleeve dress shirt. I don't want to overdress or dress to inappropriate for this job because I would really want to make a good first impression and this job is one I would love to do.
4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment10 years agoIs E-10 Fuel safe for trucks?
I have a 1992 dodge dakota and soon I am going to a part of my state where there is only E-10 fuel and I was wondering if it is safe for my truck. It is not my first time going to that part of the state but it sucks finding regular unleaded without any ethanol added in. I just want to make sure that I will not mess my truck up because it is the only vehicle I have.
4 AnswersAlternative Fuel Vehicles10 years agoWhy does my body do this?
Ok when I think about things such as being in combat or being with the one I love I get a chill through my body. I mean it is not a bad chill it is one that feels pretty good. Is that I am anxious to be out there doing what I want or is it my body trying to warn me about something. Any answer will be accepted.
5 AnswersPsychology10 years agoI did something horrible please help!!!!!!!!!!?
Ok so the other day I put a piece of bologna in the dvd player and then it started to make some weird sound then smoke came out. I just wanted to see what would happen and now I can't afford a new DVD player or more bologna what should i do. And if you could recommend a good dvd player that I can get that can play bologna please tell me so I can get it because I don't want this happening again.
11 AnswersHome Theater10 years agohow much will it cost to replace car windows?
The car is a 1987 plymouth sundance and I need to get every window on the car replaced the winshield all 4 door windows and the back window. About how much is this going to run me because if it is too much I just won't bother with the car anymore.
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs10 years agoCan't send text to Specific person?
I can text and receive texts to everyone else just fine and then one day I can't text one person everyone else I can. I am on verizon and whenever I tried to send a text it says It fails to send would you like to resend and it would keep doing this. Any help would be appreciated.
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans10 years agohow big is a wasp nest when they first start building?
I have had wasps around my house for many years and I think I might have spotted where they stared building one. It is about the size of a quarter and a wasp was hanging off of it. I want to make sure that it is a wasp nest before I destroy it. It is a small circle and hanging off the house on the outside.
2 AnswersZoology10 years ago