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  • What is the name of this Arabian indoor cooling tent.?

    8 years ago while visiting a friend in Bullhead City, AZ , my friend had this indoor cooling tent thing inside of the bedroom. It must have lowered the temperature in the room by a good 15-20 degrees.

    I've looked for the name of this online without luck and the friend is departed.

    He said it was Arabian in origin.

    Anyone got any clues what this is called and where I can buy one?

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • If I decide to cook those Robin eggs I have access to what can I expect.?

    I've seen the size of some non-chicken bird eggs. Should I try to cook these eggs in a nest I've discovered, would it be worth the effort? Are all bird eggs pretty much the same?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Which came first-The Coachman and his "Pleasure Island" or Disneyland?

    Just saw Pinnochio again and noticed the resemblance. Is it possible Walt looked at yhe finished product in pInnochio and said "That's a good idea! Someone should build something like that. Just charge them through the nose instead of turnin them into donkeys."

    2 AnswersAmusement Parks1 decade ago
  • How does one go about coming out as a transbian at 44?

    I've reached this area of life without starting a family.

    There are various reasons for that. Despite all the "Family Values" and Family friendly" slogans that are constantly bandied about, I've felt that we've created a system that id VERY hostile to families.

    Be that as it may. The best times I've had during my life have been when I've been out in drag. When I go to the bars, it's usually the women that hit on me and I flirt right back.

    Lately I've come to the conclusion that there is more to this than a mere fetish.

    But, I don't think I can come out as transgender at work. It's such a small office. And there's a recession (Jobs aren't expected to pick up locally until 2014.

    I've been reading that everyone can afford to transition-but that doesn't add up.

    I want to come out. (I'm out to myself. I'm in drag right now!) I have no idea how to start.

    Even the local support group meets on the one day I have off.

    Anyone got advice.

  • If we make it to a Class 1 civilization, what will the governing model will we wind up with?

    If we make it to being a Class 1 civilization

    what will our governing model be?

    Dictatorship? Democratic Republic? Theocracy?

    Maybe something that has yet to be invented?

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Futurama's Bender vs. STTNG's Lore-Who wins and why?

    Evil Robot vs Evil Android.

    Who wins and who is scrap metal?

    1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • How much did the Boardwalk Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas suck?

    12 years ago I was working there.

    1 restaurant that was partially closed off for employee dining and breaks.

    Holiday Inn owned the Hotel and wouldn't comp casino guests.

    Some of the rooms were moldy.

    The 24 hour buffet had a horrible reputation and customers telling me about it were numerous.

    I was happy to move on.

    I was happy to see it implode.

    Anyone else out there that saw the implosion and thought "Good Riddance"

    5 AnswersLas Vegas1 decade ago
  • If you've got a poem in your head that won't go away, but it's from Dr. Doom it time to get help?

    This mask of iron


    I'll wear until I die.

    I'll walk alone,

    I'll learn to hate.

    I'll never laugh or cry.

    And if I do

    no one must see

    for life is hard and cruel

    the strong survive

    the weak are lost

    compassion is for a fool.

    I've had this in my head for decades and it won't go away.

    I'm staring at birthday 44 in two months and I'm alone.

    I've always admired supervillians in a strange way ( I want to BE Dr. girlfriend from the Venture Bros.) and this poem that won't go away isn't making things easier.

    Is it time to see a shrink?

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • What has to happen to our culture for the Libertarians to ascend as a 3rd party?

    I know it seems like a far fetched dream-but the Democrats have predictably returned to a Clintonesque contempt for their base. (They seem bound and determined to prove Ralph Nader right!) With no prosecutions for Fieth, Yoo and Cheney, a continuation of Paulson's polices, and the Death of the Fairness Doctrine, they have become what Nader called them...the Republicrat party.

    And the Republicans seem to be stuck in this ridiculous 80's style red baiting.

    Libertarian Bob Barr called them and their message incoherent.

    Everywhere I go I meet people who call themselves Democrats and Republicans but agree with most of what Libertarians say.

    What kind of culture shock do we need to become a 3 party system?

    Or maybe the Republicrats should go ahead and meld into 1 party and the freedom loving Libertartians could become the majority.

    We'd need to free up the Committee on Presidential Debates for one.

    What else do you think needs to happen.

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Can humans survive in the Phantom Zone?

    I'm unaware of any time in any of the versions of Superman over the years of any human successfully going to the Phantom Zone.

    It was designed and built for Kryptonians.

    I think Mon-El of the Legion was the only non-Kryptonian to enter and leave the Phantom Zone.

    Since it was designed and built for Kryptonians, would humans be too frail to survive the Phantom Zone?

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • If you have mixed % political opinons-loyalties, why should you feel any pressure to declare party loyalty?

    I'd say that I'm 60% Green and 40% Libertarian. I've got more in agreement with the Libertarians and Greens than the Republican/Democrat Uniparty.

    However, I am a registered Democrat. I can't act surprised at the Transition team usurping Obama's mandate with Clinton, Emanuel, Gates, Arne Duncan and other Center/ Right figures who are no better on issues than the Busheviks. I knew this would happen. The Democrats always shoot themselves in the foot in this manner.

    With all this criticism I have of the Democrats during the Transition, should I go ahead and change my party affiliation?

    Why should I?

    BTW, I voted for Barr, but only after it was obvious that Obama would win.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is this the ugliest week of the election cycle?

    It's a predictable pattern.

    First the Primaries, to pander to the base of the party.

    Conventions, to get a big advertisement for your candidate.

    Ads that lie,lie,lie.

    Commentary that doesn't discuss issues just the lying ads

    "Debates", look for no brilliance really just more marketing.

    And this last ugly slander filled week.

    I feel this week is the ugliest of the four year farce we call the General Election.

    And as nasty as the rhetoric has been, Ty's going to be followed by the winner's "Reach across the aisle" Speech and the loser's "He is my President and he is your President Speech".

    Do you agree that this is the ugliest week in this cycle?

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • Which Sci Fi universe would you move to if you could and why?

    Some weird gateway has opened up.

    You have a chance to move to your choice of Sci Fi Universes.

    You've got enough of your possessions in a backpack to make a decent new start in whichever you choose.

    Behind one door is the Star Trek Universe (Original Series)

    another will take you to the Dune universe

    another will take you to the Foundation.

    another will take you to the Star Wars Galaxy (just before Episode IV)

    another will take you to the Marvel Universe

    another will take you to the DC Universe

    the final one will take you to Middle Earth

    Once you step through there's no going back home.

    Which one do you choose and why???

    13 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Can you call yourself Libertarian if you don't buy the anarcho-capitalism song and dance?

    I'm probably voting for Obama.

    If it looks like he's got it locked, I'll vote for Barr instead because I agree with MOST, not all of what Libertarians profess.

    There's no litmus test for calling yourself Libertarian.

    I agree 100% on personal freedom issues.

    I feel they are right on the money with criticism of the Federal Reserve, subsidized monopolies, and other things.

    I couldn't disagree more on anarcho-capitalism. It sounds so naive! So I hold off from saying I'm a Libertarian.

    But more and more I'm repelled by the Republicrat uniparty! I'm sick of a system that rewards itself for failure with our tax dollars!

    The only ones even discussing this are the Libertarians.

    I'm finding that the Green party (in part) and the Libertarians (in part) have an agenda that is more in line with what I believe than anything coming out from either major party candiate.

    If I was going to be involved with any of them, it would be the Libertarians. But I refuse to defend anarcho-capitalism.

    How Libertarian does that make me?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I'm visiting San Fancisco, can I park at the Presidio and walk across the Golden Gate bridge?

    I only barely know the city and I've never been across the bridge.

    I'm up for a good morning walk.

    But in planning my trip how realistic is it to park at the Presidio and walk across to Golden Gate Park?

    Is there something the online tourist maps do not show?

    San Francisco1 decade ago
  • Is Ben Stein the Right Wing Michael Moore?

    Love or hate Michael Moore he did reinvent the documentary for modern times giving it a political bent with artistic license.

    And to be sure there are many dishonest film makers out there-Loose Change and the 9/11 Truth stuff springs to mind.

    But what of Ben Stein using the same techniques to give a wider audience to his anti-Darwinist viewpoint.

    Moore used artistic license when he presents footage of a dog with gun alongside an interview with a state trooper talking about an injury to a hunter while posing a picture of a dog with a gun.

    Stein uses artistic license when addressing a crowd at Pepperdine University (It was composed of almost entirely of extras per Michael Shermer a Pepperdine alum)

    When you decry someone for using artistic license when you disagree with him, what does that say when you turn a blind eye to someone you agree with using similar techniques?

    Isn't that the traditional definition of hypocrite?

    Failing to hold yourself to high standards you apply to others!

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is it fair to say Jeremy Bentham and Adam Smith were Enlightenment Thinkers?

    I'm off on a flight of deep thought again and it occurred to me that I believe I can attribute "The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of People" quote to Jeremy Bentham.

    I have to touch on Adam Smith and Classical Liberalism if I want to be fair with my next thought and bring up the impressive record of Capitalism in regard to that.

    The reason I'm curious if they were Enlightenment Thinkers is if they were and they are using science as an influence on their thought. Then Capitialism is a scientific endeavor which must be adjusted according to evidence, (such as injecting Stability into the marketplace when appropriate al Keynes) and not an ideology.

    I would go so far as as to say those that see Capitalism as an ideology are responsible for most of the evil in the world today.

    Which is a shame because the system only needs minor adjustments and we can achieve the "Rising Tide which lifts all boats"

    I want to get my facts right before wasting breath in front of an Objectivist.

    1 AnswerPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Which Faith is the most moronic, goofy, and/or just plain silly?

    ...And, this is the big question,

    what makes that faith or belief system moronic, goofy, and/or just plain silly and yours not?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who, besides the 3 Stooges running for the Oval Office, gets a Free Pass from the Mainstream Press?

    We can also exlude the current Stooge.

    If the Media had done its job in 2000 and 2003 we'd have no "Imperial Presidency"! Lame Duck Stooge anyway.

    The Press has only focused on Rev Wright.

    Not Whitewater.

    Not the Lincoln Savings and Loan scandal.

    Hillary and McCain have gotten a Free Pass so far.

    This time of the year they generally DO get a Free Pass.

    Who else not connected with the Oval Office gets a Free Pass from the Mainstream Media?

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Anyone else out there have a big middle finger for their home town/county/neighborhood?

    I just remembered my 1st pet dying and the pigs I grew up around making fun of me.

    I've moved away and that and other reasons I despise them were decades ago.

    At times I feel nostalgic!

    At times I feel that everywhere has kids whom are S H I T H E A D S!

    Then I remember and I'm glad I left as soon as I did and I've got a big middle finger for that place.

    Who else feels the same?