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Is this Rape...she 16.. he's 20 going on 21?
OK so last night me and my wife got hit with some bad news... My lil sister in law got drunk at a party and next she knew, she was give this guy HEAD when she doesn't remember saying yes.. and the guy happens to be my younger bro in laws GF older brother... and he lives in the same apt complex that my in laws(wife's mother and bro and sis) and my wife knows this guy from high school... but the thing is that my lil sis in law doesn't know that we know... we live 8 hrs away..My wife's BFF told her... Wife's BFF has been like a big sis to my wife's lil sis since we moved 2 years ago.. two to three weeks ago my sis in law call my wife's BFF to give her a ride...when she got in the car she told her if she could at her to plan parent hood to get a STD test..that when she hit her with what happened and told not to tell any one... but my wife's BFF felt like my wife really needed to know... but the thing is, we dont know when or where it happen... my wife doesn't know what to do... she things if she calls her sister... she"ll hang up... what do we do...
6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoWhat type of Auto Clear coat for paint job?
Ok so i'm have a friend of my father in law paint my ninja motorcycle. I'm painting it a Pearl white.
I was giving a list of supplies and bought everything except he clear coat. the one he needed me to buy coat a little out of my budget. I found a couple online that were way cheaper. so dose it matter what type of clear coat is used.. he only wrote on the list CLEAR COAT, no brand. there was only one brand at the store he sent me to
check this link are these ok
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoCheck out this joke??
Did you hear and the severed head that the cops found in the river.... i had a note on it..
7 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoCan to alter a small dress to be a lil bigger?
Ok so my girlfriend bought a wedding dress online, we're getting married in vegas on the 3th of next month. so she got the dress today and tried it on and it wouldn't zip all the way. It needed like about 3 inch. I helped her zip it up and it looked like it fits really good from her Waist but not her chest. She has big ones and they looked like they were ready to pop out. My question was, can you Alter a dress at the chest if its to small. it looks like it only needs to be open up like a 1/2 an inch
2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoCar insurance claim. How long?
Ok so my friend had his car keyed really bad and the 4 tires slashed. he filed the claim on the 26th feb. the insurance still haven't approved it. he didn't have a renter plan and Hes be taking the bus to work and a taxi when he gets out. ow long does it take to the insurance to fix his car. its been at the body shop since the 27th
2 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade agoI need some help, this lil girl bananas?
Ok so i'm 24 years old. I have a 18 mouth lil Gremlin/baby girl that i love with all my heart. This last month has been crazy. She's doing things that i have no idea no where she picked them up. she's been a real hand full. just yesterday she did some thing that made me want to scream. but i didn't. I was the one that left the door open to my Movie/computer room. She went in, got on top of the computer deck where i keep my laptop, open it then started riping off more then half the keys in less then 2 mins. I know people say that at this age kids get into everything, but dam this girl gets in to everything. she know how to open the cabinets, and the outlets that have baby proof locks. I just bought a baby proof fridge lock cuz last week she woke up early went in to the fridge and broke all the egg, open the mike, emptied the fruits and vegetables, and emptied anything in a squeeze bottle the she could get her hands into and spread it all over the floor. also lately she's been really demanding. When i want to take something from her that she's suppose to have, she's screams "Mine" she bites and tries to slam you.
2 AnswersParenting1 decade agoMy Lil brother in law hit my car claim it later?
OK so here goes, This weekend Me and my family went down to South Cali for me and my Girls birth day. Are birth dates are both on the 8th, so every year our family's through us a party. This time we stayed at my mother in laws house. She live i a small town home and only fits two cars under her car port. Are party was on Friday and ending at 3am the next day. So i end up sleeping all day saturday. well around the time i was sleeping. my 17 year old brother in law who lives with his dad Came over to get something from my sis in law that lives there. He was driving is girl friends moms dodge ram 2500. the car ports are small i was parked on the right so this stupid Lil Sh*t still thought that he could fit. He ended up damaging the left side of my car from the back passenger door to the front fender and didn't wake my up to tell me. i had to wake up hours later and find out. the truck had no insurance. and he can't pay for it at this time cuz he has a baby coming next month. Can i report the claim at a later time when i get some money for deductible i'm broke till march
3 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade agoPreator is Arnolds best movie Do you agree?
7 AnswersMovies1 decade agoWhats the best Arnold Swarzengger movie ever.?
Whats the best Arnold Swarzengger movie ever. ??
11 AnswersMovies1 decade agohelp with Pre Algebra Home work?
1. x/2 - 2/3=5/7
2.N to the 5th/N to the 8th power
3.a credit union charges its customers an interest rate of 3.4 percent pre year on money that is transferred into an account that is overdrawn. find the interest owed to the credit Union for 2 months when $800 is transferred into an over-drawn account.
4. Given that A is directly proportional to B, and A=10 whenB=80, Find A when B=72
and can you tell me how u did them
2 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoI need help with Vegas Wedding Budget?
Me and my girl are getting married in March of next year. We’re both having our Bachelor & bachelorette parties in Vegas and were getting married there as well. The wedding is going to be in a nice Chapel, and I already paid for 8 rooms in a casino on the strip where some of my family and friends will be staying. I only have a budget for of around $20 to $25 a head for dinner and my guest list is between 25 to 35 people. I need to find a restaurant for dinner after the wedding. I really don’t want to do a buffet, but if I have to. I would like something real nice. And yes I’m a guy planning my own wedding. Oh and is there a way to reserve a section of a restaurant or buffet. I do want my guests to have to wait in line.
2 AnswersWeddings1 decade agohelp with ninja ex500 tune up?
what size of socket do i use to change the spark plugs on my 1994 ninja ex500
1 AnswerMotorcycles1 decade agoNeed help with motorcycle turn up?
Ok i just bought a bike from a privet owner. the bike has 5200 miles on it, but its been sitting for a year and a half. the bike ride good, the owner said all it needs is a basic turn up and a carb cleaning. I call round town. shops and charging me 300 to 400 i can't afford that.
i want to do the work myself. can someone give me a list of parts that i need and instructions on how to clean a carb
2 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade agoLife left on engine on a 1993 Kawasaki EX500?
Ok the bike has 27k miles on it. How much miles does it have left?
the bike is in really good condition, and it was maintenance regally. oil change ever 1,500 miles.
2 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago1993 Kawasaki EX500 vs 1999 Ninja 250 Stormtrooper.I like both of them, witch one should i buy?
OK i found these two bike.I like both of them. this is my first bike so i really don't know a lot about motorcycles.
need help, tell me what u think
Listing link-Ninja 250
Photos-Ninja 250
Listing link-EX500
scroll down on the listing on ebay
2 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade agoNeed Help with buy first bike--price $1700?
OK i've been shopping around for a used motorcycle on craigslist. i found this 1999 250 ninja. it looks really nice, but then i seen how much miles it has. is 27000 to much? how much miles is to much? is the price to high? should i try to bring it down
the listing:
more pictures:
3 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade agoneed help with my first bike?
OK i've been shopping around for a used motorcycle on craigslist. i found this 1999 250 ninja. it looks really nice, but then i seen how much miles it has. is 27000 to much? how much miles is to much? is the price to high? should i try to bring it down
the listing:
more pictures:
3 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade agoGetting Married to come back to US from Mexico?
OK My lil sister's boyfriend and new baby's daddy just got deported two days ago. He's already in mexico.. So whats are the steps to getting him back. I know she has to get married to him. what is she going to need?( as in paper work) and where does she need to go?
were in southern Cali(palm springs area) and he's in a Border town called Mexicali, mexico 1 1/2 hr from where we live
no stupid answers, like mexicans belong mexico
need answer ASAP
6 AnswersOther - Mexico1 decade agoBaton & Pepper Spray Instructor in California?
How do i become a Baton & Pepper Spray Instructor in California, I have been doing security for 6 years now, i'm certified in both, and i have been managing a small security company for 2 of those 6 years. I think there money to make there. There are no Facility's in my area, and I have to spend all my employees 2 to 3 hours out of town to get certified.
1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoBecoming a Fugitive Recovery Agent(bounty hunter) in California?
i'm from southern california(Riverside county) i have been a security guard for 2 years. I have my CA guard card, exposed weapons permit, and i'm certified to use pepper spray, Baton, and teaser gun. I'm looking in to starting a team of three and becoming Fugitive recovery agents. i need info on how to get stared? if someone could answer a couple of Questions.
1.What are the steps?
2.What other Equipment do we need besides what we have?
3.What are the other permits that we need?permits by name please.
4.Do we need CCW(Concealed Carry Weapon) permit?
5.what are the laws in california of Bounty hunters
1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago