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  • Fifa 13 Question - Need help!!!?

    This game is really starting to irritate me. Every person I play online in seasons always has players constantly pressurizing my team THE WHOLE GAME, without getting tired. It is impossible to play a passing game and I am forced to attack fast and make mistakes. What kind of tactics are these people using? Pressure and aggression on 100? Also how come when they attack, they always have a player to pass to and when I attack there is no one making space or available to pass to? I've tried changing my tactics from long to short pass, tried changing the build up speed, but I still cannot get a good passing game going because I constantly have 3 of their players in my face all the time.

    I usually play with Arsenal, does anyone know of a decent formations and tactics, squad selection for them? Any help would be much appreciated.


    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Fifa 13 Question - Team and defense issues?

    This game is really starting to irritate me. Every person I play online in seasons always has players constantly pressurizing my team THE WHOLE GAME, without getting tired. It is impossible to play a passing game and I am forced to attack fast and make mistakes. Also, what is the best way to defend, as at the moment I contain but somehow they always find a way though my defense as my stupid defenders leave gaps HUUGE gaps open. It is frustrating, almost like my brain is to fast for the game.

    Please help as I love football and Fifa but I'm tired of wanting to throw my controller through my tv


    3 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)9 years ago
  • I hit my girlfriend, what should I do now?

    It all started about a year ago. My GF has two kids. Her late husband died a few years back. They got divorced a few years before he passed. He got custody of the kids. When he died, she obviously had to take on the kids. We started dating 2 years ago, November. She resigned from her job for certain reasons, and couldn't afford rent, expenses etc. She bullied me into her moving in with me, said that I don't really love her etc. I said to her in the beginning no, but she began calling me a hypocrite etc etc, even got her friends to call me up and slag me over the phone. I was against moving in so soon together in our relationship, but under the circumstances I allowed her to. She was living with me for a few months, when she told me her doctor told her that she shouldn't be taking the pill anymore because of her blood pressure tablets - it would be bad for her health. Then she told me the doctor told her it would be impossible for her to fall pregnant for a month or two after she went off the pill.

    I gullibly trusted her and ignorantly we had unprotected sex for a month or so after that. It was always in my mind to be more responsible and start using a condom, even though she said we didn't have to worry. We had a huge fight the one day, after many and I said to her she must move out, I want to break up. She said she was carrying my child. We did a test and it was positive. My whole world changed. So I decided to try and make things work. Our baby boy was born two months ago, and he is beautiful, but we still fight all the time. All through our relationship she has been accusing me of cheating on her. When I check my phone or type on my phone, she asks who are you chatting to. When I type on my computer she asks who are you chatting to. She is constantly accusing me of cheating on her. This has been going on since the start. I am self employed and have an I.T retail shop. Some nights I have to work late. She accuses me of cheating on her when I come home late, or looking up pornography. I put porn filters on my PC at home, and made her type in the password for it. Anyway the one night I came home, and she started accusing me again. I flipped out and grabbed her around the neck, then slapped her across the face. I said to her DON'T EVER FALSELY ACCUSE ME AGAIN. It was a horrible moment, but I just snapped. It really hurts when someone keeps falsely accusing you. Yes I know she is insecure, we went for counselling, it helped a bit but she still has major issues.

    I got so mad because I have always done what I can for her and her kids. I pay the rent, water/lights, petrol and most of the food. I treat her kids with respect and always spend time with them, fishing, helping with homework etc. I helped my GF start a business and employed her part time to work from home to bring in some extra cash. Put it this way, I am very good to all of them and they know it. But she verbally abuses me all the time. The one time I went fishing with a friend I hadn't seen in a year. My GF's son came with. She came with too (God knows why) even though she had to work that afternoon. When I said to her I'm just going to help them setup then I'll take you to work (she was waitering at the time) 15 mins, she got all upset. While i was helping the boys with the stuff, she texted me and said she will walk to work. (I was gone 10 mins). 7 months pregnant she got out the car and started walking to work. I ran back, got in my car and found her down the road. I mean WTF, she was in tears and we had another night on the side of the road. When I dropped her off at work, she said she hopes I drive off a bridge and f*cken kill myself.I was ready to end it there, but of course it would then look like I left her because of the baby. So I let it go. The baby is almost 3 months old now. Love him to bits. She has improved a bit, but she has this attitude sometimes that rubs me up the wrong way. The last two nights, I brought work home (because she hates me working late at the office.) A lot of what i do is updating software etc etc, lots of waiting. These jobs took me till 1, 2 in the morning as people need their PC's the next day. While I was waiting, I decided to play Fifa 12. Instead of her going to bed at a reasonable time, she decides to stay awake till 12 and then get upset that I'm up at that our playing Fifa. She knew I was waiting for the PC's to finish their updates etc, I even showed her. This morning she was all in my face about how all I wanna do is play video games, and never spend time with her...then she decides to throw in how I never bother to clean dishes and help around the house. I do dishes twice a week, help bath the baby and change his nappy. Help her kids with her homework, and still have work after hours. I completely snapped this morning after her tantrum, grabbed her wrists and shouted at her. Then I slapped her across the face. I was so furious. She really REALLY

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Cisco STP Root Bridge Election?

    I understand how the root bridge is elected, my question pertains to how the designated bridge is elected. Is it the path cost from a switch that determines if it becomes the designated bridge, or is it the BID or lowest MAC address that determines the designated bridge.

    For example, if I have 3 switches connected to each other in a triangle topology. Switch A is the root bridge. Now the cost from Switch B to A is 19.(Port on B on that segment's cost is 19.) The cost from Switch C to A is 4. (Cost of Switch C's port on that segment is 4.) Surely then Switch C will be elected the designated bridge? Just curious because in my studies (Train Signal) it says that Switch B is elected the designated bridge. I'm confused.

    Cisco Gurus please help a young padawan.


    1 AnswerComputer Networking9 years ago
  • Cisco Networking STP Root Bridge Election?

    I am learning about spanning tree protocol in my Cisco studies and am confused a bit with the root and designated bridge election. Please correct if I'm wrong in saying the following.

    In a 3 Switch topology:

    If all costs are equal to the root bridge, the switch with the lowest BID will become the designated bridge. The port in the common segment of this switch becomes the designated port.

    Now what if the costs to reach the root bridge are different? Does the switch which advertises the lowest cost to the root bridge become the designated bridge? In the example in my text book, they have 3 switches. For some reason, although Switch C has a lower cost to the root bridge (4), switch B is still elected the designated bridge (cost of 19).

    The cost from Switch A (Root Bridge) through Switch C to B is equal to 8 (4 x 2). The cost straight from A to B is 19. So I understand the port on Switch B linking to C becomes the root port, but WHY is Switch B even elected the designated bridge in the first place?

    I'm confused, any Cisco gurus out there help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks you

    2 AnswersComputer Networking10 years ago
  • Cisco Subnetting Question?

    How to work out a subnet mask from an IP address on a default mask? I'm studying for my Cisco ICND1

    and need to know how to find the subnet mask of an I.P address such as with a default mask of or /24?


    2 AnswersComputer Networking10 years ago
  • Cisco 800 Series Router No VLAN?

    I purchased a refurbished Cisco 800A series router for studying. It won't let me add VLANS, cannot even find 1. Originally I tried to add an I.P address to one of the four fast ethernet interfaces...I got an error saying that it cannot add I.P addresses to L2 interfaces. So then I read somewhere you have to use a VLAN in order for the interfaces to have an I.P.

    Fine enough so I went into global configuration and tried to get into VLAN1. It bring up the ^ error on the L in VLAN. After I type Interface and then ?, VLAN is not even an option there. So I ran "show ip int brief" from exec mode and also VLAN1 is not even listed. All it brings up is the 4 fast Ethernet ports, ATM, and two Ethernet ports.

    I'm I just being stupid and missing something small? I reset the router to factory defaults before I started. "Write erase" then "reload"

    Please help as I have a week left to get these commands down.

    Thank you

    3 AnswersComputer Networking10 years ago
  • Difference between Open and Shared Authentication?

    I need to know when using Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), what is the actual difference between the two Authentication modes 'Open' and 'Shared.' What I know so far and I'm hoping it is correct is that when using Open, a wireless client has access to the AP but can only associate with it, meaning it can connect to it but only send and receive packets if both the WEP key on the AP and client are exactly the same. If the client has no key, or the key is different, data cannot be transmitted, even though it will still say the device is connected (Associated)

    With Shared, the only difference is that there is additional information (in clear text) that is sent to the wireless client during the association. So the actual WEP key is more vulnerbale to sniffers and would be easier to crack because they are able to view that clear text additional information.

    Is this the only difference between the two authentication methods? Am I correct in saying even if the AP and the wireless client do not have the same WEP key, they still associate (connect) with one another but data cannot be transmitted between them?

    Thanks in advance

    1 AnswerComputer Networking10 years ago
  • Creation via evolution?

    I've been giving this serious thought. I just read a verse in Genesis in the Bible which speaks about the condition the world was in before sin. It says the animals and nature were in harmony, it was perfect. Basically animals did not eat each other. Now there are many who believe in a Creator and evolution, that is that God created life and ultimately mankind via evolution.

    The problem I have with this is that if evolution is true, that means the world was not perfect before Adam and Eve arose (homo sapiens). Survival was the main driving force behind evolution. Meaning organisms had to compete and evolve physically to withstand any outside threat, including predators. This is very common in the fossil record and generally what we see to today. Animals and plants, basically every living organism has these survival traits, most of which are physical traits. Now according to Genesis, humans were the last to be created. Which means if we are trying to harmonize evolution with creation i.e God created via evolution, all the animals would have been fully evolved before the rise of homosapiens. In order for this to occur, those survival mechanisms MUST have evolved. This can only be if there was a food chain. i.e organisms and animals ate each other, depending on the food chain. Therefore, the two ideas or accounts of our origin are contradictory, much to my dismay as I believe in God. Anyone have an answer to this? Theistic evolutionists the stage is yours...

    4 AnswersAnthropology10 years ago
  • A question to evolutionists?

    Thank you for all those who posted on my previous questions. I now have a question for evolutionists who believe we came about by chance.

    1.) The vast amounts of information/instructions in DNA. How you think that came about? It's natural to think that when we see instructions in any machine, they were coded and placed there by the engineer/creator of the machine.

    2.) The complexity and order of cells and their nanomachines. Surely it would take much longer for such complexity to evolve (given the estimate that the complexity in life we see today took 6 billion years.)

    3.) Is evolution based purely on natural selection via cell mutation?

    I am honestly open minded and just want the truth. I was sitting in my car today, looking at the waves and was thinking...if I had to abandon my faith in God, I would still have this nagging feeling in me that He is real. I look at this world, I look at the story of Jesus Christ and I know somehow we need a Saviour. I know deep down there is just something more to life. I feel guilt when I sin. I feel that the lifestyle I'm leading at the moment is wrong and I want to change. Surely if we are just animals these types of feelings and emotions would die quickly?

    10 AnswersBiology10 years ago
  • Questions for theistic evolutionists?

    I did ask this as an additional question in one of my other posts, but I think it deserves it's own post.

    1. If God initiated the process of evolution, that means million of species had to suffer and die in order for homo sapiens to arise, so that God could fulfill his plan. Does this not seem wasteful? I know God is not bound by time, but it just seems a bit well yes wasteful and almost callous.

    2. What was the purpose of God creating dinosaurs if they all became extinct? If they ever did exist beside man, why were they not taken on the ark? And if they were taken on the ark, a lot of people say they died after the flood due to dramatic climate change. So they were taken on the ark in vain anyways, which does not make sense. (God knew the climatic change would take place and kill off the dinosaurs)....or did he? Which brings me to my final question...

    3. Before God created the universe, did he know that mankind would sin and rebel against him? Some one told me the other day that predestination was instituted by that St Augustine fellow and is a false teaching. But then why does the Bible say Jesus existed before the creation of man? God had to have known man would sin in order for that plan of salvation to be in place.

    By the way, I do believe in God...I just find it difficult sometimes to understand with the brain and logic God has given me the the first place.

    14 AnswersAnthropology10 years ago
  • Questions for evolutionists?

    I saw an interesting video the other day about flaws in evolution. Personally I have a neutral opinion as there are things that certainly attest the theory of evolution, but there are also a lot of discrepencies too. This particular video contained photos of plants and trees that were vertically upright, passing through so called millions of layers of different rock ages. Is there a logical explanation for this?

    Another interesting hypothesis was that the 'ape' like fossilized skulls found and considered to 'missing links' were actually the skulls of human beings who lived much longer (hundreds of years as mentioned in the Bible). The characteristics of the skulls, (prominent brow ridges and elongated skulls) would be common in a human being who actually lived that long, as those parts of the body never stop growing.

    Relevant to that, a while back I watched an interesting video about the history of cellular mutations in generations and the further back we go, the less mutations occured ancestrally speaking. In every new generation, it is a fact that + -100 more mutations occur. Which makes sense to think the further we go back, mutations were less and less. Ultimately meaning people would live much longer as they were healthier at a cellular level.

    So I guess I'm asking anyone who has considerable knowledge in geological and biological evolution to provide me with answers/reasons. As I mentioned I am not fully convinced of evolution, but I am open to it and more evidence obviously. Thanks

    14 AnswersAnthropology10 years ago
  • My girlfriend lied to me about how far she is being pregnant...?

    To cut a long story short, my girfriend went off the pill about a month and a half ago (according to what she told me.) Reason being her blood pressure. I then find out now that she is either caryying twins or is 3 months pregnant. She told me a few times she is only 6 weeks, and that the doctor told her it would be nearly impossible to fall pregnant after being on the pill considering her age (35) and that it would take 6 weeks for that to happen.

    She has two kids already, and moved in with me, originally against my will, because she had no where to go and lost her job. it's been a financial hell for me, she doesn't pay rent, levi, and most of the time end up buying all the groceries. On top of all that, she gives me grief when I come home from work late, or when i get a message on my phone. She thinks I'm cheating on her, and constantly accuses me of it. I work all day, study 2 hours at night, and when i want some along time to do my own thing like play my guitar and play videogames for like an hour and a half max, she goes completely beserk, screams at me and then won't speak to me till the next day.

    Before I discovered she was pregnant, I wanted her to leave...then she told me she might be carrying my child. It has been a living nightmare since then (two weeks ago), I tried to make it work and she promised to change her attitude, but the other night again she went beserk. I lay that night staring at the ceiling thinking what the hell should i do. i decided to move out the next day, out of MY OWN flat.

    We are going for a scan today to see if she really has twins or if she really is 3 months pregnant. I have never felt so sad and depressed in my life. To think that she went off the pill on purpose to fall pregnant without telling me makes my stomach turn. She has played on my emotions and originally when I told her she cannot move in with me, she said that I'm such a hypocrite and that God will never forgive me etc etc.

    I will find out today if she had been lying to me about the pregnancy, but regardless i have tried to make it work, given her everything but it won't. Do you think I'm making the right choice to leave her regardless? I am 28 btw

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Guild Wars 2 character names?

    I have a Guild Wars 1 char who has accomplished quite a bit. I don't like her name though anymore. Would it still be possible to transfer all her accomplishments via the HoM and still give that new char created in guild wars 2 a different name but attain all those titles/accomplishments?

    Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • A thought provoking question for Theists about the fall of man, when Adam ate the fruit of good and evil.?

    So Adam disobeys God, and eats the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This meaning only once he ate the fruit did he understand he was disobeying God? If he had no knowledge of good and evil before eating the fruit, how can his disobedience be counted as being evil and deserve to be punished?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Left handed amino acids and the origin of life.?

    This is a genuine and sincere question to those who propose life on earth came about by chance. The "left handedness" of amino acids in all life forms poses a serious problem to macro evolutionists. The Miller-Urey experiment also was proven false after they discovered the intial conditions of the earth in the experiment were wrong. The same people tried the same experiment again with the right initial conditions and no amino acids were formed. A little fact that no one actually knows or bothered to do research on. So the question is how did all life on earth form where clearly if by chance we would have a mixture of both left and right handed amino acids?

    4 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • How do young earth creationists explain how we can see the light from stars millions of light years away?

    This question is sincere as I personally believe in God and the BB theory. Please no comments on evolution.

    12 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Is the nokia N8 a decent phone?

    My upgrade is soon and I need a phone with a decent camera, lots of space for music and one that I don't have to wait for it to move through menu items. Meaning it must be quick. I have had bad luck with Nokias in the past. Will this one change that?

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Top 10 computer/video games of all time?

    There are certain games we like, certain games we hate with a passion. Then there are games that simply rock our world, games that when mentioned strike a soft spot in our hearts and remind us of what an amazing experience it was to play them. Below is a list of games I have compilled that over the years have simply dazzled me and outshone the other 'good' games (In no order of importance). I want to see your list too and a short description as to why.

    1. Super Mario Brothers 3 (The king of platform games in my opinion.)

    2. Don Doko Don (An old 8bit platform game I used to play with my sister on our Golden China. It was even better than the Mario Brothers 1.) SOO much fun.

    3. Space Quest. (Roger Wilco became a household name after my cousins and I used to spend almost every holiday and weekends playing and replaying. WE WILL WE WILL MAKE IT after the Queen song, was the chant as we skimmed across the hazardous desert dodging rocks in hovercraft. Good memories.

    4. Mortal Kombat 2. The only time my friends and I ever got into fights was when we played this game. We were passionate about it and knew every move and fatality for each character. I remember the violence in this game caused quite a stir.

    5. Warcraft 2. Great graphics, gameplay and humor. This was the reason why I wanted a computer.

    6. Half-life. Simply the greatest FPS ever. Great engine, truly unforgettable storyline, clever level design, fun multiplayer...the list goes on.

    7. Final Fantasy 7. This game took a huge chunk out of my social life. Epic is the word.

    8. God of War 3. One of the latest titles I have played and one that will definately leave a lasting impression. Simply breathtaking at times, Kratos is a machine!

    9. Full throttle. A gem in the adventure genre and a classic in general. Also had one of the best soundtracks ever in a game. (The Gone Jackals)

    10. Doom. There was something about this game that scared the crap out of you, but still brought you back for more. Never have I valued my artificial life in a game before as much as when I played Doom. The atmosphere they created is unparalleled.

    There are a few others I couldn't squeeze into the list, but they deserve to be mentioned.

    Civilization, Tomb Raider 1+2, Quake , Baldur's Gate 1+2, Contra, Discworld, Diablo, Dead Space, Comix Zone, Skitchin, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil too name a few

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Color Fax Scanner Copier that has an unpluggable handset?

    Im looking for a fax/scanner/copier that prints color and has a removable handset. The Samsung f 650p looks great but its monochrome. Anyone know of a machine that fits that description and is good quality? Thanks

    1 AnswerScanners1 decade ago