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Lv 43,029 points

Spellbound By My Every Move

Favorite Answers30%
  • Why do people waste their money on Netflix when..?

    Why do people waste their money on Netflix when they can simply buy an HDMI cord,

    attach it from their computer to their t.v. and go on free movie websites like this -->

    and watch the tv show or movie of their choice for free on their t.v.?


    I said the same thing to a couple of friends who have Netflix, and maybe they didn't understand English or something, cause after I showed them, they were shocked on how simple it is and shocked at the large scale selection of movies they can watch.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • I end up feeling very angry when someone I'm talking to ignores me, what does this mean?

    I end up feeling very angry when someone I'm talking to ignores me

    in more ways than one, example if a girl I like ignores me one day while I try to talk to her even though we are not fighting, I get really angry, to the point wear I want to punch a wall or break down a door or something.

    another example: If let's say a friend was always playing on his phone and I'm talking to him and he can hear me, but he doesn't respond, because he's too focused on his phone, I start getting angry.....and if he keeps doing it, I get even more angry, to the point again where I want to punch a wall.

    I just don't like it when people ignore me, whether it's on purpose or by accident, it makes me very angry,, is there something wrong with me, or am I just crazy? what do you think it is, cause I don't know?

    5 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • This year I'm celabrating Halloween on Christmas, what do you have to say to that?

    Got the idea from Tardis and I'm serious about doing it, cause I like to try new, fun and weird things, so what the heck I'm dressing up as a Vampire elf on Christmas Halloween.

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Atheists what do you think?

    My question is from an answer I answered some days ago, I just want to hear your opinion am i right or am i wrong and why?

    You don't have to be atheist to answer, everyone is welcome, just give me a good reason to why I may be wrong.

    If ghosts existed they would have atoms, cause everything in the universe is made up of atoms - even if there was a ghost standing next to you as we speak - it doesn't mean it exists, there are many other logical reasons to why you're seeing a ghost, but it does not exist, cause if it did it would contain atoms and those atoms would spread around even after it makes itself invisible - nothing in this world magically disappears in thin air without a trace and then reappear, everything that is invisible is traceable because it contains visible atoms and since everything in the universe is made up of atoms and ghosts don't have any atoms, no atoms = none existent and none existent ghost=no heaven and no heaven=no god.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Would you ever go out with someone ( male or female ) who is mute?

    Would you ever go out with someone ( male or female ) who is not and can not speak a word out loud at all, but is still literate.

    explain why.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Would you rather live in a townhouse(duplex) in an apartment, or in a regular modern day house?

    I love living in duplex townhouse homes, because as soon as I step out I'm stepping on a huge playground surrounded by other attached townhouses and I like that cause there's always people outside playing or hanging out in the neighborhood and my friends in the neighborhood are all at walking distance. I hate living in today's modern houses, cause it's nothing like a townhouse neighborhood, you step out and there is your yard then there's the road and nothing but roads and other houses with yards, nobody is playing outside and those who do go out separate from the neighborhood and when that happens the neighborhood just feels so empty, quiet and depressing, I'm too much of a happy person to live in a place like that.

    Where would you rather live. if you have or didn't have a choice?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Why are some people too lazy to vote for best answer?

    Especially the people who ask fun none serious questions.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What do you think about this idea that I have?

    Imagine we can learn to become anything we want through video game consoles,

    example if I want to grow up to be a mechanic, instead of going to school, I can simply buy a video game, place it in a console like Xbox and step by step it'll teach me and show me everything I need to know to become a mechanic, so If I need grade 10 math the game will teach me all the math I need, after I learn all the book work in the game, the game will then allow me to play as a 3D mechanic character repairing 3D cars the same way I would in real life, after I finish all the lessons and beat the game I can then print out a certificate and be known as an official real life mechanic. The game will also have internet access to help you with things you might not understand.

    Do you think that is a great idea? Do you think it's something worth having in this world?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Have you ever invented a new word and used it?

    Have you ever invented a new word and used it?...if so what kind of word is it and what does it mean.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What do you think you're alive for?

    What do you think is your suppose in life as a human being? Do you think you're alive just to keep the human species going, or do you think your alive to be someone's puppet or someone's experiment. I'm just brain storming here, but what fo you think is your suppose in life as a human being.

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What was the most amazing dream you ever had?

    Sex dreams don't count since they're always amazing...

    10 Points for best detailed answer

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What would you do if you were the most powerful person on earth?

    Would you rather want to watch the world burn by playing with peoples lives?


    Would you make the world as fair/free/friendly/modern as possible?

    or would you use your powers in some other way?

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What would you do if you had a million dollars?

    What would you do if you had a million dollars? The sky's the limit.

    5 AnswersInvesting8 years ago
  • Do you think the legal age of having intercourse is stupid or rational?

    Do you think it's stupid that the law says couples need to be 18 or older to have sex, or do you think it's rational. I mean if for example a 16 year old teenage girl went out with a 28 year old guy, who's to say it is right or wrong for them to be a couple and for them to have sex. What if for example the 28 year old guy was a man child and less educated than the teen girl, but still smart enough to have a great job and is very sweet and nice and trust worthy, do you think that would make it an okay exception for the 16/28 year old who are in love to date and go as far as they want, even if he wasn't a man child let's say there was nothing wrong with either of them and they were both just deeply in love for real, who's to say they can be a couple or not.

    Did you see a big difference in yourself as a 15 year old to 18 year old person. I mean an 18 year old person can still be as dumb as or even dumber than a 15 year old...I don't know...I just don't see anything wrong with it..I mean If I had a 16 year old daughter and she and a 28 year old guy went out with each other cause they liked each other, I wouldn't mind it, especially if I knew the guy and his family for a long time and lets pretend I felt even more okay with it because they were cousins, no matter the situation the law isn't okay with it. Do you think the law is stupid and needs to have some exceptions, or do you think it makes sense to stand by it? ohh and FYI this has nothing to do with me in any way, I'm just curious about the whole thing. (10 pts for best answer)

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Is it okay to wear a mascot costume on Halloween?

    Is it okay to wear a mascot costume on Halloween, cause I have one and I don't know if it's okay to wear one or not. Help!

    1 AnswerHalloween8 years ago
  • Would it be weird if I bought my girlfriend a tiara?

    Would it be weird if I bought my girlfriend a tiara as a gift for no reason and we've only been in a relationship for 1 month?... Also would it be even weirder if someone bought their crush a tiara as a gift for no reason? I just want to know the second question for future reference, but would it give me the message of being romantic or a message that says I'm trying to hard and or too fast.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Should universities lead our countries instead?

    I had this crazy thought, What if universities were the leaders of our nations instead of governments. What do you think? Do you think in some imaginary universe if universities did rule our countries it would make the world a better place? do you think it would eliminate corruption and all? I can image so many possibilities just by thinking about it, what about you?

    5 AnswersGovernment8 years ago