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southern girl

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  • How big do you think my puppy will get?

    I have a pit bull terrier puppy that will be 9 weeks on 2/21/14. She weighs 12lbs. 5oz. Her dad was 70 lbs not fully grown and grandpa was 110. Her mom was fully grown at 55-60lbs. She has very big feet and very thick bones. She is not "bully pit" or whatever those kind are that are ridiculously bulked up. Just wondering how big you think she will be, my guess is somwhere around 60-70 lbs...

    5 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Tips on getting more bend in a barrel horse?

    I have a 6yr. old quarter horse that has about two months of barrel training. He is currently loping a pattern in the 3D, he is going to be super nice when he is finished! The only issue we are having is that he really flattens out in his turns when you add more speed. He has always been rather stiff throughout his whole body since i purchased him a few months back. With lots of slow work he has turned out really nice, bending a lot more, but like i said he gets stiff when you add speed. I just want to know if y'all have any suggestions about how to keep his whole body at an arc around his turns because he really wants to turn flat. I own his 3/4 brother who is a pro caliber barrel horse that also doesn't have a lot of bend, it's just his turning style. I'm not looking to get an over bendy horse cause its just not gonna happen but just want to know some exercises that will keep him soft and supple through his body without him getting sour on the pattern. Any sort of exercises y'all have in mind would really help! Thanks

    2 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • What is this horse worth?

    Was wondering what y'all think this horse is actually worth. He is broke to ride but doesn't know anything like break at the pole, side pass, lateral flex, pretty much things i consider to be basic. He is about 200lbs. underweight, i just bought him for what I think was a little much but I didn't wanna leave him there where he'd just get skinnier. I own his 3/4 brother and he's worth about $80,000. This guy is built the same and has the same attitude and way of moving. What is the top dollar y'all would've paid for him? See his bloodlines here

    4 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • How are these horses related?

    I know they are at least half brothers but their mom's are also closely related. What would be the correct name for the two, half brothers? 3/4 brothers? etc. These are the links to their pedigrees

    1 AnswerHorses8 years ago
  • Do you let your dog sleep in your bed?

    I was just wondering where your dog sleeps? I've read where some people say letting them sleep in bed with you is a bad idea and I was wondering why? My personal dogs, 5 of them, sleep in my queen size bed with me. 4 of them are 50-70 lbs and the other one is 25lbs. Every night they sleep with me and they all have their own spot that they sleep in every single night. I don't see the problem. And than of course the working dogs sleep outside on a chain in a doghouse.

    14 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • What should I do with this dog to get rid of her?

    A friend left a black mouth cur at my house and said she don't want her just to shoot her. She is full cur and a very nice looking dog but won't bay a hog and also can't be a pet because she doesn't like people. I can't shoot her because she doesn't do anything bad but I don't want to keep feeding her either. She isn't aggressive at all but you simply can't catch her. She will get a few feet away from you when you feed her but that's it. She is normally kept on a chain because of this. Any ideas on how to get rid of her without shooting her or paying a ridiculous fee to take her to the pound? And btw she is most likely pregnant, thanks to my dumb friend that couldn't keep her locked up. She simply left her at my house and said if I don't want her shoot her.

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Rate this horse please!?!?

    I'm thinking of buying him I really really like him although he does look a little thin. I've talked to the owner and she seems very honest with everything. I want to know what you think of him, just wondering if some of you have the same taste in horses as me.

    7 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Do eventing horses make a lot of money?

    I see these horses are priced outrageously and i was just wondering do they make that much money back to pay for themselves? I have barrel horses and my good horse makes anywhere from $1,000 to $3000 a week depending on where i haul him. I was just curious if there is a lot of money in it

    2 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • how can this "shelter" get away with this?

    There is a no kill shelter in Dayton, Tx that keep dogs in horrible conditions! I got a dog from there that i had to pay $80 for and she was almost dead she was so skinny and was in a tiny kennel with 3 other dogs and to top it off there was AT LEAST a foot of feces compacted throughout the kennel. they have around 150 dogs, many of which have mange and every single dogs' ribs are showing and look terrible. the dog i got had been there 4 years according to their records. I really don't know how she lasted that long. they are supposed to be closing down the shelter in the next few months but why aren't any actions being taken to help these dogs. no rescue groups or the houston spca even want to take one or two dogs. i know every dog there will be put down eventually if they close it down like they're supposed to. She has dogs listed on petfinder but the pics are all very outdated and the dogs actually look in decent health. they look like a very nice shelter on the internet but i have been there in person several times and the conditions haven't changed at all. it is disgusting how they make these dogs live. here are some of their animals on petfinder and they look so healthy but none of them look even half that good in person. he kennels in the pictures are so clean but everytime i've been there they are piled high in feces. i just don't understand how this is possible

    6 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • is it safe to give a horse peppermint tea?

    i have a horse with allergies in the summer. he gets a build up of mucous in his throat when you work him. after a workout he has a difficult time breathing, it takes him about an hour to go back to breathing completely normal so he doesn't get worked in the summer. i was wondering if it was safe to give him peppermint tea since people use it for opening their airways and for allergies. what do y'all think? and if you have any other suggestion for a natural aid for allergies please share.

    2 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Expert horse people please answer!?

    i have a horse that quit sweating on me last summer and again this summer, but has started sweating again in the past couple weeks. i know this is a very common issue around my area (southeast texas) but i was wondering if any of y'all have any kind of experience dealing with this. i'm wanting to know what kind of supplements you've used to get them sweating again and if you know what may factor into causing this such as the amount of pollen, mold, etc. and if any of you know where i can find weather reports for my area for the past months so that i could compare the weather weeks ago to today's weather. i do know his sweating problem has to do with him developing allergies but we're not sure what exactly is causing it. he normally does not sweat until september so i would like to take this opportunity to try and figure out what is different this year. any info. would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • any ideas on how to keep my dog from roaming the neighborhood?

    i have a dog that is around 45lbs that is a cur/heeler/rat terrier mix. he stays inside when we're inside with him but when we leave we put him on a chain because he has a bad habit of jumping our 7ft. fence. he doesn't climb it, he completely jumps over it! his dad is the exact same way. they both are unneutured so they leave whenever you turn your back. i don't like having to chain the dogs up when we leave, i rather let them have free roam of the yard like all the other dogs, it's about 2 acres. my one dog rodeo, has been shot through the chest with a .22 and i also believe he was shot at a far distance with a shotgun because he has bb's in his ears, face, and chest. the other dog red has been shot once through both back legs with yet another .22. it is impossible to watch the dogs 24/7 when they're outside because i am normally working when i am outside. we have tried shock collars but you have to recharge them and it seems like as soon as you take them off somebody lets them outside, probably my other dog that knows how to open doors. i was just curious if y'all had any ideas on how to keep them home, they are escape artists! i have yet to find a fence that will keep them in and red does not care about the shock collar because he knows when he gets far enough it will quit shocking him because it's out of range. i am so tired of people shooting them and one day it will be a fatal shot, it's just a matter of time. please any suggestions?

    13 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • name for barrel horse?

    i bought a new horse. his registered name is whiz is dancing and they called him biscuit. i really can't stand that name so he needs a new barn name. he's a registered appendix buckskin and he's more of a lean horse with a lot of legs under him. he is just tall and lanky looking. i need a nice short name but something that fits him. he has a really quite personality and gets along with all the other horses. any ideas???

    7 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • thinking about breeding my dog?

    I have a 2 yr. old black mouth cur. her sister got killed by a hog last week and was wanting some more pups of the same bloodlines before she gets on a rough hog and dies also. i was thinking would breed her to a pit that way the pups would be able to be a catch dog or a find dog. i know it's only a matter of time before she gets cut to bad and i have to shoot her because she doesn't shy away from any hog but i would love to have some more dogs with the same personality. what do yal think?

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • How old is this baby possum?

    The neighbors got 5 baby possums out of their wall yesterday and i have one. His eyes are open and he has fur but no teeth (there is little nubs but thats it) and he only pees when you wipe him with a damp towel. he wont eat any sort of solid food but will drink puppy milk out of a syringe. if yal have any idea how old he is or any kind of special needs he mave have please let me know. thanks!

    8 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Why are stray cats forced to live in shelters?

    Ok there are cats everywhere where i live. they're just all feral cats that go everywhere. you cant touch them or even get within 30 feet of them. nobody feeds them and they are just fine. cats are able to take care of themselves so im just wondering why do people catch feral cats that you will never be able to touch and tak them to a shelter where their just euthanized. why not let them stay wild and actually live their life? like on animal cops or somethin where there's hoarders with cats locked in the house that you can touch, why not open the doors and let them out instead of wasting their time and money by catching these wild cats and than killing them. i really wonder why people dont just let them live on their own. they fend for themselves just fine.

    8 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Knee injury in a horse?

    My 11 year old barrel horse has a knee injury. he is fine right now but the vet said he will either start limping again and we'll have to get him injections again and for the rest of his life, or he'll be fine. its to early to tell. i was wondering how many of yal have experienced this and what the outcome was. his cartlage between the joint in his knee has worn down due to some kind of injury such as another horse kicking him in the knee or such. have any of yal ever experienced something like this?

    4 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • good southern name for new filly?

    My mare had a baby sunday and i have no idea what her name is going to be. her registered name is shez gunna bully em but i dont have a nickname. she is a paint, real long legged, like her dad, super sweet and outgoing. if she sees somthing new she goes to investigate. she real quick and can stop on a dime, she's only two days old, and she's going to be a barrel horse. if yal have any suggestions please let me know. but no names like spot, or something real girly like prancer or something.

    20 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What would you say if your 16 year old friend is talking to someone who's 30?

    I have a friend that has just turned 16 and met this guy at the beach a couple days ago. she swears their just friends but i dont believe her. should i be worried? i mean he seems like a nice guy.

    8 AnswersFriends1 decade ago