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  • So... care to recommend some music you think I might like?

    I've never actually done one of these, so I thought why not.

    This is what I listen to:

    Now you suggest what you think I might like. I'll take any suggestions.

    9 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • It's Kid A's 10th birthday! Top 5 Radiohead songs?

    I dunno if this has been done yet, but I also don't really care. Kid A was released ten years ago today... talk about holding up well.

    Here's mine:

    1. Reckoner

    2. Street Spirit (Fade Out)

    3. Motion Picture Soundtrack

    4. Karma Police

    5. A Wolf at the Door

    BQ: Favorite Radiohead album?

    BQ2: Now playing?

    BQ3: Will you be listening to Kid A in honor of it's release?

    15 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Happiness Is a Warm Gun (The Beatles) vs Paranoid Android (Radiohead)?

    Which do you think is the better song? They are pretty similar and Paranoid Android is supposedly inspired by it. I love Paranoid Android but I think I'm going to have to go with HIaWG as it's my favorite Beatles song by a country mile.

    BQ: Now playing?

    BQ2: Best album from both bands?

    BQ3: Better vocalist: Thom Yorke vs John Lennon?

    11 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Kurt Cobain vs. Noel Gallagher?

    Obviously two very important songwriters of the 90's... who do you think is better? I'm sure those of you who know me know which one I'd pick but I'm curious to see what you guys have to say.

    BQ: Better lyricist?

    BQ2: Better melody writer?

    BQ3: Better vocalist?

    5 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Does anyone actually think Sgt. Pepper's is the best Beatles album?

    I don't understand how it constantly gets voted the best album of all time, it's not even the best Beatles album. I mean it's a good album but Abbey Road, the White Album and Revolver are all definitely better and there are a couple others who could fight it for 4th position. If you truly believe it to be the best... why?

    BQ: Now playing?

    BQ2: Favorite album so far from 2010?

    BQ3: Favorite Beatles album?

    27 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • What are your top 5 favorite Muse tracks?

    In honor of me getting back into Muse for the first time in probably eight or nine months I'd like to propose this question. What are your top five favorite Muse songs?

    Mine are probably:

    1. Citizen Erased

    2. Map of the Problematique

    3. The Small Print

    4. Space Dementia

    5. Eternally Missed

    BQ: Rate Bellamy as a guitarist on a 1-10 scale. (If you are just a Muse fan and don't know crap about guitars or guitarists don't bother.)

    BQ2: Favorite Muse album?

    5 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Favorite albums to fall asleep to?

    Mine are probably Coldplay's 'X&Y' and Sigur Ros' 'Agaetis byrjun'.

    BQ: Now playing?

    BQ2: Favorite album cover?

    17 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Best Spiritualized songs?

    I have a feeling I'm going to get very few answers to this but whatever. What are your favorite Spiritualized songs? If you don't know them you should check them out, very good stuff. I've only heard three albums (LAGWAFIS, Let It Come Down and Songs In A&E) so I need to check out the others though.

    For me it's probably:

    1. Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space

    2. Broken Heart

    3. Death Take Your Fiddle (I get the chills on this one...)

    4. I Didn't Mean To Hurt You

    BQ: Now playing?

    BQ2: Favorite Spiritualized album?

    5 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Best post-(WtS)MG Oasis album?

    What do you think is their best album not counting their first two? I have to go with either Dig Out Your Soul or Don't Believe the Truth, both are good.

    BQ: Now playing?

    BQ2: Favorite britpop album?

    11 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Favorite delivery of a song lyric?

    Right now for me it's got to be Lee Mavers shouting 'I'm not scared to die, god help me' in the La's song 'Freedom Song'.

    BQ: Now playing?

    BQ2: Opinions on the La's?

    3 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Unrelated Band Battle: The Stone Roses vs. The Kinks?

    Maybe a little less unrelated then the usual ones but whatever. Which one is your choice and if you don't explain you won't get best answer.

    BQ: Now playing?

    BQ2: Favorite album by both?

    3 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • 1984 fans, who would you cast in a hypothetical movie? + Cast your favorite book?

    I'm pretty bored so I've been thinking of things to entertain me and this was one of them. I love the book and think it would be a successful film (Not a fan of the original movie) if it had a good cast and script. Pretend you are the casting director and pick actors for the main roles.

    Here are my picks (I think these would be inspired casting choices tbh):

    Paddy Considine as Winston

    Gemma Arterton as Julia

    Liam Neeson as O'Brien

    I can't think of anyone who could better play trustworthy then Liam Neeson. He'd get everyone to love him and trust him I'm sure plus he also brings the starpower that Paddy and Gemma might lack. Paddy Considine is of course Paddy Considine and is perfect for Winston. I had more trouble thinking of a good actress to play Julia but I remembered Gemma from James Bond and I think she'd be quite good.

    Who do you think would be good choices? If you haven't read the books then obviously don't answer.

    BQ: What do you think of my picks?

    BQ2: Go ahead and cast the main roles of your favorite book, if you want.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Classic albums of the 2000's?

    What albums do you think will be considered classics in the future? I don't mean anything as big as Pet Sounds or Sgt. Peppers or whatever but more along the lines of The Stone Roses and The Queen Is Dead.

    Some of my picks:

    Funeral - Arcade Fire

    Kid A - Radiohead

    Is This It - The Strokes

    Obviously I can think of more but I want to hear what albums other people think will stand the test of time.

    BQ: Now playing?

    BQ2: Favorite album of the 2000's?

    11 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Unrelated Band Battle: Radiohead vs. Pink Floyd?

    So here's another installment of my unrelated band battle questions. This time it's Radiohead and Pink Floyd... I want you to forget all influences and popularity of the bands and just focus on the music. Who do you think is better? If you haven't heard one of them then either don't answer or listen to a song or two of the one you haven't heard and come back. Also tell me why you think your pick is better. Just answering with the band will guarantee you won't get best answer.

    BQ: Now playing?

    BQ2: Favorite album by both?

    22 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • R&P: Any of you into classical music?

    Was just wondering if any of you listened to classical music on a regular basis. I have no interest in going over to the classical section though as it's full of huge ****-bags. So yeah, I just remembered I've got a cd with Tchaikovsky's stuff on it and remembered I love him. Let's see who you like.

    BQ: Favorite composer/s?

    BQ2: Favorite piece?

    5 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Do any of you in all honesty believe that the "Ground zero Mosque" shouldn't be built?

    I'm genuinely curious because I have yet to hear a solid argument opposing it. Please enlighten me. (This is in here because I'm more interested in the religious aspect of it rather than the social...).

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Unrelated Band Battle: The Smiths vs. The Who?

    Things are bit slow around here so I though I'd ask a question. Who do you think is better and why? I'm going to have to go with the Smiths but the Who have definitely been growing on me lately.

    BQ: Now playing?

    BQ2: Best album by both bands?

    15 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Looking for similar lyricists... help me out?

    So I've been getting into lyrics a hell of a lot more than I used too and I'm looking for some good lyricists. The kind I'm looking for are the literate/smart/funny kind... Pretty much the Stephen Fry's of music if you get what I'm saying.

    Similar to:

    Neil Hannon (The Divine Comedy)

    Jarvis Cocker (Pulp)

    Morrissey (The Smiths)

    If the music is similar to them that's great too. Thanks all.

    6 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • What are the best albums you're 99% sure no one on here has heard?

    Just curious. I'll throw in my pick of the self-titled album 'Montezumas'. It's the Tallest Man on Earth's (Folk artist who you might have heard -- He's great) old band who as far as I know only released one album. It's a cool mix of Strokes garage-rock with his raspy vocals and Doors-ien keyboards with harmonica thrown in every once in a while. (Blame The Dogs, Studio Version) (This Nervous Man, Live)

    If you want to hear the album hit me up with a message and I'll help you out. Now let's hear your unheard albums.

    22 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Why has all music been garbage since the 1800's?

    I mean really it's obvious that the artists back then were much more intelligent and put way more effort into their work. We had Tchaikovsky, Liszt, Saint-Saens, Wagner... all the good ones. Why has music since then sucked so much with all the Justin Biebers and stuff?

    24 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago