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I love horses
What would the perfect gift be?
I have been best friends with someone for 12 years. Her birthday is coming up and I want to get her something REALLY special so she has a great birthday. Things have been rough in her family the past week or two and with school coming up, she might start stressing out. She is a 15 year old girl. She likes music, clothes, and friends. I don't want to get her a gift card-I want something more personable. She already has an ipod. I have a price limit of $200. What would be a good present for my best friend?
7 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade agoHoliday World or Kings Island?
I am planning for a bunch of friends to go to either Holiday World or Kings Island for a 2 day trip. There will be 15-20 high schoolers and some parents. I want the trip to be as affordable as possible since some parents might not be able to pay a ton. Which one is the best option for a large group of 15-16 year old kids in the summer? I am guessing it will be about $20-30 each if we split a hotel room amongst 4 people (only staying 1 night there). How much are tickets if you go in a group? How much can we expect for parking/food/drinks/etc. for 2 days? Which has more rides? Shortest lines? Most kid friendly? Thanks
4 AnswersAmusement Parks1 decade agoHow do you "flock" someone?
I heard of this fundraiser where the proceeds go to cancer research called flocking. You put plastic flamingos in someones yard and they can send them to someone else. I have a friend whose sister died of cancer a few years back. On the day she died, I want to flock him. He deserves to know that people love him and are there for him. It has completely changed his life. I don't care how much it costs. How do I flock someone? I live in central Indiana near Indianapolis. Any help would be appreciated. Any other things I can do for him on the anniversary of his sister's death?
1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoAm I waiting for something impossible?
A lot of the time, I catch myself thinking about love. I want to find the guy that I can have an amazing relationship with. I want a boyfriend that would take a bullet for me. The kind of guy who loves me so much just for being me. I want to cuddle up next to a guy and have him hug me because he doesn't want to let me go. I always think about walking hand in hand with my guy. Whenever I start to get a little close to someone, they start getting weird. I just want to find the "one." I want a guy that's attractive, sincere, trustworthy, and very loving. I wouldn't say I'm the most attractive or the most popular girl, but I wouldn't say I'm ugly. Am I waiting for something that will never happen? I feel like these things only exist in movies.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoIs my cat about to give birth?
My cat is pregnant and keeps meowing incessantly until I come to her. She was laying on my lap and when I got up, there was clear liquid on my pants. Is she about to give birth?
5 AnswersCats1 decade agoCan anyone help with shows?
My horse isn't the most broke. I have been showing at 4-H shows, and want to continue to do so. In a busy arena, how do I keep her from getting out of control? I do not want to disrupt other riders, but in a crowded arena, I do a lot of passing since she doesn't have the super slow gaits. I do not want to look like I'm racing around the center of the arena, though. Any tips?
2 AnswersHorses1 decade agoDry, crunchy roots? Is is stress or the new shampoo and conditioner?
I just started using Aussie shampoo and conditioner. The past 2 days, my roots have been dry and crunchy. (like I left shampoo or hairspray in) I hate it when it's all crunchy. This week has also been very busy and stressful. On top on all this, I am on my perioid. Could the crunchy roots be the stress of this week, or the shampoo and conditioner. I know I got all of the shampoo and conditioner out. I didn't dry, straighten, or curl my hair either. I have twisted it up in a towel, but have not had problems with this before. Has anyone else had problems with Aussie or is it something else that is messing up my hair?
1 AnswerHair1 decade agoWhat would a good registered name be?
I am thinking about breeding my mare this year. Her registered name is Secret Bar Lady. The stallion I like has Chocolate in his name. What would be a good registered name for the foal? The parents have Zips Chocolate Chip, Zippo Pine Bar, Impressive, Three Bars, Tardy Too, and Skippa Streak in their lines. What are some good registered names I could use?
11 AnswersHorses1 decade agoHow can a teen make this much money?
I know this question has been asked hundreds of times, but the answers I have seen are not for me. I am looking to make 4,000 to 12,000 in a few months. I know this sounds like a lot-it is for someone who is 14. I want this money so I can buy myself a horse. (Yes, I know the initial price isn't the half of it, and it will be difficult to make so much money at my age.) I am working this summer, but that won't get me much seeing as though I can only work a few hours a week due to my age. I have tried, but don't make any money at all. Please do not suggest getting a job, because I will be working as much as my age permits this summer. I also don't want to get told to take part in some scan that will "give me money for reading e-mails and taking surveys." I'm not stupid, and it really gets my e-mail full of spam. I don't want to hear suggestions like do extra chores either. I do not get paid for them in the first place. I may be interested in baby sitting. I won't waste my summer days in a tiny town doing car washes, mowing lawns, or selling lemonade either. My town is just too small to make any profit. If there are any LEGIT ways to make quick money at this age, please let me know. (DO NOT SUGGEST PERVERTED THINGS EITHER, I WILL REPORT IT FOR SPAM!)
4 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade agoCould this be swine flu/H1N1?
Okay, so I'm not a germ freak in any way, and don't have a fear of swine flu. However, I was sick today and looked up the swine flu symptoms. All the sites said temperature, headache, muscle soreness, runny nose, cough, sore throat, tiredness, etc. I went black Friday shopping and was warmly dressed, but I went to an outlet mall at midnight. It was cold, and I was exposed to a lot of people. Then I rode horses for 2 hours in 54 or so degree weather in only a sweatshirt. I rode Sunday. So today, Monday, I stayed home sick. I slept most the day, and when I sat up after lying down, had a huge headache. (this is not unusual for me) My temperature has ranged from below average to a slight temperature. (97.9 to 99.5 degrees farenheit) My throat hurts and gargling salt water, cough drops, and other things haven't worked. My nose has been runny/stuffy as well. Could this be H1N1? Please only serious answers/advice.
9 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade agoGirls Only! Can you help me with something new?
I think I started my period today. I'm really scared. I tried on one of my sister's pads and it is very bulky and uncomfortable. I am going to vacation and swimming in about a month, and I'm afraid to try a tampon. I looked online and saw the diva cup, but it seems like it would hurt. Any suggestions or advice? Please help!
12 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoWhat is wrong with my horse?
I have a horse that I bought in November from the breeder. About a month ago, I noticed a little bump under her head. It still had hair on it so I thought she had hit it on something. The hair gradually came off and a scab showed up. Today, I pulled the scab off. It was circular and about the size of a quarter. It did stick up-sort of bubble up. When I picked it, there was a hole underneath it. I have never seen anything like it. It was whiteish and pinkish on the inside and the skin around it was hard. I'm worried about my horse. Anyone know what this is, or what course of action I should take? I have been told it may be an abscess.
11 AnswersHorses1 decade agoHow much is this pony worth?
My sister and I have one horse that is a Paint mare. We bought her in November and plan to show her in 4-H this year. However, in the summer of 2010 we won't be able to show in the same classes because we will be in the same division. Before we got our paint, my sister rode a 5 y/o POA gelding that is just small enough to be considered a pony. He goes english and western and moves off your leg. My sister decided she can't live without him, and the owners are willing to sell him. I was wondering what all of you guys thought would be a fair offer on him. Below is a link to a picture of him.
20 AnswersHorses1 decade agoCan you help me find a horse?
I am looking for a horse. I need someone to help me with this. The horse will be ridden by a 13 year old and a 16 year old. Must do western, and would prefer it do english as well. Both riders have experience handling, riding, and showing horses. Horse must be $1,500 or less, be between the ages of 5 and 15. The horse must be over 14 hands high, and must be within 200 miles of 46176. Can anyone direct me to any horses that meet this search or where to look for them? I already know:
7 AnswersHorses1 decade agoAny ideas? Who doesn't love a good book?
I am a girl in middle school, and I love to write. When I grow up, I want to be an author, but I'm not sure if that is too risky. So, I want to write a story now, and talk to a publisher to see if I have potential. However, I have no inspiration. I need someone to give me a broad topic to write about. Don't put down 'ninjas', that doesn't give me much, but don't give me two pages worth of a topic. Any suggestion helps. I want to thank you all in advance. I really do appreciate it, and this could be part of my future. So, thank all of you who answered.
3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoQuestion about my IQ?
I took an IQ test at I was sent an e-mail saying my IQ was 157. I have been told 100 was the average IQ, and I am a 13 year old girl. Is there anywhere I can take an IQ test that is accurate? I am just curious about my IQ, because my friends say I am smart, but I doon't seem to be getting any more intelligent as I grow older.
5 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade agoHelp! I was hurt. What to do
I really like this guy, and I have for 8 months. I think he knew, but I was too scared to tell him. I'm not as pretty as everyone else, and I'm not as skinny either. Well, 6 months ago, he was really nice to me, and told me I was his best friend, and that "I'm everything good, and he's not." I really like him. Well, he stopped saying that, and he just started dating someone else. A really tall, skinny, pretty girl. What do I do? I feel like my appearance makes people not like me. I'm really nice. I can't help it that I wasn't born beautiful.
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoPLEASE help?
Hey. I have a 6 month old Border Collie puppy. He is my buddy. He has been vomitting and has had diarea for the past few days. I took him to the vet, and the vet isn't sure what's wrong with him. His platelet count is low. He may have a bad stomach virus, he could have something(maybe an organ) twisted, or he could have something wrong with his immune system. The last dog like mine, the dog's bill was 4,000. I love this dog to tears, but I can't pay that much, and neither can my mom. How can I get money to help pay for it if I am not the legal age to work. I can't babysit, because I haven't taken the class yet. What would you suggest? Are there any programs that help you pay for vet bills. I may have to put him down. Any way I can save him? Thanks. I REALLY need an answer FAST!
6 AnswersDogs1 decade agoCan You Help?
Ok. I want to know what the best pet would be for me. Nobody is home from 7 A.M. to 4 P.M. My family has no allergies. We have a large fenced back yard, but only have a little less than an acre of land. If needed, boarding can be found. I own one cat and one dog. We have owned gerbils in the past, and they have been fine with that. The animal can't shed a TON, but it can shed. The pet doesn't need to be the MOST inexpensive in the world, we can spend some money, but not a TON. If you think you know what animal would fit these needs please respond. I also need to know if I might be able to find a free or very inexpensive Dachshund in Indiana. Someone I know is looking for one. Thank you all so much!
2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoNeed help with dogs! Can you help?
I might get a dog. I currently own a 4 year old Cocker Spaniel/Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog) mix and a 1 year old kitten. I don't know what breed the kitten is. Both get along with each other, but the kitten is full of mischeif. I might get another dog, but my family doesn't want much more hair to deal with. My current dog sheds a lot and we don't want it to be much worse. I need to know what breeds shed very little. They must be good with kids (12 and almost 15), cats, and dogs. I would also like to know if you know any websites, breeders, ect. to get a dog in Indiana. They have about an acre give or take to run in and it is fenced in. Please answer the best you can! Thanks!
9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago