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The Dude
How to pull out beard?
Ok so, if you shave the beard you cut it at the surface of the skin or just slightly below if you try harder.
Which means that when the beard grows for just another 0,5mm (0,02inch) it will be visible again and call for another shave. (Which usually doesn't take very long.)
It would make sense though, that if I would pull the beard out (preferably with the follicles as they would need additional time to regrow themselves) it would require a lot more time to regrow to such a length that it actually comes to the surface of the skin.
Effectively prolonging the time needed between shaves.
Any good ways to achieve this apart from taking tweezers and pulling out each separate hair?
It's not that it's painful but it would definitively take an extremely long time.
3 AnswersMen's Health9 years agoIs there a way to personally contact the asker?
Earlier I saw someone posting a question and adding at the end that the question has already been deleted once and that they don't know why.
Well the question was clearly in violations of the yahoo answers guidelines and someone must have reported it for that reason.
Now the problem is that some of those guidelines are not all that obvious unless you specifically find the page explaining them in the help section.
Personally I would like to inform people in such situations about those guidelines so that this wouldn't happen to them again.
But under those same guidelines if I post an answer that does not reply to their question (but in fact explains them about the guidelines) I am myself in violation and can get reported by someone.
Furthermore if they ask a question that is not abiding by the guidelines I am not even allowed to reply to the question with an answer and just add the info to it.
I believe the correct thing to do is to actually report them, but it feels wrong reporting someone for asking a question when it it obvious they do not suspect they shouldn't have asked that in the first place.
Is there a way to inform such people or should I just stop carring and let them wonder why some people have reported their questions?
1 AnswerYahoo Answers9 years agoDo we have free will?
So I was thinking.
If we put a person inside a room with no possibility of any external influence entering it
and we could get the speed, direction and other information of every particle in the room,
then starting from the fact that our brain is just atoms interacting with each other by well known rules it should be possible to predict everything the person in the room would do.
Even more, if we would be able to make an exact copy of the first room (with exact particle positions and speeds) then the persons in the two rooms should behave exactly the same
and we would see the exact scene no matter which room we looked into.
Now instead of the room let us suppose we could leave our universe and do the same.
We would be able to use a computer to simulate the movement and interaction of particles and therefore predict what would happen.
I don't know if there are any completely unpredictable particles in our universe but then again if there were it would not imply the possibility of free will, but the fact that some of our actions are completely random.
We would of course never be able to do this from inside our own universe (or from inside the room) since the act of calculating that data would mean we have already changed it since the data was collected, therefore we are not calculating with accurate data. And the data would change as we calculate. We would therefore not be able to predict our own future (at least not without a margin of error that would get bigger the more into the future we tried to predict).
But even if we can't actually do it, I believe that given a state in the universe all of it's future states are predetermined by the current movement and position of it's particles.
I am not trying to say that we can not make our own decisions based on what we think is best.
But what we think is best has been predetermined by input our brain received in the past.
The only hole I see for free will to fit in, is for us to actually have a soul, that is at least partially in another plane of existence (dimension) where different rules of physics apply.
But (religious views aside) now knowing anything about the workings of such soul or the rules of physic that apply to it I believe it is pointless to speculate on the matter.
What do you think?
10 AnswersPhilosophy9 years agoHow to hand train a dormouse?
I used to have goldfish. Many goldfish.
People say they are supid.
In reality goldfish are quite smart and have a good memory.
African pygmy dormice in comparison probably have bigger brains but are so scared s**tless of everything that they can't show it.
And I'm not talking figuratively here.
They keep dropping their little brown packages whenever something upsets them.
And this includes seeing eachother. Yes they are affraid of eachother.
But nothing that wrong so far. I don't mind cleaning the cage. :)
After about 2 months one of them has mastered to not hide at the merest sight of light.
But if they are both together the other one manages to convince the first one to stay hidden.
I guess it says something like: "Don't go out there. They eat babies... I swear."
At the shop they said that they like sweet things, and it should be possible to lure them with honey.
Truth is that they only eat honey as long as 95% of their body is hidden.
If you give it to them on a 2inch long stick but they are not inside a hole or something
they won't even approach it. No matter if you have been keeping your hand still for 30 minutes and it's starting to hurt.
They have also said in the shop that I should just try picking them up and slowly they will get used to hands.
I stopped trying this after about a week since all it achieved is that they learned they can bite
and it seems to scare them even more.
So for the last couple of weeks I've been just changing their food and water.
And sitting long periods waiting if they atleast dared to show their nose out of their house.
Which happens quite rarely and is generally not worth the wait.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to convince them to atleast stop hiding all the time.
Yes going on the hand would be better, but I don't want to ask too much from the little guys.
I desperately want them to make some progress towars not fearing people.
Because truth be told I have nothing out of feeding them if I can't even see them.
And the concept of the natural foodchain is slowly making it's way into my mind.
2 AnswersRodents10 years ago