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Young Mama living the American dream in the Trailer Hood!

  • Breastfeeding with pierced nipples? Is it safe?

    My nipples have been pierced for almost a year now. I haven't spoken with a lactation nurse about this because I'm really sort of embarrsesd! I pierced them because my bf thinks it is a turn on.

    I haven't taken them out because I'm afraid the healing nipples would pass infection to my new son who will be here in about two weeks. Right now I've got barbells in and am afraid they would become lose and choke my baby. What should I do? Advice please!

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • How does a cough syrup make you not cough but also make you cough? ?

    My sons cough syrup says it loosens chest congestion, exportant, and suppresent all in one. How is that possible? That would mean it makes my son cough but also helps him nt cough?

    1 AnswerAllergies9 years ago
  • Mass Air flow sensor code PO101 on an 2007 Chevy Duramax 2500 HD. How do I fix the problem?

    I installed a new GM mass air flow sensor and new EGR valve and it didn't fix my problem. The mass air flow sensor still comes back. But it has the stock air box and filter NOT a K&N, no performance modifications.

    Has anyone else experienced this issue? If so how did you repair it?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Is this going to be a problem during labor? A baby in the posterior postion?

    This is my third child but this time around I am asking more questions and anylyzing every detail since it has been 6 years since I gave birth. I'm starting to think knowing to much could be a bad thing becasue I am pysching myself out!

    Also, the Doctor checked me for signs of dilation and he said he was having trouble feeling my cervix but that it was getting soft and he could feel the babies head, no dialation. This all sounds funny to me. Someone please give me your opinion on what he told me. Dumb it down for me if you will! (:

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • What will my baby be exactly as far as percentages on ethnicitys?

    I'm half white and half Native American. The Father is half white and half African American. So, what exaclty would the baby be?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Depression 29 weeks pregnant? ?

    I'm on my third pregnancy. I feek very irratable, anxious, and at times I just want to cry.

    I feel like I'm being unfair to my husband and two kids because I'm just not my regular self. Sometimes I just feel like laying in bed all day! I took depression meds with my 2nd pregnancy until I was told the FDA didn't deem it safe anymore.

    Usually around fall time I'm happy. I take my kids to the park all the time. We do holiday crafts and cooking. Now, I'm just unhappy and miserable. I forget things and neglect housework. I just don't have the energy!

    If it's this bad now I know after baby #3 gets here it'll be worse. I had bad post-partum after my 2nd son and never received help. I just pushed through it, which was wrong since I went through it for 2 years. I missed a lot of the happy moments of my 2nd sons acheivments because I was depressed.

    What should I do? I feel like a horrible person, wife, and Mom. I feel selfish! But I just can't help myself! What can pregnant women do to remedy depression without harmind the baby?

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • Trouble finding an affordable, comfortable, portable infant car seat!?

    Is it just me or are most decently priced, portable, infant car seats also hard as rock? I mean they want you to pay good money for the plastic piece itself but the actual decortative cover that is supposed to cushion your baby is thin!

    I have two kids and they are 5 and 6. In the past I bought them infant seats that were stylish, affordable, comfortable and I just went to my local Department store to buy them. I've been looking lately and I can't find any seat under $200 for my new soon to be son that isn't hard as a rock. I've been to the super center, and places like Sears and JC Penny.

    They grows so fast I don't want to break the bank or have my baby be uncomfortable. I've bought extra pillow like attachments that keep the babies head from rolling. Is there a decent priced infant seat I should look for (needs to be portable) or are there things I can do to add comfort for his body? Need a good suggestions! Thanks!

    If I can avoid ordering online that would be best. Whatever seat I choose id llike to see, touch and feel.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Are Braxton Hix common at 28 weeks?

    Recently got into a minor car wreck and while I was in the hopsital they monitored the baby. I was suprised to learn I was already having braxton hix, which would explain the tight feelings I get every now and then.

    The nurse said it was normal and I probaly experienced 4 with in the hour. This is my third pregnancy and it seems so different from my 1st two. I'm carrying lower and bigger. I feel like the cliche waddling, help me up I'm stuck, ouch my feet hurt pregnant chick this time around. Haha!

    I find myself saying, "this baby is trying to kill me!" Often since he is so active. Anyways, just curious about the braxton hix. Didn't mean to go off subject! :)

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Labor for women who dont handle pain well...?

    This is my third pregnancy and I'm nervous about labor! My 1st pregnancy I tried to do natural but ended up using the epidural. Thank God!

    The 2nd pregnancy I asked for the epidural right away and didn't get one until I was 8cm dialated. Can you say tourture? Out of 5 anselogists not one was avalible to help me out when I aksed so I was given medcine through my IV.

    It made me drowsy. The pain wasn't as bad but still there. After my son was born I was very tierd, and sick to my stomach because of the IV drug. I don't want that to happen again!

    Labor pain is scary and my husband doesen't understand that. He felt like all my noise was just being dramatic and told me to Be quiet and refused to hold my hand or feed me ice chips.

    So, my question is what are ways I can deal with the pain without IV drugs just in case i have to wait for the epidural or don't get one at all? Ways I can comfort myself since I plan to make him wait outside during my labor since the last two times he only added to my stress.

    3 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • My Dad has died and I cant save him...dream...?

    In my dream my Dad has passed away or is getting ready to. I go to him and tell him I am now able to come take care of him full time (he was a quadrplegic.) In real life I was asked to come help him but my home situation didn't make that possible.

    When I go to him in my dream is tells me it is to late and there's nothing I can do now. I do feel like if I would have been there he wouldn't have ended up in the hosipital. His caretaker was a complete dumb a** and because of her negligence he devolped bed sore and pnemonia.

    He devolped complications in the hosipital months after he had been there and passed on. I try to push away these feelings during the day. I've got my kids to be brave for. Maybe this is why I have these dreams?

    I believe in spirits and I don't think he would want me to feel bad at all. It has to be all in my head. What do you think?

    1 AnswerPsychology10 years ago
  • 5 year old with ADHD acts out for Mother but not for me, the sitter...?

    I have two kids of my own 5 and 6 both boys. They have rules and limits. They're rewarded for good behavior and punished for bad. I'm by no means a perfect parent and my boys aren't perfect either.

    I watch a 5 year old boy who was diagnosed with ADHD. He kicks his Mom, tells her No, runs from her into traffic, gets up in the middle of the night to use kitchen condiments to paint the walls with, won't go to bed when told and often times stays awake until 1 or 2am or even all night. The list goes on and on.

    When he is with us he doesen't do those things. At first he thought he could when he started coming over but I put my foot down. He understands I don't put up with bad behavior. He listens to me at the grocery store, eats the foods I make, naps if I ask, and doesent run from me or destroy my house.

    When his Mom comes to pick him up it's like a switch gets flipped and he turns into the worst kid ever. Why? Is it because he has no boundries? No limits or rules? Just curious. It makes me sad that she has so much trouble with him because he is a good kid. She has a lot on her plate and the way he acts with her looks very tiresome to me.

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Abnormal 5 month ultrasound, possible Down syndrome?

    I asked a similar question a few days ago but now I would like to know who else has had this happen?

    My OB said the ultrasound Tech saw some things on my sons ultrasound that were abnormal, specificaly the circumfrence of his head.

    My insurance didn't cover the blood tests that I should have had around 4 months along. I figured since my first two sons were healthy and I am only 24 that my risk to have a child with DS was low. So, I chose not to do the blood work.

    So, how can the ultrasound tech and OB tell me my son could have DS based on an ultrasound alone? I go to a specialist for more ultrasound and an amnio next week which I realize is risky.

    The tech has 30 years experience and the OB is also well known and respected in my area. So, I feel like I trust their word and their recomendation for amnio. Has this happned to anyone else?

    Has your OB recommended Amnio based solely on abnormal ultrasound measurements?

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • Down Syndrome suspected in 5 month ultrasound...?

    I had my 20 week ultasound last week. My doctor called the following week to tell me the ultrasound tecnician suspected my baby boy could have down syndrome. Something to do with his head circumfrence?

    He said my baby could be fine or he could have DS. I'm devestated! I'm 24 and this is my 3rd baby. Next week I'm going to a specialist for amnistiocs and another ultrasound. I pray that it turns out normal. How many other women have been in my shoes and had a normal pregnancy?

    If he does have DS I'll love him regardless but the road ahead of him will be tough. I don't want that for him. It's hard enough growing up without being diasbled. He'll need services I may not be able to afford. I want him to have everything he needs regardless if he has DS or not. Need advice!

    4 AnswersSpecial Education10 years ago
  • Unique Baby boy names please!?

    I'm having my third baby boy in January. I recently had a 3D ultrasound and wow! That is a great expereince. I feel even closer w/ my baby. I feel like I should be calling him by a name instead of baby boy. I love the name Sebastian but my bf doesent. :( I need to be fair and compromise. Suggestions on names? My 1st two sons are Aubrey Alexander and Zachery Conner. I picked out the 1st name :)

    7 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • Increased apptite in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy?

    I am almost 17 weeks pregnant with my third child. This pregnancy is very different from the 1st two. For the 1st 3 months I dealt with extreme nauseua and fatigue. I lost 11 pounds. Now I've noticed in the last 2 weeks an increased appitite. I eat small healthy meals. I want to gain healthy weight. But it seems like I am hungry every 2-3 hours. I've noticed if I let myself be hungry say if I'm busy or can't eat at the moment I get ill to the point where I have to lay down. I get sick to my stomach and dizzy. I'm guessing this is low blood sugar? Anyone else deal with this? If so how did you manage to not gain to much?

    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Parents: Any of your kids repeated Pre K in school?

    Parents: Any of your kids repeated Pre K in school?

    My son is going to repeat Pre K based on lack of maturity and he can't master certain skills yet like writing his first name and counting to 20. His teacher told me he is the youngest kid in her class room and he is smart but would struggle in Kindergarten where he would be expected to sit still more and complete work on his own. I think it's in his best intrest. Any of you parents experience this? Was it good for your child in the long run?

    3 AnswersPreschool1 decade ago
  • Living in a 5th wheel full time with a family of four? Are we insane?

    I've got a family of 4. Two adults and two young grade school kids. We own property in a small quiet town and have recently laid down cement foundation in hopes to build a one story home in the next 3-4 years.

    Oh, if this helps? We enjoy spending time outdoors and would build a covered porch to the 5th wheel to add an "extra space."

    We are currently renting a 70's model non energy efficient small trailer home with little privacy that costs over 600 a month including the utilities.

    This seems dumb! We would love to be on our property as we build because we love the neighbors three already and our kids would have more room to play anyhow without risk of damaging anything.

    We would love to buy an affordable used 5th wheel and live there as we build to save money and gain privacy. We have already ran this idea past the ladies at city hall and it would be legal!

    My concern, we do live in tornado alley. During the summer I worry about extreme weather and our town does not provide a tornado shelter. But at the same time the place we are renting isn't that safe either.

    Anyone else have experience living in a 5th wheel full time?

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • Prison Mail: Why does it take 2 weeks for my letter to reach him?

    I'm annoyed! Why does it take 2 weeks or more for my letter to reach my Dad? But when he replies and mails his response letter it only takes 2 days to reach me?

    He is in a prison that is 1 hour away in a small town! Do the people who work the mail room actually open the letters, read them, and check for illegal materials? Or does a machine do this? Or do these people not really care if the mail reaches the inmates in a timely fashion?

    I understand the people who work the prison need to maintain a safe environment but I'm confused as to why it takes so long? When someone sits in Jail Mail never takes this long? Anyone able to answer my question? I'm not able to visit him in person. Nor do I want to because visiting anyone in a place like that is stressful.

    The process to get in is Hell and you are lucky if you are even able to visit at all. Basically you go there EARLY in the AM and wait hours in hopes for a short visit! Id hate to think for the years he will be spending in there that our contact will be limited based on the fact that the snail mail process SUCKS!!

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • After I eat it feels like some of the food is stuck in my throat. What causes this?

    It feels like my stomach is stuffed all the way to the top of my throat! It is driving me crazy too. It feels weird!

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Will I be ok? I believe i've taken way too much Tylonol today!?

    I've got an impacted wisdom tooth that acts up every now and a then, causing my cheek to swell and lots of pain in my jaw. I can't afford dental care right now. So this morning I took the recommended dose of Tylonol extra strength eze tabs, 500 mg in each tablet. That is 1000 mg!

    This after noon around 4 the pain was back and worse. So I remembered I had Ibrpofen 800s stored from the last time I had this problem. I took one and was fine until around 11 this evening.

    I was digging around for my ibprofens 800's and came across some Hydrocoden apap 7.5 mg from when I had two teeth pulled in May. I didnt use them all. The last time I used the back in Feb I remebered that they were helpful with the pain but way to strong if taken all at once. So I took half of the pill.

    Now I am worried! That means ive had over 1200 mg of Acimeptone or however you spell that word. I've had 1,800 plus what was in the half of the 7.5 mg hydrocodne I just took.

    Sorry, Im paranoid about what I take as far as pills. I wait until the pain is at it's peak before I pop, so this time I think I didn't think!!!!

    As soon as I realized what I had done I was googling side effects. Has anyone else done this before?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago