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Favorite Answers16%
  • Things to do before having a second child?

    My husband and I are 6 months away from trying for baby #2. What are some things you wish you had done before adding to your family? (such as take a trip, more one on one time with kid #1, more date nights, etc)

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting7 years ago
  • How early does acid reflux start?

    I missed a birth control pill 2 weeks ago (during my fertile time). According to my pills I am 4 days late but according to the calendar its still 2 days until my period - I have a longer cycle. I don't plan to test until Saturday to make sure I don't get a false reading. The thing is I've been having bad acid reflux for a few days, can it start this early?

    5 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • Did Starbucks raise their prices?

    I went yesterday and paid $5.04 for my usual drink. I went today and paid $5.25 for the same drink. Just wondering if they raised their prices or if I was accidentally charged for something extra.

    1 AnswerNon-Alcoholic Drinks8 years ago
  • How to nicely un-invite someone?

    Is there any way to NICELY make it clear that my brother's girlfriend isn't allowed at my birthday dinner? I don't want to upset my brother because we just began rebuilding our relationship.

    5 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Hip pain - first trimester?

    If you experienced hip pain in the first trimester how soon did it start? This would be my 3rd pregnancy - 1st I had hip pain in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, 2nd pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, and now I'm roughly 5 weeks and having horrible hip pain. Normal?

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • I need a office 2010 pro plus direct download?

    I was wondering if anyone has this. I have a valid PK but on the microsoft site it says although it is valid it is not eligible for a free download of program. I just need the download so I can put my PK in and start using my outlook.

    4 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Get sound from tower to TV/monitor?

    I am using a samsung tv for my computer monitor the picture quality with HDMI was **** so I am using VGA cable and now have no sound. How to I get sound from tower to monitor? there is no digital audio port on the back of tower only the normal port for speakers. Can I run VGA for video and HDMI for sound? Thanks everyone

    1 AnswerMonitors8 years ago
  • Swimming after a tattoo?

    I'm due for a small touch up. I've been invited to a pool party that is 2 weeks away, would it be wise to wait to get the touch up? Healing time was 3-5 days for the original tattoo. TIA.

    2 AnswersTattoos8 years ago
  • Possible milk protein allergy?

    Doctors suspect a milk protein allergy in my 15mo old. Since starting whole milk at 12 months she's been severely constipated (to the point where it takes an hour or more of screaming and crying before she can produce a bowel movement), she's been having bad reflux, is experiencing discomfort, and if she has more than a few ounces of milk she has a stuffed nose, sneezing, coughing and wheezing.

    So for parents who have a child with this allergy, how should I handle this? Should I try to eliminate whey or casein first? Or just do both at once? She tolerated formula just fine. What should I substitute for milk: lactaid, soy, almond, etc? How quickly should I see an improvement in her symptoms?? TIA.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • How to handle 1 yr old head banging?

    She does it CONSTANTLY over the last 3 months. She bangs her head into the wall during tantrums (which I knwo is normal) but she walks around smacking her hand into her forehead around the clock. I don't know how to deal with it.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • How do I request a blood test?

    Long story short:

    I missed some pills this pack, period is a week late & I feel miserable, negative HPTs.

    I called my doctor who said she won't do a pelvic exam or blood work unless I get a positive HPT but told me to start taking prenatals just in case. I just moved so I've never seen this doctor before and it seems like she doesn't really care but no other docs are available to see me.

    How should I go about getting a blood test, pelvic exam or ultrasound? I had a miscarriage in August so I'm freaking out. The doctors at my old clinic didn't want to do a blood test/pelvic exam/ultrasound when I went in telling them I was pregnant because the urine test showed up negative (I didn't know some women have trouble getting accurate results with HPTs :/ ) and I ended up having the miscarriage right there in the hospital bathroom. Since then that hospital has taken me seriously but this new doctor isn't willing to listen and I'm scared to death that I'm going to have to relive that horrible situation. Please help!

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Hyperthyroidism anyone?

    I went to the doctor because I believed I was pregnant, now the doctor is suggesting I have hyperthyroidism. I have about half of the symptoms on the handout she gave me so I have to go in on Friday for blood work. The thing is the symptoms on the handout only started about a month ago. Can symptoms come on that quickly out of the blue?

    They are: Difficulty concentrating, frequent bowel movements, fatigue, heat intolerance, increased sweating, increased appetite, restlessness, nausea, sleeping difficulty and lack of a period.

    ^^^ These were pretty much my exact symptoms when I was pregnant with my first child which is why I went in.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • What should I say to get an ultrasound?

    I missed 2 pills this pack of birth control and now I'm a week late. I went to the doctor who didn't seem concerned. She wouldn't do a blood test or pelvic exam and I had to push just to get a urine test. The urine was negative but my mom also got neg tests when she was pregnant with my brother. Today my breasts are feeling a bit tingly and sore. I'm still convinced I'm pregnant. The doctor had no idea why my period was late, told me to start taking prenatals and birth control - because if I AM pregnant then I should really be getting vitamins. No other doctors were taking new patients so I couldn't get a second opinion.

    What can I say to get an ultrasound or blood test?? I'm willing to tell a white lie.

    3 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Really confused, help appreciated?

    I've been on birth control pills for 7 months now. I expected my period on Friday the 15th but it never came. I've been cramping for about a week, experiencing lower back pain and spotting (usually 1-2 drops a day only). Since I'm 3 days late I've obviously taken home pregnancy tests (3 different tests) but all of them are negative. I have an appointment with my doctor on Wednesday but in the mean time does anyone have an idea of what is going on?

    Thank you for your insight.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • What is wrong with my bissell 5770 vacuum?

    The brush wouldn't spin. So I replaced the belt, still wouldn't spin. I replaced the motor, still wouldn't spin. Replaced board, still wont spin. Power goes to it but brush won't spin. Any ideas?

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Epidural Question for US moms?

    I had my first child in Korea. I got an epidural and was completely numb - I didn't feel pressure or any pain at all which was wonderful. We are now living in the US and plan to have another child in 1-2 years. A few moms in my play group were talking about their births the other day and all kept saying how terribly painful childbirth was even with the epidural. I was smiling and happy while my daughter was crowning while they said they all were screaming or crying while there child was crowning.

    How effective were your epidurals? How much pain and/pressure did you feel when having contractions and during crowning? Did the nurses turn off/turn down the epidural when it was time to push? TIA ladies.

    8 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Wondering if anyone is strange like me?

    Does anyone have any unique dead giveaways for them being pregnant before testing? My friend always eats massive amounts of oreos right before finding out she's pregnant - its happened with all 4 kids lol. With her last baby she called me crying because she couldn't stop eating oreos and knew it meant pregnancy for her. Another friend can't stand the feel of shaving her legs before she finds out she's pregnant (3 times with 3 kids). As for me I wet the bed once (usually between 5-6 weeks). Its happened 3 times now.

    Anyone else have an uncommon personal giveaway?

    3 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Is it possible to feel pregnant this early?

    LMP was Dec 26, my husband and I have been having unprotected sex since then. For the past few days I've been insanely emotions (crying about nothing and freaking out about everything), lower back/hip aches, tender uterine area, bloating, achy teeth.

    I'm also experiencing bad acne all over my chest and random bouts of insomnia like I did when I was pregnant the first time. I honestly don't remember much of my first trimester with my daughter because I had moved to another country right before getting pregnant and its all a blur.

    Period is due in 8 days, is it too soon to get these symptoms? I tested but obviously too early. Anyone experience similar things, how did it turn out for you?

    5 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • How early did you experience bloating?

    How early in pregnancy did you experience the first tri bloating? I recently made an international move and the 16 hour time difference has caused me to miss 3 pills this month. I've been horribly moody and EXHAUSTED but I blamed that on the move. Today I woke up and was bloated beyond belief like I was when pregnant and look roughly 4-5 months pregnant with the bloat belly - its lasted all day :/ I'm waiting to see if my period comes or not before testing but any input is appreciated.

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • When do I turn in my ID - ETS?

    We fly out on the first. My husband (the solider) has been given an new ID with a new expiration date. The people at One Stop didn't seem to care about my dependent ID and when we asked if I would get a new one with a new date they seemed confused (language barrier as we were speaking to Korean nationals). Will I be allowed to keep my dep ID for travel?

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago