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  • has my anti-depressant stopped working?

    I have a long history of depression but no other mental illness; until a year ago had been on prozac and it worked well. A year ago I was in a very stressful job and starting thinking about suicide all the time. They said the prozac had stoppedc working and switched me to paxil. I am no longer in that job and should not be stressed. However, in the last 2 months I have found that I get irate over the smallest things and have trouble calming down. I also get stressed out over small things and the only way I can explain it is that everything feels like too much. Its like have a sunburn all over your body and so when you brush against something you are overly sensitive and every little thing is magnified. But its not touch I'm sensitive to, its interaction with others, including my family. I hid in our basement last weekend away from everyone because I just couldn't stand the thought of hearing anyone talk to me, and when a family member called downstairs to me, I literally screamed at them to lave me alone. Just interacting with them was so painful to me, I didn't even want to text them to tell them to let me have some alone time. I don't have thoughts of suicide, but I have constant thoughts and fantsies about running away and starting a new life. I even looked up joining the peace corp or teaching english in asia, though I wasn't terribly serious about it. This just isn't me. i'm not an angry person and when I try to control myself, I honestly cannot. I feel like I am going insane. Has my paxil stopped working/ Is this a side affect? I've been on it for a year but this has only been going on for about 2 months.

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Such a thing as a lawyer too close to a case?

    I'm an attorney and not currently practicing but still licensed. My daughter's best friend just made a serious suicide attempt and is still in the hospital. I know from all of the time her friend has spent with us that it is mostly because of her father, and she confirmed this at the hospital when we were visiting and no one was around. Long story, but the essential are that he is emotionally abusive and controlling, but not physically or sexually. Her parents share 50/50 custody of 7 children. She has repeatedly fought against having to spend time at his house and over the summer he let her stay with her mom, but now that school is back in session, he has started enforcing his time. Her mom is pretty spineless (as is usually the case in relationships where one person is controlling). As also is to be expected, Dad has all the financial resources. Mom never even got an attorney when they went through the divorce. So mom approached dad about allowing the girl to just stay with Mom since it is clearly what she wants, and Dad told her that unless she moved out of state (leaving all the other children behind) or hired an attorney (which he knows she can't afford to do) then nothing was changing.

    I haven't practice family law in about 13 years. When I did, I made the mistake of representing my sister in her custody case with my nephew and it was a disaster because I was too personally involved. I don't want to make the same mistake here. I'm not up to date on any law changes, I don't even have malpractice insurance right now, but my concern for this little girl and the sense of inequality of bargaining power between the parties is really just eating me alive. If I had the money I would just pay for a lawyer for her, but I am not working right now, so I really don't have the money.

    what would you do?

    3 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • question to home school AND online schooling parents?

    so my daughter just started 8th grade online last week. She has a learning disability so reads at about a 6th grade level and has to hear something repeatedly before it sticks. I work with her side by side so the online school is more like home school except that I don't control her curriculum. At the end of each lesson each day, she takes a 4 or 5 question quiz, and every few lessons, she has a longer quiz that is 10 questions.

    My question is this: do any parents out there help their child with quizes? Not really giving their child the answer, but helping them reason through the multiple choice options and eliminate answers and then giving them cues to help them remember what section of their reading the question came from and talking about other things in the section to help jog their memory? Do you think that helps them learn or do you feel like its cheating?

    5 AnswersHome Schooling8 years ago
  • Online education with an IEP?

    My daughter is in 8th grade and has an IEP with an unspecified learning disability (she is about 5th grade reading and same in math). We enrolled her in connections academy because in her public school they were not giving her the one on one she needed. Connections Academy reviewed her IEP nd accepted her. Because they are state funded, they are in fact considered a public school, and even gave me the IEP rights pamphlet.

    My question is this: has anyone had a child with an IEP enrolled in an online school and what accommodations did they make?

    She is doing well in her classes so far but her language arts is just so much that we spend 2 hours on it and only get halfway through a single lesson. We are waiting to hear from her special education teacher who gets back from maternity leave on monday, and I'm just really concerned at this point.

    1 AnswerSpecial Education8 years ago
  • Will Connections Academy teachers contact us before first day school?

    This will be our first year with Connections Academy. My daughter is going into 8th grade this year so will have more than 1 teacher, but none of her teachers names even show up in Connexus yet. School starts exactly one week from today. Will we at least get a call or email from her homeroom or special ed teacher before the first day of school, or do we just log on next thursday and start doing her lesson without them?

    1 AnswerHome Schooling8 years ago
  • Connections Academy students: if you fail a quiz or test, do you get to re-take it?

    My daughter is starting Connections Academy in a few weeks and has gotten poor grades in the past. I heard that you have to have a 70% to pass. My question is...if she gets lower than that on a test or quiz does she have an opportunity to retake it to get a higher score, or does she just get one shot at it and whatever grade she ends up with determines if she passes onto the next grade at the end of the year? She is going into the 8th grade if that makes a difference.

    4 AnswersHome Schooling8 years ago
  • Advice for Connections Academy IEP parent?

    My daughter is going into the 8th grade and starting Connections Academy this year. She has an IEP because she is behind on her reading and math skills. I plan to work side by side with her every day and have even quit my job so that I can be home for that purpose. I'm just really nervous because I saw one review that talked about how easy it is for a child to fall behind in their program. Does anyone else have a child with an IEP in their program? Was it hard for them to keep up? If so, was there a parent actively assisting them?

    1 AnswerSpecial Education8 years ago