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Connections Academy students: if you fail a quiz or test, do you get to re-take it?

My daughter is starting Connections Academy in a few weeks and has gotten poor grades in the past. I heard that you have to have a 70% to pass. My question is...if she gets lower than that on a test or quiz does she have an opportunity to retake it to get a higher score, or does she just get one shot at it and whatever grade she ends up with determines if she passes onto the next grade at the end of the year? She is going into the 8th grade if that makes a difference.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi. Well, it depends on what state you're in. I go to Commonwealth Connections Academy (The one in Pennsylvania). I don't know which state you live in. Also, it depends on what teacher you have. You would have to wait until the school year starts to see. My math teacher used to let anyone who did not do so great in the first unit the opportunity to retake it. It all depends. You call also webmail the teacher and ask. Good Luck.

    Source(s): I go to CCA.
  • 4 years ago

    do no longer knock it till you have skilled it; as a newborn or a parent. the young babies who circulate decrease back to basic school room after cyber college do no longer fall at the back of via utilising basic of guidance! They fall at the back of via utilising shortcoming of guidance they get carry of at abode to be triumphant OR they learn extra valuable in a school room putting with a stay instructor. we are all distinctive beings! There are pupils in a basic school room (public college shape) who're clever and function all that it takes to pass directly to the subsequent grade; yet they are stimulated and distracted by utilising what is going on around them; college is a social adventure them! Cyber college vs. Brick and Mortal Public college and the fulfillment of the two, is all as lots because of the fact the guy and their parent(s).

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I was in cca if you fail a quick check test or quiz u do NOT re take it

  • 6 years ago

    i am in connections academy and no you don t get to redo your test if you fail them.

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