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Jessie G
Should I get my car s AC recharged or fully inspected for a leak?
My partner and I both have cars who are in need of some AC help. They have the same issue, we start our cars and turn the AC on and it s not cold... for about 3-10 minutes it s just not blowing very cold air.
His car is a 2007 and he purchased it this January, so we don t know what "normal" is for this vehicle. I expect this is not normal for any car and I want to get it blowing COLD air ASAP after staring up. (we live in TX, it s 100F every single day right now)
I have a 2009 Cobalt and last summer I noticed my AC slowing down and this summer it s no better.
My big question is: Are AC "recgarges" even worth it? I keep reading that there MUST be a leak or the AC temp would be perfect for the life of the unit, and I don t want to spend $40 to get it recharged this summer and every summer following! But $100+ per vehicle is definitely not my first choice.
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years agoIs there a group for spouses of those taking SSRIs?
My SO has suffered from anxiety and depression for many years and is now visiting a therapist and taking prescribed medication to help.
It's put a small strain on our marriage and I honestly cannot relate to so much of what's going on in his head. I was wondering if there is an online community for people who's spouses are taking SSRIs or other types of prescribed medication, just to get some advice on the best way to be supportive and deal with the lovely side effects. Google is just not giving me any hints.
Thanks for reading.
1 AnswerMental Health8 years agoVote on my namelist!?
Tell me you voted and get 2 points!
8 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoYou meet someone named Nozomi..?
What does this Nozomi person look like? Are they a man or woman? What profession might they have? How do you even say their name?
5 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoWhat are some names that start with a Z?
Bonus points if it's only 2 syllables! Okay, I can't actually give you bonus points, sorry.
I have Zavier, Zero, Zoey, and Zui. (By have I mean I am aware of them! I don't actually have 4 Z named kids, though that would be neat)
14 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoWDYT of these names for a team green list?
Lexington (no middle name yet)
Atlas Logan
Mariemaia Persephone
Persephone Selena
Kaia Persephone
Rearrange or make suggestions as you like! (If you straight up hate the names that's fine, not everyone like everything!)
2 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoIs my hair light enough to color?
That's my wet hair after bleaching out many many temp dyes. The hair feels good and I don't think I did much damage. However the bleach didn't get all the pink and blue out :(
I want to color it a reddish brown and have the color ready- my problem is, will the dye cover that blue? I am not worried about the pink, but the bluey purple makes me nervous...
I will not be bleaching again for another month, so that's out. Any other suggestions, or do you think my hair is light enough?
2 AnswersHair9 years agoWhat is your favorite resource for baby name inspiration?
I love to get inspired and hear names I may not have considered before, but I am not finding a ton of resources that aren't angry forums or just dictionary style. I don't necessarily need a specific website or anything, just curious where you look for inspiration! Thanks!
3 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoMiddle name suggestions for Kiki?
I am considering this name for a baby and would like some suggestions for a middle name!
Would like to 'go with' sibling who is Atlas Xavier Baker.
4 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoWhat do you think of the name Mari Maya?
It is pronounced Mar-ee-may-ah
It's from an anime, but is spelled Mariemaia.
I am considering this name for a girl, and would like some input on the name. I know it's lot to ask, but please be constructive. If it seriously offends you, that's okay, but I'd like to know what it is that is so offensive.
Thank you in advance!
4 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoCan a Medical Examiner Refuse to do an Autopsy?
For instance, if a man who is in his mid 50's, is overweight, and had a cold, dies in bed asleep, would there be any reason for an autopsy?
If not, may the family request one?
Would there be any reason that the medical examiner or coroner simply refuses to preform an autopsy (barring an emergency situation)?
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care9 years agoMy cat has lost her mind!?
About 8 months ago my dogs got into the house while I was at work and killed one of my two cats. The cats had lived together for about 5 years so they were fairly close, and I think that's where all the crazy started happening in the surviving cat.
Immediately following the incident she started following me and meowing CONSTANTLY for HOURS, and the only way to get her to quiet down was to pick her up. About a week after my parents got me a kitten (to help me forget, which didn't work since i'm 21 and not 2) and the presence of the kitten seemed to calm down the older one (thank God!).
The problem is that the kitten has now gone on to get pregnant and have kittens herself (accidents happen!) and the older cat has become VERY STRANGE.
She HATES my husband (who we've lived with for the past 2 1/2 years) and she cries these terrifying and loud cries. He just walks into the room and she starts behaving like he's hurting her and she hides and cries like a maniac! But I know he's never done anything to her except squirt her water when she'd get into something she shouldn't or when she'd scratch the couch. She demands to go outside constantly (which I let her, but she doesn't want to come back in to eat or drink so I have to grab her and make her come in 2 or 3 times a day), she meows like she's being eaten alive when she wants to go out or be held, and she's developed this weird rash on her neck.
Now I realize the vet would be the best person to go to for the rash, but she has a history of breaking cat carriers and completely freaking out when she's taken out of her 'element', so I'm waiting to see if it's related to the kittens. I have de-wormed her recently and I've been applying an anti-fungal cat spray to her neck. I've even tried those treats to calm cats down before a car ride, and they had little to no effect.
I guess my question is: Do you think this is related to the stress of a pregnant cat, a dead friend, or do you think she's caught 'the crazies'? It's getting really hard to live with her behavior, but I don't think anyone else would have the patience to take care of her.
4 AnswersCats10 years agoDoes anyone speak French?
I need help accurately translating some REALLY easy sentences, but the translators online aren't able to translate using different methods. Such and dans or familiar form. I don't need to learn the language, just a few exams and i'm done. Please help if you can!
4 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago