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  • What are some of the phrases you guys use to describe someone causing trouble?

    Like "Stir the pot" or "Stir up a hornets nests" and where are you from?? I think this is a southern thing but I just wanna see the different kind of phrases people from different places use

    2 AnswersLanguages6 months ago
  • will colleges look at my senior gpa?

    my freshman, sophomore and junior year I had a 3.2-3.3 gpa, but this year I've been managed to get it up to a 4.0. I've been really happy about it but someone told me that my junior year, sophomore and freshman year gpa are what colleges are going to be looking at more? Is that true?

  • Getting into an ivy league school?

    I was wondering, would I be able to get into harvard if I kept a 4.0 gpa all of senior year? or would you have to have a 4.0 all 4 years of highschool?

    i'm a 16 year old junior who's interested in going to Harvard to do law school, but I currently have a 3.7 gpa. It isn't too bad, but it isn't enough to get me into the university i'd like to go to. I only have a month left of this year so I could probably only get it up to a 3.8

    (I have more options btw but this my preferred college.)

  • Was i wrong?

    so i’m dating this guy who i’m very happy with and I have strong feelings for and we’ve been together a year now. Earlier today I get this text from a guy I use to date two years ago and i’m kinda confused and paranoid about it. I left him because he was abusive and manipulative and just toxic. I send my boyfriend the text i got because i’m really nervous and freaked out about why he’s texting me in the first place and i kind of want some comfort. but my boyfriend flips out? it’s not the reaction i’m expecting and i think he thinks i was trying to make him mad but i’m not that kind of a person :/ was it wrong for me to send him a text my ex bf sent me? i’ll have no problem apologizing if i was

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Lied to my boyfriend about my age?

    so i met him when I was 14 about to turn 15, he was 16 going to turn 17. now i’m 16 and he’s about to turn 18. When i first met him a year and some months ago i told him i was 16 too because well he was a junior and I didn’t think he’d ever take me seriously if he knew i was a freshman. it was so selfish of me i know and i regret it so badly because I never meant to carry on the lie this long :( i want to tell him now before it’s too late. do you think he will hate me?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • do you consider 16 to be a kid still?

    i just turned 16 and my parents still treat me like one but 16 year olds in the media don’t really act like “kids.”

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • is 5’4/5’5 short, tall, or average?

    i don’t know my exact height because i go to the doctors and they say different things all the time but i’m going to go with 5’4/5’5

    i’m a 16 year old girl in 11th grade and i really haven’t grown any since i was 13 and in 8th. my younger sister who is 14 has grown taller than me by about 3-4 inches and sometimes it’s embarrassing because i get picked at about it because i’m the shortest family member (my brother is 5’11 and my older sister is 5’9/10)

    however when i go to school i either feel tall or really short. there’s no in between

    my mom is 5’7 and my dad is 6’

    5 AnswersWomen's Health3 years ago
  • 911 just called me?

    911 just randomly called me and i’m kinda scared. i didn’t call them at all or i don’t think so. it doesn’t say i did on my call log so why would they call me?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • boyfriend cheated on me? not sure what i should do?

    last week i found out my boyfriend of a year had been cheating on me for 6 months with another girl. in september him and i took a little break but we still continued to talk the entire time. me and him started officially dating again september 19th but he’d gotten into a new relationship september 11th. the girl he’d had an affair with found out about me so she threatened to tell me. i guess he got scared and told me first. he told me everything and started begging me not to leave him. he said he only had real feelings for the girl in the beginning and after that he just didn’t know how to break up with her. he begged three days straight until i finally gave in. i decided to give him another chance because i do love him and he seemed genuinely sorry. the problem is i’m still really really hurt and i have feelings of anger towards him. him cheating on me is all i can think about when we talk. he says he needs me and can’t go a day without me and that he’s cut the other girl off completely. should i leave him completely? or wait for these feelings to go away?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • boyfriend cheated on me?

    last week i found out my boyfriend of a year had been cheating on me for 6 months with another girl. in september him and i took a little break but we still continued to talk the entire time. me and him started officially dating again september 19th but he’d gotten into a new relationship september 11th. the girl he’d had an affair with found out about me so she threatened to tell me. i guess he got scared and told me first. he told me everything and started begging me not to leave him. he said he only had real feelings for the girl in the beginning and after that he just didn’t know how to break up with her. he begged three days straight until i finally gave in. i decided to give him another chance because i do love him and he seemed genuinely sorry. the problem is i’m still really really hurt and i have feelings of anger towards him. him cheating on me is all i can think about when we talk. he says he needs me and can’t go a day without me and that he’s cut the other girl off completely. should i leave him completely? or wait for these feelings to go away?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Biology question?

    which one is a tertiary consumer?

    A.) Mountain Lion

    B.) Snake

    C.) Frog

    D.) Mouse

    3 AnswersBiology3 years ago
  • relationship advice?

    i've been dating this guy 6 months and for a week npw i've been thinking about breaking up with him because i jjust don't feel the same anymore but today he showed me a tattoo he got and it says 6-1-17 which is the day we started dating. I feel really bad what should i do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • I hate my dad?

    Every time he comes home in a bad mood he makes sure i'm in a bad mood too. He's always picking fights with me, trying to embarrass me in front of other people. He yells at me and calls me fat, a *****, dirty ect if my chore is not done but when my sisters chore is not done he says nothing to her. Some people say its because she's younger but My sister will be 14 in November and i just turned 15. We're not that far apart in age. Sometimes when her chore isn't done he'll yell at me for it and call me mean things. I always tell my sister to clean up but she doesn't want to. My sister and I fight sometimes (but all siblings do) and my dad says he's gonna injury me if i lay a hand on her like im just gonna hurt her. My sister and i are the same size. Same weight & height. Not too long ago my dad busted me in my mouth when me and him were arguing and it gave me a swollen mouth for 3 days so I couldn't go to school. I'm just miserable here and i'm treated so unfairly

    2 AnswersFamily4 years ago
  • Bump on neck?

    I have a bump on the left side of my neck. It hurts very badly. I just noticed it today and now it feels swollen. I looked at it in the mirror and its kind of big and looks like there is pus at the top but it wont pop. I was going to wait for it to go down but I searched the internet and some people say I shouldn t wait. Do i need to see a doctor?

    Skin Conditions4 years ago


    1 AnswerChina4 years ago


    2 AnswersOther - Destinations4 years ago
  • I m dieting?

    I m on a diet but I wanna eat candle wax. Can anyone tell me how many calories they have???

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • why was there a shift to new imperialism in the late nineteenth-century?

    this is not for a school assignment right now i m just studying for a test in a few days.

    1 AnswerHistory4 years ago