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  • What makes skin sparkle rainbow in the sun?

    What causes those tiny rainbow prisms on your skin when you’re in the sun? What is the light reflecting off of that it isn’t skin colored? 

    Skin Conditions6 months ago
  • What was the first human depiction of a vagina or erect penis?

    Greek statues and old paintings and stuff always have naked ladies with their legs slightly crossed and dudes with flaccid penises, and it occurred to me I've never seen an OLD depiction of a vagina/erect penis. Does anyone know what the first (or oldest you know of) depiction of one of those is? Like, did Renaissance painters make their own porn? Was there enough orgies going on in Greece that they just didn't need that?

    6 AnswersHistory2 years ago
  • Did my kitten imprint on me?

    My kitten is about 3 months old now, me and my boyfriend got her when she was 2 weeks old from his friend at work. He found her mom when she was pregnant but died after giving birth. My boyfriend thinks she imprinted on me because of how she acts with me and no one else... I did spend hours in the bathroom with her playing with her and stuff every night, bathed her weekly and combed her daily when she had fleas but was too small for the shampoo.

    Now that she's a bit older, she acts insanely attached to me. She follows me around the house constantly - no matter when I leave the room she'll follow, even if she was asleep. She sits at my feet at the toilet and right outside the curtain of the shower, and if I close the bathroom door she'll scream until I open it. Every time, the second I touch her she starts purring like a little lawnmower.

    She falls asleep on my chest every night, and my boyfriend says when he comes home from work in the morning (he works overnight) she guards me, and if we're playfighting and I scream she'll jump up and attack. She only does it with me, she sometimes follows him but really only if she thinks he's feeding her.

    He says she imprinted on me and genuinely thinks I'm her mom; is that possible/do you think she did? She's the first kitten I've ever been around and I don't know how they normally act.

    1 AnswerCats2 years ago
  • What tattoo would you get?

    If you could get any tattoo what would it be and where?

    7 AnswersTattoos2 years ago
  • Vagina problems?

    For the past several weeks I've been having some strange problems with my vagina. When I first got together with my boyfriend, we didn't have sex a whole lot (maybe once every couple days), but we started discovering more things and getting more passionate and we ended up having it... a lot. The average was 4-5 times a day (mostly back to back, so maybe twice in a row, do something else or go somewhere, again 1 or two times, etc.). It had been 6 or 7 months since either of us had sex with anyone before we got together, so we obviously had some pent up stuff.

    But a few weeks ago sex started hurting pretty bad after the second time so we cut back, took a break for a few days, and tried again. Fine the first time, almost unbearable pain the second. We thought I was just sore from "use" so we kept taking breaks and only having sex once a day in between. But then after the first time (painless) I started bleeding and my vagina hurts pretty bad afterwards. Basically my symptoms are:

    - Pain during (if >1 a day) and after sex

    - Light to medium bleeding after sex (only 1st time per day)

    We tried taking breaks from sex to nearly no avail. We looked and the entrance seems swollen and has more of a pale pink/yellow color than a steady light pink.


    - We've both been tested for STD's before we started dating and were clear.

    - This also seemed to start around the time my birth control brand was switched

    - Can't go to OBGYN until insurance problems are fixed, but I will soon.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health3 years ago
  • Attachment image

    What is this symbol?

    It has a circle on top with a line kind of through it, and a dot in the center (I think), and then two little "stems" coming off of it. It kind of looks like a dandelion but it's some symbol signifying something meaningful/worldly or something.

    I drew this very... very... quick sketch in a paint program and I hope(?) it'll be close enough for someone to recognize.

    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration3 years ago
  • Stupid house rules?

    I'm 18, graduating high school in one month. I love my family and the house I'm living in is great, but they have some really crappy rules.

    I pay $130 a month to live here (rent), but I still have a curfew (10:00 weeknights, 12:00 weekends). I believe that, as a legal adult with a job and rent, I should be able to freely leave the house when I want to. I own my car and pay all gas expenses etc.

    I am responsible with school and work - never late, and I have great grades. I never drink alcohol or do drugs, and I've never even been to a party. I feel like if I'm responsible enough to own a car, phone, pay rent, and have a job, I should also be given the tiny bit of adult freedom that comes with all that.

    I wouldn't be disrespectful enough to come and go in all hours of the night - I just don't want to be punished when I get home 15 minutes late because of traffic!!

    I feel like these rules are unfair, and I've had several civilized discussions with my guardians about how I think they should change (to no avail).

    I'm completely fed up with it and I want to move out. My boyfriend has invited me to come live in his house, which is closer to school and work anyways which would be very convenient for me. And if that were to fall through I do have several layers of back-up plans.

    I very much want to move out, but I don't want to do it in a rash way. I want to leave on good terms with my family, and I don't want to hurt them, but I'm not sure how I should approach it. Advice?

    10 AnswersFamily3 years ago
  • Breathing underwater?

    I mentioned breathing underwater to a few of my friends and they don't seem to get what I'm talking about. Do you know when like, you breathe SUPER shallowly through your nose underwater you get more air and can stay underwater longer and stuff?

    When the barrier in your nose goes up that stops the water from going in but you still get a little bit of air? Does literally anyone else know what I'm talking about

    3 AnswersSwimming & Diving3 years ago
  • The Scranton Strangler?

    1.) Is it known how many people the scranton strangler killed?

    2.) Which agency would be involved with investigating and prosecuting (in real life)

    3.) What's your favorite Scranton Strangler quote

    1 AnswerComedy3 years ago
  • Which amendment does murder violate?

    Which amendment in the Bill of Rights does homicide violate? (For a class assignment in Government)

    4 AnswersGovernment3 years ago
  • Mental disorder?

    The past week or so my friend has been saying some really weird stuff when we're talking and he's really upset because he doesn't know why he's saying it. He says that as it comes out of his mouth or as he types it, it's like he's a "passenger in his own body" and completely paralyzed as his body just moves on it's own.

    These are some of the most random things he's said:

    - But the bowling alley was always presented by the prime minister

    - Cardboard is the alpha of all material in the ore of the flag

    - Chucky can fly out of the movies

    - Simplistic ideas are what make up the hierarchical British economy that's ruled for millennia upon galaxies in the mainland shores home to the frilled shark and the war on lambs of the sandstone

    - Pianos will be the death of us all

    I'd normally say oh he's just messing with me but he's genuinely freaked out by this and every time he says something like that he like, breaks down because he doesn't know where it's coming from.

    Any ideas on what could be happening?

    2 AnswersMental Health3 years ago
  • What's happening with my friend?

    The past week or so my friend has been saying some really weird stuff when we're talking and he's really upset because he doesn't know why he's saying it. He says that as it comes out of his mouth or as he types it, it's like he's a "passenger in his own body" and completely paralyzed as his body just moves on it's own.

    These are some of the most random things he's said:

    - But the bowling alley was always presented by the prime minister

    - Cardboard is the alpha of all material in the ore of the flag

    - Chucky can fly out of the movies

    - Simplistic ideas are what make up the hierarchical British economy that's ruled for millennia upon galaxies in the mainland shores home to the frilled shark and the war on lambs of the sandstone

    - Pianos will be the death of us all

    I'd normally say oh he's just messing with me but he's genuinely freaked out by this and every time he says something like that he like, breaks down because he doesn't know where it's coming from.

    Any ideas on what could be happening?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture3 years ago
  • Can schizophrenics imagine their pasts?

    Can a person with schizophrenia literally "make up" their entire past? As in imagine consecutive events that never actually happened? I don't know much about schizophrenia, but I have a schizophrenic friend with a literally unbelievable backstory. I don't think he's a pathological liar and honestly his story is incredibly thorough, with no holes and no deviations. But it is like something straight out of an action movie, and from what I've seen, his athletic skills don't nearly match up to the types of things he claims to have done. It'st just so amazingly thorough and he definitely believes it's real. So I'm wondering if he possibly "imagined" it and it became like a truth to him?

    1 AnswerMental Health3 years ago
  • Is it weird I ve only ever wanted to have sex with one person?

    My current girlfriend is genuinely the only one I have ever wanted to have sex with. I ve never looked at another girl and wanted literally anything with them, and I ve had sex before my current gf but I always detested it and could never stay hard for more than a few seconds, and had to really focus to even do that. My girlfriend won t believe me when I tell her that she s the only one I find attractive, or have EVER found attractive in that way. Obviously I ve thought other girls are pretty, just like I can recognize a good looking man when I see one as well, but I ve never had a desire to be with any of them like that. Is this normal?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Ball Python Breeding?

    Well I'm not too good at introducing context so let's get to the point I guess. I'm considering starting to breed ball pythons (which I realize takes time, money, experience, etc., but I'll research that on my own time so please don't spend most of your answer informing me of that because I promise, I know). Basically, I never realized how many ball python morphs there really are. I'm not going to start breeding right away, and maybe I never will, but before I get a python I want to know what I should get that would be most profitable in the future. Since I'm not buying the snake for breeding purposes, I'm not willing to spend over ~$250, but I do want a cheaper morph (possibly axanthic?) but I also know nothing about breeding combinations yet. What cheap morph could be used to breed with a different, possibly more expensive morph to make a separate, profitable cross? Basically, can anyone give me some simple, common crosses of ball python morphs/what they produce? Genealogy is also very interesting so feel free to give as many generations as you know (great-grandparent, grandparent, parent, offspring, etc.). Thank you!

    3 AnswersReptiles4 years ago
  • Please help me find this book?

    There was a book I read a few years ago that I absolutely loved but for the life of me I can't remember the name. I just remember small snippets of imagery that was very strong to me. I'm not even sure it all belonged to the same story but I hope it did.

    It was a ghost story, similar to All the Lovely Bad Ones. I believe it took place, as most ghost stories do, in a very old house, or perhaps a mansion? There was a field, garden-like, outside the house, though I don't recall what was grown there. On the inside there was a kitchen attached to the living room, a couch in the center with a fireplace in front. Upstairs there was a room with a rocking chair, facing a window out to the garden. It was very important to the story. One of the standout scenes was a story with the room bathed in amber light.

    Another very interesting concept, the main reason I want to find the book again so badly, was the afterlife. It was like a large desert, and occasionally it would be flooded and the spirits would have to "surf" the waves until it ended, or they would drown and be destroyed.

    I've looked everywhere, but I can't remember the title or the actual plot. I would have to read every ghost story in order to find it again because I only remember those scenes and the images.

    I'm hoping the book actually exists and it's not just my imagination. Hopefully someone has recently read it or remembers some of the same images I do.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors4 years ago
  • Writer s block: I need story ideas?

    So I m going through some total writer s block right now, but I m desperate to write a story. If you have any snippets of story ideas or even just cool thoughts you ve had and would like to share, I m hoping I can find some inspiration. Character generators and story generators are great and all, but I d like to get ideas from real people so it can feel a bit more immersive.

    Any ideas will be gladly welcomed!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors4 years ago
  • Am I losing too much weight?

    So I'm a 17 year old girl, and I had been 145 pounds. I had put on about 10 pounds after the holidays, and I was accumulating a lot of fat around my waist. Now, before I start, I know that 145 is within normal range and I'm definitely not overweight. My goal is to lose the ten pounds, no more, to get me back to the perfect middle range of BMI. I also know that I have very unhealthy habits; I don't exercise nearly at all and I had a very bad diet so I decided that even if I didn't lose weight that had to change if I wanted to be healthy.

    I started my diet/exercise regimen 6 days ago. I completely cut sugar, and I only take in the carbs that I need to. I've made sure to take in a sufficient amount of calories since I know that too little calories can actually make you gain weight. I've been eating about 1500 calories a day, all in the form of weight loss foods (eggs, meat, fruits and vegetables). At the end of every day I've been spending 20 minutes on the elliptical doing interval training, and I burn about 100-200 calories from that.

    I would never, ever make myself throw up, I stay hydrated, and I don't starve myself or do diet pills.

    *Background over*

    So from 6 days of doing this, I have already lost 5 or 6 pounds. I feel like this is way too much for such a short amount of time, and if anything I feel like I should be gaining some weight from muscle buildup. My mom says our family has high metabolic rates but I still feel like this is a lot. Should I change my routine?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • How to view prizes under onclick events?

    Okay so I'm playing a game where you can get bonus prizes by clicking on these little icons. There are 20 identical icons with various prizes underneath (some good, some not). I need to know how to view what's underneath without clicking them - that way I can get good prizes. Is there a way to do this? I know how to view the html of a page, but it doesn't show anything about what's underneath the icons.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • Sims 3 Questions, Please Answer?

    I play the Sims and wanted to know a few things. In the Sims 3 is it possible to:

    -Lock neighbors onto your yard

    -Marry siblings

    -Have pregnant teens

    -Create a prison

    -Steal cars

    -Steal babies and raise them

    -Have pregnant male Sims without getting abducted or downloading mods

    You don't want to know why I'm asking these questions. Really. You don't.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago