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Lv 58,906 points

Vincent P

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I decided not to have an "about me" section anymore.

  • Is "The Hills" the worst show on television? Is it the worst show ever created?

    If you can somehow prove otherwise in an intelligent manner, I would be shocked.

    10 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the "nice guy" paradox?

    Hey, all of you "nice guys", and anyone else, for that matter. I have a question for you.

    Have you yet, or will you ever come to realize why you have problems finding girls? In my experience, the people that consider themselves "nice guys" are always busy complaining that the assholes are taking all of the girls. The problem is, 90% of these same people are trying to go after the same girls as the "assholes".

    If you consider yourself in a different league than these guys, why do you want to date the same girls? I can tell you from experience that there are plenty of awesome girls that don't go for the type of guy that you hate, yet I see you ignoring them and going for the wrong ones, because they're not as good looking, or they don't dress the same, or they don't flirt as much.

    Could it be that the "nice guy" is just as shallow as everybody else, and he simply chooses to shadow his lack of ability to find relationships by claiming that all girls are going for "bad" men?

    I'm just asking because I know a lot of people that consider themselves to be in the "nice guy" group, and do exactly what I just described.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is it unreasonable to refuse service because the work area is dangerous?

    I'm having a small moral dilemma. I do in home computer and electronics service. My company does not have a storefront, so everything is either pickup and drop off, or I finish the work at the customer's location.

    Is it wrong of me to refuse service in an area of the city that is known to be extremely dangerous? I know I'm under no obligation to accept a customer, but this is not a question of obligation, it's a question of morality. I had no problems with the customer herself, she was a very nice woman, but I apologized and told her I did not service that area. She did not ask why.

    This neighborhood is the worst we have. It's home to a huge percentage of our city's crime. Personally, I had no qualms about refusing it, but the company owner was furious with me - please note I am a contractor to the company and he is not my supervisor. After trying to convince me that it wasn't dangerous, he said I should have gone and just brought a weapon with me. I thought that was a little hypocritical.

    Am I in the wrong here for looking out for my own safety? This is the first and only call I've ever refused and the only I've ever received from a bad area.

    11 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Why do we allow politicians to ignore the law?

    Note: I'm an independent, not a democrat. I'm not voting for either candidate, I don't like them. And yes, I know CNN is a liberal news outlet, but that's beside the point. The story isn't made up.

    Why is it acceptable to plainly and publicly ignore a subpoena from a state legislature? They have taken the proper route, filing counter suits which challenge the validity of the investigation, but that does not exempt them from compliance. How can you support someone who does not abide by the law? This is very basic stuff. If you have nothing to hide, why would you blatantly ignore a request for investigation? It's like painting a bulls eye on your forehead, it just makes you look guilty, even if you've done nothing wrong. She simply refuses, denies that any wrong occurred, and that's that. Nobody cares.

    There's no way to justify behavior like this. We've seen the Bush administration do it, now Palin is doing it. Shouldn't this be killing McCain's campaign? Why are more people not outraged about something so serious? The campaigns spend so much time making little issues into huge, disgustingly exaggerated firestorms, yet when something serious happens, nobody makes a fuss. What in the world is going on?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about the socialist handling of the economic crisis?

    I'm an independent, and I'm probably not voting for McCain or Obama, so supporters, please don't jump down my throat for insulting our present or any possible future administrations.

    I want to know how people are feeling about the socialist-minded takeovers of so many large financial establishments recently. Personally, I don't think there has been much in the way of options, but I'm not too happy being the one that will foot the bill for this.

    As I understand it, the republican party is about deregulation and small government. Well, it was Phil Gramm's deregulation that helped cause this meltdown, and now we've bailed out yet another one. The government just threw us $85 billion further into debt with the bailout of AIG, and taxpayers will be seeing the bill for that one. On top of that, the "small government / dereg" plan has now completely backfired, with our government having stake in multiple influential institutions.

    For those of you (Independents, republicans, democrats, it doesn't matter) that accuse Obama of being a socialist, where do you stand on the recent course of events? Will you defend them as a necessity to prevent depression? Or do you see hypocrisy in the matter?

    As I said, I don't really like Obama and will not be voting for him, but it terrifies me that McCain had Phil Gramm - one of the main causes for our current situation - as an economic adviser for such a long time. I can't imagine this getting a great deal worse, but I don't see how continuation of current policies would make it any better.

    Serious answers only, please. I have not insulted you, please do not respond to insult me.

    2 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Does anybody else hate Obama AND McCain?

    Honestly, I'm starting to feel like I'm one of a very select few. I feel like Obama is a naive, delusional idiot with a severe lack of experience, who will inevitably be so soft that the rest of the world will bully America and manage to make us a complete joke. McCain is another greedy, scheming, lying republican candidate that will continue us down our current road, which I believe ends in a ditch on the side of the road somewhere.

    Please don't try to convince me to vote for either of these guys. I just want to know if anybody agrees with me.

    22 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Can you prove your belief to me?

    Hello, Athiests, hello Christians, and hello to everyone else that follows a more rare belief system on Yahoo! Answers.

    Allow me to introduce myself. I am an agnostic. Therefore, no matter what you argue, you cannot dissuade me from my beliefs. As an agnostic, I understand the truth, that I cannot possibly know if there is a higher power, or what it is, therefore I do not agree with or dispute that fact. I simply live life for life, and when that is over, the result will be the same regardless.

    I would like to hear from all of you. What would you say to me if you were trying to convince me that your system of belief is correct. Now, understand that this is just for kicks. There is no way you can prove anything (or disprove, for that matter) so no one is actually going to convert me.

    I have a feeling that Athiests have the best chance here, since, by simple observation of the world it does not appear that there is any larger controlling factor. Philosophers, attack at will if you'd like.

    As for the devout Christians, those most stubborn of believers, I ask that you please, please do not try to prove anything by saying senseless things like "I just KNOW there is a God", or "It's something that you feel to be true" as that is completely skirting the issue and is not an absolute, for if it were, there would be no other religions.

    Well, I've talked enough. I'm looking forward to seeing what people have to say. Flame me, hate me, or actually answer the question. Do your worst.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I'm trying to remember a song...?

    It's from the 90's, and unfortunately I can barely remember anything about it. I know it was sort of a pop/rock song, and the lyrics or title had something to do with the word devil. I remember it having a really catchy guitar line and it was on the radio quite a bit, but now I can't remember the title, or what it even sounds like. Any ideas as to what it could be?

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago