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Lv 2724 points

Gillian Lee

Favorite Answers15%
  • I've been accused of text harassment?

    this person has been telling a person we mutually know, that I have been texting her mean things, doubting her parenting skills, telling her to leave this other person alone because she's ruining his life, etc. This is completely false, as I would never do such a thing. She has received texts from my number saying mean things, but it's impossible as my phone is literally on me at all times, and my phone records show no outgoing texts to this person. I have reason to believe that she is using an anonymous text service to make it seem as if I am bullying her, but really she is using this as leverage in a situation between her and this mutual person. Is there anything I can do? Can I block my number from being USED somewhere... is there ANYTHING that I can do that is not malicious. Anything just and reasonable and civil. I do NOT want your suggestions about repaying evil for evil :(

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • keylogger malice! :(?

    Hello. So a sort of boyfriend says that his daughter's mom had been somehow hacking onto his facebook etc and reading out conversations. he maybe confronted her about it, and she says that she found a keylogger on her computer and that it was set up for his also, that read all both of their keboard stuff and was sending it to ME? I had never even heard of such a thing before he asked me if I put a keylogger on his computer. had to google it. I had no idea it even existed.

    he said it was created on a day when he was with me, so now thinks that this person (who has been really malicious in the past) is telling the truth?? I think she prolly set this thing up creating a fake email that looked like mine on purpose, just so she could pin it on me one day. can you even do that? what can I do!!!! :( the guy I love who I've never done a bad thing to thinks that I am now a crazy woman :( I have never had reason to spy. what do I do???

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • food poisoning, or did the food just not agree with me?

    So there's this mexican place in town.

    I don't know why I never learn, but every time I have eaten there I get the worst upset stomach, and... fluids coming out both ends. :( The first couple of times it happened I thought, oh, it was just a coincidence. But it happened a third time to me now, it's really awful.

    Every time I have eaten with a bunch of other people and nobody else has been affected at all.

    I can normally eat anything I want without this sort of thing happening. It never happened to me before except at this specific place, and ONE other time when I had gone to a wedding and I can remember having only a few meatballs to eat. Needless to say I wont go to that mexican place anymore, but... what could be the problem? Is this food poisoning or just that this food doesn't agree with me?

    And is there any way for me to know what that thing that doesn't agree with me is? So that I can always avoid it...

    4 AnswersFast Food1 decade ago
  • interpretations of killing/hurting people in dreams?


    so lately I have been having very violent dreams.

    the first one I had, I was being drug off in broad daylight by this gang who had beat me up and was now apparently going to rape me.

    The next dream, I was suddenly super strong and was just hurting innocent people for no reason.

    I had another where three disreputable men were coming after me to try and rape me, and I snapped one man's neck, kicked the other in the balls, and the third, I bashed his head in, it was very graphic and there was a lot of blood... :P

    another dream, I was minding my own business on the beach when a man came up to me and tried to hurt me and rape me, so I bit him and clawed him to death...

    I have also have two dreams where a friend of mine from a few years ago was trying to rape me, but I beat him up and escaped.

    I normally have very beautiful dreams of vivid landscapes, exploring, exciting, happy wonderful things... what could these really terrible, violent, bloody, graphic, horrifying dreams be about for me?

    I am 22 years old.

    thanks, any insight would be helpful!

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • what are some reasons for pregnancy symptoms, other than a pregnancy?

    I have an appointment monday with a doctor for a "medically accurate" test, because I am feeling tons of symptoms and I think I should be far along enough to get a positive at home test, but I have not.

    what are some alternative reasons, possibly, for these symptoms? ARE there alternative reasons?

    I am 22 and in great health...

    1. Implantation bleeding I think?

    2. minor spotting/discharge?

    3. cramping

    4. bloated

    5. back pain

    6. woozy and morning/all day sick (not puking though)

    7. light headed/dizzy when standing or sitting in one place, and when falling asleep in bed, pretty much all the time...

    8. sick to my stomach does not go away with food

    9. headaches

    10. my skin is horribly oily in the last week

    11. sore throat comes and goes each day

    12. leg aches/twinges

    13. tummy bulge, small but was not there a month ago...

    14. cravings... sweets and chinese food

    15. alcohol tolerance is so low that I take ONE sip of wine and feel that funny feeling in my face

    16. sense of smell is fantastically heightened

    17. horribly fatigued during the day

    18. never feel rested in the morning, hard to get up even when I have had hours more sleep than usual

    19. sometimes it is hard to sleep through the night, tossing/turning etc

    20. nipples are um, pointy all the time now, and starting to get red

    21. breasts feel heavier

    22. I have a little temper! grr haha...

    23. hot flashes and bad night sweats!!!

    24. itchy down there sometimes

    25. needing to pee a lot

    26. short of breath and large increase in heart rate from normal everyday tasks, like going up and down stairs , cleaning my apartment, walking to class, etc.

    (I am in really great shape normally, I run a lot, but my heart rate from these activities has been increasing to what it would be if I ran a mile at a good pace, then stopped to rest. AH!)

    is there ANY other probable medical reason for this many symptoms to be going on at once??? My boyfriend is freaking out. haha. I am not, but he is. please let me know if you have any ideas.

    again I am 22 and in great shape and eat healthy. hm!


    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Am I pregnant or anemic? ha?

    So, I am having dozens of first trimester pregnancy symptoms. Most intense over the last few days have been lightheadedness like crazy, feeling morning sick, cramping, fatigue, night sweats, etc... I had what I think may have been implantation bleeding about a month ago, but have taken two negative prego tests in the last few days. went off my pill today to see if I will miss a period, and I have an appointment monday anyway for a medically accurate test or whatever, but I read that anemia gives you symptoms like what you experience in a pregnancy. But I have never been anemic before, this was a sudden onset about three days ago, and now the dizzyness and light headedness won't go away except if I am walking around or cleaning house or moving or something. This wouldn't happen with anemia would it?

    other than that I feel like I am almost certainly prego but very confused by the negative test results.

    insight would be helpful! thanks

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • did I miscarry? Please help?

    So, here's the deal. I am on the pill that gives you 4 periods a year. I take it regularly and have never missed. However I have had some unprotected sex in the past month, most recently for me to believe it was a miscarriage, was two weeks ago. Right after the incident, I gained about 5 pounds randomly. a few days later I lost the weight back. A few days after THAT, I began feeling a lot of back pain, cramps, and suddenly three days ago I started my period WHILE I was still on the pill. Now, every thing I have read says that when you are experiencing a miscarriage, you bleed, you have worse cramps than normal (I have not had period cramps since I was a preteen), and often times you have a constant ache in your lower back.

    HOWEVER. here are the questions. so, first thing: the bleeding. I was 4 days away from the actual last pill in my cycle, was my body just really excited to get that period over with? I have been on this for a year and this has never happened before.

    Next question, I have occasional back pain anyway, but lately it has been ten times worse and it' hard for me to stand.

    I was never sure I was pregnant and in fact just assumed I was worrying over nothing. But I also remember during the time when I gained 5 pounds I felt like it WAS in that area, and I felt like I had to pee a lot.

    Also when I first began bleeding I noticed a grey something weird floating in my toilet :/

    so, what do you think?

    I have been taking this birth conrtrol for a year and been on it for over 5 years, I never miss, ever. positively! is it possible to get pregnant on the pill still? And do you think I may have been? I definitely never have been before.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • what's the difference between a regular bike and a recumbent bike?

    I mean, is there some added benefit to riding in that sort of bike? is it better for you in some way? I am trying to figure out why you would get one... normal bikes seem to be pretty okay!

    4 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • what does it mean when someone says, "we're kind of between a rock and a hard place?"?

    ... that's it. I just want to know what the expression means.


    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • My maybe boyfriend booked us a room at the hyatt..?

    Is that a pretty good hotel..? I'm going to be visiting my friend (he is a guy) next weekend and he's booked us a room at the hyatt. so........ like.... trying to figure out like, is it a really nice hotel or, I just want to know the reputation of the hyatt hotels. I don't have any idea but I remember thinking, they are pretty fancy. ok bye!

    3 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • How do I get guys to care about my brain and not my body?

    Dear everyone,

    so here's my situation. This may sound vain, but I am a pretty attractive person.

    However my greater asset is my brain. I'm a very intelligent person, creative, interesting... fun to talk to... The problem is that girls seem to judge me and shun me, and so I get along better with guys. But I am finding that, in fact, the men in my life only really like to hang out with me so they can flirt with the pretty girl. I've been realizing that they don't know a thing about me, and they don't care to know anything about me. It's horribly depressing. So my question is... how do I get a guy to appreciate the real me, not just the pretty face? :P

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Crash course in music terms?

    Hello, this guy I am interested in is really into music and in in a really good band with a lot of potential. He always talks music but I seldom understand what it is he is referring to, and although I really love music, I don't know a thing about how to talk about it. Anyone want to give me a crash course in rock band terms and/or things one might talk about if they were really into music??

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • why do people stare, it makes me feel awkward!!?

    so I walk to class or around campus or around town, at the grocery store, or driving in my car, and people are constantly staring at me and it makes me feel really awkward! I consider myself to be pretty... but I feel really self conscious when people look at me so much! is it my hair?? lol...

    photos at

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • People stare at me awkwardly like all the time. WHY?

    so I walk to class or around campus or around town, at the grocery store, or driving in my car, and people are constantly staring at me and it makes me feel really awkward! I consider myself to be pretty... but I feel really self conscious when people look at me so much! is it my hair?? lol...

    photos at

    11 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • weird proposal stuff? input please?

    So my ex husband proposed to me on christmas, and it went over terribly with the company (my parents who didn't like him) and anyways, I'm divorced and with someone new. The last relationship was kind of recent, but things with my new guy are really great... the other day we talked about getting married. we're both in agreement that it wont be for a while, but how do I tell him NOT to propose on christmas? I just don't want to deal with conflicting christmas proposal memories. And I dont know if he knows I was proposed to on christmas or not. hmm

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago