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    ¿Hola 😊 podrías ayudarme a contestar una breve encuesta?

    No te quitara más de tres minutos, es super fácil y sencillo. Con tu participación aportaras un granito de arena en el surgimiento de un proyecto. El propósito de la encuesta es analizar el nivel de aceptación de jabones artesanales orgánicos.

    Muchísimas gracias y bonito día 😊

    3 AnswersOtros - Cuidado corporal5 years ago
  • ¿ Puedo sacar una visa B2 aun cuando estuve indocumentada en EEUU por 8 años?

    Hola, quisiera sacar mi visa pero tengo temor a que no me la den, pero mejor intento y veo que pasa. Bueno estuve en EEUU por un poco más de 8 años, ingrese a los 10 años de edad, estudie ahí y me gradué de High School, no tengo antecedentes penales, también estudie un semestre en un colegio comunitario, ahora, me regrese a México en el 2010-2011 y he estado aquí, he trabajado cuatro años constantes, ahora estoy estudiando y voy en mi penúltimo semestre. Cuando salí de EEUU salí usando pasaporte ya que me regrese en avión. Creen que esto ultimo impida que me otorguen la visa? No tengo intención de ir a quedarme, solo quiero visitar.

    1 AnswerEmbajadas y Consulados5 years ago
  • ¿ Puedo sacar una visa B2 aun cuando estuve indocumentada en EEUU por 8 años?

    Hola, quisiera sacar mi visa pero tengo temor a que no me la den, pero mejor intento y veo que pasa. Bueno estuve en EEUU por un poco más de 8 años, ingrese a los 10 años de edad, estudie ahí y me gradué de High School, no tengo antecedentes penales, también estudie un semestre en un colegio comunitario, ahora, me regrese a México en el 2010-2011 y he estado aquí, he trabajado cuatro años constantes, ahora estoy estudiando y voy en mi penúltimo semestre. Cuando salí de EEUU salí usando pasaporte ya que me regrese en avión. Creen que esto ultimo impida que me otorguen la visa?

    2 AnswersInmigración5 years ago
  • ¿Cual es la differencia entre una Norma y una Ley Natural?

    Lo tengo de tarea y tengo que investigar amabas, pero por lo que eh estado obserando no hay differencia. Pero si la debe de haber ya que una Norma y una Ley son distintas aunque no se por que, ahora bien : son ambas distintas pero es lo mismo decir "derecho Natural" y a cual se refiere? a una norma o una ley. ayuda porfavor. Estoy en una clase de fundamentos de derecho y no se nada me prodian tambien recomendar una libro?

    1 AnswerLeyes y ética8 years ago
  • Great short action/shoune anime to watch?

    well Im going for short mostly, also funny, tons of action.

    here are some that I've watch:

    One Piece XD

    Naruto =D Tenshi Muyo - -

    GunXsword =) Full Metal Alchemist XD

    Busou Renking =) Shaman King = D

    Death Note =D GunGrave XD soo good best ending ever

    Mew Mew Powe (eh) Kenichi XD

    Trinity Blood = ) Trigun XD

    Black Cat =) The Law of Ueki =)

    Horan Host Club :) Hellsing XD

    Hikaru No Go =D Eyeshild 21 XD

    Ranma 1/2 still watching.. Spiral -bleh-

    Berserk -fail- >< Soul Eater =D

    S-cry-Ed =D Slam Dunk - still watching-..

    FLCL -_- GTO XD

    Fate/Stay Night =D Mnemosyne >> good but disturbing

    Witch Hunter Robin =D DRRR XD great

    Angel Beats XD TT.TT hilarious

    I think thatz all..I don't really like romance so not a lot of that please..

    this ---> XD = Great..

    Im about to start on

    Detective Loki &

    Peacemaker Kurogane

    4 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • how to read hiragana?

    i know a lot of the characters, but I don't know what they all mean in english if they are in a sentence.

    how to I learn the meaning of them?

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • ¿como aser una carta a poder?

    mis padres kieren mandar un carro a mexico y les piden una carta a poder. se que el documento tiene que desir k mi mama le da permiso a tal peronal de pasar el carro a mexico, pero no se exactamente que mas informacion tiene que llevar. porfas ayudenme.

    4 AnswersLeyes y ética1 decade ago
  • about what size is the tail-bone (coccyx)?

    I need to make a clay model of it for anatomy class and

    I don't know the measurements. just the coccyx..

    3 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • about how big is the coccyx?

    I have to make a model of the coccyx, so I was wondering

    how big it is. I don't want to make it too big nor too small.

    thank you.

    4 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Should there be a comma after Cedric Jones, Sr.?

    some say that there should be one, but others that it should not, because the Jr, Sr, III, are part of the name. there is some book (can't remember the name) that said this. Gregg..may be not..

    so is there a comma or not?

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • when should I spell out a number and when should I write the digit?

    I have heard two different things, some say that I should spell out numbers when the number is greater than ten.

    others tell me, including my English teacher, that any number less than 100 should be in digit, and that any number greater than 100 should be written out.

    so which one is correct? 100 or 10?

    7 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Is "you've got" grammatically correct?

    for example: "That helps because you've got someone on your team that can push you in practice and in matches you're only going to get better."

    does this sentence contain any grammatical errors at all?

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • does this contain any grammatical errors?

    Tobacco Consumer:

    Effective 06/07/07, All Customers appearing to be under the age of “40” will be asked to provide proof of age by showing proper id. Customers under legal age or without proper id, will not be permitted to purchase tobacco products. This change in Wal-Mart policy is an effort on our part to restrict the availability of these products to minors.

    should the id be capitalized? and if so, why?

    should you spell out the number 40? or not?

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • who can tell me about Forensic Anthropology?

    exactly what is the name of the people who study dead bodies and determine the time of death, sex, cause of death, and all that kind of stuff? what is the name of the job that they have?

    this is not related to TV shows because I know they exaggerate.

    I know it has to do with Forensic Anthropology but I been looking everywhere and there are so many different things that come up that I am so confuse.

    Thank u for answering my question even if it is stupid.

    1 AnswerAnthropology1 decade ago
  • "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love." how can I write a response to it?

    see, my teacher ask us to write a responce to this poem, but it has to have the same rithm and I sorry to say that Im really bad in poetry. the poem is this..

    The Passionate Shepherd to His Love

    by Christopher Marlowe


    Come live with me and be my love,

    And we will all the pleasures prove

    That valleys, groves, hills, and fields

    Woods or steepy mountain yields.

    And we will sit upon the rocks,

    Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks

    By shallow rivers to whose falls

    Melodious birds sing madrigals.

    And I will make thee beds of roses

    And a thousand fragrant posies,

    A cap of flower, and a kirtle

    Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle;

    A gown made of the finest wool

    Which from our pretty lambs we pull;

    Fair lined slippers for the cold

    With buckles of the purest gold;

    A belt of straw and ivy buds,

    With coral clasps and amber studs;

    And if these pleasures may thee move,

    Come live with me and be my love.

    The shepherds' swains shall dance and sing

    For thy delight each May morning:

    If these delights thy mind may move,

    Then live with me and be my love.

    ......the reply may be affirmative or negative; However, the poem must follow the guidelines. You must have six four-line stanzas using the same meter and rhyme scheme.....

    Im just looking for ideas...I know u wont be doing my homework...

    Thank u!!!

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What is a Reflection Paper? How do I write it?

    ok. so I have to do 5 reflection papers on a book called "How To Read Literature Like A Professor" by Thomas C. Foster...1 paper for every 5 chapters...then I have to do 3 Reflection Papers on another book called "The Fith Child" by Doris Lessing..this is for my English class..I have never done a reflection paper so Im looking for some advise on how to write one....

    Thank U in Advance!!

    7 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • ¿que paso con tsubasa chronicles?no entiendo nada.?

    ok..porfas explikenme ke es lo k pasa...estoy en el capitulo 42..ya lo termine de ver..pero disenn k no siga viendo los sigientes capitulos y ke empiese a ver las ovas..enverdad que estoy muy konfundida ..lo estube en toda la serie...porfas diganme si enpieso a ver las ovas y luego kontinuar kon la serie original. o k onda? si ya la vieron diganme k es lo k pasa para k asi yo inporta si son spoilers..ya luego terminare de ver la series..incluyan la relasion entre el anime, manga, pelicula, y ovas.k es lo k tienen de diferente k es lo k pasa y por k?...porfas..estoy bien konfundida...TT^TT


    8 AnswersCómics y animación1 decade ago
  • is it true that Tobi could be Obito? NARUTO?

    look i have not read the manga only on SJ but they skip a whole lot...I watch the anime..anywho well I was looking at some of the pictures and then some websites that said that Tobi is this a stupid question>? >.<* if he is what is kakashis more interested in what he thought.....

    10 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Latin-English:is this translation of Ciceronis Filius correct? I did my best..please check..?

    1- Marcum iam curat non nutrix sed paedagogus Graecus.

    Now a nurse does not look after Marcus but a Greek tutor.

    2- ille Marcum litteras docet et Latinas et Graecas; plerumque Marco Graece dicit.

    He teaches Marcus both Latin and Greek letters; he usually speaks to Marcus in Greek.

    3- ille studia non amat; nam semper ludere cupit.

    He does not love studying for he always wants to play.

    4- sed Graece et dicere et scribere gradatim discit.

    But little by little he learns both to speak and write in Greek.

    5- ubi venit aestas, tota familia ab urbe in colles abit ad villam rusticam; nam calores aestatis in urbe ferre non possunt.

    When the summer comes the whole family goes away from the city to the hills, to a country house, for the summer’s heat they can’t bear in the city.

    6- ibi Marcus ferias agit.

    There Marcus is on holiday.

    7- Consobrinus eius Quintus ad villam saepe venit.

    His cousin Quintus often comes to the country.

    8- pueri in agris ludunt, fundum visunt, pisces in flumine capiunt.

    The boys play in the field, they visit the farm and they catch fish in the river.

    9- autumnus adest, in urbem redeunt.

    With autumn coming they return to the city.

    10- his feriis Marcus valde gaudet.

    In this holiday Marcus is very joyfull

    11- ubi Marcus septimum annum agit, inimici legem in Ciceronem ferunt.

    When Marcus seventh year begins enemies pass a law against Cicero .

    12- ille inimicos valde timet constituitque in exsilium fugere.

    He is very afraid of the enemy and decides to flee into exile.

    13- Terentiam iubet Roma abire et in villa rustica manere.

    Rome orders Terentia to go away and to stay in a country villa.

    14- tristis Roma discedit et as Graeciam navigat.

    He leaves Rome sad and sails to Greece.

    15- Terertia totam familiam as villam ducit ibique manet dum Cicero abest.

    Terentia led the whole family to the country house and there they stay while Cicero was away.

    16- Marcus patrem desiderat sed gaudet quod ferias tam longas agit.

    Marcus misses his fatherland but he rejoices because the holidays are long to such a degree that it drives him. (not sure about this one)

    17- interea Cicero epistolas miseras ad Terentiam scribit semperque cupit Roman redire.

    Meanwhile Cicero writes miserable letters to Terentiam and always…………???????

    18- sed proximo anno amici eius novam legem ferunt eumque ex exsilio revocant.

    But next year his friend a new_______.......O.o

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago