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  • I am going to stop breastdeeing my baby and just need some mom advice.?

    My duaghter is 9 months old, and has been breastfed only. She is biting now, and I also have not lost any weight since having her. So, I am going to stop breastfeeding so i can loose weight, and because it hurts, and leaves teeth imprints everything she eats!!

    What is the best way to stop for both me and my baby?

    How do you cope? I almost cried the other day thinking about it. Is that weird?

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Ears very very sensitive to noises?

    my ears are very sensitive to noise... like it feels like it rings through my hesad... what is this?> n wat can i do??

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Any women have to deal with difficult babys daddy's?

    I am just wondering if any women have any adivice on how to deal with difficult babys daddys? Like fathers who take you to court for NO reason just because they do not like you.

    -I am not looking to be judge, you do not know me, and do not have the right to judge, lets leave that up to God.


    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Any Single mothers go to Law School?

    Just wanting some advice on how you made it through school. I am about to start College this fall and am a single mother of two little ones. I want to go to Law school and pass my Bar in the long run. How would you recommend doing it? Just looking for advice! :)


    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • My Question is regarding the laws of Libel and slander in the state of Tennessee....?

    I'm pretty sure there is a statue of limitation of 6 months for both, but I have read now that Libel is a one year statue of limitation and Slander 6 months. ok lets say someone filed a police report and exactly 6 months later they get served with papers to be in court about libel and slander...... when ther court date comes around they prosecuter and attorney never show up so the judge dismisses it on account of failure to question.... since the judge has dismissed it and it is also way past 6 months now... are tehy able to re-file?or re-open the case?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I have blood in my stool.....?

    since wednesday night i have had bloody stools :( i had high liver enzymes about a week ago..... and also had a csection march 22nd 2010...

    i didnt get tooo alarmed by it because i had bloody stools after my first csection but more immediatelly...

    i have also had a headache dont know if that has anything to do with it....

    have nny ideas what it could be?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Newborn on zantac for acid reflux.....?

    My newborn is on zantac for acid reflux, but making her constipated... I am debating wether i should keep her on it, or take her off...

    Anyone else faced with this descion? and what did you decide to do?

    (I am the type of person who likes alll natural things! no meds...or anything)

    Cause i think it messes with your naturalness lol...

    cause it is messing up her system and i would hate to mess it up while she is sooo young

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Did you gain alot of weight in your pregnancy?

    Im at the end of my second pregnancy, and both times have gained over 70lbs!! what is wrong with me. I am getting depressed about it... :( anyone have some encouraging words? and how did you loose it! :) i was only 130 when i got prego with my son!!! so it sucks gaining all the weight!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I accidently took two ambien(both 10Mg) I am pregnant. Should I be alright? I am prescribed to take 1?

    I have a prescribtion for them, and am prescribed to take one-10mg at night. I accidently took two, i took one and then got distracted and took another not long after! just want to know if everything will be fine!

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Im having a baby girl! :) I have a son whose name is Landon.?

    I just cant think of a good name for this baby!

    What name do you think would sound good with Landon! :)

    Her middle name is going to be Michele(after my mom)

    the names I like so far are Molly and Lashay.

    I just want some more opinions.

    I do not like popular names!!

    22 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What percentage do you think a man contributes to making a baby?

    I am 8 months pregnant, and this is my second time. I am jsut curios as to why guys think making a baby is 50/50... i say F-U! i have not seen the guy since i got pregnant. who is the one who is carrying the baby, making sure the baby is healthy and growing. gaining all the wieght? ruining my body? i mean come on. i think a guy only contritues about 1%... think about it. all they have to do is have sex. WOW! come on like thats hard work? NO what is hard work is taking care of a two year old by your self and being pregnant at the same time. with no help! just curios as to what you think the percetage is and why!! :) :)

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How can I print out texts from a cell phone(sprint instinct)? the phone company cant do it.?

    i tried emailing them to myself, but it was just the words, I need the time, date and the person it was from and the text. This is for court and my attorney wants me to do it

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • SO I was notified of court MONDAY the 14th... that I have court FRIDAY the 18th!?

    It is a motion to establish visitation... with my son.... His father told his atoorney i falseified a police report, and also that i have refused him any contact with my son. WHICH neither are true.... I did not falsify a police report. and i haev not refused him anything. He has had no contact with his son in almost 4 months. He has called one time and I called him back and left a message and he never called back. SO he has not even called to ask abotu how his son is doing, let alone asked to see his son. The reason we are having court this friday is he is asking for an extended holiday with landon. I have no problem with him being in my sons life, it is just the fact he can not walk in and out of his life all the time. I am willing to agree to him seeing him on xmas but not oevr night. He has been out of his life for 4 months and in the best interest of Landon, He needs to start out with day visits and work his way up to night visits and then weekend visits. HE also live out of state. MY son is 2 and I do nto want him out of the state as, my son has kawasaki disease and his insurance is not covered in other states, so if something were to happen to him in another state he would nto be covered. So MY QUESTION.... i was notified only 4 days b4 court no attoney or lawyer can help because they need 5 days to review a case. I cant not get a court appointed one either bcause it is not a ciminal case. I am just worried about my son. He does not need to go over night with his father a first..... because he has been out of his life for four months. I do not want my son to be tramatized. The father also has been in and out of his life since birth....

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • so verizon is trying to carge us with fraud.... help me out...?

    We had verizon up unti recently... we told them my mom passed away in may..... and they continued to give us service because we cahnged stuff to the account... they knew she passed away, she is the one on the account... so waht can we do....

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • If i get married while pregnant go another guy, does that father take on being the father?

    I got pregnant by someone i never really had a relationship withl... dont judge..... and he has alot of money and wants to take the baby from me when i have it. I know he cant but wondering if I get married to someone else if that makes me look better as a mom in court.... since my 2 yr old and this baby will have a constant father and mother in their life....

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Needing some legal advice... i am pregnant and the guy is threatening me...... and threatening to take,,,,,?

    the baby from me. I have told him to stop contacting me and he continues to.... A lawyer here told me i do not have to have any contact with him while pregnant and do not need to tell him about any prenatal care. He says his lawyer said he can take the baby from me. I do not know how because i already have a two year old and its apparent he is well taken care of! ;) Just need some advice and words or wisdom and maybe some uplighting words too.. im sooo tired of being harassed!

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I want to get a restraining Order... worried tho! :(?

    i am pregnant with this guys baby and he is harassing me and threatening me. i want a restraining order, but it has to go b4 a judge and i would have to see him and he would bring a lawyer and I cannot afford one, but i want to get one on him... whats your advice? I am a 20 yr old and he is 35 and he will not stop harassing me!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Can a father get full costody with MONEY?

    I am pregnant and the father keep threatening to take the baby away from me and he has alot of money and I do not have any. I can provide for my kids tho! I have a two year old, who is taken well care of even his dr's can vouch for that! But this babys father has been sending me harassing and threatening messages like ...... "My goal is to hurt you like you have me I'm putting a 100 percent into this god I'm excited I have so much to look forward to"

    He says I hurt him cause I left him. The reason I left him was because he was doing drugs and i was not going to allow my son to be around that. I am just worried....

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago