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I like to answer questions about makeup, healthy living, and school (social and homework help). For homework help, i can answer questions based on the information that i've retained from gradeschool all the way up to tenth grade. I can also give advice on how to keep up with school work based my experiances. If you have questions that you want to ask me regarding school social life of classwork that you want to ask me personally, feel free to send me a personal message. I will answer (i may not be fast though) I will not be avaliable on Yahoo Answers as much during the school year, but during summer time and vacations i will be around a lot more. Im not willing to give out my facebook and i dont have a twitter, but do have an instagram (Joane_L08)

  • Advice on raising my kitten with my parents?

    I just got a kitten a few days ago. My dad is the one who wanted and outdoor cat. He has a garden in our backyard and his friend who gave him the cat told him that an outdoor cat will ward off critters that like to feed on out plants. its only about 12 weeks old and its timid. I have tried my hardest to learn as much as i can about cats so i can raise a healthy cat.

    my parents aren't from america so they view pets differently and with less compassion. I try to keep it indoors but my parents make him go outside during the day and it makes me feel so bad for him. Its in large carrier and my kitten is small, but i hate seeing him boxed up for hours. I let him out as much as i can when he's inside. We cant let him out outside because he likes to hide under the ac unit and crawl through the small openings in the fence and run away. He's never in the grass, always on the cement in the shade, always checked up on and his litter box is almost always clean. I try to walk around with him outside every now and then so he gets used to it.

    With a full time job and school, this is all i can do for my kitten. I try and teach my parents how to be compassionate towards animals. But they are old and set in their ways already so i cant really change their minds anymore than i already have. Will my kitten grow up to have major problems with how we are taking care of him??? (He's kinda lazy, likes to sleep and be petted)

    1 AnswerCats5 years ago
  • im going crazy over this guy! what should do?!?

    There is a friend that I have. I've liked him for a long time (since November of last year). We have started talking a lot more for about a month and he likes me too (we both have confessed to each other). He likes me, I like him. Simple solution, start dating right? Well its much more complicated than that!

    He right after he told me that he liked me (last week), the day after (he was supposed to ask me out officially), he called it off because he told me had a really bad fight with his ex girlfriend. They were on and off for a long time and i had no idea that he was still contacting her when we starting talking to each other (we have been good friends for a while, even before i told him i liked him)

    He wanted to get back with her, but she rejected him. now he is heartbroken, but he says he still likes me. his heart brokeness is holding him back from dating me. I have had enough of waiting and i dont want to be his back up plan anymore! I like him so much! But he is confused and he's confusing me. He told me that it will take a while for him to get over her. I feel like he expects me to wait for him. But i feel like if his ex were to call him up now and ask to get back together he would say yes in heartbeat. Yesterday i avoided him a little and after school, he told me that he wanted me to text him more. Like he missed me. Today i text him, but he doesn't bother answering. He also didn't say hi to me in the hall and he didnt come to lunch!

    I'm so fed up! These ups and down are so distracting and I don't know what to do anymore. I have done nothing but care about him and be there for him as a friend too. But he shows feelings for me and it hurts that he has someone else in his heart too. I can tell he likes me. Buy the way he looks at me, hugs me, and talks to me. But I don't know what's going through his mind! What should i say to him, what can i do!? Why hasn't he bothered contacting me today? Did i waste my time falling for this guy? I'm so tired of this pain

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • have you ever won a youtube giveaway?

    you know those giveaways that youtubers do? especially the beauty guru's.

    1 AnswerYouTube8 years ago
  • is this something i should worry about? please help!?

    I have liked this guy for a while now. I began having feeling for him last December. this summer i tried so hard to forget about him but i couldnt! . He eventually did text near the end of summer wanting to hang out. Since then we texted or messaged each other on facebook a little bit and we were flirting here and there too of course.

    School has begun and it was hard to get to see him around campus since we dont have class together. When we finally got a chance to talk yesterday we hugged a few times and chatted. something about those moments when he looked at me and hugged me made me feel so special and he cared about me. But our conversations online have been a drag for the past few days. maybe its me? Yesterday when we talked at lunch, he told me he would message me and he did. i said hi back but then he gave no reply for hours. then he replied asking if i had one of our friend's number. I was thinking "WHAT THE? YOU HAVE HER NUMBER!," but i gave it to him. I messaged him today and he read it, but didnt even bother answering me.

    He's called me beautiful, he looks into my eyes when he talks to me, he gives me really hugs, he says the sweetest things to me. But i dont know if im overreacting or not because of the messages, but i dont like this one bit. i like him so much hurts and i think he likes me too. but whenever im certain he does he give me reason to doubt.

    Do you think he may be doing it on purpose? Do guys do this?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • red eyes after using contacts?

    i just got contacts yesterday and i notice that on of my eyes is pretty red after putting them on. they dont feel irritated or itchy. i mean im still getting used to them. my other eye gets a little red but it does aways faster. what kind of drops can i use to help with this? its not pink eye or anything, i feel no irritation

    2 AnswersOptical8 years ago
  • red eyes after using contacts?

    i just got contacts yesterday and i notice that on of my eyes is pretty red after putting them on. they dont feel irritated or itchy. i mean im still getting used to them. my other eye gets a little red but it does aways faster. what kind of drops can i use to help with this? its not pink eye or anything, i feel no irritation

    3 AnswersOptical8 years ago
  • can brittney spears sing?

    do you think she can? i honestly have never heard her without auto tune

    5 AnswersCelebrities8 years ago
  • how should i tell him i like him?

    Ok im sorry if this turns out long. but if you could take the time to read this i'll be grateful. I'll try to be concise.

    I have liked this guy, (lets call him A) since like December. at first i just thought he cute but i started thinking about him more and more. And now...i really like him, a lot. After a while of just being acquaintances, We started flirting. He's so playful and we just joked around a lot. he would steal my beanie and mock me. and then after a couple months i he came to class looking down he told me he broke up with his girlfriend 9i had no idea he was taken).

    So i just wanted to be there for him as a friends but on the inside i was kinda happy.... But then he got back together with her. it really hurt. i tried forgetting him, but i couldn't no matter how hard i tried. Then after a while he broke up with her again. He wasn't as upset about it this time as it seemed like they had some issues (they were long distance.) and we started flirting again. This time, we got more touchy. he had thing, where we uhhhh...grabbed each other's butts :D hehe. So at that point, i thought he liked me back. then he got back with hisgirlfriendd -__- But he told me they were still bickering.

    Now recently, a few weeks ago, they broke up again. I KNOW! and i still like, even more than before, i just cant help it. We talk a lot more, and were good friends. I finally got his number, i have his facebook, we talk in class all the time. But i want to tell him that i like him now. I really want to since we have four days of school left. Through all of this i was unsure if he liked me. I mean, he help my hand one day and skipped to lunch, he grabbed my butt a few times (im guilty too), i hugh him everyday, and i am tired of hold it in. The problem is, i dont know how to say it 0__0. my friends tell me to be straight forwards. Is it the best way to do it? how??!!!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Should i call and make a complaint after this?

    I have purchased the smae pair of earphones 3 times think that it was user error causing them not to work but i have figured out that its the company. I bought a pair of maxell earphones and the first time i lost which is obvously my fault. the second time I bought them, they worked for a couple of months and then suddenly stoped working. I handn't smashed them or ripped them or anything. I bought another pair less than a week ago and they stopped working the day after i bought them. Should i call the Maxell headquaters to compain. i can't return them since i dont have the packaging

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics8 years ago
  • Are there a lot of students in your High school who do this?

    a lot of people at my school smoke pot. Like seriously, soooooooooooooooo many people do. I go to school in orlando. Is it as common to find a lot of people like this in your high school?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • what is your everyday makeup routine?

    For school or work. Why do you usually stick to everyday. Feel free to list products. I'm just curious :) I don't have an everyday "routine" really. I change it almost everyday.

    20 AnswersMakeup9 years ago
  • how much should i sell these pokemon cards for?

    I have a binder of 251 pokemon cards that im selling to this person. I havent decided how much i should ask for. I removed some of the more rare cards and left it with mostly basic cards. They are in good condition and are all in pockets. some of the cards are bit older (1996-2000). How much should i ask for?

    3 AnswersCard Games9 years ago
  • favorite super junior album?

    It can be from any of the sub groups too. I really loved the third album! all theirtheen of them (tears up).......

    6 AnswersKorea9 years ago
  • Favorite Shinee (kpop) song?

    Mine is Ayo :3

    24 AnswersKorea9 years ago
  • should i give this guy a chance?

    Theres a guy who likes me at school. Told me on thursday (no school friday) but i already kinda new it before. He always hugs me and tightly too....he sometimes hugs me for a long time too. He's so nice to me and always cares about my well being. He seems to always want to talk to me and he walks me to class whenever he gets the chance to.

    I used to like him a little bit last year, a while before school ended. But it was just a little crush. This year i really made it clear to myself (and my parents, haha) that i would not get invloved with boys. I spend the majority of my time so engrossed in my school work. So this is unexpected.

    He's a senior and im a sophmore. He's quirky, silly, and nerdy, but we share a lot of common interests. I dont care for his looks. He's just so nice to me. But a part of me is saying no because i'm scared (never had a a boyfriend or anything close to one), i wouldn't have the time to hang out with him after school (my parents are stict and wont let me out with friends), and because he's a senior and he's going to leave (he'll still be in the area though, but i would still be sad).

    Should i atleast give him chance? Or are my doubts signally that i should just say no? I'VE NEVER BEEN IN A SITUATION LIKE THIS!!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Help with finding foundations?

    I have searching really hard for a foundation that will fit my skin shade. My skin is about a NC 43-44 (i haven't actually tried MAC foundations i just know that im darker that NC42 but not quite dark enough for NC45). My skin have very yellow undertones and that whats giving me trouble. I cannot find enough foundations with yellow undertones. I'm sick of having to a bad quality foundation with a foundation with good coverage, but red undertones. My skin is just so yellow and its hard to find matches.

    I cannot affor brands like bobbi brown, mac, or nars no matter how much i want them. I'm still young and i dont have a job. I save my money to get the things i need, including makeup. So preferably drugstore or beauty store places.

    Please tell me about any foundations that have prominent yellow undertones and fall under the NC 43-44 skin shades. Also, what shades in revlon colorstay (Oily-combination) have yellow undertones (i've been wondering about 'toast' specifically)? Is Maybelline Superstay Foundation in Honey beige or caramel a yellow undertoned foundation? Also, if you know any shades in the Iman Makeup line that have yellow undertones feel free to tell me about it :)

    1 AnswerMakeup9 years ago
  • what is your favorite F(x) song?

    My favorite is Beautiful Goodbye

    7 AnswersKorea9 years ago
  • how much do you hear gangnam style in your home country?

    I just can back from school and we had a prep rally. They played ganam style and everyone was dancing and sing. I was so happy to know that everyone in the U.S loves this song! People are singing it all the time at my school and now people are less ignorant know that chinese people aren't the only asians on the planet :/ (no offense, im chinese as well...) Kpop really is becomming more know. The wonder girls are comming orlando for the first time! no kpop star has ever come here and i'm gonna go see them!!

    EVERYONE KNOWS GANGNAM AND SINGS IT HERE! It's amazing! what is it like where you are from?

    16 AnswersKorea9 years ago