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Tarot and rune reader. Active in the pagan community. Practicing witch for 30 years.

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    Does anyone know what type of toad this is?

    I live in the oak woodlands of California in the Sierra Nevada foothills 750 foot elevation. This toad lives in my garden. I provide water in a shallow dish and do not disturb the flower pot it sometimes nests under.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape6 years ago
  • Are these tadpoles from frogs or toads?

    I have a water dish I leave out for the toad in my garden to drink from. Recently I have discovered some tadpoles in this watering dish. Is there any way to tell if these are frog tadpoles or toad tadpoles?

    1 AnswerReptiles6 years ago
  • Counseling does it matter if you lie on a couch or sit at a table with some cards?

    If a person needs to talk just to get some perspective. I'm not talking mental illness just some help to get a handle on you life. Does it really matter if you are talking with a pastor, counselor or a card reader. I am a reverend and I have helped lots of people I just want to ask does it matter how the help was rendered. Sometimes people come to get readings just because they are lonely. I always provide some insight how to get more involved in their lives. I can "see" what they need to know. Many times people just need someone to help them get a perspective and already "knew" the answer they just need confirmation. Does it really matter how they get it? Also why do people call it fraud if everyone leaves the table happy. I don't always charge for my readings, very few professional counselors could say the same. Blessed be.

    1 AnswerMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Is the Deity of your choice tough enough?

    The other day I was having a discussion via answers email with The Lord's bj (name has been change to protect the foolish) And was accused of getting upset because my views on religion were being attacked. I was upset about his lack of compassion for a questioner that was planing a funeral. I think that if your deity can't take a shot without your faith being shaken you don't have the strength of faith to make it anyway. My Goddess has her big girl panties on. If you feel the need take a shot. Blessed be

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The rulers should have to live on what the poorest do.?

    If the leaders of our country want to have the right to rule shouldn't they also try to live on the social security the elderly are forced to live on. Medicare has been cut so dental and eye care is no longer covered. Do the poor not need teeth and sight. How many of those politicians in office have to cut their medications in half so they can buy food. Not to mention turning off the heat on freezing nights. Is anyone else outraged?

    3 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • My children just had lice! Any suggestion on how to clean my house?

    I took the bedding out and washed it. Cut all my son's hair off put raw eggs in his hair and then washed with a sulfur shampoo, my daughter the same but she still had them so I put olive oil on her hair overnight then washed her hair again now they seem clean but I'm worried I'll get them or they will get reinfected. Please help!

    4 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Are we on the edge of a transformation?

    I have had the feeling that we are about to make a spiritual leap into the next stage of our development. I have spoken to others that agree. I have had many people come into the metaphysical shop where I work and ask about the unexplainable things they are seeing and what to do about the entities that are invading their homes demanding attention. Others that are experiencing visions and strange feelings they can't explain. It seems people are experiencing what has been call "awakening". I have worked to develop my abilities but some people are being turned on without effort. What are your views on this phenomenon.

    9 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • O.K. this is the thing I don't get.?

    Since angels do not have free will how did Lucifer thwart God? Since the Bible states that we should not worship idols why are all these statues in the church and people are praying to them? Also since it says in the Bible you shall have no God before me does that mean I can worship other Gods as long as I give Jehovah (YHVH) a nod first?

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Pronouncing Celtic.?

    I had long ago been told to pronounce it with a hard c. I was just talking with a young customer and she corrected me. I believe I am correctly pronouncing it for the people and the pantheon of the European Celtic peoples. What are your opinions and do you know if your answer is the definitive on this question.

    10 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • How do I make this site work?

    I am a web novice and I don't know how to answer the questions I have wanted too. Will someone please help me.

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago