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Lv 57,815 points

Alex G

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  • Are glasses unattractive on a guy?

    I wear glasses and I pretty much go through phases where I hate wearing them and phases where I don't mind wearing them. My question is are glasses unattractive/a turn off on a guy? And no laser eye surgery I'm definitely not going to have and I hate putting stuff in my eye so NO contact lenses.

    16 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Using introvert as an excuse?

    I'm more or less happy with my introversion. It took some time but I just enjoy spending time on my own. I'll see my friends twice a week but I always end up going in my own world and will want to go home. Also, I'll be around my dad couple hours everyday but then I'll just be on my own. Is it healthy because I feel like I'm being myself but you can kid yourself into thinking your behaviour is psychologically healthy when it isn't in the long run. It's impossible for me to see my friends everyday without my energy getting drained but I feel like I use the introvert as an excuse to isolate myself a bit too much. Opinions would be nice thanks.

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Deadline missed- houses to be let?

    I'm officially stressed. Me and three mates have put our deposit down on a house to let for second year of university. I haven't checked my emails for a bit and today I checked and it said the deadline to give the guarantor information was today. I've done I've needed to do but one of us hasn't. Any idea what this means. I hope it just means we have to move into the house a little later and it doesn't mean we lose the house. Anyone know what missing the deadline for this results in? It was stupid to ignore this but other things do pop up in life and I'm going to try and sort it out tomorrow.

    P.S. wrong section I know, but advertisements there are only advertisements on other sections.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Asking someone out over facebook?

    Trust me, if I could click my fingers so she would bump into me on the street so I could ask her out in person i would..but I can't. If she says yes, Asking out in person is so much better in every way but I only have her facebook, not even her phone number.

    I know her through a friend when we went to a club. She was really nice and we had a good couple of conversations (as good as you can get when you have to shout because of the music). She told me to add her on facebook but we didn't exchange numbers.

    Mainly girls: would it be ok to start IM her on fb then after a couple of minutes ask her out...or does it seem lame? It might be a while when I see her again in person without initiating things. People's opinions and suggestion on what I should do would be great...thanks!!!!!

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Asking somone out over facebook?

    Trust me, if I could click my fingers so she would bump into me on the street so I could ask her out in person i would..but I can't. If she says yes, Asking out in person is so much better in every way but I only have her facebook, not even her phone number.

    I know her through a friend when we went to a club. She was really nice and we had a good couple of conversations (as good as you can get when you have to shout because of the music). She told me to add her on facebook but we didn't exchange numbers.

    Mainly girls: would it be ok to start IM her on fb then after a couple of minutes ask her out...or does it seem lame? It might be a while when I see her again in person without initiating things. People's opinions and suggestion on what I should do would be great...thanks!!!!!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Good psychology books?

    I am interested in psychology: body language, behaviour etc etc. Anyone know any good books I can read because I want to learn more about the subject? Links to these books will be good as well. Cheers!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Good psychology books?

    I am interested in psychology: body language, behaviour etc etc. Anyone know any good books I can read because I want to learn more about the subject? Links to these books will be good as well. Cheers!

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Accidently shared a photo- quick and easy questions!?

    I took a picture on my phone to test something. I went to delete it once I took it but accidentally shared it instead. I hastily deleted it because that getting sent to my contacts would be semi-embarrassing. I didn't have bluetooth on nor did I have visibility, could anyone have got that picture through bluetooth? and will anyone be able to get the picture now that I have deleted it? Thanks for

    the answers!

    Sorry for the wrong category but you are much more likely to get answers in this category than the other categories.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Sharing pictures- amateur when it comes to this crap?

    I took a picture on my phone to test something. I went to delete it once I took it but accidentally shared it instead. I hastily deleted it because that getting sent to my contacts would be semi-embarrassing. I didn't have bluetooth on nor did I have visibility, could anyone have got that picture through bluetooth? and will anyone be able to get the picture now that I have deleted it? Thanks for the answers!

    1 AnswerCameras1 decade ago
  • Girls: your opinion on this. Seriously confused...?

    I met this girl at my mates flat where we were having pre-drinks before we out to town. I started to get feelings for her and the conversation went really well and I got her number. She texted me the next day the text conversation wasn't that long (3 texts each) but the texts were lengthy. A couple weeks later she invited me to a christmas flat party where we have mutual friends and I said I would go.

    At the party we pretty much spent 80% of our time together. She hugged me alot, kissed me on the cheek alot and held my hands for a bit. Her body language was very open and she twice looked at the ground to avoid eye contact. The problem is and this is where I got confused her boyfriend was there. She brought him over from sweden (they're both swedish). The guy seemed completely fine (thought he might of been hiding his jealousy) with her acting like this. I was in two minds whether she lieks me or is just really friendly and her boyfriend knows this.

    So girls (guys as well I guess): What do you think about this? Also would you act like this girl did to a guy who you didn't like?

    21 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Paranoid about how people perceive me?

    I'm in a flat with 9 other people at university and I can't help but worry that people ***** about me. In the past I've been maliciously criticized and so going into a flat with 9 other people I don't know I'm worried how they perceive me. I like them but I'm not 100% sure if they like me or they secretly laugh at me. I know people will tell me to just stop being so sensitive but I can't help pisses me off. Also I don't want to talk about it because they know I can over-analyse things and I don't want to risk pissing them off. So I have to bottle my emotions inside me and it's gotten me really depressed today.

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Girls mainly- Did I do the right thing to back down?

    Ok basically the situation ended up with me and my mate talking to this girl. Both of us talking to her at the same time. It ended up being like a secret competition to see who would pull the girl between us two. However I backed down after she said the following which basically meant I remind her of her best friend and my mate reminds her of her ex. Now to me it seems like she consciously or subconsciously trying to divide us two into two different categories in which I was put in the friend zone and my mate for having dating potential or whatever. So I decided to hold back. My mate ended up asking asking to buy her a drink, she hesitated a bit but accepted. Looking back I'm a bit annoyed that I didn't go for it and I would have most probably asked to buy her a drink if it was just us two.

    Anyways...did I do the right thing? (Mainly girls point of view)

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Hairy unattractive- should I trim?

    Ok I have a lot of hair on my legs belly, lower back and *** and added to the fact that it is DARK hair. I know not many girls find it attractive so would trimming be a good option? I ain't shaving as I'm not gay! I honestly don't want to wax either as it's painful and just annoying to have to do. Then there are removal products which are meant to cause severe irritation.

    Singles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Mate forgot to invite me to his birthday- how would you react?

    He only wanted to something in our small group of close friends for his birthday as he couldn't be bothered arranging anything big. Being one of his close friends I was expected to be invited.

    Long story short he invited everyone except for me and he forgot to invite me. I didn't really respond to it besides a quick 'thanks', obviously being sarcastic. You will have to trust me how I KNOW that he merely just forgot to invite me and I also know that he isn't mad at me at all.

    How would you react if you were in my position? I didn't really make a big deal out of it, because there really isn't much to discuss about it. But what would you do. I admit I'm obviously say no-one likes it when this kind of things happen but I ain't traumatized by the incident either.

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Foreskin doesn't fully retract?

    When my penis is flaccid I can easily pull back the foreskin over my head. However when I'm erect it only retracts slightly. When I try and pull back the foreskin when erect it starts to hurt, will this be a problem during sex? It isn't a problem during masturbation however I have a feeling it will be a different matter when it comes to sex. I'm 18 by the way. Is it fine to have sex with a non-fully retracted head. Any advice would be great. And no, I won't get a circumcision.

    5 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Anyone else annoyed by the pull out method?

    Is anyone else annoyed by this method? Some people have such lack of intelligence to think this method would work, especially girls who do this with guys they barely know, hence shouldn't trust. It's like they are asking for a pregnancy or something. Not only can guys pull out late but there is a thing called pre-*** which can easily get a girl pregnant, yet people still use it. Oh and that is not even the worst part, the people manage to pass on their stupid genes to their kids if the girl gets pregnant and decide to keep the baby, yay!

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • uTorrent- not enough space?

    I want to download Big Brother 7 UK using uTorrent. However it is saying 'not enough space on the disk'. What disk? What do I need to do to fix this problem?

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Question for theists: who/what created God?

    Theists talk about how God is the creator of everything, but surely a creator has to have a creator itself. This is not a question to disprove the existance of God (or attempt to disprove), so don't get all defensive, as time can merely be disproved with similar logic. A lot of people that ask this question don't get answers that answer the question e.g. god is the creator of everything.

    So simple (or not so simple) question: who/what created god?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Not being funny, at an extreme disadvantage?

    I just don't have that natural ability to make people laugh and I can't do anything about it. I have a sarcastic/dry sense of humour (british humour?) in some form but I don't have the ability to make people laugh. I can laugh easily and make people comfortable around me due to me being a natural humble person, but the thing is I'm just not a natural comedian and can't crack random jokes.

    The problem is you will rarely find a girl who doesn't view a good sense of humour as important, and don't blame them either. This makes me very uncomfortable when it comes to dating because I know I won't be able to make them laugh all the time which is very important. Any options on how to overcome this?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Small holes in left cheek?

    Ok so I have had bad acne for a year now. It's finally cleared up to the point where it's honestly not that bad. However I have noticed holes on my left cheek. I thought that they were the result of my acne and would clear up and reduce however I've noticed that when some would get reduced others would appear next to them. I feel as if those holes are eventually going to cover my face, I know they ain't permanent so at least there is that. Any idea what is causing these spreading of small holes on my left cheek.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago