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I am a Secular Humanist. To those of you who don't know what that means, it is essentially an Atheist. I do not accept creationism/intelligent design. I know that evolution is an observed fact, and I accept the theory of evolution as an explanation for the observed data. In addition, I see no problems with the big bang theory or the idea that living organisms originated from non-living matter. I believe that Science and Religion are separate fields and that Science does not necessarily preclude religious beliefs simply because it uses naturalism as the basis for its methodology. I do not have a problem with religion in general, but i do have a problem with some of the people. The people who try to infringe upon other's rights or those who insist on their religious beliefs having preferential treatment in the public square even in instance where their beliefs are on uneven ground. (ie, creationism)

  • How do you fix this glitch in Oblivion (Xbox 360)?

    There is a weird glitch i get when i play oblivion on my xbox, where horses appear outside the gates of the major cities, and outside the waterfront gate in the imperial city. They have no rider and are not tagged as mine (i have only used prior marobel's paint horse so far). Either they are horses whose riders died traveling between cities and they wandered home or they are the horses that you can buy and they are spawning outside the gates even though i haven't bought any. Otherwise its a completely random glitch. Has anyone had this problem and know how to fix it (preferably without stealing the horses or killing them!)?

    4 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • Video Games: Oblivion- Question about quest reward?

    When the quest "Goblin Trouble" is completed, the people you helped move from their camp to their farms at Cropsford. It takes them about a month to finish building their homes. One of the houses has a reward chest containing gold. I have heard that the gold is based on the PC level. Is it based on the PC level when completing the quest or does it increase along with player level even after the quest is completed (it can be picked up once per week)?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Biochemistry- What do the terms Acid and Base mean in the body?

    The letter A in DNA and RNA stands for acid. DNA is made up of base pairs. In DNA based organisms the RNA transfers DNA sequence information to ribosomes in the cell, with a different type of RNA aligning with it to produce amino acids. Chains of amino acids in certain combinations produce proteins that the body needs. Why is DNA an acid, if it is composed largely of base pairs? and how do the basic pairs in the RNA line up sequences of amino acids?

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • Why are women so wishy-washy?

    I know that I am over generalizing here, but all the women i have met seem to be completely unable to be direct with me and never take what they themselves say seriously (especially when i do!). One of the few things i ask of people that I know, men or women, is that they say what they mean, and mean what they say. Why do women have such a problem with communicating with me in a clear and open manner? I don't appreciate subtly or tact, as I have a hard enough time "reading" people as it is without the waters being muddied further. What is the problem with telling me what you want, and not telling me what you don't really believe yourself?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is Islam demeaning to women?

    Do the restrictions placed on women's behavior and dress constitute discrimination against women? Alternatively, do we need to look at Islamic law with a sense of cultural relativism? That is, is it fair to judge Islamic nations by Western cultural standards?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What did god say in the old testament about himself...?

    I remember reading a series of scripture quotes (old testament i believe) in which god states something about his own nature or something related to it. But the unique thing about this series of quotes is that it lines up several quotes together which form a logical argument that god doesn't exist! Does anybody have any idea which scriptures quotes could have been used for this neat little pun?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • In American football, when the chain gang comes onto the field to check a first down-?

    how do they makes sure that the chain is parallel to the sideline. It doesn't seem like it would work to "eyeball" it.

    3 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • What purpose do the common arguments against evolution serve, if not to defend biblical literalism?

    It seems that if you break down just about any of the common arguments about evolution you find that the reason they are used is almost always the same. Some people have a literal or heavily literal interpretation of the bible which they believe to be absolute truth. The facts uncovered by evolutionary science seem to regularly contradict these rigidly held tenets and the believer is therefore forced to argue that evolution must be flawed, if not outright wrong. What other possible reason would there be to use outdated and thoroughly disproven arguments repeatedly, to no effect? It seems they are following the common tongue-in-cheek definition of insanity: "Repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting different results" What is going on here?

    7 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Does Roe v. Wade actually legalize abortion?

    Wasn't Roe v. Wade about a woman's right to privacy? Doesn't it state that banning abortion isn't illegal per se, but rather there is no legal way to enforce this ban? I always hear the Roe V. Wade legalized abortion, but isn't this "technically" incorrect by the courts literal argument?

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Dermatology: Why does sun exposure darken skin, but lighten hair?

    Or is this just an illusion?

    2 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Why do banks have barely a whimper of service on the weekends?

    I went to my bank today to deposit some checks, and sure enough it was closed, because it was only open until noon (go figure). A quick glance of the hours also revealed that Sunday is apparently not a day of the week because it wasn't even listed. Why in god's name does every single bank I have ever used steadfastly refuse to offer decent weekend hours? Is it really that hard to do? I mean, logic would dictate that their customers would not only wish to do business on the weekends, but that many of them could not physically make it to the bank in the time allotted during the week!

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • If god has always existed, does that mean that he has had the existential question?

    If god has always existed, then he has always "just been" regardless of his own feelings about his existence. Therefore he must have had the existential thought that: "since i didn't get to choose weather i existed or not, then i must first choose weather or not to continue existing before doing anything else."

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you find it offensive when people "thank god"?

    It seems to irk me to no end when people say "thank god" in certain situations.

    For example, say a boy gets in a horrible car wreck and is rushed to the hospital. The surgeon works on the boy for 6 hours straight, trying to put his mangled body back together. Then when the boy is wheeled out to his anxious mother, safe and sound, she says "thank god you are alright!"

    My problem is that she said "thank god" with the surgeon standing right there. The man had been working on the woman's child for several hours struggling to keep him alive and the woman doesn't even give him the time of day. Instead of thanking him for using all of his medical skill to save her son, she simply thanks "god" that her son turned out alright.

    Anyway, you get the picture. Don't you think that it is offensive when people say "thank god" when they really need to be thanking the everyday people that make things happen?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • R&S Community- What is your favorite Queen song...?

    and what religious meaning does it have for you if any.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Did Muhammad really spread Islam "by the sword"?

    I know that Islam is supposed to be a religion of peace. But if Muhammad spread his religion by conquest then what do Muslims say about this discrepancy?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Was the story of Jesus' resurrection inspired by the Golems of Jewish mythology?

    Just a thought that occurred to me. Oh, the twisted little ways in which my brain works...

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What do you think about this religion?

    If I could come up with any religion I wanted to, it would be Murphyism (or something along those lines). It's sole tenet: that Murphy's law is the universal guiding force behind the universe. (and yes I know that Murphy's law was never intended to be used that broadly, just humor me here)

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago