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Just a swinging
How does one pull out of depression.Hit me like a rock this week.No energy to pull out of it.Yet the hours don't stop.Not use to this.?
Hit me like a rock this week.No energy to pull out of it.Yet the hours don't stop.Not use to this.
Cats5 years agoI have catahoula, My Millie 13 years.We bring her to the vet twice a year for check ups.?
She has 2 tennis size lumps Doc checked them said their not anything to worry about.Say's it would be expensive to get rid of them. Also a sty or lump starting on her bottom eye lid. He say's if it gets bigger they might have to remove it.What is expensive?Why is that his business?Why can't he just fix these things and give me a price? Let me decide if it's too expensive. Just venting . Open for someones advice.
10 AnswersDogs5 years agoWonderful.Windows 10. So glad I got my free upgrade so none of my old games work anymore. C&C zero hour for 1.?
Now I am stuck with win. 10 anyone know how to get C&C Zero hour working. Windows 10 is like digging thru the trash to find a tiny screw. I really dispise !0..Tried to roll back it left my computer in a worse mess. My only option is to zero the drive and re install 7.Unless one of you guys can help me out. Thanks And yes I did the adminster thing and the compatibility thing.Totally useless.
2 AnswersSoftware6 years agowhere soliriary in win ten?
1 AnswerOther - Sports6 years agoI need to get off zolpidem.Someone that knows please,I am 7 years on them and cannot sleep without them.?
Can't say my dose but its not 10mg. or 12.5mg My brain will not let me sleep.My work demands me to sleep when I'm not tired and stay awake when I am.5 more years I can retire.Can my Dr. give me 40 mg a day?
4 AnswersMental Health6 years agoWhat do you think about Trump as President?
12 AnswersPolitics6 years agoHow do you close this account with answers?
I'm beginning to think yahoo wont let me remove or delete this account with answers. Anyone know how to close this account?
5 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years agoBeen using ambien over 5 yrs. I need more mgs than they will give me. I tried Temazepam 30 mg.?
I tried Temazepam 30 mg. They just aren't the same. The thing I like about Ambein is it stops my brain from wondering I just sleep. Without it I'll sit up for hours with my eyeballs rolling around in my head and thinking about everything. Anything out there better than Ambien?
3 AnswersMental Health7 years agoHave a itch on ankle thinking of buying Benzocaine?
Any one know if pure Benzocaine mixed with some water will cause health problems? The weak stuff in the store does not work.This stupid itch if a nerve problem internal that causes the itch. Dr.'s claim their unable to fix it. So I scratch my skin raw. and that can't be good.Of course it's in a hard place to reach.Couldn't be on my hand or arm.My luck.
4 AnswersSkin Conditions7 years agoWhat's with all this Chinees print.?
1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration7 years agoI think I really screwed up?
To make a long story short, I was in 1 room and my wife called me in to see why her keyboard wasn't working.So I go in not knowing what she was doing and just strummed the keyboard and found out I just set her new password on yahoo.We have no clue what I typed and can't get in to reset it.Needless to say I didn't make her day.And her send to in case address was a real old netscape address that is closed.Anyone have any help?
2 AnswersOther - Internet7 years agoI have a new lap top win. 8.1 and want good sound?
With a lap top with limited usb and 1 headphone plug how could I get some good speakers to work with it?To get good loud and clear sound?Can this be done? And what kind of speakers do I need to buy. It' bluetooth also.ITryed running the ear phone jack thru my PC but did not get the amplification. Just plain laptop sound .It's for wiffy for christmas. Appreciate some help. soon thanks
4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 years agoDoes it hurt to leave laptop on all the time?
I just got a toshiba lap top and use it instead of my PC. I leave it pluged in and on 24/7 just close the lid at bed time will that burn anythin up or is it ok to leave on?
3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 years agoWhy did answers change their format? I don't like this one.?
The other format was much better than this one. I rarely visit anymore because of the change.
3 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years agoI upgraded my graphics card?
I have an old HP X gaming computer I bought back in 2006. I believe the graphics card was a nevida 286. I upgraded to a 620. When the computer first came on after installing the card it had said something about unable to change clock speed do you wish to restore default value. Of course I said yes and the computer started up and everything was excellent. Until I started watching some videos on YouTube. I noticed some of the videos if not most were behind the sound. In other words you would see someone talking but you wouldn't hear what they said at the same time their lips were moving. My question is, is there something I may have not done right? I'm not a technician but I do know a little bit about what I have done as far as installing. But I was in a hurry and I may have forgotten something that would cause his problem. Or is it that the computer is too old to properly utilize the upgraded video card?
If it makes a difference and has 600 Mb of RAM, 500 GB of hard drive and the PCU is a Pentium 4 . It was about the best you could buy back then. If I can't resolve the problem I'm going to end up putting the old card back in the computer. Which really does not support the new monitor that I bought.Appreciate any advice that may be helpful thank you.
1 AnswerAdd-ons8 years agoIs it bad to feed my dog good tuna once in a while?
My 2 dogs are 10 yrs old already. I have spoiled them but I like giving them something different once in a while they are tired of chicken as I am. So I gave them some tuna 1 night and they loved it.Yes I bring them to the vet twice a year for They get the best dog crunchy food. But I like to treat them to goodies sometimes. ? is tuna OK?
5 AnswersDogs8 years agoCan somebody check out my answers page?
I would like to know if my answers page allows other people to e-mail me if they choose. I also would like to know if my questions and answers show up when somebody else visits my page. I am not sure how to set these things up. I've had this site for a while and I have been too busy working to pay attention on how to set my page up. I do not want my question and answers being sent out every time I give one to anyone. I just want to make myself available to be friends with other people.
Any advice is appreciated have a great day
1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years ago