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I love God, my family, and you in that order. I believe the bible is the inspired inerrant word of the living God and believe it (as a whole), and God over any religious institutional doctrine, or any man. I believe faith is a first step to which God responds (as He did for me), and then it's no longer faith, but a relationship. Therefore, you don't have to "figure everything out" theologically, you simply ask God. If He wants you to know, He'll tell you, and if not, it's not for you to know, so move on with life. And quit expecting Him to make "sense" Marching around Jericho, rubbing mud in a man's eyes, etc. didn't make much sense at the time, but it worked. I believe Matt. 12:31. If you want your sins forgiven, then make Him your boss, read and obey His holy word, and seek to develop a relationship with Him. And stop trying to figure Him out. You can't do it any more than this computer can figure you out. He is the creator, we are the created--deal with it! God bless

  • If it's okay for a Christian to celebrate halloween....Christians only, please!?

    Then would it be appropriate to dress up as Jesus for halloween?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should a Christian celebrate halloween?

    Simple enough question.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians: Isn't a Christian celebrating halloween sort of like....? American celebrating Middle Eastern Dictator day? If we will celebrate the enemy of our souls, why don't we celebrate Achmidinijad, Saddam Hussein, and all the other enemies of our country? Let's have kids dress up as Hussein and strap bombs to their chest for fun, and hand out little candy AK 47's.

    What's the difference?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians who celebrate halloween....?

    Does this bother you at all?

    This is one lady, research will verify what she says.

    Is God really okay with Christians even acknowledging halloween much less participating in it?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do you think God feels about Christians celebrating halloween?

    I know I addressed this in a previous question, but everyone wanted to talk about halloween and completely avoided this question altogether.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How is halloween with it's mock threats of tricks, and pretending to be something evil......?

    ....not to be considered a celebration of all that is evil in THIS day and time (forget the origins of it which were pure (not mock) evil?

    Today, in this day and time, what is halloween if it is not a celebration of all that is evil?

    And how can any Christian justify participating in it?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians who (for some odd reason) think it's okay to celebrate halloween....?

    How do you think this makes God feel knowing you are celebrating His enemy, and the enemy of your own soul?

    Does it matter how God feels? Or are you just more worried about how you and your children feel being "left out"?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is conscience, Intuition, love.....?

    Are these not spiritual aspects of a human?

    Have you never felt compassion for, say, a homeless person, and just had to go back and give them something?

    Have you never felt guilty for something you knew you wouldn't get caught at?

    Has "intuition" never led you rightly out of the blue?

    Don't these things come from God, and if not, then from where?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is evolution said to make so much sense when....?

    They teach that a giant meteor threw a bunch of dust into the air and only killed one kind of animal? Don't plants and other animals need sunlight too?

    They teach that animals died, and laid for hundreds of thousands of years untouched and unrotting while sedimentarily covered by space dust? Wouldn't they have been drug off and eaten by other animals, and rotted?

    They teach that animals can mutate from one kind of animal to another? Hasn't science proven this can't happen?

    They teach that nothing exploded, and naturally formed itself into everything? Don't all of these things seem like fairytales?

    Consider the Christian view:

    A superior intelligence created everything--Logical. We see this all the time, people create pencils, computers, etc.

    People killed the dinosaurs--Logical. We see this all the time. There are many animals on the endangered list. And many on the extinct list. What's the difference? (Noah took babies on the ark--Duh!)

    The global flood flash-buried millions of animals all over the world fossilizing them--Logical. We see fossils all over the world underground. Without a global flood, then why?

    The Bible says God created each animal according to it's kind, male and female--Logical. We see animals male and femals adapting to environment, but staying within their kinds. Science has proven an animal cannot naturally mutate outside it's kind, and when done unnaturally is always detrimental to the animal.

    I just can't fathom why anyone would conclude that the fairytale of evolution makes more sense than the Biblical version of things when the earth itself so obviously portrays the creationist model everywhere you look.

    So, why in the world is evolution said to be more logical than creationism?

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If Christians are wrong about the existence of God......?

    ....the consequences of being wrong are nill. We will simply die, and never know a thing. However, if atheists are wrong, the consequences are extremely high.

    This, of course, is not a good enough reason by itself to believe in God, I understand that, but....

    The question is: Does this concern you as an atheist, and if not, what percentage would you put on your belief? In other words, do you consider yourself to be 100% sure of your atheism? 20% sure?

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If you happened upon a house.....?

    ....and in this house were a desk with a computer on it, and you could find no trace of evidence that anyone had ever been on that property, would you:

    Assume that the house grew out of the ground over millions of years, later growing a desk (sort of like a wart), and even later an extremely complicated computer.


    Would you assume someone had built the house desk, and computer, and put them together here?

    Doesn't the existence of something obviously designed suggest a designer?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does the phrase "question everything" mean....?

    ...that we should doubt everything, or that we should seek an answer to everything?

    Be it God, evolution, or any other topic in the universe, it seems to me that it refers more to doubting than actually seeking an answer.

    At what point do you consider an answer found if we are supposed to question "everything"?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do college professors think that it is their duty to.....?

    Ruin every college kids faith that comes through their class?

    Is it because the colleges only hire liberal professors who don't believe in God?

    Or is it because they have studied religion so much on the surface (logical) level that they have missed (the spirit of) God entirely?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How now brown cow kids book. Which one is it?

    I distinctly remember the phrase being read to me when I was a kid from a kid's book (sometime in the '70's). The phrase was: "How now brown cow. Won't you please move out of my way?" If I remember right, it was a talking train speaking to a cow that was standing in his way on the tracks. I believe he then went on to explain how he had lots of people or cargo or some other such thing to get to it's destination on time. I've seen the other brown cow Q's on Y!A, and I understand it was also used as a speach impediment exercise and such, but I know it also came from a kid's book (not necessarily nursery rhyme), and I wonder if anyone remembers the name of the kid's book that had this phrase in it. Your help is much appreciated, and a best answer will be chosen if the name of the book is in the answer. Thanx much --Ray W--

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Why do christians feel so compelled to answer questions...?

    that God Himself did not answer for us in the bible. God did many odd things without telling us why He did them. Why did God order the mass slaughter of children in the bible? Who created God? Why did God do this, and why did God do that? Isn't the truthful answer to all these questions simply this: He didn't tell us, so therefore, we don't know. Why must christians come up with all these silly answers just to make themselves feel better? I mean, come on, if ya don't know, why not just say "I don't know". Isn't the truth better? Don't these silly answers that are not backed up by scripture just make us look like idiots in front of people? Particularly intellectuals?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does Revelation 2:7 indicate that our eternal life will come from...?

    ...the tree of life? Will we be in heaven, or the New Jerusalem on the New Earth forever when we die? Are people already there, or will the dead in Christ rise first? The bible seems to indicate that creation will be re-created for us, and we will live like Adam and Eve (mabey not naked, but otherwise), living off of the tree of life.

    What do you think?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Challenging Question for Christians.?

    Ok, I see in the bible where it says we will be walking on streets of gold in the New Jerusalem on the New Earth, and Jesus will be our light, and there will be no more sorrow, etc., but where does it say any of this about heaven, or even that we will end up there eventually?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Intriguing question for christians, and christians only please. Does the belief that we are a spirit in a....

    ...body with a soul equate to us being trinitarian in nature as God is. As a fellow christian (read my profile), I believe this may be at least part of what God meant when He said we were made in His image. I am speaking to trinitarians here, not christians who don't believe in the trinity. Is a dream the mind operating independently of the body the same way Jesus operated independently of the Father (on a much, much lower level of course; I would never assume us to be anywhere near Him)? This is an example of what I mean. Does this make more sense to you, or offend you more? I don't mean to offend, it just makes sense to me. Is there any revision you would make to this theory? Just wondering what you thought.


    --Ray W--

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How did mountains rise up underneath fragile clams....?

    without destroying them? How did fossils sit for millions of years (some with skin and shape intact) while they were sedimentarily buried without getting eaten or rotting or scattered? How did water flow uphill for millions of years while it carved the grand canyon down to the height of it's source river? Some of the things in these geology books just don't add up.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago