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I'm an absolute animal lover. I'm a falconer and volunteer at a bird of prey center and a wildlife hospital. I am an experienced owner of many different birds, reptiles and mammals and have seen thousands of rare, illusive and unusual wildlife.

  • How can I recover my files?

    I have just spent the past 6 hours sorting out my photos from the year 2014 from my old laptop. I put all the videos from that year into one folder so that I could put them onto my new laptop. I plugged in my external hard drive, but had to hold the wire in a certain position for it to work due to a dodgy connection. I then cut the folder of videos and pasted them onto my external hard drive. They began to download, but then the wire must have moved because the external hard drive disconnected in the middle of the folder pasting. I plugged it back in hoping it would resume what it was doing, but it came up with a message saying "You need to format the disk in drive E: before you can use it". I ve no idea what that means and whether to press yes or no because I really don t know much about computers. Will I be able to recover the folder of videos? I m really concerned because they were very sentimental to me. I was originally copying the videos into the folder to make sure I had two copies of them, but then it said that there was no more space on my laptop so I had to start cutting them instead! I d really appreciate any help. Thanks

    3 AnswersOther - Computers5 years ago
  • How long will it take to know if membrane sweep has worked?

    I am now 41 weeks + 1 day pregnant with my first and cannot wait to get this baby out! I had my first membrane sweep this morning as there's been no sign of labour being close, and have felt really achy since. The midwife said the baby's head is really low and I'm 1.5cm dilated.

    My braxton hicks are pretty strong (but have been for the past few weeks anyway). After the sweep every braxton hicks has come with a mild back ache and aching in my lower abdomen just above my pelvic bone, however this is starting to subside a bit and isn't quite as strong. Is this normal to experience after a sweep and does it mean anything? Or is this perhaps the beginning of early labour? I'm so eager to go into labour because of the discomfort I'm in being so heavily pregnant! I'm determined to do everything I can do bring on labour before having to have an induction by the end of the week so really hoping the sweep gets things going!

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • My brother won t speak to me or my partner because I am pregnant?

    I am pregnant at 19, in a relationship with the baby s father and live with him in my grandmother s house (a few doors down from my parents). My brother is 17 and lives with my parents. When I told them that I was pregnant it was a massive shock to them and they were very disappointed and upset, but they eventually came to terms with it and supported me in my decision to keep my baby.

    My brother is completely different. He is embarrassed and ashamed that I am pregnant. He acts as if I m not in the room and don t exist to him any more. I ve not been really close with my brother for a few years as we have quite different personalities, however he really does hate me now. I expected this for the first few weeks or so whilst he came to terms with it, but it s now been about 5 months (with my due date being tomorrow!) and nothing has improved. He won t speak to me or acknowledge me. I ve tried not to think about it and wait for him to come round in his own time, but it s really starting to get to me. I miss him a lot, I want to have a relationship with him and I would love for him to be a great uncle to my baby. No matter what my parents have said to him, he refuses to forgive me or my partner for the pregnancy. I don t know what to do, every time I speak to him he ignores me, and it just seems like he s trying to push my out of his life which I find really difficult to cope with because he is my only sibling and I really miss the relationship I used to have with him.

    3 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • Opinions on name Sidney, and Robin for middle name, any suggestions for similar names?

    My baby boy is due in a few weeks and we still aren t fixed on a name. Both me and my partner love the name Sidney (also a sentimental family name on my side), so Sidney will either be first or middle. The problem is the other name. We were thinking Sidney Robin (surname is Hawkins), but any other suggestions would be useful to broaden our minds to more names! We both are nature-oriented people so would quite like that sort of feel. Any suggestions and opinions appreciated!

    7 AnswersBaby Names5 years ago
  • What would you name eight children if you had the choice of these names?

    You may choose an alternate spelling and/or nickname. I hope you enjoy!

    Child 1 (Boy): FN - Freddie, Otto, Alexander, Julian, Asa, Tyrone, Liam, Bentley. MN - Cason, Samuel, James, Aiden, Andrew, Laurel, Victor, Franklin.

    Child 2 (Boy): FN - Jeremiah, Christopher, Elden, Bryan, Cole, Raymond, Anthony, Dominic. MN - Marcus, Robert, Landon, William, Dustin, Nicholas, Sterling, Zachary.

    Child 3 (Girl): FN - Renee, Liberty, Nicole, Emily, Isabella, Katherine, Ava, Sophie. MN - Sadie, Amina, Elizabeth, Dorothy, Miranda, Melody, Laney, Olivia.

    Child 4 (Boy): FN - Jamie, Owen, Neil, Harvey, Noah, Kian, Marley, Jesse. MN - Sidney, Rhett, Brooks, Dawson, Corey, Thomas, Dalton, Simon.

    Child 5 (Girl): FN - Isla, Skylar, Alexis, Rosemary, Anabelle, Robin, Megan, Elise. MN - Aubrey, Rosetta, Samantha, Kylie, Lily, Madeleine, Sylvia, Eden.

    Child 6 (Girl): FN - Pippa, Lily, Scarlett, Paris, Zoe, Deborah, Imogen, Joanna. MN - Fleur, Kathleen, Pamela, Sienna, Mia, Teresa, Macey, Abigail.

    Child 7 (Girl): FN - Hazel, Constance, Melissa, Rebecca, Violet, Carey, Angelica, Seren. MN - Brooke, Tamara, Ansley, Leah, Candace, Christiana, Martha, Lyla.

    Child 8 (Boy): FN - Ezra, Elliot, Jenson, Theodore, Felix, Franklin, Brandon, Leo. MN - Dennis, Eric, Logan, Roman, Elmer, Nathaniel, Kenneth, Addison.

    My choice:

    1. Freddie Laurel

    2. Elden Robert

    3. Ava Elizabeth

    4. Noah Sidney

    5. Robin Aubrey

    6. Lily Sienna

    7. Violet Willow

    8. Leo Dylan

    36 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • Why is my windows live movie maker project converting into an mp4 without the video.. just sound?

    Hi, I've spent hours putting together an important video with many edited video clips from my laptop. It always plays fine on the project, but when I published the movie to youtube, it just came up as a black box with no video, just playing the sound. So I tried again and saved the movie on "recommended for this project" bit and it did the same thing. I have the latest version of windows movie maker, having just downloaded it a couple of days ago. How can I convert the project into a file which youtube allows which keeps the video and the sound? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. And please keep any computery things as simple as possible because I'm not brilliant with technology! Thanks in advance :)

    1 AnswerOther - Computers7 years ago
  • How to save all my documents on a broken hard drive?

    After my laptop dropping by about 10cm, I took it to a workshop and got told that my hard drive, which has everything on it that I need for my A levels as well as just for my personal memories, including two lots of coursework and research, the majority of my epq, all my thousands of photos and videos of precious memories, university prep research etc.) Now I took it to a repair shop, and they've basically told me it is totally dead and there is no way of salvaging all my stuff of the last 5 or so years. They then told me that there are some companies who could save everything by rebuilding the hard drive, however that will cost me about £400. I don't own that much money, but I need all my things back, so I'm going to collect as much money as possible and do everything I can to find enough money. But, I was just wondering whether there is any other kind of way, or whether any one else has had this done to their hard drive an did they get every little thing back?


    8 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • My laptop dropped about 10cm and now isn't working?

    My laptop was turned on and had a CD in it, with google chrome, microsoft word, microsoft powerpoint and windows movie maker open. I closed the lid and went to put it on the floor for a couple of minutes, but as i was putting it down i dropped it when it was no more than 10cm off the ground. When i next opened it up, it was on a black screen. It said something about inserting a boot disk. My dad turned the computer off and then on again, and whilst turning it on he pressed F2, and it came up with a blue screen saying that there was no hard drive. And then he pressed F10 to exit that screen and now it's stuck on a black screen saying "a disk read error occurred. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart. Which is what I did, but it just keeps coming back to that screen. Does anyone know what's going on (and in simple language because I know nothing about computers!)? My main concern is that I may have lost my photos, which are extremely precious to me, and a load of my documents. Could this be a possibility? Is there a way to reduce the chance of this happening? Tha k you in advance for any useful information.

    3 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • My boy friend broke up with me but won't tell me why. I'm devastated.?

    This is probably an old question asked a lot on here. But I'm going to say it all again, because I am a little confused. A friend of mine lives in America (I'm in UK). He never actually asked me out, our relationship just naturally progressed and he started saying he loved me and vise versa. I'm 17 and he is 19. We were great for each other. He meant everything to me and made me so unbelievably happy. I've never had a better time in my life. He was even planning to come round to the UK next year to see me, so it was pretty serious. He also conveyed the same emotions. He loved me and care for me more than I thought possible. But last night we were have a conversation on a serious topic, but in a sort of lighthearted manner. And all of a sudden he turned sour. He said he didn't want to talk to me any more. He still loves me, but he doesn't want us to speak. He seemed to think I would be fine without him. But he wouldn't even explain to me why. He refused to. I am so confused, because I didn't think I had said anything wrong. I just don't get it. And now he's gone. He won't contact me. I don't know what to do with myself. I just don't understand.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I can't find my bearded dragon...?

    My 4 year old bearded dragon loves being outside. So I always take him outside when it's hot, with supervision of course. But I then started to put him in a rabbit run outside so he could be out in the day without supervision. But yesterday I put him in a sort of puppy run, with an open top but with really high sides and vertical barring with a couple of horizontal barring (making it very difficult to climb out). He's been using this for most of last week and we never had a problem with him getting out. But when I got home yesterday, he was nowhere to be seen.

    My dad who was at home last saw him when he offered him some live food, which he didn't take, at about 5.00pm yesterday afternoon (6th July). I realised he was missing at about 7.30pm. The thing is, he probably could get out of there if he really wanted to. There are no predators big enough to take him round my area, and no cats which would harm him (my cat would never hurt my beardie, but also fends off any cats which may come into my area). Me and my parents searched the garden as much as we could, even took some of the decking up to look underneath, for the rest of the night until it got too dark to see. So that meant he had to spend the night outside. At about 7.00am this morning I went outside had a quick look round, then sat down and listened for any rustling. Sadly I heard nothing. My garden is pretty well fenced in, with only a few places that my bearded dragon would be able to escape through to neighbouring gardens. However the garden itself has loads of "wild bits" behind the shed and along the fence and around the pond etc. so I may well have walked straight past him without knowing!

    Thankfully the night was mild and the weather today and for the next few days should be really hot (I'm in the UK). I have to go out again today, but one my parents will always be at home, so they can keep a look out. I just don't know where abouts he will be or where to go from here. Just incase he has got out the garden, I have made some little flyers to post to my neighbours, and might contact the RSPCA and a few other organisations just to make them aware in case he is handed in anywhere. He is a very tame and extremely docile beardie, so won't run away from people and isn't scared of anything having been brought up and used to many different animals. Has anyone experienced this before? Does anyone have any ideas how to tempt him out of a hiding place? How long can he survive outside for? I'm just so worried because he's such a sweet natured boy and I love him to pieces. I just want him home :(

    3 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • My photo always rotates itself on tumblr?

    When I upload my photos I always go through them and rotate and save the ones which are the wrong way round. So even when the photo looks the right way round on the icon, when I upload it to tumblr it twists 90 degrees so it is vertical instead of horizontal (or some of them horizontal instead of vertical, even if the were the right way in the first place). I have already tried rotating them in different editing software/websites and resaving them as something else, but they still twist around! It's really annoying because I have some lovely photos of my birds of prey but they won't upload correctly and it just looks stupid. 10 points to whoever can actually fix this problem!!!! Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years ago
  • Strange mouse behaviour.. any ideas? (video linked to her behaviour)?

    Basically this little female mouse has been raised by me since she was about 10 days old. She was found abandoned with her eyes still closed and all by herself and taken into an animal shelter where I took over her care and brought her home with me. I am yet to decide what species she is as she is still not fully grown and still in her baby fur.

    When feeding off milk, she always used to power suck, meaning she would open her mouth really wide with the paintbrush (acting as a teat) pushed to the roof of her mouth. It's a device which young mice use to drink as much milk as they can in a much shorter space of time. She would even do this when the paintbrush wasn't in her mouth (and I was putting some more milk formula on it).

    When she started to drink water by herself, she started doing this too, even though she wasn't suckling. She also almost always does it when she eats a wet fruit, such as blueberries and tomatoes. I have never seen this before in a young mouse to the extent she does it. I even noticed today when I changed her water, just the sight of it made her do this weird gaping thing like a kind of psychological spasm she can't help. Maybe there is some kind of strange psychological problem with her which is why her mum abandoned her?

    Here is a link to a video I put up on youtube of her strange behaviour whilst she was drinking some water.

    She is 21 days old in the video.

    Any ideas would be very helpful!

    4 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • I don't know what to do?

    I have just got my results for my first AS January exams today. I take biology, chemistry, physics and music.

    I am supposed to be an A/A* student and I was a PHA (potential high achiever). But my results were 2 U's for chemistry and physics and a C for biology.

    I have always wanted to be a vet, but now my dreams I feel are over. I honestly can't believe it. In my biology I thought I got almost every question correct, I thought I would have got at least an A. And then in chemistry I remember doing so many past papers and I always got A's and A*'s in it. I found the exam difficult and I ran out of time, but a U is just awful! I don't know what to do with myself. My dreams are shattered and I genuinely feel my life is ruined. It's like the end of the world for me. I thought I was going to do okay. I don't know where to go from here.

    3 AnswersOther - Education8 years ago
  • Opinions on phones please (HTC, Samsung, Sony, LG etc.)!!!?

    Basically I am struggling to decide between an HTC Salsa, Samsung Galaxy Ace, Sony Xperia tipo, LG Optimus L3 or an HTC Desire C. These are the only phones I will look in to getting as they are on a certain contract I am looking into. Any opinions and personal experience on any of these phones would be a great help. Thank you so much!

    4 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • I don't know what to do... 10 points up for grabs for serious answers?

    My best guy friend (we tell each other everything but don't really see each other) used to go out with my other best friend (I have known for all of secondary school and we used to be real close but we don't see each other anymore). They went out for the past 2 years, but the girl broke up with the guy around christmas because he was being over protective and didn't want her to go to uni or anything. So now I used to speak to both of them quite a lot after they broke up. They were both really upset about it, but he is actually worryingly upset. He is in a pretty bad state. I used to speak to him a lot more because I was the only person he really had. We were really close and, as I said before, we told each other everything. But then the girl told him I was being two faced, which was a complete lie. I have only ever stuck up for him. I haven't spoken to her since. He got really upset and tried to block me out his life, but then I managed to explain to him how she was wrong. We speak again now, but he's always really blunt. I know he's depressed and everything but before that little incident we had proper conversations, and he would want to speak to me. He knows he is the only person I have, and I know I'm the only person he has. But now he just can't be bothered with me. I don't know whether he actually still believes his ex about me being two faced and being horrible about him behind his back. It sounds pathetic, but I just cannot stop thinking about it. It worries me to think that he has no one to speak to any more (even if it is him pushing me and everyone else away) because he needs someone to help him through this. That someone used to be me but obviously not anymore. I hate it because he used to make me feel happy. I loved speaking to him. He gave me a reason to wake up every day. Now it's like he just speaks to me because he feels he has to. Please help me I don't know what to do. He is the only person I have, but I can't confront him because he's in a pretty bad place himself and I know the tiniest thing will piss him off.

    10 points up for grabs please help me.

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • I said something I seriously regret?

    My best mate is depressed and he told me he tried to kill himself which is why he had been in hospital. As soon as he told me that I said the first thing that came to my head, "F****ing hell :( what did you do to yourself?" and as soon as I sent it I realised how awful that sounded, so I said "sorry I didn't mean that quite so direct, I didn't really think before I typed that". Now he won't talk to me at all I think I've really offended him and that's not good with the state that he's in at the moment. I really don't know what to say to him and seriously regret sending him that text. It just sounds horrible. Please any ideas or advice? Will be very much appreciated and 10 points up for grabs for a helpful answer!

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Ideas on how to help my best mate?

    Please help there's this couple that has broken up with each other, but they are both my best mates. They are both distraught, but the guy is absolutely heart broken i've never seen anything like it. He just cannot deal with it.

    He was going to see a psychiatrist about stuff, but decided against it. I really need to help him because I'm the only person he has. He finds it really difficult to make new friends and since he's now in a new college he just feels so alone. I don't know how to help him, I've tried but it's not enough.

    The girl is also my best friend, but she was the one who ended their 2 year relationship because she just couldn't cope. The thing is he's trying his best to wipe all traces of her out his life and is refusing to speak to her, only because thinking about her makes him so upset. But she still wants to be friends with him, she loves him still, but not enough. He acts like he hates her guts, but he obviously doesn't because he's so distraught.

    I really don't know how to comfort him or anything. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, I hate seeing him hurt in this way. Thanks in advance.

  • tumblr problems with redirect page...?

    Hi, I've made a new redirect page on my tumblr blog. I want it to be with my own photography. I have made the page and the link is showing, but when I click on the link to get to the new page it comes up saying that it's not found. I was actually on someone elses blog as well and i clicked on their redirect page and it did the same thing, yet i think it works on that blog for everyone else. It's really confusing and annoying, I was wondering if anyone knew how to fix this?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years ago
  • Bird identifying trouble?

    I'm usually pretty good with identifying birds, but my mum has been trying to explain a bird that she saw and I can't work out what it is she's talking about.

    Her description:

    Almost pigeon sized. Looked like it might be some kind of thrush. Had a plain white breast, but with red markings under/on the shoulder of the wings. Looked a little bit like a redwing but was much bigger and had no dark flecking on breast. Think it had a brown back.

    That is all she told me, and I can't find what it might be so I'm starting to think it may be an unusual bird. We live in the UK, but the bird may be a unique and lonely migrator? I'm not sure, so any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • Help with my chemistry?

    I am really stuck with my As chemistry homework.

    The following questions are really confusing me and could you please tell me how to do them, not necessarily telling me the final answer, but I really need some help with how to do it and the steps involved.


    a) Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide released at room temp and pressure when 25cm3 of 2moldm-3 hydrochloric acid is added to an excess of calcium carbonate. (I worked this answer out as 1.2dm3)

    CaCO3 + 2HCl --> CaCl2 +CO2 +H2O

    b) What mass of calcium carbonate would be used up during the reaction.

    I have no clue on how to even start b)


    What is the minimum volume of 2moldm-3 hydrochloric acid needed to react with 1.25g of magnesium carbonate, MgCO3?

    MgCO3 + 2HCl --> MgCl2 +CO2 +H2O


    What volume of oxygen (measured at room temp and pressure) could be obtained from decomposition of 50cm3 of 2.0moldm-3 hydrogen peroxide?

    2H2O2 --> 2H2O + O2


    When an excess of silver nitrate solution was added to 10.0cm3 of sodium chloride solution, 0.780g of silver chloride was precipitated. Find the concentration of the sodium chloride solution in gdm-3.

    AgNO3 +NaCl --> AgCl +NaNO3


    0.800g of a metal Y (RAM = 40) reacted with 40.0cm3 of 1.00moldm-3 hydrochloric acid to produce a neutral solution of Y chloride and 480cm3 of hydrogen gas (H2) collected at room temp and pressure. Evaporating the solution to dryness produced 2.22g solid Y chloride.

    a) Find the empirical formula for Y chloride

    b) Use the given information to construct the equation for the reaction.

    Thanks so much in advance, even a little help will be appreciated!!

    1 AnswerChemistry9 years ago