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CGA is pwning PKMN Black

Favorite Answers10%

I am playing SoulSilver currently and I am pwning it like crazy. I love anime and manga. I lost my Pokemon Diamond so it sucks that I can't trade my lvl100 pokemon into SS...DO NOT ASK ME FOR A BATTLE BECAUSE I AM STILL LOW LEVELED! *NOTE* I know I said I am pwning the game but I am still trying to progress...... On Pokemon Diamond my friend code is Max 4768 7509 3413

  • I need a part time job but i dont know where to work and i have zero food knowledge?

    I will probably end up doing fast food but i have zero food/ cooking knowledge. Does that mean I shouldn't or do they teach you EVERYTHING

    I'm 17 and thinking about



    h-e-b (grocery store)

    I know I don't get much of a choice because i gotta go with who actually accepts me but should i even try to venture into fast food ??

    7 AnswersFast Food6 years ago
  • Where are women still facing persecution and what organizations are working to stop it?

    I'm doing a powerpoint on women and I need a list of countries and peoples that are still facing persecution just because they are women. I understand America still has sexism but I am looking for more foreign countries to cover all of the bases.

    4 AnswersGender Studies6 years ago
  • is it hopeless for me to learn a language?

    I'm learning German right now and I use a flashcard program to learn words. The thing is, I keep forgetting many words and I can't recognize the words when I see them on Twitter and with some words I'm utterly hopeless with. Should I just stop or is this normal

    5 AnswersLanguages6 years ago
  • Is there a way that I can check if criminal justice or forensics is the path for me?

    I m a junior in high school interested in pursuing a career in those fields but is there a way that I can see if it s right for me ? What can I expect ?

    Interested careers:

    Police Investigator

    Crime Scene Specialist

    anything along those lines

    I think I might be more interested in the stopping crime aspect but I do not want to become a policewoman.

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police6 years ago
  • I need help with the first part of a Japanese sentence?

    I was reading a book and this sentence came up:


    It translates to: it shows whenever he tries to act cool.

    But what does the conjugation っける mean ? I don't understand how the first part means that.

    1 AnswerLanguages6 years ago
  • Can someone tell me what this Japanese sentence means in English?

    Please don't use a translation for Google Translate or something of that nature. I already tried.


    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • Can somebody translate these small descriptions to French?

    Pretty pink dress

    Leather polkadot purse (polkadot needs to be a pois)

    Elegant silk gloves

    Maroon fur coat

    Wool striped scarf

    Light blue canvas shoes

    Beige leather shoes

    2 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • Can someone translate these snippets to French?

    I have to make sentences with described clothing and I already have the sentence structures down but not how to describe the clothing....

    Would rubber, yellow boots be: des bottes de caoutchouc jaune ?

    I need these though:

    A solid polyester shirt

    A big polkadot umbrella

    A brown leather belt

    A floral cotton jacket

    Gold and silver bracelets

    Red and yellow stripe shirt

    Plaid cotton skirt

    Plastic blue sunglasses

    Thank you!

    3 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • How many people enter my coke rewards instant win and sweepstakes?

    What is the average number of entries for

    -instant win?


    How many times have you won?

    2 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks10 years ago
  • How hard is it to type on the mytouch 4g slide?

    Like, does it hurt your thumbs if you type too much on the keyboard? I heard it was too flat.

    Can someone give an example on how much you have to press cause my thumbs tire out easily.

    Also, how easily does it turn on? If I were to keep it in my pocket the whole day during school, would it turn on?

    Thanks ^^

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • iPhone 4S or Android or laptop?

    Soon, I want to get one and only one of these three items

    I'll probably need a laptop for high school for homework.

    I also want a phone...

    But I can only get one so I'll say what I need to

    1) It needs to have a GOOD camera. Like, if I were to take a pic of very detailed notes, I want the letters to show up clearly. I think Android was known for good cameras...

    2) I need Skype

    3) I should be able to connect to wi-fi at a store

    I think I should cross the iPhone out sinceI only like it for siri, apps, and design. Nothing much really

    I have t-mobile anyway... or laptop

    If android, what kind of android?

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • Vocabulary fill in the blanks help?






















    1. The ___ child insisted on wearing sneakers to her sister's wedding

    2. Trying to navigate rush hour traffic can be a nightmare for a ___ driver

    3. You'll have to use a ___ to recover the lobster trap

    4. He joined the ___ group of athletes who have run a mile in under 4 min.

    5. A number of cities ___ with one another to be chosen was the site of the convention

    6. Since the town meeting tonight has been called to deal with conversation, only discussion ___ to that subject will be allowed special tasks and responsibilities to all of us

    7. Before setting out on a camping trip, Mr. Silver ___ special tasks to all of us

    8. I am completely ___ of sympathy to anyone who loses a job because of carelessness

    9. The disease had so ___ the poor woman that she was no longer able to leave her bed

    10. The autumn night sky, with its ___ of stars, always fills me with awe and wonder

    11. There in the middle of the garden was a goat ___ to a stake

    12. Even though Ellen was a brilliant student, I don't quite understand how she could ___ such a vast store of information so quickly

    13. If all the members of the cast work in ___, I am sure it will go perfectly

    14. When he seemed hopelessly defeated, Washington crossed Delaware and launched a ___ surprise attack on the Hessians

    15. Some of our best secret agents were sent behind enemy lines in an effort to ___ a rebellion

    16. Father said, "I am ___ not because you failed the test but because you still seem unable to understand why you failed it".

    17. Though we have made many outstanding contributions to the conquest of space, outstanding men on the moon is probably our most ___ achievement

    18. Someday, when you see this in its proper ___, you'll realize that its not as important as it seems now

    19. We can thank modern medical science for the increased ___ of human beings in most parts of the world

    20. I refuse to ___ with any order issued by a person who has absolutely no knowledge of the project I'm working on

    Thanks in advance

    3 AnswersHomework Help10 years ago
  • How do you say these in French?

    1. about


    This book is about my life

    It's about time!

    2. to stand


    You should stand up first if you want to get anywhere

    I stood up and stretched

    3. to feel


    I felt tired this morning

    How do you feel about school

    4. Did you see a movie called ___?

    5. to think


    I thought about it and it's a yes

    I think he said no

    Merci beaucoup in advance~

    2 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • Good laptops at around $500?

    I need to buy a laptop for next year but I have no idea what to get.

    I need:

    -something that can browse internet pretty fast

    -with camera and mic for skyping, etc.



    -can be able to play at least 1 mmo


    I don't want a cheap, flimsy laptop but I don't want an expensive high class one.

    Please tell me the features and price:D

    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • Best way to learn a language?

    I want to learn French or German for pleasure and to make friends but whenever I try to learn either, cramming and going to free language sites to learn multiple conjugations is not helpful. There is absolutely NO tutors in my area that are native/fluent and no schools either. What is an effective program that will teach me either language? I don't want something like Rosetta Stone where it just has vocab. Perhaps something that is around 50 dollars or less would be nice

    PS: As I said, I am learning for fun and have no intent or money to go to either countries at the moment so please don't offer something that'll teach about going to a restaurant or getting a taxi. :|

    Something that explains:


    -sentence structure


    would be nice

    PPS: I am a horrible audio learner. I am just plain horrible at listening. I always forget so it would be nice if it had a visual thing too....

    Sorry if I expect too much -.-

    3 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • WHAT to save money for...?

    By the end of this school year, I'll probably have around 300-400 dollars (hands down). So....long story short:

    I've been in depression this school year I guess and everything is so boring. My inspiration for art is gone, video games are no longer fun, nothing is the same anymore....I have a great interest in languages but Spanish is the only available language in my city....It seems noone tutors German or French except for a high school that I probably won't go to....

    So can anyone here recommend me on what I should get? I was thinking a tablet laptop like from Read it and Weep but I have a comp and its expensive :\

    Please do NOT say college, I have that strategy set up so far.

    What should I do or get to keep me active?

    Not sport-like activities

    Not college

    I have a ds, computer, wacom tablet, xbox, ps3, wii

    But as I said, all these things seem pointless to me -.-

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance10 years ago
  • What did indentured servants have to do with the rise of slavery in the colonies?

    I guess this is in the 1700s

    Just as the question says, what do they have to do with it?

    I'm really confused

    7 AnswersHistory10 years ago
  • Need algreba help fast! HW!!! 10 points!?

    Anna needed to let everyone in the music club know the time

    of its next meeting. She called two people and asked each of

    them to call two other people, and so on. If each phone call takes

    one minute, how many phone calls were made during the fifth minute?

    I know the answer is 8 (my dad did it in the form of graphs and shizz)

    But I need the work....

    We are doing powers and exponents so I need to show the work in that sort of form.

    I need this by 8:00AM central tomorrow so you have to answer between now and that time

    Please tell me the correct answer and how to show my work.

    1 AnswerHomework Help10 years ago