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Lv 55,903 points

Elizabeth B

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  • Can I have a pregnant dog spayed?

    I recently rescued/adopted a little female Basset Hound (1 year old). The people told me she was in heat just before I took her. Well, here I am just a few weeks later, she's eating like a hog and I'm concerned she may have gotten pregnant. If she did, the little is guaranteed to be inbred because the only male that was around her was her own Sire.

    What can I do? Allowing an inbred litter to be born feels terribly wrong. Can I still have her spayed, and terminate the litter at the same time?

    7 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • What can happen if you default on student loans?

    Situation: What will happen if a person default's on their students loans? For this situation imagine the person in unemployed (so wages can't be garnished), and the person holds no real property (no house, no car, so savings). Other than a negative credit score, what else can happen if payment is not made?

    7 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • What would be included in a professional sewing test?

    I am applying for a job as a tailor/dressmaker at a local design house, and the job posting says that a "sewing test" will be conducted. I have been sewing for many years, but I was wondering if anyone knew what kinds of skills this test might focus on. Has anyone ever worked in a professional fashion house and know what kinds of skills they might focus on?

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts9 years ago
  • Why has my dog started to bury food?

    I have a three year old female Basset Hound. We have had her since she was 10 months and she has only recently (in the last few weeks) begun to bury treats that I give her. I first saw it with a raw-hide chew toy, then with one of those doggy bagels. She has never dug or buried things before, and I haven't changed her feeding schedule.

    **things that have happened to her recently: She just had her first litter of puppies and the puppies have all gone on to new homes. I don't recall her burying things prior to the puppies leaving.

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Do I need to file a tax return if I didn't work and had no income?

    Last year (the entire fiscal year) I did not work and had no income from other sources. I tried to file a return, just as a matter of course, with zeros in the appropriate boxes. The IRS rejected it. Does this mean I should not have filed? Is there any way to file a return and basically tell the IRS that I didn't make anything last year?

    2 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • Is a Basset Hound litter of only 3 really strange?

    My Basset Hound gave birth last night to a little of three (2 girls and 1 boy). They are all thriving and seem very healthy. I was wondering if such a small litter happens often. I had read that a standard BH litter is 6-8. Does anything in particular cause small litters, or is it just roll-of-the-dice?

    7 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Is the gay community being too hard on Target?

    Here's the back story: Target gave a campaign contribution to some politician who was anti-gay marriage about two years ago. It was a small contribution to a small, state level politician. Target supported the guy because he was for lower taxes and streamlining difficult regulations. The gay marriage thing was just a 'hanger-on', so they supported him.

    Target's other option was to support a pro-gay marriage politician who was anti-corporation, pro-high taxes, and wanted to add thousands of pages of corporate regulations. Given these two options, Target supported the guy who would make it easiest for their business to function.

    In reaction, gay groups put a boycott on target, and even started entering the stores in California and harassing the customers about gay marriage. And recently, Lady Gaga pulled herself from a Target ad campaign over the whole mess.

    Do you think the gay community is taking this a little too far? After all, Target is a Corporations who has too look out for it's workers and share holders. Gay marriage does not help Target hire people or keep their doors open. What do you think?

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why are only UK Citizens allowed to tour the inside of "Big Ben"?

    I'm not sure about how true this is. The front photo on Bing was Big Ben today, and one of the little blurbs said "Although only UK citizens are allowed to tour inside....", etc. Is that true? If so, why? I've never heard of other world landmarks being restricted to home citizens.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • If woman can choose abortion, why can't men absolve their parental rights?

    According to law, any woman (even a married woman) has the legal right to an abortion no matter what the feelings of the father. Even if a man were to sign a legal document guaranteeing he would take on full responsibility for the child, the woman still has the choice to abort, but....

    ....a man has absolutely no right to decide if he becomes a father once conception has happened. He will be responsible for child support for the next 18 years. Why is it that a woman can choose to end her parental responsibilities, but a man does not have that choice?

    PS: This is not an argument about abortion rights. Let's try to deal with the current situation as it is, and not as we would like it to be.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is it copyright infringement if no profit is involved?

    I know a few authors who want to self-publish their works, and some of those works include established characters created and owned by Paramount. They plan to make absolutely no money on their projects, as all the works will be given away for personal interest. Would they be guilty of copyright infringement, even if no one makes any money?

    Also, the works will not be used for promotional reasons, so there is no indirect profit either.

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Is Boston Legal the most biased show ever made?

    I absolutely love this show. The comedy is spot on, clever, unique. The acting is top shelf, but....the whole thing is so unashamedly liberal. Every single episode takes some gigantic liberal issue and argues it from the wet-dream ideal of some liberal director. The opposing lawyers never have a good argument (I'm actually yelling at the screen over every point they didn't let the conservative bring up) and then they never lose. I mean, how can these people make a show like this and actually look of themselves in the mirror. Don't they realize how embarrassingly biased they are?

    1 AnswerDrama1 decade ago
  • Customer won't pay for custom product. What should I do?

    I make custom Victorian clothing and sell it online. I have a German customer to who bought and sent to me the fabric for two dresses. I made the two dresses and she was satisfied with the photos I sent. It has been over 2 weeks now and I have still not received payment for these dresses. She says that her bank is still transferring money to paypal, which doesn't even make sense because paypal uses bank accounts as automatic backup funding. You don't need to "transfer' money to a paypal account.

    How much more time should I give her before I simply sell the dresses to someone else?

    6 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Why is it so hard to send a package to Europe? Does anyone know about various European customs agencies?

    I sell custom dresses on eBay and send a lot of stuff to Europe, but every time there is some kind of problem. Now I have an Italian customer who is asking me for a copy of the "electronic invoice" because customs has held up the package and won't give it to him. I have already sent him two invoices through paypal, and don't know what this means. Also, I marked that the item was a "gift", so why is customs even asking for an invoice?

    This is not the first time this has happened. I often mark items as being more valuable then they are because that's the only way to get insurance to cover the item AND the shipping cost, but if the invoice doesn't match the customs slip, the customs people freak out and give my customers a really hard time. Is my only solution then to lie on the invoices? Or do I take the risk and not insure them? That seems the only way I can make the invoices match the customs forms.

    Also, do Europeans have this much trouble sending stuff to the US? I have received many foreign packages and have never been harassed (or even spoken with) a US customs official.

    1 AnswerInternational Organizations1 decade ago
  • Why are all the govt. question on this board about the US?

    This is the UK & Ireland version of yahoo answers, and yet almost all of the political questions posted here are about US domestic issues. Are the posted questions the same across all Country versions, or are the people here just interested in US politics? I'm just trying to figure out how the yahoo answers system is set up.

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If this were your family, would you go home again?

    No point in trying to tell the whole story, so here's just an example: My dissabled father is so miserable with his life now, that all he does is order anyone in his house around. There are buyers coming to look at the house tomorrow, so he wanted the floors cleans. After hours of complaining "Oh, I guess it's never going to get done, then." I couldn't take it anymore, and I went ahead and did it because my mother was procrastinating (the only thing worse than dad's ordering, is that mom responds badly to it) So what does mom do? She screams, "I didn't want that floor cleaned yet!" Then she proceeds to stomp through the house mumbled curse words to herself like some psycho. All my parents do is complain. It's the F-word every other word, and the tiniest thing makes the house explode. It seems to only get worse, and they don't even try to lighten it up when I go through the time and expense to visit. Should I just never come back here?

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Do you think college educations should be encouraged?

    I'm not referring to higher education as a personal pursuit, I'm talking specifically about college education. There are so many people now with a BA, that the degree has become practically worthless. Standards for education are now so high, you can't get a job washing dishes unless you have a high school diploma! That's the first problem...

    The second problem is waste. I spent three years as a full time student at your standard liberal arts college, and I paid almost 30K a year for professors to give me a reading list, and then proceed reiterate exactly what they had made me read the night before. If all I'm going to do is read, I could have done that at the library for free!

    Why do we insist on encouraging a system that forces young people to waste 4 years of life getting into extreme debt only to learn things that they could have easily learned on their own?

    8 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • My Male Basset Hound is going nuts! What can I do?

    Our new female dog has recently gone into heat, and our male dog is absolutely losing his mind. I mean, it's gotten so bad, that I don't think he has allowed her to eat for days. He is torturing her! I don't know what to do. If we keep him away from her, he just sits there kind of shaking and whimpering, and in the middle of the night he won't let her sleep. I'm worried about him and the female. This has been going on for over a week now. Is there anything I can do? And if not, how long will this go on?

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How do I destroy my old website?

    I made a website years ago that I eventually gave up on because the host was difficult to work with. I have not made a payment for this site or conducted any maintenance in like four years, but the website remains in existence. Why is the host continuing to serve a website that I'm not paying for, and how do I get rid of the site?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Do you think the govt. is trying to control what car we can buy?

    The new "Cash for Clunkers" program that went into effect today allows people to trade in their gas guzzler (defined as less than 18 mpg) for up to $4,500. These vehicles will BE DESTROYED so that they do not drive again. If the government can control what cars are made by putting regulations on the car makers, and they can now bribe people into destroying their used cars, what buying options will be left in a few years?

    Another thing to consider, what will be left for lower income people who can not afford new cars if all the old cars are being turned in and destroyed for more money?

    10 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why do fake designed bags have "made in china" tag inside? Seems kind of stupid.?

    I was recently looking over a bunch of "designer" bags in an antique store, and many of them had the little tags sewn in that say "made in china." What I don't get is, if they are attempting to fool people, even by going so far as to recreate the designer name plates inside, why put in the china sticker? Doesn't it sort of defeat the purpose of making a fake?

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago