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  • mistreatment?

    im in the hospital having a SEEG done for my epilepsy the nurses dont treat me correctly they are rude mean and shouldnt be one I was going bathroom and one nurse told me i belong in Hell because i was pooping and it smelled.. Everyone poops and everyone smells had no right to say that to me .... opinions advice.....recomendations pls?

    1 AnswerOther - Health5 months ago
  • Relationship difficulty due to medical?

    hello I am a 24 year old young lady who takes pills for my epilepsy. I will be taking them for the rest of my life My fiance today found out he has a really bad skin rash that is going too stick with him for the rest of his life ecima he got prescribed one pill and one ointment now he is flipping out because he has too take we are now in a fight because i told him its not that hard ill help him and that he will get used too it but he still thinks its like the end of the world yet he doesnt realize that i do the same thing daily I take pills morning and night over 9 pills each time and i tried to tell him that it could be worst then he just started mumbling and then we had a huge argument about how he wanted to be calmed down about the pills yet i cant do that if he is passing the entire time so i am a horrible girlfriend for not understanding that

    Any advice?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 months ago
  • SEEG questions?

    Is it safe for me to swim the night before surgery?

    Is it safe for me to have sex the night before surgery?

    Is it okay to wash my hair the night before or should I not??

    what other questions should i ask for a SEEG surgery

  • Information about hibiclens?

    Recently I have found out they are going to do something called SEEG they would like me to use hibiclens i've used it before but is it safe for me to use on my head where my hair is? I know they will remove some of my hair but i've been told not to shave my head or have a hair cut 7 days before my surgery. they will have to remove a little bit of hair in the area where they are putting the small wholes in my head

    1 AnswerHair8 months ago
  • I have really long hair and need advice?

    my hair is down to my nipples i have very thick hair and im going to be having something called SEEG done which is where they stick needle size things in your head. They stay in for about a 1-2 weeks depends they will have to cut only where the things need to go should i cut my hair or leave it long or i can shave my entire head honest opinions please i have alot of decisions  to make and may need help

    1 AnswerHair8 months ago
  • SEEG questions?

    How do they take the SEEG sticks out of you. What questions should I be asking the doctor.

    I'm having trouble getting insurance to cover the case. What should i tell the insurance to get it covered

    Wrestling8 months ago
  • what questions?

    1 What questions should  I ask the surgeon 

    I'm having To have something called a SEEG done they put medical sticks in my head that is all i know about that

    I also have to call my insurance and get them to cover my surgery anything i should ask particularly

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 months ago
  • Medical question?

    Last night i had to go to the Emergency room. I am an epileptic. I had three seizures last night and was taken to the hospital I was told everything is normal. I am seeing everything in green walls people ect  Is their a reason why what could cause this? I had really bad head pain last night where i felt as if my head was on fire it was burning. It isnt anymore but im still seeing green. What could be wrong? What could be the cause? Also what should I do to get this to go away 

    1 AnswerOther - Health9 months ago
  • how do I find out about my family background?

    I only know a little bit about my family on my mothers side,  I know my mother grandma and great grandma or atleast  the names how do i find out more information about my family herritage 

    2 AnswersGenealogy11 months ago
  • Help please hair issue?

    I clean my hair 2 a week I use dandruff shampoo and tresamee shampoo and conditioner...... I only use very little conditioner but im having problems with greasy hair I also use the dandruff shampoo because i have horrible dry scalp big globs of the dry scalp best thing i try  not too do is I try not too itch my head when i do it bleeds a little bit

    Hair11 months ago
  • Is it safe?

    Is it safe to have sex while you have a yeast infection?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health12 months ago
  • How do women get yeast infections?

    What is the best way to get ride of a yeast infection without going to the doctors? Also How can you get a yeast infection?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 year ago
  • How do I know?

    How do I know if I have had an orgasm? I have noticed when i am sexually active that I get slightly wet but I dry up really quickly to the point where i have to use lubricant.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 year ago
  • cant come to a finish of this poem selfwritten Ideals?

    You can change your mind

    You can watch us grow

    You have formed A rose

    You have chose the path

    The way it goes

    You can do the math

    Answers are the key

    Keys are the leading way

    ways come to the low

    But we have come to a flow

    Poetry1 year ago
  • cant come to a finish of this poem selfwritten Ideals?

    You can change your mind

    You can watch us grow

    You have formed A rose

    You have chose the path

    The way it goes

    You can do the math

    Answers are the key

    Keys are the leading way

    ways come to the low

    But we have come to a flow

    2 AnswersPoetry1 year ago
  • What is a great way too loose weight?

    I am currently on lockdown because of the Covid 19. I eat pretty healthy but I am on 10 different medicines because of my Epilepsy. Every medicine I take tells me weight gain. I am not drinking soda recently I have plently of extra size even inside the house. We have stairs to climb which i do multiple times a day jumping jacks push ups ... walking around and cleaning at the same time...Is their anything else that can help me loose weight 

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 year ago
  • please let me know your opinion of this poem?

    Everynight becomes A fright

    flickering light begin

    Pain goes up and down

    struggle's become the devils

    blood comes to show

    time goes by nobody shows

    days of silence begin

    Feeling of strength accure

    memories fly by

    power squirts out

    I become brave

    Learn to speak for the charge

    Failure comes fast

    As i was a burden upon the world

    Now i'm an angel

    I fly up but must swoop down

    3 AnswersPoetry1 year ago