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  • Why is my eye so bloodshot?

    About two and a half weeks ago I put my contact inside out AND in the wrong eye (I have astigmatism so it matters, silly me). My eye was really hurting and I honestly didn't know why until I played around with my contacts and it felt 100% better. A couple days later the eye that I had the wrong contact in was really bloodshot and irritated and sore. I didn't really think about it because I thought it was just like that because I had the wrong contact in and it would go away in a couple days. I've worn the same brand of contacts for 2 years now. But it hasn't and it's been two weeks now. I've worn my glasses all week and it calmed down a lot, except for one day when I wore them for a couple hours thinking it was better but then the eye flared up again so I took them out. I am using redness-relieving eye drops properly and they work a little. But it's really not getting better and I can't get to the doctor until Wednesday. My eye doesn't hurt at all or feel irritated like it did those first couple days. Now it's just bloodshot at both corners of my eye and there's a faint red ring around my iris that comes and goes. Some days its more intense than others and some it is pretty noticeable. I've been getting proper sleep all week so it's not like I'm overtired. I also only have seasonal allergies so it's can't really be an allergy can it, only in one eye? Does anyone have any idea what's wrong?!?!

    1 AnswerOptical7 years ago
  • Tanning for the first time and need some serious help...?

    Has anyone else been tanning that's like me? I am pale, not the palest there is because I still have some color. I want to go tanning just once to see what it's like (I'm not looking for a major tan or anything, I just want to go one time even if it's a waste). The tanning bed that I'm going to only offers 10 minutes as the minimum amount of time to tan. Is this too long for me? I plan on calling in the morning to try and work something out if it's too long and maybe get some pointers...?

    4 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • I just don't know what to do anymore?

    I always used to break out just on my forehead, then it spread to my chin, and now it's spreading to my cheeks (which haven't been a problem ever before). As of late, my forehead is clear and everywhere else (really, everywhere else) is just constantly breaking out. Currently I am using X-Out by Proactive and it worked great for about a month and now it's hardly working at all. Do you guys have any suggestions on what to do? I am just so angry and depressed right now over this problem.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • What does this mean (can't seem to find anything anywhere)?

    My friend tagged me in a picture with him and I and as the caption he said "Oh Ashlynn...GFND!" What does this mean? I am clueless! XD

    6 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • What does this mean in English?

    I took a picture hugging one of my guy friends and this girl that was friends with the person that uploaded it commented, "He's cute". The uploader said "Sureee haha" and then the girl said "Bitaw". What does bitaw mean? Both of these girls are Filipino, by the way.

    2 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • I'm having some boy problems here...?

    Okay, so I am one of those girls that has never had a boyfriend, even though I've had plenty of chances to have one...I've just never really showed interest, like I didn't consider it a priority to have one. But just recently this guy that I've known for a while moved back to my school and we've gotten to be good friends. I've heard from multiple people, including my best friend, that he likes me. I told myself then that I shouldn't believe everything I hear and that he will tell me in good time if he likes me or not. I surprised myself by actually feeling anxious waiting for him to tell me if what I was told was true. I get super nervous around him and everything now. He asked me for my number today after school, so I gave it to him, being the lovesick fool I am.

    I kind of like him, and I really think I might prove myself wrong if he were to ask me out.

    But this evening my sister asked me if I knew this said guy's name. I said yes, I've known him since we were kids. Then she told me that he had texted her and told her that he liked her.

    I've never felt "heartbreak" before, and I hate how it feels. Any advice? Well, I guess I don't need advice, I just needed someone to rant to. Sorry :/

    4 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • Need help with a pre-calc problem?

    The question is asking us to find the rate of change for the function f(x) = -2x + 15 from x1 to x2, when x1 = 0 and x2 = 3.

    I've tried studying the examples from the book and working the problem out by that, but I ended up with 1 when the correct answer is -2. Could anyone please help explain how to do this problem? Thanks!

    2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • I can't decide whether my period is just late or there is something wrong?

    I am 16 and I just started my period towards the beginning of this year. I am DEFINITELY not pregnant because I would never do anything like that. I haven't had my period since summer started, which was 2 months ago. I am not sure whether my period is still getting on a regular cycle or something is delaying it. I am a very stressed person, pretty active and just about underweight; I've heard that these factors could delay or even stop periods in some people. But I am starting to experience the symptoms of starting your period: breakouts (which are super annoying), mood swings, my sleeping schedule hasn't been the best. But does this mean anything?

    Sorry to bother you guys, I have just been very worried, and you all probably don't know or not. But has anyone been in my position that can help? Thanks!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • I am being SUCH a typical teenager right now...?

    I know this isn't a question. And I know that you guys probably don't want to hear any of this, but I just need to vent to I decided to just vent my feelings and be done with it.

    I am being such a typical teenager right now, all moody and whatnot. I am 106 pounds and 5'3" and being above 100 just makes me feel so fat. And I am having a freaking acne breakout on my forehead because of this stress I am putting on myself and it seriously won't go away no matter how hard I try to stay calm and stuff. I feel like I've changed so much this summer (and not in a good way) and I don't want to have to face everyone with the way I look when I go back...

    And that is all. I am just so tired and disgusted of myself.

    BUUUTTTTTT, on a good note, I get to go boating this Sunday...that's the only thing that's actually making me happy right now.

    11 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • Wanting to do pointe...?

    I am 16 years old. My studio offers pointe and I am wanting to take the class. From what I've seen at my studio compared to other studios, the dances are not as hard. Would you suggest that I take pointe? Are there any tips or things that I should know about? I have been dancing since I was 5 in jazz and lyrical, plus dancing in heels for my show choir for 3 years now. Thanks :)

    4 AnswersDancing9 years ago
  • I need help with my HP laptop?

    I just recently got an HP laptop for my birthday last October. It has worked perfectly for a while, and now all of a sudden I am getting blue screens at random times (most of the time I can tell I am going to get one when my computer starts to not respond in some way). My computer has also gone to a total black screen, flashing to a screen with colored lines. When the the black screen event started happening just this past week, a red box appeared at the top of my Google homepage saying that Google suspected I had malicious software and I should get rid of it. I downloaded a free malicious software remover from the Norton website and it found nothing. I also ran a detailed scan from my avast! security software and it also found nothing. My father's HP laptop and PC has been getting blue screens and crashing like this also, so maybe it's an HP company glitch? And if not, why is my laptop getting blue screens, black screens with colored lines, and Google's malicious software warning? And if I do have anything I should worry about, what should I do to take care of it?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • I am having a teenage issue here?

    OK, i've never had an acne problem before. now all of a sudden i am breaking out very bad on my forehead and a little by my nose and chin. Is there any fixes that can get rid of these sudden breakouts? I am using a sensitive skin facewash by cleanandclear, any other suggestions? homemade remedies, life style changes, facewashes, etc? Thank you so much. this is really irritating. >.<

    6 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • Why is my pottermore validation email taking so long?

    my pottermore validation email is taking forever to get here! i sent the email like 4 or 5 hours ago and it still hasn't come. is it supposed to be taking this long? i tried to sign up again and it let me, so what's the problem? i hate sitting in anticipation! haha :)

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • I'm being a typical teenager right now. :-/?

    I am feeling very depressed. I feel so ugly and fat...I am pretty short for 16. I'm 5'3'' and weigh 100 pounds. I just started to break out and it's just so bad I can't even take it...I'm not sure what to do anymore. Anything to help? I just feel so alone and depressed :(

    6 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • What were the long term effects of the Salem Witch Trials?

    My AP world history teacher said that the judicial system was changed after the Salem Witch Trials. I can't find anything on you guys have any clue as to what happened to the judicial system? Thanks!

    1 AnswerHistory9 years ago
  • How was the Puritan government altered/changed after the Salem Witch Trials?

    I am doing the Salem Witch Trials for my school project and my thesis statement is:

    "All of the colonists were affected by the Salem Witch Trials leading to changes in the Puritan Government and even in the judicial system today."

    The changing of Puritan government is my short term effect. My long term effect is the judicial system. How was the Puritan government changed after the trials? Thanks!!

    2 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • I'm having a flea problem in my room. >.<?

    We have never had flea problems with our cats until this year. We have of them. But there are fleas on my floor and on my bed and I don't know how to get rid of them. It's making me so mad because the cats are causing so many problems in the house that I just want to get rid of them. Could you please give me some tips on how to get rid of the fleas? Thank you so much for helping.

    5 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Where can I buy a new charger attachment?

    I bought the iGo Universal Laptop Wall Charger a few months ago and even signed up for the 1-year warranty, just in case. I have a Gateway laptop, so I've only been using that tip attachment since then. It's been not working for a couple of days, and then yesterday the tip broke. I'm wondering if we can take it back with the warranty and get a new tip? We also asked someone at Radio Shack if we could buy individual bags of the tips and the man said we could buy them online. Does anyone know where I can look for these? I have the actual charger, I just need the attachment. Thanks.

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • How can I cope with this better than I am now?

    This is going to be really hard to explain...and pretty long, so please, bear with me...

    OK, so my parents are divorced, and both my mom and my dad remarried. I live with my mom and her husband (whom I call 'dad', because my married him when I was 3 and has provided more for me than my REAL dad); I go to my dad's and his wife on the weekends. My mom and my stepdad fight A LOT. It's really frustrating, because sometimes it's mostly about me and how 'disrespectful' I am; and I admit that I can be disrespectful, but so can he. He says that I make my mom cry every night because of how my sister and I treat her, but just a minute ago he started getting into an argument with her and she ran off crying because he wouldn't leave it alone, when it wasn't even that big of a deal! So, it's alright for him to make her cry, but not us - the teenage kids who get their own attitudes from the person that's raised them since they were born and since they were only 3? Just a few days ago, I had a dessert theater for my show choir and had to sell tickets for $12. I bought 13, and he is trying to say that we were a ticket short. Which is OBVIOUSLY not true, because we ended up with the right amount of tickets. If we were a ticket short, how is this the case? He got into a huge fight with his mom (my step-grandmother) and hasn't stopped talking about it since he's trying to say it's MY fault?! I just don't get it. I admit that I DO have a mouth on me and if something's true and someone else is saying it's false, I will stick up for whatever it is until I get my point across. Problem is...he's the same we're constantly fighting and mad at each other. I wasn't in the door 15 minutes and we were already fighting, about the tickets...

    I really do have an easier time at my real dad's, aside from the fact that I have to babysit his kids, than I do at my mom's, but I don't want to go over there. It just won't seem right...don't ask me why, that's just the way I feel. How do I cope with this? Thanks, guys!

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What did the stages look like in Broadway during the 1930s-early '40s?

    I am trying to find research on what the stages looked like and consisted of, since it was during the Great Depression, and I'm having trouble. I've been looking for a long time and haven't found ANYTHING...can anyone help me? Find screenshots, examples, items that were on the stages and the themes of them? Thanks in advance, guys! :)

    2 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago