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Lv 2551 points

Stasia Everila

Favorite Answers26%
  • How can I stop myself from binge eating at dinner?

    I live on campus at my school, and the dining halls are all-you-can-eat buffet style. For breakfast and lunch, I'm really good about my diet since I don't stay too long and I have to get to classes, but when dinner comes, and I'm eating with friends, I'm usually in the dining hall for at least 1 hour and I end up going for seconds when my friends do. I don't want to be antisocial, but staying in the dining hall so long is really bad for my diet (I'm right at the obese/overweight line). Suggestions?

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Advice? My old boss is telling people at my old job that she thinks I'm on drugs.?

    I literally just left this job last week, after two years of working there, and it was partly due to recent unjust treatment to myself, but mostly it was because I'm leaving town to go to college soon. Anyways, a friend of mine that still works there heard that she has been telling people that she thinks that I'm on drugs. Disregarding the fact that I'm not, I find it appalling and highly inappropriate that she is starting and spreading this kind of rumor. She is at least 40 years old, and I am 18. I don't really care what the people there think, but I don't think that she should be able to get away with that kind of stunt.

    Any advice on what I should do?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Better to use 2 or 3 examples on the SAT essay?

    I'm going to take the SAT tomorrow and I'm just wondering if its better to use 2 and explain them in greater detail each, or to use 3 and use less detail.

    Any advice would be great.

    3 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • Are there any really good Wizard Rock bands?

    I love Harry Potter and all, but all of the "Wizard Rock" that I've heard sounds like a bad synthesizer and a monotonous string of words.

    Are there actually any good Wizard Rock bands?

    7 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Can somebody explain how to do this question?

    What is the molecular mass of a gas sample that consists of phosphorus and fluorine if the gas has a density of 4.15 g/dm cubed at STP?

    Keep in mind that I dont want somebody to solve it for me, I just need to know how to do it. Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • Heat and cooling curve for lauric acid?

    For my chemistry lab, we had to do an experiment where we heated up lauric acid, cooled it down, and recorded the temperatures so that we could make a heat/cooling curve. He also said that we need to find data on the internet of accepted values for the curve and graph those alongside. I can't find any though. Help, please?

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Transition Help?

    How can I turn the phrase, "in this, he says," into something less awkward?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • I have an iPod problem...?

    My new iPod classic won't let me put any songs on it!

    I registered it on another computer, could that be the problem? If so, how can I fix it?

    4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Can anyone find a book source for this Voltaire quote?

    The art of government is to make two-thirds of a nation pay all it possibly can pay for the benefit of the other third.


    4 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Party Ideas?

    I'm gonna be sixteen in March and I want to have a party for me and my friends, but I'm not quite sure exactly what kind of party I want to have.

    I'm debating just having a get together at my house with food and stuff, but I don't want it to be boring.

    On the other hand, I don't want it to look like I'm trying to hard.

    I was also considering some of the following ideas:



    Can you suggest some other ideas or give me your opinions of the ones I listed?

    3 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Med School question?

    I'm a sophmore in highschool right now and I want to know if anything I do now (volunteer, etc) would help me get into a good med school. Or do they only look at your undergrad activities?

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • I need help with writing a works cited page?

    I have to write a paper on Weber and Tawney, and I borrowed a book from the library with a bunch of essays on these two economists. If I want to cite them, should I cite the entire book or just the individual essay that I used?

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • I need some ideas for my art class sketch book?

    For my highschool art class I've got to draw 15 pictures 'about me'. Only, I don't want to draw a bunch of self portraits. Does anybody have any suggestons? They don't have to be terribly specific, but just an idea or two would be helpful.

    4 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • I'm planning on joining the cross country team for my highschool...?

    I'm not really that good at running, but I want to get into shape and it seems like cross country should do it. I just want to know that, if I start running a mile or two everyday, about how long should it take me to get to the point where I won't be exhausted after 1-mile runs?

    4 AnswersRunning1 decade ago
  • So when people die their eyes turn gray. Can anybody explain the science of this to me, because I'm curious?

    When I saw someone die, I noticed this, and I've heard the phrase, "before our eyes turn gray" a lot. Any insight would be helpful.

    5 AnswersBiology1 decade ago