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  • what would mormons learn if they read the american muhammad?

    arrs they afraid to rad it because it just might say somethin had aboutg j/s? you wont now untilyou read it. . david haas not read it but says it is a wacky book. well ignorance is bliss.

    mormons tell us to read bom and then pray on it. well why can not mormons read the american muhammad and if they dont believe it, pray on it. mormons ask us to do what they wont do.

    mormnons stll think thay are christians although the non mormon believers say they are not.

    only 505 of mormoms attend church once a month. thate a poor attendance for a church that says it has the most correct doctrine. mormions are leavinng the church for one reason, they see through the liesof j/s.

    daniel was raised lutheran, he left a believing church for one of unbelief. he must have never have really studied the bible,or he would not have done that.

    open heart you were right on, good job.

    : : C: tour right they are afraid to try.

    die hard mormons will follow joseph snith to thhe gates of hekll, and when they see him there, they will kick his *** for miss leading them.

    so what would mormons learn by reading the book which i challenge them to do..

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • who worships the mormon god besides mormons?

    once again we see the smoke and mirrors of mormon beliefs. the mormon answers show us what they want us to believe. the real answers to what they believe are in judys answers.

    mormons appear to be ashamed to tell us thier god is the man/god, who is a made up god by j/s....

    mikey you say mormons believe in bible? not so, they believe in some parts of the bible, the rest of what they believe is written by j/s.... a false prophet....

    i do believe however that some mormons do believe in the real god of the bible, but they live with a llie because of family beliefs, thay do not want to cause a problem.

    some mormons are independant thinkers which is why now they are x mormons, they found out the truth and got out..

    so once again we are looking for the mormons to tell us m who is their true god....i doubt if they will, but lets wait for their answers..

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • who is the real mormon god?

    who is the real mormon god?

    what are his duties?

    where did he come from?

    was he creatwd?

    who created him?

    did he have parents?

    did he have grand parenys?

    is god eternal?

    can we get some real morfmon answers with out

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • should all mormons read this book?

    many of you did not answers the points i raised on my lsdt question, how ever the fact that you did not answer speaks for it self. bork we wont miss you. i ran across a new book that i think all mormons should read.

    THE AMERICAN MUHAMMAD BY DR. ALLEN SCHMIDT the book was vvery well resesrched an inter action between muhammad and joseph smith. it contains more historical information than even the mormon church has.

    smith was a student of muhammad in studying his tactics , and used many of them.

    smiths followers were for the main part, illertate. so he had an easy time getting them to follow him..with iut a doubt the book challenges sime motmon beliefs. my question is should mormons read this book and if not why. also would your bishop approve it

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • can i site the source for poppe joes remarks?

    a nunber of you want the exact source for the statement, bork especially. well i am not going to waste time looking for it, i read a lot of internet stuff,and do not pay much attention to wrote it. i think you should be asking the question, why did he say it////lets say i found it,...none of you would admit it, especially bork who says no to every challenge to mormonism. i told youu one of the mormon churches i called said they pray to and worship jesus christ. to me thats proof some of you practice some point. bork you want me to put up or shut up. there were a lot of talking points in that question which you ignored, why? you cant handle the truth? over al your answers to my questions stink, they lack substance. so bork you put up or shut up,,...we wont miss you if you drop out.

    sme ask why i pick on mormons. over al i dont but a few of you like bork can state evidence in the face on problems with j/smith and ignore it. thats why i think j/s is the mormon pope. he is infallible .. the truth is many mormons know little of the church history.

    i will give you an example.....j/s claimed an angel with a firey sword told him to practice polygamy. after he died a number of church prophets said god had nothing to do do with it, smith made it up so he could have sex with more guy why dont you take on some of the points i made in my question.. bork does not have the courage..

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • is there a question about j/s command to pray to god?

    apparently many of you could not ffid the order joe gave on praying to christ. i got it from an internet article on mormonism. just because you could not find it does not mean it was never said. j/s did not carry a tape recorder on his back. there were probably a lot of things said we do no not have a record of.

    mormon guy wants proof, well where is all the proof backing up many items found in bom, which you believe without prof?

    lets look at gordon hinkleys lies on national tv. he knew the truth qnd did the mormon two step tbecause he was afraid of the trurh, he nade a fool of himself and the church. look ay j/s asking god which church he should join. god gave us a brain for this kind of a question, god does not make suggestions. then lok at gds answer. after 1600 hundred years he hunts down j/s and bad mouths his church on earth, his pastors, and christions? show me in the bible where god ever carried on likr that. smith was a liar...lets look at b/youngs devine statements, they where all reduced to opinions, why he was a devine prophet. thr mormon church can not handle the truth, thats why so much mormon history has been cleaned up an rewritten. so mormon guy you want facts, well i think you should start with your church, before jumpimg on me.

    i think the whole set up j/s praying to god for instructions and gods directions is pure fiction. j/s is a false prophet and preaches unbelief in god. hell will be a good resting place for him... if you waant to believe in him do it ay your own risk. so mormonm guy where do we go from here.. added thought why did not the church jump all over hinkley for lying, some mormons thought he should br excommunicated. your making a mormon pope out of smith. smith is unfailllable , if he is not tell me where did or said something wrong and was called it bythe church.......enough for now...

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • did joseph smith make a mistake in his command?

    no body answered my last question on j/s command to worship and pray to jesus chist with all your might. why would smith give this command and mormons not follow it. there must be a good reason, who out there can explain it? i know some of you could have answered my original question.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • was god once a man, what do you believe?

    your answers all show pretty strongly that you believe god was once a man. joshsy states that is not true, it is not doctrine, some of you also said that, however your prophets say otherwise, including j/s.

    doctrine doesent mean much in the mormon church. whats doctrine on one day becomes opinion on the next or it was missquoted, b/young taught devine word till the day he died, but his devine was reduced to opinion, and eventually thrown out. grdon hinkley taught a different christ, he made a liar of himself on tv, even he did not profess the right doctrine, he did not know it,.

    mormoms heed to spend some time in the bible, and less on the bom.

    yousay you belive in the bible, but only parts of it, for instance tou do not belive in genesis 1, you do not believe in luke 24,37/40,hosea 11/9,numbers 23-19, malachi 3-6 ,plasm 90-2, isaiah 45-14,21,45--22, 46-9, 43-10. you take what you want from the bible that fits your ideas, not gods.

    so who do you worship? the god of the bible? no. whats left except j/d version.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • when are mormons taught about god?

    when a person joins the mormom church they go through a series of information classes that teach them about the churches belief. at what point are theytold the god they will pray to and worship was once a man?

    this quetion is mainly for current church members and ex mormons.?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • which god deserves our deity ?

    i am going ro try one more time to establish which god deserved our deity. i apparently dis not make myself clear in my last few questions.

    the go of genesis. the three in one godhead, according to the bible is our true god.

    any other god is false.

    the god os joseph smith , the god who was a man before he became a god, clearly does not fit the description of the god of genesis.

    christians recognize the triune god as worthy of our deithy. smith with no thological training rewrote parts of the bible to fit his doctrine. his jesus christ was born of some spirit bod and his wife, clearly not part of the trinity.

    which sod you worship is your business, but dont push him on us.

    open heart, you saved me a lot of writing, thanks. you cut them off at the knees. i agree with you most of the answers were silly, without foundation

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • is it possible to blow up the goldengate bridge?

    i have often wondered why our terrorist budies hane never made an attempy to blow the bridge? it would make quite an impression. for you engineers could 2 semis loaded with fertilizer bombs set off in the middle of the span destroy the bridge? the huge cables look like they could take quite a blast.

    6 AnswersEngineering8 years ago
  • is the deityof jesus christ denied?

    the deity of j/c is a fundamental doctrine of christianity , however mormons deny this truth. j/c is not acknowledged as the eternal son of god in mormon church. mormons claim jesus is a preexisting spirit which is not true. so mormons deny the deity of christ, right? you need to get your act together and understand what the deity of christ means. j/s did not understand this either.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • how do mormons explain how a commom man became GOD?

    how can a common by his own meas transform himself into allmighty GOD?

    how can a common man transform him self in to almighty GOD..


    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • do mormons understand the deity of christ?

    some mormons may understand the deity of christ, but many do not, especially those reading my questions.

    you mormons need to get your nose out of the BOM and back into the bible.

    j/s denied the deity of christ and thats fact. smith was his own god, he was greater than god, he even said so

    the bible proves in many ways the deity of christ, why dont you believe it? ,,smtih was confused by the trinity, he should have asked god for help in understanding it, but he had his own ideas and gave up.smith wanted to be KING and god did not fit into the picture..the mormons say god was created by god the father and mary.

    this is the biggest bunch of bull crap i ever heard of., god was not born, he was with god from the beginning. when you can grasp that you will know about the deity of christ. flora who ever you are way out of it.

    some of you mormons should pray on some of this and wait for the burning in the tummy. so mormons learn about the deity of christ and prove smith wrong. ..

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • do mormons know how to use the internet?

    i dont think so. i gave names of their prophets who would tell them jesus was married. apparently they dont know how to use the internet to do research or they would have found the truth...bork you should have found the truth quickly, unless you dont understand the internet.

    bork give me one ex mormon name who told me to knock it off, the ball is in your court. if you will read the answers to my questions you will see i have a great number of readers who not only agree with my questions, but add good info of thier own. there is a great deal of information on joseph smith denying the deity of christ.

    god would not have looked twice at smith, let alone make him a profit to restore the gospel which did not need restoration. .. smith was all smoke and mirrors and he sucked you people in like a wet sponge, and he is still doing it. your the only people going door to door pitching a false god..

    extra note, did the mormon church teach BRUCE adam was in the garden of gethsemine and not jesus? or maybe you all believe this? ... any person who denies christ deity is not in christ that should be simple to understand.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • did not joseph smith deny the deity of christ?

    when joseph smith denied the deity of christ, he cut himself off from christ.

    at this point in time god had no use for smith.

    given that smith could not be a prophet , he did not receive visons, and visits from james, peter, and john.

    there were no gold plates. question is how can mormons view smith as a prophet when he denied the deity of christ. smiths version of god was a false god, so the god mormons worship is false.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • are mormon prophetes all wrong?

    please read the information put forth by the following prophets. {ML YOUR NOT WELL READ put your head wrere the son dont shine}

    orson hyde, orson pratt,willford woodruff,ezra t benson,b/young, and church paper millennial star.....

    they will tell you about the wives of jesus. some times you have to peel back the sanatizing of the early church history. i have seen things go from devine to opinion, to bad tnterpertation. pinniing down a mormon is like picking up quick sillver

    i will look for your reply..