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nerman h

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  • A 19 years son loves 23 years old girl is this normal?

    3 years ago my son admired his older sisters friend and began to see them together,

    he was in his first secondary school year and she was in the third university .

    Now he is in first university year and she works he is still loving her , it may be normal for him ,but is this normal for the girl??

    What makes me know that there is something wrong in this relation that he did not get the good score he wanted last year or this year

    he is not active in his sports activity as before .

    when I told him that this is not normal because she did not push him to better situations in his life he is avoided arguing with me any thing about his life or faculty and gradually avoiding me ??

    .Does he behave like that with me as the normal mood of this age or because she is olde and this may embraceable for him .

    he told me every thing about his 13 years old previous relation and every girl loved him or he loved her and I did nothing until it finished by its own as I expected in those early relations.

    But for this girl and because I was really surprised not for him but about her he avoids even her name to be mentioned.

    what can I do with him as a mother?

    9 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • what If you have a kid who does not stop thinking about buying things.?

    Many times I bought what he thinks about to stop being busy about it and to stop asking and to concentrate about his study.After less than one week he begins pressing by talking all the time about his new thing and promising its the last.

    I spend a lot but he never stops, always wants expensive brands.

    4 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Botany Question ,Please list some plants which drew attention in your country lately?

    There are many plants that has been known all over the world from ancient times, but now many plants entered into many countries where they were not known before because of lack of knowledge about their importance or methods of cultivation, now becoming well known .

    We didn't use fresh ginger before we imported the dry only now we imports the fresh ,

    25 years ago we didn't grow stevia or jojoba plants but now we do . Dates drew attention recently in many countries while its an essential food here in Middle East .

    and so on.

    Please list some new plants recently introduced to your environment.


    3 AnswersBotany1 decade ago
  • Muslims and Christians ,Why shouldnt we say "Merry Christmas" to Orthodox who celebrate it today?

    Orthodox Christians here in Middle east and in other countries as well ,celebrate it today,7th of January

    Would you wish them Merry Christmas with me as we all Muslims here do to them today?

    Merry Christmas to all Orthodox Christians.


    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Ramadan:Dhul-Hijjah Mubarak ,Blessed Dhul-Hijjah for all of you?

    Who will fast from today Insha Allah to 9 and who will fast only 9 Arafat,

    How many knows that those nights which Allah sweared with and said ((Wa lfajr wa layale ashr))

    ((By the Dawn,By the ten nights.....))89:1,2 during which increase your good deeds ,May Allah accept all our good deeds .

    2 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Christians,What does the Fish Symbol mean to You ?what is the origin of this symbol?

    In the Quran we have in a chapter named Almaedah,The Table,no. 5

    verses:112-115 is summarized that ((Apostles asked Jesus,peace upon him ,if his God can send down from heaven to them table spread with food,to witness and believe ,and Jesus asked God and it was sent down))In explanation the food was fish enough for many people to eat.

    Is this the cause of fish symbol.

    Serious answers only please,I really want to know.


    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is the meaning of kosher food?

    I am Muslim,I don't eat pork or any thing belong to it,lard...,

    when I asked in my flight to give me pork free food they gave me,Jewish kosher food

    It was delicious.

    I want to Know what is the meaning of kosher word and those foods

    Does it mean accepted by religion or faith ?

    We Muslim eat it

    Is it kosher cz its only pork free?

    or cz the animal is slaughtered,not killed by elec shock or other ways?

    Or are there any other rituals ,e.g.we mention Allah name at slaughtering?


    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • MODERATE Christians and Muslims,Who want to establish with me a FAIR,Healing Section For ABRAHAMIC followers?

    God who created you from one soul .....4-1

    It will not accordance to your desires,Muslims or others of holly books,whosoever do evil will have the recompense thereof, and will not find protector or helper in front God,4-123

    And who is better in religion than one who submits his face to God, does good, and follow the upright religion of Abraham 4-125.

    The best who perform good deeds

    I am sure many of moderate Christians and Muslims fed up of reading accusing each other"s religion? while all of us religion is belonging to OUR GRANDFATHER ABRAHAM.


    Lets call it ABRAHAM'S ABRAHAMIC

    I aim to clarify what is wrongly understood according to language or misunderstanding or...politics....or any other reasons about our religion or cultures.

    We live with Christians in Middle east there are moderate and fanatics in both .

    I met extremely nice Americans here without knowing what religion they belong to.

    There are good and bad in every category.

    let us not affected by fanatics and not judge others or others religion through their behaviors.

    Generalization is not fair.

    Lets know about each other with respect

    and when we differ lets apply that :

    Different views does not invalidate the intimacy.

    Besides I am sure there are many verses in Bible having meanings like those I mentioned first.

    whatever your view ,thanks for reading.


    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jews,what is the story of David star,and the 7 Candlestick as symbols of Judaism.?

    what is religious view of the David star,and the 7 Candlestick .

    Thank you

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • When relation of unmarried couple is broken how social life goes?

    In middle east we live only in families until marriage even if very old .

    so we have social life with our families if not married, divorced persons without children prefers returning to live with their family

    is it lonely life for unmarried person to live alone until another relation or marriage?

    how many relation a person can make before marriage?

    do all these memories spoil the marriage when happens?

    Frankly,honestly answer please , can men be tolerant to know many boyfriend love stories about future wife?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Why Jews do not preach to Judaism like Christians and Muslims?

    Many Muslim and Christian preachers and religious persons are preaching for their religions

    Why do not we find Jews preachers or Jews religious persons doing the same for Judaism?

    honest answes only please.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • For Jews only .Why Jews do not preach to Judaism like Christians and Muslims?

    Many Muslim and Christian preachers and religious persons are preaching for their religions

    Why do not we find Jews preachers or Jews religious persons doing the same for Judaism?

    honest answes only please.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How can birds be similar to camels ?

    I know a bird and a mammal,but are there similarities?

    2 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Botanists,do you consider hawthorns are difficult to be propagated?

    seeds have very low germination percentage and cuttinge are scarcely root,it may be the CV

    are there any other methods? I used scarification and stratification none suceeded

    I know this tree is widely spread as sideway trees and garden in cold countries


    1 AnswerBotany1 decade ago
  • I read complaining about immigration policy which let hard working people into USA?

    ok,this true but please answer seriously and bravely

    You do not need their qualifications or help?

    Do they live a burden or working to get their salaries

    some one said they take money and leave American families without support,withdraw your soldiers back to support their families instead of salaries contaminated with children blood

    Those who will born in usa and be americans,would not it be loyalty to your country?

    and now the important

    What do you say about Your soldiers every where

    they get their salaries to do what?

    do u really they r settling democracy and protect you? do they really protect you THERE?

    they kill

    torture by means by means of humiliating tortures not seen before

    destroy homes lands and all sorts of life

    aren't they?

    I know that many of Americans refuse this cz they are fair and to return back their kids and men

    I read a comment from a lady in one of your soldiers utube videos sending her apology to the world for what they do in middle east

    Who should complain?

    when USA withdraw soldiers these countries will rebuilt themselves thrive and may be this decraese all migration ,

    but I think you still need some of there qualifications ?

    you know I am not insulting but this is true

    may be povery and disemployment are cause but at least those living among you do not commit what your soldiers do in their countries.

    5 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Homosexuality is widely spread in all west,also marrying each others?

    I am sure JESUS,or any other religion never never (God forbid) allowed this,

    I do not think that religious Christian commit such heinous sin

    and I do not think that all those have been wronged ,harassed or abused during childhood

    so ,is it freedom,law ,culture or incurable diseases or what?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What events or situations that do not belong to you, and feel the injustice of others?

    regardless their political ,ethnic, religious affiliations,do you feel the injustice of others ?

    can you use your word,raise your voice or the least which is feeling with heart for defending the oppressed?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • All the time there are irony and silly comments about Islamic clothes of Muslim women,please answer?

    Serious answers please,

    where is the human rights ?

    Where is the freedom alleged that everyone is free to do what he wants,specially clothes it is very private?

    what harms others to see woman with ,decent and modest clothes?

    Indian sary,Sudan garment and Japanese kimonos are long dresses with long sleeves,and some religious Jews ladies wear decent similar clothes,all these are pretty,

    why no one criticize them ? none object?

    why artists who imagined Saint Mary drew her in modest decent clothes,although at any age and time there were women wore Indecent clothing?can any one even now draw her portray with indecently or without covered hair? cz briefly this right clothes of all women

    is it just hating a symbol of islam?

    or fear of wide spread of islam?

    or fear of this mat drew attention of women to ask themselves about that religion which protect women from exibiting their bodies?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • All the time there are irony and silly comments about Islamic clothes of Muslim women,please answer bravely?

    Serious answers please,

    where is the human rights ?

    Where is the freedom alleged that everyone is free to do what he wants,specially clothes it is very private?

    what harms others to see woman with ,decent and modest clothes?

    Indian sary,Sudan garment and Japanese kimonos are long dresses with long sleeves,and some religious Jews ladies wear decent similar clothes,all these are pretty,

    why no one criticize them ? no one objects?

    why artists who imagined Saint Mary drew her in modest decent clothes,although at any age and time there were women wore Indecent clothing?can any one even now draw her portrait with indecent clothes or without covered hair?

    is it hatred to Islam?

    or fear from Islam to spread and many women may be convinced to ask themselves why do these Muslim women refuse exhibiting their bodies for seduction ? or how this religion respect and protect women?

    why all those people wrathful from clothes ?

    is 't it strange?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago